How to make money for an 11 year old boy. The best ways to earn money for children

How to make money for an 11 year old boy. The best ways to earn money for children


How to make money for a child? Eternal question.

If you are over 22-25 years old, then you remember well the 90s, when even schoolchildren tried to earn money. Then it was caused by need - there was not enough money in the families, so everyone tried to make a contribution.

There weren't many opportunities for that.

Now the question of how to make money for a child is asked from other considerations:

  • because work provides useful skills for life;
  • a way to have pocket money;
  • to take up free time (for example, when all peers left in the summer, and the child stayed in the city).

In the end, earning money is an opportunity to feel like an adult and independent. And almost all children strive for this.

Under the law, you cannot earn money before the age of 14. But this applies only to official places of work. In fact, there are ways to get some kind of income for a child of any age.

How can a child earn money and not get into trouble?

Unfortunately, the world does not consist entirely of good-natured people who will help the child in every possible way in the desire to earn money.

No wonder they say that work hardens and disciplines.

Even if the child decided to earn money, he still must adhere to some rules if no one wants to run into trouble:

    Be kind.

    Children do not control their emotions as well as adults.

    Therefore, any criticism or refusal during work can cause an active negative reaction in them.

    But it is important to understand that a sassy or impudent person will not be contacted a second time. Even if it's a child.

    Start with relatives, family friends and neighbors.

    It is best if the first customers are familiar people.

    This will give you self-confidence and is safer than immediately trying to make money “on the side”.

    Not knowing is okay.

    If you do not understand something or do not know how to do it right, do not be afraid to clarify.

    It is better that you once again ask the owners of the dog you are walking if you can remove the muzzle from him than your parents will then pay for his treatment when he eats something on the street.

    Evaluate work appropriately.

    The desire to make money can force customers to call prices that do not correspond to reality.

    This is a bad step, it will not lead to the construction of a non-one-time earning model. But don't underestimate yourself either.

How to make money for a child on the Internet?

That's something, but the children of the 90s did not have the opportunity to make money on the Internet. Who knows how the situation would have developed then?

We can only say for sure that the current guys are very lucky.

They skillfully handle computers, and "behind the monitor" does not really matter how old you are. The main thing is the ability to do well the entrusted work.

Method number 1. Money on CAP sites

There are several options for making money:

    Sometimes after viewing you need to enter a captcha.

    Reading letters.

    Almost the same, but the format is different.

    You won’t be able to earn much, but they pay more money than for simple clicks.

    Simple tasks.

    But various tasks are already a real chance to earn money.

    But doing them is not as easy as mindlessly clicking on links.

    As a rule, tasks are of the following format: “go to the site and visit 5-10 pages”, “vote for a participant”, “register on the forum”.

Look for the above ways to earn money here:


Method number 2. Money for comments and reviews

Writing comments is paid in order to artificially “promote” the site, increase its popularity, and create the effect of high user activity.

The child will be able to cope with this work without much difficulty (except for highly specialized sites).

Find writing assignments here:

  • (section with tasks)

But when writing reviews, the real opinion of a person about a product, service, place, site is already important. As a rule, money is charged for views of your "opus".

It would seem, what can a child write about?

However, the opinion of minors is also important. For many, for example, it can help you choose the right gift for your child, or which institution to go to.

Pay for reviews here:


Method number 3. Earn money by trading on the Internet

Trading is one of the most popular ways to make money online.

How can a child bring it to life?

      A child can sell things that he no longer needs, parents, neighbors.

      For your service, take a certain percentage of the "deal".

      What is the task?

      Take beautiful pictures, follow comments and questions, give parcels in person or send them by mail.

      The assignments are simple but time consuming.

    You can also sell various collectibles.

    You will be mistaken if you include only coins, antiques, and so on in this list.

    Kinder figurines, magazine inserts, and even posters can also be of value.

PS. Useful advice to a child: You can not sell things without asking permission from adults. First, it's not fair. Secondly, you can sell cheap without knowing the true value of the item.

Where to sell your own and other people's things on the Internet?

    (for those who are not afraid of difficulties - the international trading platform).

How can a child earn on their knowledge?

Do not chuckle contemptuously: a child can also teach adults a lot. As a rule, their talents are concentrated in the field of new technologies.

Children of the 21st century grasp the rules for using services, websites, gadgets on the fly. And they can make money from it too.

Method number 4. Earn money by registering in social networks

Adults can be frightened by everything new and unknown, but the child does not have such internal resistance.

For a small monetary reward, they can help friends register pages on social networks, help upload photos and download music.

Method number 5. Computer literacy lessons

Since we have touched on the computer topic, it is worth noting that not only social networks are difficult for adults. Even the usual use of a computer becomes a challenge for some.

While children, who still have difficulty speaking, boldly use tablets and smartphones (for example, turn on cartoons or play games).

A child can earn money by helping adults use a computer.

There are a number of tasks that a minor can handle without any problems: turn on the computer, install simple programs, set up shortcuts, change wallpapers, and more.

Method number 6. Working with photos

Of course, this option, how to make money, has nothing to do with professional photographers. A child cannot conduct photo shoots and process shots like a specialist, if only because this requires training and many years of practice.

But sorting photos into folders, deleting frankly unsuccessful frames and turning them over correctly - this is the first task!

To do this, you have to spend a lot of time. Therefore, any person who has piles of photographs on his computer will be happy with such help.

And, of course, without question will pay for it.

8 more ways to make money for children (a simple part-time job)

If this article is read by a caring parent, and not a child, indignation is quite predictable: “they are already at the computer all the time, so with such ideas of earning they will not be delayed at all!”.

Calm down, we still have a supply of ideas on how to make money that are not related to high technology.

Method number 7. How to make money in winter?

Obviously, in winter you can earn money if you help with snow removal.

Residents in the private sector can go around neighbors' houses with an offer to clean their paths for a small fee. If a child lives in a multi-storey building, this is not a hindrance.

The idea of ​​snow removal near the entrance can be reported to a local activist (and there are such people literally in any house). In the end, you can hang an appropriate announcement on the entrance door, and delegate the collection of money to the concierge.

Attention: evaluate your capabilities sensibly. Making your own money is great. But not at the cost of colds or an overworked back.

Method number 8. How to make money in a garden or vegetable garden?

In the warm season, those who wish also have the opportunity to earn money by helping the elders:

  • mow lawns;
  • to water the garden or vegetable garden;
  • pull out weeds;
  • plant seeds;
  • remove leaves, debris, stones;

Method number 9. For a talented child

Both for an adult and a child with any talents, earning some amount is a simple task.

Options for how you can use your gift:

  • play musical instruments on holidays,
  • make paper crafts for interior decoration,
  • create jewelry from beads, fabric, other materials and sell them via the Internet.

Method number 10. Make money by washing bikes

If you have already searched the Internet for ways to make money for your child, you might have come across the option of washing the car.

But it is worthwhile to understand that not every car owner will entrust his “child” to a child.

But the bike is another matter! Firstly, many children have their own "iron horses", because they know how to handle them. Secondly, this transport is not so “sensitive”.

Helpful Hint: Work in clothes you don't mind getting dirty. When choosing detergents, ask the opinion of the owner of the item.

Method number 11. Make money walking dogs

Another fairly popular way to make money is to walk the neighbors' dogs. Those who have a pet know that it is not always possible to find an opportunity (to be honest - and a desire too) to get up in the morning and go for a walk with a four-legged.

The child can do this before school or only during the holidays. The task is made easier if he has his own dog. Accordingly, there is an understanding of what and how to do.

Attention: letting a small child walk with a large dog is a bad idea. The kid can lose the dog, in the worst case, suffer himself.

Method number 12. A child can make money on garbage!

In our country, waste collection has become the lot of homeless people or those who simply have a poor financial situation. But not so long ago, all schoolchildren were engaged in collecting waste paper! Now there are still recycling points in every city.

The child can collect paper and cardboard from his family (by placing a box and informing all relatives about it), as well as from neighbors. Such an activity will not only bring money, but also be a contribution to caring for the environment.

Method number 13. Make money looking after someone else's home

A good opportunity to earn money during the holidays is to look after the neighbors' apartment. Even a 10-year-old child can manage to water the flowers, pick up the mail from the mailbox, feed the fish and dust.

And in case of any emergency situation, he can turn to his parents for help.

To earn in this way, inform those neighbors with whom you have established a trusting relationship about your desire. Unfamiliar people should not be disturbed.

Method number 14. Make money cleaning apartments

Another thing that anyone can do is cleaning at the entrance, or at least on the landing. Few people will refuse to pay the minimum amount to keep the front door clean.

And a little bit from each is already quite a decent reward for washed floors and wiped window sills!

Method number 15. Own business project

Owning a business sounds too cool for a kid? No matter how! In fact, if you dig into the biographies of famous people, you can find many references to the fact that their business vein began to "bloom" in childhood.

For example, a minor, with the help of adults, can engage in soap making and sell products through shops, social networks, and even his own website.

There are also children who reach significant heights with the help of a YouTube channel. It's not as difficult as it might seem! The main thing is sincerity and a good idea.

PS. Useful advice: read Bodo Schaefer's fairy tale guide "Mani, or the ABC of money." There you will find inspiration and useful information.

  1. Strive to work not in order to earn pay here and now, but "for the future."

    Of course, this is not a permanent job.

    But clients who will apply again - this is a chance of stable earnings.

  2. Save what you earn.

    The amount may seem small.

    But if you don’t immediately lower it to sweets or entertainment, you can buy something more serious (for example, a skateboard or a T-shirt of your favorite football club).

  3. When you offer services to acquaintances, do not be too persistent, otherwise they will hide from you.
  4. Gather a team of several friends.

    Together you will be able to take on larger options to earn.

    But remember to separate work from play.

  5. Implement marketing moves.

    "Two for the price of one", "discount dog walking on weekends".

    All these tricks work not only with serious business.

  6. Tell your parents what you do.

    Often children are afraid of criticism or just want to keep a secret that they are trying to make money.

    If you're saving up for a gift for mom and dad, then it's really worth keeping quiet. Otherwise, share your plans.

    Adults can give advice how to make money for a child, help secure work and attract new customers (for example, your employees).

The book of the famous German economist and philosopher Karl Marx "Capital" is relevant to this day. Every day people run from one job to another in search of financial prosperity. Our children are not far behind us.

Children want to work

Increasingly, children ask their parents the question: “How to make money for children of 11 years old?” If a child has a desire to receive his first salary, do not rush to dissuade him, this is just the first step towards his financial independence.

There is work for a child of 11 years old with a salary, the main thing is the desire of parents to help their child in her search.

Work for kids

Activities available for schoolchildren at the age of 11:

summer work

Is there a job for children 11-12 years old with a salary during the holidays? Of course have! In the summer season, ways to earn money become much more diverse. All of the above are joined by the following directions:

Earnings on the Internet

If your child sits for hours staring at the monitor, then this can also be directed in the right direction. There are thousands of online earning offers on the World Wide Web. But an independent search is not recommended here, stay close to your child while he browses sites with job offers, so as not to become a victim of Internet scammers.

Types of earnings in the network

Now we will look at how children of 11 years old make money on the Internet:

  1. Paid surveys and tests. There are a lot of such services, you just need to register and wait for an invitation to participate in the survey.
  2. Writing positive reviews. How often do you write positive reviews about a beauty salon, car service, etc. Never? Then where do they come from? This is also one of the types of online earnings.
  3. Paid web browsing. It's simple, you need to view the pages on the links and get rewarded for this.
  4. Reading letters. You read letters - you get money. More letters - more money.
  5. Performing simple tasks. Basically, the essence of this type of earnings is the passage of demo games. After the game is completed, you will need to write a short report on the work done.
  6. Photo editing. Suitable for anyone who knows how to use Photoshop.

Copywriting is a great activity for a budding writer

What other job is suitable for a child of 11 years old with a salary? Copywriter, rewriter.

Surely by the time your child began to think about earning money on his own, he had already written hundreds of essays at school. So why not use it as a source of income? There are copywriting exchanges on the Internet. This is a marketplace that specializes in websites on the Internet.

You can write texts to order or sell them yourself. This is especially suitable for children who have perseverance and patience. Payment for 1000 characters can reach up to 50 rubles. But the initial bar is 6-10 rubles. for 1000 characters without spaces. So, if your child has the ability to express his thoughts beautifully and competently, then it is definitely worth trying his strength in this direction.

Electronic wallet for withdrawal

Money earned on the World Wide Web is accumulated in an electronic wallet. Your child will be able to start their own wallet only after 18 years. Therefore, without the help of parents here can not do. Thus, you can control where and how your child earns his first capital.

A small conclusion

Now you know the answer to your question: “What is the job for schoolchildren of 11 years old?”

The main rule: do not force or coerce the child into any type of activity. It is necessary to involve a child in the work process motivated and consciously. The child should be interested in what he wants to do so that the work arouses enthusiasm and joy and does not later become a burden.

If you still doubt that work for a child of 11 years old with a salary is real, we will give a final argument. In early childhood, Steve Jobs delivered newspapers, Thomas Edison sold apples on the train, and worked part-time at a veterinary clinic, which undoubtedly helped them to succeed. Even as a child, they felt how hard it is to get money. Therefore, they firmly decided for themselves that they would succeed, so that they would not have to work hard all their lives like a damned one.

So, if your child has set a goal for himself, do not interfere with him on the way to achieving it.

Dear friend, I salute you. My name is Alexander Berezhnov, I am an entrepreneur and founder of the PAPA HELP website.

I wrote this article specifically for schoolchildren who want to earn money and become more independent from their parents.

Perhaps you, dear reader, student's parent, then your task is to guide him and show him legal and profitable ways to get money for ice cream, movies and other delights of teenage life.

Once upon a time I was a schoolboy myself and worked in various ways. Now their number has increased significantly thanks to Internet technologies.

Here I have described 20 ways earnings for schoolchildren: 10 of them relate to real life, and another 10 will help a young man or girl make money on the Internet. Indeed, in the age of online projects, there are significantly more opportunities for generating income.

Already interested? Then fasten your seat belts and let's go!

In the article, we will consider working ways to make money on the Internet and in real life, and also get acquainted in absentia with schoolchildren and schoolgirls who are already receiving money for their skills.

Is it possible for a schoolboy aged 10 to 17 to earn money - examples of guys who have reached an income of 8,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles a month

I'll start with examples in my hometown of Stavropol.

The first "heroine" Victoria X, is in the ninth grade, is engaged in various circles and in her free time from school she writes texts to order via the Internet. It's called copywriting.

Such texts are placed by site owners on their resources in order to attract more visitors to them. Vika's path began with the school newspaper, where she acquired the skills of a journalist. The girl knows how to express her thoughts beautifully and earns from 4,000 to 12,000 rubles a month. In my opinion, excellent, given that the average salary in our city is 20-25 thousand rubles.

My acquaintance, the guy Yura Z., while still at school, created original gifts - handmade leather products and wristwatches with a designer dial. Yura also repaired mobile phones and computers. I found my first customers among my friends and their parents. In general, he never sat idle.

This activity brought the young craftsman from 10,000 rubles "clean" per month. In especially profitable months, Jura managed to earn 30,000 or more, which is very good for the province.

I still have a gift from Yura — an original watch with the logo of the HeatherBober project, of which I am a co-founder. The watch also has a leather strap and a metal case.

Here is a photo of this watch:

By the way, from each sale of such watches, Yura earns 1,000 rubles or more ...

We continue ... And again a girl. Her name is Nastya K. and she is in the 10th grade. Nastya is engaged in the manufacture of handmade soap and earns up to 15,000 rubles a month selling it.

She received several thousand to start her “business” from her father, he believed in his daughter and was not mistaken. Moreover, Nastya makes very beautiful soap, in the form of flowers, animals, and even a set of herrings and other men's accessories. This original gift is well bought by women by February 23 to their men.

How to make money for a student - 10 ways to get a good income without investing in real life

"Classic" ways will help you at all times. Suitable for most students.

Method 1. Find a part-time job with friends

I am sure that your parents have many acquaintances who can be helped with something: walk the dog, tidy up the house, or take home simple technical work. Adults do not want to bother and do routine work. If you take it upon yourself, they will pay you for such help.

I have a friend, when she was 16 years old, she worked part-time, cleaning the entrances in her and a neighboring high-rise building. Yes, the work is not very easy and pleasant, but the girl always had money earned by honest work.

At the same time, she studied excellently and managed to participate in the social life of the school.

Do not be afraid of work, being independent is now fashionable!

So, as a one-time job, adults may ask you to:

  • free a balcony or garage from old things;
  • buy products on the list;
  • take a walk with your pet;
  • do cleaning in the apartment or in the country;
  • move heavy things from one place to another;
  • take out household or construction debris.

At the age of 15-17, I myself worked part-time on such "covens", I found them through friends and acquaintances:

  • washed windows in car dealerships;
  • unloaded building materials;
  • assembled furniture (wardrobes and kitchens);
  • washed the entrances in his house;
  • provided computer assistance to the elderly and taught them how to work with the Adobe Photoshop graphics program (I have been working in it since I was 13).

Basically, these were summer part-time jobs, but even during the school year it was possible to get pocket money.

Method 2. Make and sell hand-made (crafts)

I already wrote above about the schoolgirl Nastya, who creates "soapy" masterpieces with her own hands. Whether you're a boy or a girl, there are DIY ideas for everyone.

If you are a guy, you can create:

  • wooden and leather products: butterflies, wallets, watches;
  • accessories for interiors in the style of "Loft" and "Hi-tech";
  • three-dimensional paintings from different materials.

An example of a wooden butterfly and a handmade leather wallet

If you are a girl, here are some cool hand-made ideas for you:

  • bouquets of sweets and toys;
  • original handmade dolls;
  • figures and crafts made of polymer clay;
  • trees made of beads, coffee beans and other materials (topiary).

Bouquets of sweets, toys and other items are in fashion now, only a flight of fancy can limit you ...

Method 3. Put up ads

In the age of the Internet, there are fewer companies and entrepreneurs who advertise their services through announcements on porches, poles and special boards.

But until now, in large and small cities, paper ads remain an integral part of the advertising campaign.

By posting ads you can earn from 100 before 500 rubles a day, devoting 1-2 hours to this. This is not much, but if you stick up several days a week, you get from 2 000 before 10 000 rubles per month .

For one pasted ad you will be paid from 2 before 5 rubles. It turns out if you stick 100 ads, for example, by 4 rubles a piece, you earn 400 rubles .

The faster you move from house to house, from stop to stop, or from board to board, the more you earn.

The Internet will help you find a job on sticking up. Type in Yandex the phrase "work on posting ads" + YOUR city. You will immediately see many offers from employers.

In the same way, you can find any job. Internet to help you

Method 4. Earn money as a promoter

Handing out leaflets is another way for a student to earn money. Each company or store periodically holds promotions, where they involve young boys and girls as promoters. You have probably seen them near large stores, the subway, in crowded places.

This way you can earn from 100 rubles at one o'clock . You can get a job as a promoter if you have a pleasant appearance, are not afraid to communicate with people, are active and positive in life.

Promoters are often involved not only in the distribution of leaflets, but also in other activities that stimulate sales of the company's goods and services.

You can work as promoters already in high school

It can be:

  1. Product tastings. You have probably seen how in large stores friendly young people in the form of a certain company offer you to try such and such sweets, drink juice or eat a piece of sausage. This is called product tasting.
  2. Test drives. Now we're not talking about cars. Bicycles and hoverboards are taken for test drives. Even irons and vacuum cleaners can be taken for a test drive at some companies.
  3. Open days. Another type of promotion. Open days are periodically held by all large companies: educational institutions, factories, creative studios. Your role is to distribute leaflets, booklets, meet and register guests, escort them to the right place (hall, office).
  4. Exhibitions and presentations. Usually the exhibition is an indoor pavilion (business center) or an open space (if the weather is good). Here, representatives of various companies "get up" with their stall or promotional stand. The exhibition is actively advertised in advance, attracting a large number of potential customers and partners who come to the venue of the event. Your task is to attract as many people as possible to the “stall” (promotional stand) of a certain company that hires you: distribute the same leaflets, business cards and take contacts of potential customers.

Method 5. Earn money as a courier

Delivery of parcels or mail, documents or goods is a good option for a part-time job if you are a high school student.

Of course, students are more preferred in such work, but if you show your best side in a conversation with a potential employer, then be sure to get a job as a courier. Jobs can also be found online.

Method 6. Work as a counselor or animator

Summer camps, playgrounds, shopping centers require animators and counselors all year round.

As a rule, in such work it is necessary to organize the leisure of children, help adult counselors and educators, fulfilling their one-time assignments.

Love children and fun, contests and loud fur? You have a direct road to animators!

Example from my life

My family and I periodically go on vacation to various hotels by the sea and there are necessarily animators there - young boys and girls who dress up in funny outfits and entertain children: they hold competitions with them, show theatrical shows, play, dance.

Older animators (students) organize leisure activities for adults: they hold discos and competitions, play sports games with vacationers.

Ask your parents and they will help you find a job as an animator.

Method 7. Work at a car wash

You can work part-time at a car wash on the weekends or provide car washing services to neighbors and acquaintances. If you are not afraid of such a “dirty and wet” work, then you are a great fellow. You need to start small to understand the value of money and then learn how to earn more.

Most jobs require people over the age of 18, and car washers are no exception. But you can work officially and from the age of 16. Sometimes this requires the written consent of the parents, and most importantly, the desire of the employer to hire a minor.

Method 8. Work as a waiter

To work as a waiter, you must be friendly and helpful person, look good. The job is suitable for both boys and girls. Students can earn up to 2,000 rubles a day on tips if it is a popular cafe (restaurant) with wealthy customers.

This is one of the most profitable jobs available to students and youth.

But it's not just about making money. If you are good at it, then cheap McDonald's will not be your lot.

Over time, as you become an adult, you will be able to make a career in this area, becoming an administrator, then a restaurant manager. Later, if you want, you can open your own business - the same restaurant or cafe.

Method 9. Teach adults (pensioners) how to work on a computer

Teaching others is an interesting and rewarding activity. Some adults are still not friendly with modern devices. Computers and smartphones are a dark forest for them, I know this from my mother, who is 63 years old.

Now there are a lot of courses for adults, they are especially popular for pensioners. You can teach them how to work on a computer, in office programs and on the Internet. Learning to create websites, layout, programming, work with audio-video and graphic editors is a great opportunity for high school students to earn money.

Granddaughter, how can I create a folder here?

You can first work as a teacher with pay by the hour at an educational institution, and then, after gaining experience, open private courses.

Method 10. Provide computer assistance

Now everyone has a computer, some families have several, including laptops, tablets and other gadgets.

Periodically, they break or programs stop working. However, not many people have knowledge at the level of system administrators or programmers. This is where you come to the rescue.

You can start with a regular ad on Avito and other electronic bulletin boards that are popular in your city.

Set your own prices.

Do not neglect paper ads, they are read by those who are not friends with the Internet.

For example, grandmothers and elderly people who have children far away, but have a computer. These are your potential customers.

Having sold computer assistance services, you can offer others - computer training (idea of ​​the previous paragraph).

How to make money on the Internet for a student - 10 ways to make a profit using a computer or smartphone

I am sure that any student at least once thought about making money on the Internet. Chances are, dear friend, you are one of them too. Below I have given the actual ways of earning money for young people aged 10-17.

Method 1. Become a video blogger

Popular YouTube bloggers like IVANGAY earn money from their videos tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles per month . Particularly advanced guys "cut" several million.

If you are drawn to perform on camera, you have charisma and creative ideas - open your own YouTube channel. By the way, according to my observations, video blogging is very popular among schoolchildren.

Streams and replays of computer games are one of the most popular topics among teenagers aged 12-17.

The popular video blogger IVANGAY will make his viewers laugh again...

You can start capturing video directly from your computer screen or on your phone.

After training for a month or two, you will get better and better. Finished videos need to be placed on your YouTube channel.

Promoted channels also attract direct advertisers.

By the same principle, you can create your own text blog - a separate site on which you will write articles, notes, your thoughts and make money on it using the same advertising.

Payment can be accepted by electronic money: WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi.

Do you want to create your own profitable blog and do this type of activity professionally? Then take the SMM and blogging course at the Foxford online school.

It will help to successfully develop your own blog or public. On the course, you will get acquainted with the success stories of young bloggers and get systematic technical knowledge for effective work. The course will also help you sell your services expensively online, helping others with SMM promotion and creating their own blogs.

Method 2. Make money on streams and computer games

Online broadcasts of games with comments are a fashionable trend on which you can earn money. Schoolchildren and young people surf the Internet and play Tanks, Dota, WOW and other popular online games.

Telling how to pass this or that level, find the necessary artifact or defeat the enemy, you will earn money on the "donations" of your viewers.

Do you like to play? Then earn on it, do not waste time in vain!

If you play really cool, you can make a good income from your hobby. Now in Russia, the CIS and around the world there are tournaments on popular computer games with prize funds of millions of rubles. It's called esports.

In Russia, specialists in the field of eSports are officially trained. Russian state the University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism trains such specialists.

Esports is especially popular in Korea and China. There, hundreds of millions of young people play computer games and “get sick” at virtual “hacks” championships in entire stadiums.

Some schoolchildren make money by playing for money with other participants or by selling virtual game artifacts for real rubles or dollars.

Method 3. Create websites to order

All companies (businesses) need websites. Also, many people work for themselves: apartment decorators, furniture makers, taxi drivers, lawyers and advocates, accountants, designers, hairdressers. The list goes on.

It doesn't matter that you're young and in school, what matters is what you can do and how well you do. Now, in just a couple of weeks, thanks to YouTube videos, FREE courses and articles, you can learn how to make websites. This activity allows you to earn from 5 000 rubles per month to infinity.

You can start working alone, and then create a creative team of a designer, photographer, videographer and programmer. So in the future, you can open a whole digital agency (digital agency) or a center for marketing services that can be provided remotely.

That is, you work in Izhevsk, and your customer may be from Moscow or another country.

You can learn how to create websites and other popular Internet projects on the course " Web developer from scratch» the well-known online school "Netology".

Method 4. Edit videos

Video editing is a great opportunity for a part-time job on the Internet. Customers will send you "raw" material and their wishes for the design of the future video, and you will bring their ideas to life, of course, supplementing them with your creative vision.

The cost of his work 1000 rubles 1 second video. That is, a 30-second video for a client costs 30 000 rubles and there is no end to customers. Because he makes a very high quality video product.

You can start by learning the computer programs Adobe After Effects or Adobe Premiere Pro.

By the way, now the modern direction “Motion Design” is gaining popularity in video animation.

You will also be taught to learn this art and find dear clients in the online university "Netology" on the course " Motion Design for Beginners».

Method 5. Make advertising layouts

This way of earning for schoolchildren belongs to the "designer". If you own such graphic programs as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw, then you can earn good money.

These business cards are created by schoolchildren in computer programs and earn from 300 rubles a day! What are you worse?

Every company, community organization, even the school you go to, needs to design advertising and presentation materials.

You can design layouts for business cards, booklets, banners, and all this without leaving your home at the computer. Customers can be found among familiar adults, as well as by creating your own group in popular social networks.

All layouts are conveniently done in graphic designer programs, the most popular of which is Photoshop.

To learn how to work in it from scratch and create excellent layouts and graphics, I recommend that you take Zinaida Lukyanova's Adobe Photoshop training. She is a master in this direction and has been teaching the art of creating graphics for children and adults for several years.

Method 6. Complete tasks on sites for money

There are a number of sites and job exchanges on the Internet where you can “like” for money, write comments, and be added to certain groups.

For example, on the Otzovik website, you can register and earn a few rubles per comment. Reviews will have to be written about household appliances, banking services, mobile operators.

I must say right away that this is not a very profitable way, but the first 100-200 rubles you can get without problems and believe in online earnings for schoolchildren, "feeling" the first online profit.

First profit you can earn WITHOUT investments on the VKTarget website. There you need to carry out simple buildings to promote VKontakte pages (put likes, join groups) and get money for this.

Method 7. Write texts on copywriting exchanges

I already wrote above about the girl Victoria, who started earning in the 9th grade before 12 000 rubles per month on writing texts via the Internet for various sites. The activity of writing texts is called copywriting.

Learn to type quickly on the keyboard and express your thoughts beautifully through text, then you will become an excellent and rich copywriter

The course " Copywriting Basics» Online University «Netology».

You can find clients on copywriting exchanges. The exchange is a site where customers meet - those who need texts and authors - those who write them.

By the way, it is not necessary to write to order on the instructions of the employer. First you can write text on any topic, and then just put up for sale. It will be bought by an interested site owner.

  • Contentmonster is one of the most famous copywriting exchanges. Here you will find thousands of customers for your texts. Excellent conditions for authors, high prices for texts and the reliability of this site have been tested for years.
  • is the largest copywriting exchange. Here it is also convenient to check the text for uniqueness. This function is required mainly by the customers of articles, so that an unscrupulous author does not sell him stolen text from another site.
  • - this year the exchange celebrated its 10th anniversary. Not only authors of articles will find orders here. Translators and photographers also find clients on For them, the site has its own sections. A lot of schoolchildren and young people earn good money here. For example, authors with experience receive more than 100 rubles for 1000 characters of written text.

The main skills in this type of earnings are the ability to beautifully express thoughts in writing and quickly type on the keyboard.

Good copywriters earn up to 5 000 rubles in a day.

Method 8. Perform one-time tasks on the Workzilla website

Workzilla is a popular site where employers post small jobs:

  • type text;
  • edit photo;
  • make a simple website and so on.

I have several schoolchildren I know who work on this freelance exchange, earn from 2,000 to 13,000 rubles a month!

Even without much experience in any "computer" field, schoolchildren here earn money.

For example, there are tasks like " transcription» audio file.

The better your keyboard skills, the more you will earn from transcription.

Method 9. Promote people's pages on social networks

A great way to earn good income. The trick is that you can charge a subscription fee from your customers, that is, a fixed amount per month for the services of promoting their pages on social networks.

For example, a perfectly adequate payment of 2,000-5,000 rubles per client per month. If there are three such clients, then your earnings per month will be from 6 000 before 15 000 rubles .

You will need to join groups, put likes and so on.

In social networks, you can promote not only the pages of people, but also groups of companies and entrepreneurs

To do this, you must have at least a little knowledge of the principles of page promotion, be able to write small texts and edit pictures at a basic level.

You can learn how to promote people's pages on social networks and make money on the Internet, thanks to obtaining a profession in demand on FREE online training by Dmitry Chevychalov Profession Internet marketer».

Method 10. Create a public and make money on advertising

It used to be quite easy to make money on public pages, it was done by schoolchildren, students and adults. Now, with increased competition, this is more difficult to do, but still possible.

Public (public page) - a type of page with public materials on a social network with an author or a group of authors, which is available to a wide range of readers (users).

Anyone can make money in public, although this takes time, because you must first create it, and then fill it with interesting materials, and only after a few months you will receive the first money.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question 1. I am in the 9th grade, I heard about cryptocurrencies, mining and crypto trading, is it worth doing this to earn money and how much should I invest first? Nikolai, 15 years old, Murmansk

Nikolai, the topic of cryptocurrencies and trading is really popular on the Internet now, but I will immediately warn you that you should not take this matter seriously at such a young age.

  • First, you need a solid initial capital - several thousand dollars.
  • Secondly, due to inexperience, you are likely to lose this money.

I have a guy friend, though he is older than you, who earns hundreds of thousands of rubles a month on crypto trading. He told me that for the first year or two while he was versed in this topic, he was losing money. I have not yet met schoolchildren who make a profit on cryptocurrency, although I am sure that they also exist.

Question 2. How can a 12-year-old schoolboy make money if I don’t know much about anything? Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod

Vladimir, to be honest, you can try to help adults you know for money. You have a wonderful age and it is best to study now, and you will still have time to earn money.

I recommend that you pay attention to Internet technologies, because they are the future and earnings here are quite high. Especially if you are good at something: computer hardware, programs, games, and so on.

Schoolchildren like you walk and relax in the summer. Ask your parents to enroll you in computer literacy courses or study special programs during the holidays.

Question 3. I have small savings - 20,000 rubles, where should I invest them in order to receive a stable income of at least 3,000 rubles a month? Arkady, 16 years old, Krasnodar

Arkady, 3000 rubles per month is too much 20 000 rubles investment. It is unlikely that you will be able to invest them somewhere without risks, not to lose and constantly receive such income.

It's best to buy something on them that will help you make money. For example, a computer if you are a programmer or designer, a camera if you are a photographer, a video camera if you are a video blogger, and so on.

I bought a new laptop, now I'm ready to earn more!

Question 4. My name is Maria, 39 years old. My son is eager to work, I want to know how to make money for a schoolboy of 14 years old, he is fond of computer games like many at his age, what would you advise?

Maria, to begin with, study the popular ways of making money on the Internet yourself, think about what you would be interested in doing if you were a student. Understandably, most teenagers around your son's age are into computer games.

Find out what kind of games he is interested in, maybe you have a future rich streamer (a person who broadcasts his game on video to other players) or an e-sports player (a professional computer player who earns money on games).

Be sympathetic to his hobby. If a child plays professionally and is doing well, try to hint at the idea of ​​making money on your hobby, and then you will find your bearings.

Question 5. My parents are not rich, and I want to help them right now, tell me how to make money for a 13-year-old schoolboy, studying in the 8th grade? Maxim, Rostov

Maxim, first of all, you need to understand what is closer to you, what you know now or are ready to learn in the near future. All earnings for a student are divided into two global areas:

  1. Real life(waiter, animator, promoter).
  2. Internet (online environment): computer games, website development, YouTube channel.

What is better for a student: earn money in real life or on the Internet (comparison in the table below):

What are we comparing Earnings on the Internet Earning in real life
Fast income generation Quickly, find a client for a simple order (+-) Fast if you find a job (+-)
Earnings Limited by your skills (+-) Limited by your skills (+-)
interesting case Creative work (+) As a rule, the work is uninteresting (-)
Parents can help Not always, because parents do not really understand modern technologies. (-) In most cases, parents can help (+)

Depending on what you want to prove yourself and it is worth looking for options for earning. Study this article again, ask your parents to help you figure out a certain way to generate income and financial results will come after a certain time.

Question 6. How can a schoolboy of 11 years old make money, or rather, I am a schoolgirl and I want to do something, in order to buy different things for myself, I need at least 5000-7000 rubles a month, what can I do? Maria, Moscow

Masha, you are still too young to work. It is commendable that you have such a desire, but to be honest, at the age of 11, I would advise a schoolgirl to study, and return to the topic of earning at least 3-4 years later, when you are 14 or 15 years old.

Think about how you can make money on what you are fond of, but this is not now, but after a few years. I believe in your success!

Question 7. I am the father of a boy, I want him to gradually learn financial literacy and be able to provide for himself in the future, tell me how to make money for a 10-year-old schoolboy, is he fond of design, is he good at drawing? Andrey Fedorovich, 46 years old, Tomsk

Andrey Fedorovich, thanks for the question. It is very commendable that you are concerned about this topic, not all parents are so wise. I am a father myself.

In the professional development plan of your son, I recommend that you study the work of freelance exchanges, for example, the site, in order to further help your child put his design portfolio on the Internet and find the first customers.

It's great if he is interested in web design, this is a well-paid profession, I know from my own experience, since I have been studying design since I was 13 years old. I myself was a schoolboy in grades 7-8 when I started to get involved in this.

In terms of financial literacy, I recommend reading books Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Series and then subtly plant the sound ideas from those books into your son's head. Robert Kiyosaki also has cash flow game for children of school age, specially designed for children (desktop version). If possible, get it and play regularly with your son.

Exterior of the board game CASHFLOW for Kids by Robert Kiyosaki

The main universal rule- the more developed the parent himself, the smarter and more successful his children. Make time own development and you will become a rare example of a great father. I do exactly that.

Question 8. I am 14 years old, studying in the 8th grade, I plan to earn extra money every summer. I would like to know how to earn a student in the summer? Arkady, Sochi

Arkady, you have a wonderful city. The easiest way for you to make money in the summer is on tourists (holidays at sea).

Here are some proven ideas:

  • buy cheap or make marine-themed souvenirs and sell them;
  • sell food on the beach: pies, corn, drinks;
  • together with adults, develop an excursion route and carry tourists along it.


Now it is much easier for a student to earn money than before.

The Internet has appeared and now you, as a young guy or girl, can work from home and receive from 1 000 rubles a month before 100 000 rubles(if you are a real cool professional in your field).

remember, that estimates- not important !

For example, my parents' generation often said that you need to do well in school, then successfully graduate from college and then you can get a stable job.

The need for pocket money often leads teenagers to look for ways to earn it. Nowadays, there are many real ways to do this. How to make money at 12? Of course, officially registered labor does not shine for a child of this age, since this is prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. But still, teenagers can earn extra money, which many of them do quite successfully in their free time from school. This article provides options for how boys and girls of school age can earn their first, albeit not large, capital.

Advertising campaigns

Posting ads or is one of the easiest ways to make money for a teenager. It does not require any prior investments, special knowledge and skills. The only drawback is that such work requires a considerable amount of physical strength, since the child, performing it, is on his feet all the time. Bad weather can also be an unfavorable factor in this matter: rain, extreme heat and wind make it difficult to work outdoors. Going to such work, you need to take care of comfortable clothes, shoes and a hat in advance.

Promoter is another profession that a teenager can master. The essence of the work is to advertise different categories of goods. It is good if it is food: sausage, cheeses, bakery products or sweets. In this case, the child will be able to receive money and have a snack for free.


This is another way to make money for a teenager in the summer. Weeding flowerbeds, watering plants, picking berries is feasible work that a child of 12 or more years old can do. As a rule, such earnings are offered by people of retirement age, for whom it is already difficult to independently monitor their site.


Handmade products are very relevant in our time. Making them and selling them is an interesting and quite profitable business. What popular types of needlework can a teenager master? This may be the manufacture of compositions from paper tapes - quilling. Artificial topiary trees are quickly and easily made, which are fashionable to have in every home today. Jewelry made using the kanzashi technique (from satin ribbons) is always in demand. Bouquets of sweets, soft toys, socks, diapers, money - this is another popular trend in the world of needlework. Such compositions are not difficult to perform, and their price is quite high.

Naturally, before making money on handmade products, you will first need to invest a certain amount in their manufacture, namely, in the purchase of materials and tools necessary for work.


Teenagers with artistic abilities during the summer holidays can get a part-time job in companies involved in organizing and holding holidays. Participation in performances brings not only monetary income, but also always a good mood and positive emotions.

dog walking

Another way to make money at the age of 12 is pet walking services. There are situations when the owner of the dog needs to leave the house for a long time. Here, the help of a teenager in caring for his pets will be very helpful.

The World Wide Web"

How to make money online at 12? There are many ways. Let's consider some of them.

It should be noted that the money earned on the Internet is collected on a virtual wallet, which must be registered for an adult, so a teenager cannot do without the help of parents and control on their part. However, this is just a plus, not a minus of this type of earnings. Moms and dads should clearly know where and how their child gets his first capital.

If a child has a desire to earn money, then, using the information presented in the article, he can do it easily and quickly. The main thing is that he meets honest and conscientious employers.

Tears of joy well up on the faces of many parents when their grown-up child confronts them with the fact that it is time for him to start earning. On the one hand, we understand that we did not raise a freeloader and a parasite, because the child himself suggested. On the other hand, we get rid of the need to explain to him the value of money and the hard work that is given to earning money.
However, one question arises before all family members - how can a child earn money? After all, he is still a minor, and finding a legal job for a teenager is not easy (if possible at all).

Why do children have a desire to go to earn money on their own?

The main reason for this impulse is that children want to spend money on what THEY want, and not on what their parents see fit. This parental care and boundless practicality lead to the fact that a teenager is bought not by those awesome light green sneakers, from which all classmates simply take their breath away, but by these boring black and white sneakers, which can also be inherited by a younger brother.

The desire to earn money and successfully manage it independently is formed in childhood. The earlier the child understood the meaning and purpose of banknotes and coins, the sooner he will come to the realization that he wants to try himself in some professional field. After all, he quickly understands that for such and such an amount he will be able to buy so many sweets, bows, balls, firecrackers, etc.

Most parents make a big mistake when they start giving money to children on demand whenever they start throwing tantrums and show their displeasure if they are refused. This is the wrong approach - this is how the child gains confidence that in order to achieve his goal, he only needs to push harder, using screaming as an effective psychological tool and means of blackmail.

The child should experience regular rejection, especially if the reason in adults is really good. Do not shout, do not arrange long and unnecessary trials for anyone. Just say "no" and explain the reason for your refusal.

How to understand whether the child is ready to adequately perceive the concepts of "delivery" and "cost"?

It’s very simple: when a child says “buy” instead of “I want”, this indicates his maturity in the matter of money. In order to consolidate skills and new knowledge, it is enough to play the “shop” with the baby several times, with pebbles and leaves instead of real money.

When does a child come to the idea of ​​his own earnings?

Children begin to deal with money much earlier than they go to earn it. When they reach a certain age, parents begin to sponsor children, giving them pocket money. Proper financial education of a child is when a child receives and competently manages finances.

However, sooner or later, the amount received begins to seem insufficient to the child to satisfy all his basic needs (going to the movies with a girl, birthday gifts to friends, etc.).

Many parents believe that a child should learn how to save money, because sometimes you need to make a lot of effort and patience to get what you want. And this is the right approach. However, at one fine moment, the child fails to make competent budget planning, because the budget tends to grow along with the child himself.

And when the child realizes that he can no longer make savings in view of the increase in the necessary expenses, the idea comes to his mind to start earning on his own.
And this idea deserves to be supported! After all, this is a huge event when a child understands that he has reached a certain level of maturity, has become an "adult" and can at least in some area of ​​his life not depend on his parents. At this moment, he is overwhelmed with confidence in his own abilities, in his luck, in the fulfillment of all, even the most ambitious plans.

Today there is a huge amount of unskilled labor that children can do. Your task in this difficult, but undoubtedly very important period for your child, is to help him find the most suitable job for him, and also to check whether he will have enough free time for proper rest and study, whether it will be too hard for him physically and morale at the "mines".

How to make money for a child: stone, scissors, paper ...

Do not know what to do with your child so that he can start earning his own money? Do you want to help him prove himself in a place where he will be pleased to work? Please toss a coin and choose:

  • Nanny.
    If your child gets along well with small children, he will like this business. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to go to those families in which the children are still very young, do not know how to walk or talk. Many parents need just such assistants who will help take the child to a circle or to the pool, make sure that he eats during the day and does the necessary homework. Do you want to earn more? Combine several children in one group and take care of several at once!
  • Parent's personal assistant.
    The functions of this worker are somewhat similar to the work of a nanny. The main difference is that if the "worker" is not yet old enough to care for and supervise small children, he can provide all possible help with the housework. So, he can play and feed the child in the presence of parents, help look after the baby, go shopping, run to the pharmacy. All these things will help him gain invaluable experience for his future family life, which many people lack today!

  • House cleaning.
    If you are not ready to let your child go to work in a strange family, find him a range of things for which you would be ready to pay him. Mowing the lawn, painting the fence, making breakfast every day. The main thing is that the work should not be basic around the house, but secondary, otherwise you run the risk of growing an egoist, who then, without a ruble from your pocket, will not lift a finger to wash the dishes after himself.
  • Salesman.
    For children, light trade is best, such as selling flowers or lemonade, donuts and various snacks. And if your child is a creative person, let him sell his own fruits.

  • Car wash.
    This type of service has always been and will always be in demand. The queues at the car wash are always long, and the cost is disproportionately high. So why shouldn't adults take advantage of the low-cost services of teens who are looking to get some money "zen"?
    If you live near highways where traffic jams regularly gather, while you yourself are sure that the child is extremely careful on the road, you can offer to sell tea, coffee, soft drinks, and mineral water to him from the side of the road. Often people on the road just need this.

  • Pet care.
    If your child is not allergic to wool and saliva, if he is affectionate towards pets, then this is a great way to make new four-legged friends. People periodically go on vacation, on business trips, get sick, as a result of which they cannot fully care for their pets and walk them.
  • Neighborhood Helper.
    If you are on good terms with the neighbors, let them know that your child will be happy to help with housekeeping if they leave, and for a very reasonable fee. Watering flowers, walking the dog, cleaning the lawn from fallen leaves - children do a great job with this.

  • Gardener.
    For this work, you will have to be able to cut lawns, weed beds and flower beds, plant flowers, water vegetation, and harvest in the autumn season.

We pay attention to safety

Before you let your child go to a new job, make sure that he will be completely safe there, that nothing will threaten his health.
You should always be aware of where the child is, and also have his employer's phone number at hand. Otherwise, no money will pay for what you overlooked.

Dear parents! Your task is to be the child's helper, not his personal warden! Then this first child's work will be deposited in your memory as an excellent memory.

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