Another tenda. Tenda routers and their configuration: from connection to Internet access

Another tenda. Tenda routers and their configuration: from connection to Internet access


Good day.

Not so long ago I helped a friend of mine create a home Wi-Fi network. Well, since he acquired a fairly new model of the Tenda router (namely the FH456) - I decided to sketch this article.

In general, I must admit that I did not expect such a good set of functions, and indeed, high-quality work from a router, the price of which is $ 15 (and if you run into a stock, then even cheaper!).

Looking ahead, I will say that the router has covered the whole apartment with a stable Wi-Fi network: I specifically started downloading a popular file on my laptop (Along the way, I opened my browser and pressed F5 to refresh the pages) and walked with him through all the rooms - even behind two walls, the reception is excellent, the speed does not drop and does not break!

And so, let's start in order ...

Addition! On my blog I have another instruction on how to connect and configure the router yourself:

Configuring a Tenda FH456 router

Similar models: N301, F3 (configurable as well)

Why you should pay attention to Tenda FH456, advantages. Where can I buy.

  1. the main plus: good and high-quality coverage of the entire apartment or house (there are 4 antennas on the router, each 5 dBi);
  2. completely high-quality translation into Russian of the device's firmware (even a novice PC user can figure out the settings);
  3. the ability to adjust the signal of the wireless network, there are three modes: low, medium, high;
  4. the device can work both as a router and as a repeater;
  5. pretty good processor (chipset from Realtek);
  6. the ability to control traffic: for example, you can limit the bandwidth of certain connected users (for example, your brother / matchmaker / someone else occupies your entire Internet channel - put a download limit on him, say, 4000 KB / s);
  7. there are parental control functions and setting the time of the work schedule (you can turn off Wi-Fi at night);
  8. the rest of the characteristics are pretty standard, I think there is no point in listing them here ...

And for all these functions you will have to pay about $ 15 (sold on AliExpress and a number of others). In our ordinary stores - I have not yet seen such a model ...

What's included in the delivery

Router box / appearance

The delivery of the router is quite standard: the device itself is included in the kit, a network cable (it was not useful for me for configuration, since the device can be configured immediately via a Wi-Fi connection), a power supply. Naturally, the set included documents and a certificate in Russian - but, to be honest, all this was not useful either ...

Connecting a router and parsing with "wires"

The connection of the router itself is standard. The cable coming from the Internet provider must be connected to the WAN socket, the network cable from the PC must be plugged into one of the three LAN ports. Well, to turn on the device - connect it to the power supply.


What pleasantly surprised Tenda was the lack of the need to connect a PC to configure the router. Those. if you do not plan to use a PC, then all the configuration of the router can be done only via a Wi-Fi network. Comfortable!

If everything is in order with the device, the LEDs on it should start to light up and flash (as in the photo below).

  1. firstly, this is the address for configuring the router:;
  2. secondly, the name of the Wi-Fi network that the router will create by default when you first connect it (it may be different from mine, so see the sticker on the case of your device!).

Configuring and securing a Wi-Fi network

As mentioned above, ALL configuration can be done via Wi-Fi. After the router starts working, it creates a Wi-Fi network that is not password protected (open to everyone!). Therefore, the first thing I recommend to do is connect to it and change the password for access.

Connecting to a network is very simple - just click on the network icon in the tray (next to the clock) and select the network name that is indicated on the sticker on the device (the network will be open!).

Open network connection / Tenda router was first launched

The browser should immediately open the router settings (address: ).

  1. the name of the wireless network (can be anything);
  2. security mode: the most relevant now is WPA2-PSK;
  3. and the password can be anything (I recommend at least 6 characters).
  4. Then save the settings. The router should reboot, and you will need to reconnect to the newly renamed Wi-Fi network ...

Setting up Internet access

As I said above, it will be necessary on a laptop (for example) to reconnect to the newly renamed Wi-Fi network. By the way, please note that in most cases the Wi-Fi icon will still have a yellow exclamation mark (i.e. the network will have no Internet access).

Then open the "Internet Settings" section. Here already, it is difficult to give specific recommendations. depending on the provider, the network is built for everyone according to different standards.


Data for connecting to the Internet - must be specified in your contract with your Internet service provider.

It is worth noting that Tenda supports almost all options that are found in our country: PPPoE, PPPoE (Russia), Static IP-address, Dynamic IP-address, PPTP, L2TP (also optimized for Russia).

In general, if, for example, take PPPoE (Russia), as the most popular option, then you will only need to specify the login and password for access (these data can be found in the agreement with the Internet provider). That's all, it remains to enter them and save the settings. If the data is correct, then the router will connect, and access to the Internet will appear.

Whether the Internet has appeared, and in general how actively it is used - you can find out in the "Status" section - here you will see how fast the download is going on, the download, how many people are connected to the router, IP addresses, MAC address, etc. In general, everything you need!

Router status

It is also worth noting that some ISPs have there is an add. protection - binding to the MAC address number (Each router or network card has its own). In this case, copy the old MAC address .


MAC address: what it is and where to find it. How to clone the MAC address of an old network card -

This can be done in the "Management" section. The MAC address, by the way, is indicated on the hardware sticker (i.e. look at the sticker on your old router). Or you can connect it back to your PC and look at its web interface.

If we are talking about a network card, then just open a command line and enter: ipconfig / all

What else can be customized ...

There are a couple of interesting options in the wireless settings:

  • the first is the task signal level ... If your signal is good enough throughout the apartment, you can turn it down to medium or low (the default is high);
  • the second - there is an option on the assignment work schedules router. It is convenient, for example, to turn it off at night (or for a day when you are not at home - and I would not really like children to climb the network unattended ...).

Another handy feature is in the "Bandwidth Control" section. Here you can limit a user: for example, set the speed limit to 512 KB / s. It is very convenient when someone clogs the entire channel with their downloads, and your pages are loaded for 10-15 seconds.

And last but not least, there is a parental control function. She's certainly not perfect, but nonetheless. Not every model of a budget router has such a thing.

What we have as a result

Total for some 700-800 rubles. we get a high-quality router that covers the entire apartment with a stable high-speed connection (up to 300 Mbps). Compared to the same D-link budget models for this money - it's like heaven and earth! The budget option from Tenda wins in all respects.

I also note that the latest firmware versions are completely in Russian, with high-quality translation. In fact, the setup was completed in a couple of minutes and I didn't have to fiddle with anything (with a shudder I remember how I had to reflash TRENDnet routers, since the factory firmware worked very badly).

That's all. Add-ons are welcome.

Tenda, although they are not a super popular router, works fine. Let's take a quick look at the differences in the models of this company, and then consider how to set up a Tenda router.

Tenda Models

General characteristics and functionality that all models have. One of the most important characteristics in work is the frequency of work. On all devices of this company, the value is completely the same - 2.4 GHz.

The next value is the transmission rate of data packets on local ports, on all devices it is 100 Megabits per second. Three types of Internet connection - PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP, and IPsec (only on the old Tenda N3).

Antennas on all routers are of the same type - non-removable. Among the similar configurations, two more can be noted. The first in the Tenda router is the security features. It is WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK / WPA-PSK & WPA2-PSK. The W300 and W301 versions support quick connection and setup via WPS.

A small digression! We strongly recommend that you disable the WPS function, especially if you are not using it. If a hacker or some fraudster was able to connect to the router once, then he has the opportunity to find out the WPS password. Thanks to this, he will be able to constantly recognize your security key so that you do not even recognize it. There are two exits here: change the password from the router's control panel, which we will discuss later, or disable WPS. It may seem that this is not such a serious problem, but an attacker has the ability to control all data packages, including information about credit cards, wallets, and so on. Be careful!

So, the last general characteristic is the scope of delivery, everything is the same there. Next, let's look at the differences and how the Tenda router is configured.

This router of the company can be considered the ugliest among today's five. The speed of the wireless network is the same as in the N3, but twice as low as in other models. Up to 150 Megabits per second in total. As mentioned above, PPTP, L2TP and PPPoE are supported. There is VPN support. Only one built-in 5dBi antenna. One WAN port for internet cable, 4 LAN ports for network cables, which is more than enough to do the standard setup of the Tenda W316R router. All ports are 10/100 type.

There is support for MDI / MDIX, as well as transmission of audio and video recordings via Wi-Fi Multimedia. You can filter users by addresses (url and mac). You can monitor the status of the router. In Tenda W316R, the configuration is identical to the 301. There is a built-in firewall.

Despite the weak specifications and configuration, which will be listed below, it is worth noting the very beautiful design of the device. The work of the designers is clearly visible. But this is a budget device, therefore it has only one LAN and one WAN connector, which is enough to configure the Tenda N3 router. The speed of information transfer through wires is up to 100 Megabits per second. The transmission speed through the wireless network is from 150 Megabits per second, which is two times lower than other devices (except for the W316R). RAM is nothing at all - 8 Megabytes. All possible controllers are soldered directly to the processor.

The type of ports is 10/100, more precisely - RJ-45. There is no VPN function. Security is controlled through MAC addresses. We will not dwell on it, because the Tenda N3 setup is the same as on all other routers.

Setting up Tenda W308R can also be disassembled on the 301st model. The number of antennas has now grown to 2, however, they are also built-in, non-removable. The data transfer rate over the cables has not changed, the same 100 Megabits. The port type is 10/100. But the wireless transmission speed is up to 300 Megabits per second. VPN is present as well as WISP, MAC filters and other standard features.

Of the functions, it is worth noting Wi-Fi radio, software update through a browser (control panel), traffic statistics through a device, a guest network. And there is also a backup of all settings and their restoration, if necessary, setting up a Tenda W308R router will be as fast as possible. VPN tunnels function is enabled.

All the same functions are included in the Tenda F300 router. There are several modes of operation: Bridge, Wireless Internet Dispenser, and Access Point. You can enable virtual server and DHCP. MAC addresses can be cloned using built-in functionality. The system log is always kept. A good plus is remote control via the Internet. It is possible to perform fast forwarding of PPTP and L2TP.

There are 4 local 10/100 RJ45 ports. 1 internet port 10/100 Megabits per second, also RJ45 type. Two non-detachable antennas. Unlike the 308th, there are no VPN tunnels. The speed of data transfer over Wi-Fi is 300 Megabits per second. The configuration of the Tenda F300 router is also typical, because it is the same as at 301m.

The hero of the occasion, since on Tenda N301 the router configuration is the most typical. There are almost no differences with the latest devices. Also, it is itself 300 Megabits per second when transmitting data over the air. The same protocol support is PPPoE, L2TP and PPTP. Two 5dBi antennas.

Security is maintained in the same way as in the F300, via 64/128 bit WEP, via standard WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK. Fast connection via WPS is possible. The modes of operation are identical, the same point, router and bridge, only a repeater has appeared. There is traffic prioritization through QoS, which is important in large networks. Poppy addresses are cloned, there is a DHCP server and a DMZ host. The Tenda N301 router can be configured via a global network. There is also Tenda D301, also a router, which we will not consider today. And there is a repeater to the 301, this is Tenda A301.

Detailed debugging for further work

In order for the Tenda N301 router to be configured correctly, first you need to install it correctly and make sure it works.

Installing the device

There is nothing difficult at this stage. The main thing is not to lose anything from the delivery set. First, we look for a suitable place for the device, because this stage always lacks attention. The place should be equally distant from all points of the house so that the connection is the same everywhere. It's good if you have a laptop for initial debugging, if there is none, then the place should be near the desktop computer, or you need to find a laptop from your friends, or you need a long local cable. There are enough options.

In the place where you are going to install the device, a WAN cable with the Internet, which is provided by your provider, should reach. And finally, there should be a socket or carrier nearby. Now you need to connect all cables to the router, namely:

  • Power supply to the outlet;
  • Network cable to the computer;
  • WAN internet cable.

There is no need to talk in detail about how to connect, so we move on to the next stage.

Checking the connection

  1. We check on the spot whether our cords, if yes, then we act according to the following scheme:
  2. We find our local network connection in changing adapter parameters.
  3. Click properties.
  4. The fourth Internet protocol needs to be changed.
  5. There we select everything automatic, as in the screenshot, click "done".

Before entering the settings of the Tenda router, you need to restart our PC and device.

We enter the control panel

We must be sure of the correct connection. Now you need to enter the menu of the Tenda N301 router. On the back of our device there is all the information you need. Or just go to any browser and go to the control panel address -

The default password on the Tenda router is admin, the same as the login. After that, we recommend changing the password from the control menu for your own safety. This can be done in the system tool.

Establishing an internet connection

Before setting up the Internet on a wi-fi router, we will find out the type of our connection from the provider. This will most likely be in the contract. If not, we will find out at the support service. Setting up Tenda N301 further differs only in the type of connection.

The most popular today is the PPPoE type. It is used by providers such as Rostelecom, TTK, DOM and others. Click on the additional installation at the top of the screen.

Then the installation of the WAN port. The mode in the first line must correspond to what is specified in the contract. We register the login that is indicated in the same document. The password is the same. Click "ok" or "clarification" from the bottom.

The same setting of the Tenda N301 router for L2TP. It differs only in two more important fields:

  • Server address;
  • Account (your account number).

This data must also be specified in the contract or given by the support service. After these frauds, the Internet should already appear on the local network.

Wireless network

In Tenda, the configuration of the router ends with the stage of debugging the wireless network. In the top menu, select the installation of the wireless network. Then we click on the main network settings of the tenda router. We act as shown in the screenshot. SSID is the name of the wireless network, fancy can be turned on here. We prescribe everything else as in the picture.

We press "clarification" and go to the security of the wireless network, also in the top menu itself. We set up the security mode, select WPA2-PSK there. The key, also known as the password on the Tenda router, needs to be more difficult to come up with than from 1 to 9.

Before you put the password, write it down on a piece of paper or in a notebook so as not to forget. Otherwise, you will have to change the password.

Click on @clarification. We reboot everything. For Tenda N301, the setup is over, you can safely enjoy the absence of a heap of cords.

Additional function

We have already advised you to change passwords. There is still a good point. Users can be controlled using MAC addresses. We add uninvited guests to the blacklist and that's it. This disables the ability to connect to your Wi-Fi network.

Routers from the Chinese manufacturer Tenda belong to the economy class. They are inexpensive, yet they handle basic functions well. It is hardly worth expecting some kind of super performance from them. If you load it very hard, the router may just freeze. The best use cases are an apartment or a small house. Its owners are ordinary Internet users who use a home connection on several devices only to browse the web, read news, share information on social networks, and occasionally download music or movies. For such purposes, it will be enough with the head. Setting up a Tenda router (almost any model) is performed in a similar way, since the settings interface looks the same. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

The settings of different models differ little from each other.

Login to the web interface and quick settings

Like any other router, you can configure a Tenda router through the web interface. After connecting the internet cable to the router and turning on the power, connect to the wireless network. It has a name like TENDA_XXXXXX and an access password 12345678. You can also connect via a network cable. In any browser, you need to enter in the address bar. After requesting a username and password, enter admin in each field. After that, you are taken to the main window. In some cases, the menu will be in English. Although most of the models are Russified.

First of all, you need to select the type of Internet connection that your ISP uses. There are several options to choose from:

ADSL Dial-up is a familiar PPPoE. It is necessary to put a full stop on this name and fill in the fields "Account" (Access Account) and "Password" (Access Password) with data from the contract for the provision of services.

DHCP stands for dynamic IP. Most likely, you do not need to specify additional parameters. All data is automatically provided by the provider.

Some models in the same window allow you to select PPTP and L2TP - connection types using VPN. You will need to fill in the following fields: L2TP Server address, username and password, Address mode. This information should be taken from the service contract.

At the bottom of the page, you can change the password for accessing Wi-Fi. This is much more secure than using the default password. In the Wireless password field, enter a new combination and click OK.

Additional network settings

If the required settings are not enough on the start screen, in the upper corner, click “Advanced settings”. In this section, you can fine-tune your network connection.

To select the network operation mode, go to the WAN Settings tab, where in the Mode line select your connection type (Dynamic or static IP, PPPoE, L2TP) and enter the accounts.

For connection settings - such as network name, network mode, channel - go to Wireless Settings - Wireless Basic Settings. On this page, you will be able to configure all of the above parameters.

By going to the Wireless Security tab, you can change the following items:

SSID is the name of the network.
Security Mode. We recommend choosing WPA2-PSK.
Encryption via WPA (WPA Algorithms). Activate TKIP & AES.
Password (Key). Must be at least 8 characters long and contain English letters and numbers.


Tenda routers are easy to configure. The whole process is not much different from the installations of devices from other manufacturers. However, there are some things that can confuse the user.

We hope we were able to help you. We ask the owners of the routers of this manufacturer to leave comments about their work.

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