Computer literacy. Computer literacy is the possession of a minimum set of knowledge and skills of working on a computer.

Computer literacy. Computer literacy is the possession of a minimum set of knowledge and skills of working on a computer.


A person looking for a job will almost certainly face such a requirement of a potential employer as knowledge of a PC. It happens that we are talking about a high level of computer proficiency - programming, three-dimensional modeling, work in accounting programs.

But most often, elementary user skills are needed: the ability to check mail, type text, make a request in a search engine, enter numbers in a ready-made table. In any case, computer literacy is the first qualifying stage on the way to making money.

Where else do you need PC knowledge

Looking for a job is not the only reason to learn a computer. For many users, this is an opportunity to communicate, sometimes the only one. Postal correspondence, video telephony, social networks, instant messengers simply save people who are forced to stay at home or in the hospital.

The need to express oneself, engage in hobbies, find admirers and like-minded people on the Internet is easily realized. Closed and lonely people share their poems, images, videos and understand that their creativity and ideas are interesting and in demand.

Computer literacy is also an opportunity to save time when making an appointment with a doctor or paying:

  • utilities;
  • courses and training programs;
  • groceries, manufactured goods, tickets, etc.

Finally, the Internet provides invaluable access to almost any information. This is a rare opportunity to receive information that is not available in the official media, analyze it and draw your own conclusions, not imposed by anyone.

Where to begin

One of the most accessible ways to learn something is to go online and look for the data you need there. A person who does not know the basics of computer literacy needs help with this. The easiest way is to contact someone you know. Skills to be acquired first:

  • how to turn on (off) the computer;
  • how to click the mouse (once or twice);
  • how to open the Internet and use the search engine.

Everything that the mentor showed should be written down in detail. Beginning users, especially those of retirement age, quickly forget this first lesson. Further, a person is able to work on his own, making the necessary requests and discovering useful sites for himself.

If there is no one to help

Not being able to contact friends or relatives, you can go to computer literacy courses. They are in every city. You can find such courses by following the ads:

  • in newspaper ads;
  • in a running line or commercials on television.

In 2015, Dmitry Medvedev signed a document according to which a special social program was launched. Retired people who are not working can receive free assistance in learning how to use a personal computer. In many cities there are free courses for those wishing to master the PC. Computer literacy training for pensioners is funded by the Pension Fund.

To find out if there are such courses in your city, you can contact:

  • to the social security authorities;
  • to the offices of the Pension Fund;
  • to libraries.

People working in these structures do not necessarily have to have information about the opportunity to learn. But it is necessary to ask - there will always be caring citizens who are ready to make a request from their work computer and help.

What you need to know about your PC

Computer literacy for beginners involves the development of the following skills:

How to get started with the Internet

Upward movement

  1. Computer cleaning. Unnecessary files, like garbage, must be deleted periodically. Otherwise, the system will slow down. The procedure should be carried out at least once a month.
  2. Recovery. The system crashes at times. Before calling the serviceman, you can try to perform the repair yourself.
  3. Mastering Skype. To expand the possibilities of communication, you need to register in the program and configure it.
  4. Using Torrent. Installing the program gives you access to transfer movies and computer toys to your computer.

When using "Torrent", it is necessary to take into account an important thing - computer literacy and computer culture should ideally coincide. We must not forget about ethics and copyright. By downloading a pirated program, the user also distributes it through the "Torrent" (this is how his system is arranged), automatically becoming an intruder.

There is no limit

Many people, feeling confident in the Internet space, create their own blogs. A person almost always has something to say, and there are people who will find this information useful.

Sites are, as a rule, the evolutionary stage of users' "growing up" following the blog. They are made not only for pleasure, but also for making money - at least by placing ads.

Computer literacy is always self-development. First, what others offer is mastered and used, then something of their own is created. The knowledge necessary to work on a PC in an area that is interesting and in demand is accumulated and turns the user from a "teapot" into a creator and professional.

Modern society, the market for goods, services and labor are characterized by a rapid pace of change, which is largely due to the intensive development of ICT. The role of the computer in the life of an ordinary person is growing rapidly. The computer is used in almost all spheres of public life: in education and medicine, on television and radio, in industry and agriculture, etc., where it turns out to be an effective auxiliary tool. Today, ICTs have become the property of small businesses, shops, institutions, employment offices, and even farms.

With the help of computer systems, documentation is maintained, e-mail and communication with data banks are provided. Computers are used in a wide range of production tasks, ensure the smooth operation of various units. Computer networks connect different users located in the same institution or located in different regions of the country, etc.

All this indicates that the most important condition for a full life in the information society and successful professional activity is the computer literacy of citizens. This means that any person should have an elementary idea of ​​what a personal computer is, the Windows operating system, be able to work in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), be able to use the services of the global Internet.

In the field of personal computer (PC), the user must know:

    what is a PC;

    how a PC works;

    where is the PC used;

    which computer to buy based on your needs;

    main PC devices (external and internal);

    units of measurement of information;

    rules for the care and safety of working with a PC;

    elementary information about the software;

    how to install and remove programs from a PC.

The user must, at a minimum, be able to properly turn on and off the PC, use the keyboard and mouse, connect external devices to the PC, install and remove programs from the computer, and select a PC that meets his tasks.

In the area of ​​the Windows operating system, the user must know:

    what's happenedoperating system (OS);

    how the OS manages a personal computer;

    what operating systems exist; standard Windows programs (Notebook , word pad , Paint );

    conceptDesktop ;

    Windows window structure;

    what's happenedfiles Andfolders ;

    what's happeneddirectory tree ;

    what's happenedExplorer, Clipboard, programSearch, Windows Help ;

    what's happenedarchives and why they are needed;

    what's happenedcomputer viruses and ways to protect against computer viruses.

The user must be able to manage windows (to interact with several windows); run and use standard programs; use the Windows help system; use the program Conductor; own various ways of working with files and folders (create, give names, rename, copy, move, delete folders and files, restore deleted ones to the trash); create shortcuts for frequently used files; copy files to a floppy disk, flash card; write to CD search for folders and files on your PC; create an archive and extract files / folders from the archive, use anti-virus programs (be able to check internal and removable devices for viruses).

In the field of local network, the knowledge-based user (what isthe local network , server , network printer ) should be able to?

    view local network resources,

    organize access to the resources of your PC in the local network,

    know how to print on a local network.

    In the area of ​​work in the MS Word application, the user must know

    what is ms word

    the structure of the Word window and the purpose of the main toolbars, the basic rules for entering text;

    ways to create and work with documents: elementary ways to insert tables, pictures, AutoShapes and WordArt objects, edit images, etc.

Based on this knowledge, the user should be able to:

    create documents with Word;

    colorfully draw up documents using drawings,

    frames, fills, backgrounds, and WordArt objects;

    create and format tables in documents;

    check spelling;

    own ways of formatting a document (working with a font, headers, footers, lists, columns);

    print documents.

In the area of ​​work in MS Excel, the user should have an idea of ​​what MS Excel is, know:

    the structure of the Excel window and the purpose of the main toolbars; spreadsheet structure (columns, rows, cells);

    ways of formatting and editing cells (adding, deleting, merging, etc.);

    conceptsAutocomplete , Formula , AutoSum , Data sorting , charting methods, etc.

    fill spreadsheets with arbitrary and homogeneous data; format, add, delete, merge cells;

    make simple calculations using formulas;

    sort data in ascending, descending and alphabetical order;

    build graphs and charts based on tables;

    Prepare printed documents using Excel.

In the area of ​​work in MS PowerPoint, the user must have an idea of ​​​​what MS PowerPoint is, know effective ways to create presentations using templates,

    be able to use the designer and templates in the design of slides when creating a presentation;

    customize animation;

    show presentations.

In the field of working on the Internet, the user should have an idea of ​​what isInternet and information retrieval portals;

    know the criteria for choosing a provider;

    possibilities of e-mail, ftp, WWW, IP-telephony;

    browser basicsInternet Explorer ;

    concept “e-government ”;

    types of Internet services;

    methods of making e-payments;

    how email works what's happeneddistance learning .

    Based on this knowledge, the user should be able to:

    connect to the Internet at home;

    search for the necessary information on Kazakh and foreign resources using various search engines;

    save the received information on your PC;

    use Internet services, chat rooms, forums;

    get a free personal mailing address;

    set up a mail system at home,

    create, send and receive emails,

    attach files to emails.

An in-depth analysis of the approaches to the definition and interpretation of the essence of computer science that have emerged to date leads to the conclusion that one of the most objective is the interpretation of academician V. M. Glushkov: computer science is an attribute that is organically inherent in a civilized society, which has as its subject the satisfaction of the information needs of the main spheres of its life .

The modern relevance of informatics is directly related to the development of computer technology, telecommunications, and artificial intelligence. In the materials published by the UNESCO Informatics Center on the system of advanced education, computer science is currently defined as a fundamental science in which three main areas are identified:

Theoretical computer science;

Technical informatics;

Social informatics.

Society at the end of the 20th century often called the information revolution, and changes in it - the information revolution. Thanks to the rapid development of computer technology, what seemed incredible a few years ago is becoming a reality - people from different countries have access to a wide variety of information anywhere in the world, exchange information with each other and even communicate in real time. One gets the impression that N. Wiener's statement becomes the law of life in our time: "Really to live means to live with the right information." But for this you need to know the rules for navigating the vast ocean of available information and have a certain culture for selecting the necessary information. The level of information culture of a modern person is determined by many criteria: his ability to formulate his need for information, knowledge of public sources of information and the ability to use them, the ability to effectively search, evaluate, use information and create a qualitatively new one. Of course, every person today needs computer literacy and experience in the practical use of computers.

Unfortunately, the level of information culture of most people in our country is low. On the one hand, this is due to the insufficient introduction of information technologies in all spheres of human life and activity, and on the other hand, the lack of a system for training competent consumers of information. This problem is of particular concern in relation to young people.

For young people, information technologies open up access to information, and hence knowledge, provide completely new opportunities for acquiring professional knowledge and creativity, and introduce them to the values ​​of world culture. Therefore, the formation of the information culture of the younger generation is a very important task. The school should be the first to deal with it. For more than 10 years, a special subject "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering" has been taught in the country's schools. Initially, the goals were to teach schoolchildren the basics of computer literacy and programming languages, use computers to study other disciplines, as well as for professional training in the field of computer technology. It cannot be said that these goals have been fully achieved - until now, a significant part of schools do not have computers.

Today, in connection with the accelerated processes of informatization of society, the education system sets a new goal - the formation of a thinking style in students that is adequate to the requirements of the modern information society, the education of an information worldview. The essence of the education reform is that a huge amount of information becomes available to the student in databases, knowledge bases, computerized archives, reference books and encyclopedias. At present, there is practically no access to such "electronic" information in schools.

Definition of the concept of "computer literacy". Why is it necessary to be literate in the field of computer technology today?

Modern life is constantly changing and pleases us with various information innovations. Now, for example, you will not meet a person who would not use a mobile phone in everyday life. And computers have long been firmly established in our lives and surround people everywhere (at school, at work, in a bank, airport, store and other places).

Therefore, any person living in the age of technological progress must have a minimum computer literacy. This topic is relevant in the twenty-first century and is of particular importance in the lives of both young people and people of middle and older age. Informatics tutors will help you get the necessary knowledge, it will not be difficult to find such a private teacher, you just need to use the search on the Internet or contact training centers.

So what is computer literacy?

Computer literacy is, first of all, the ability to work on a computer and other similar information devices; minimal knowledge of basic office programs, skills of independent management of folders and files; understanding of the main terms of computer science.

Such skills cannot be mechanical, such as the ability to ride a bicycle, knit, sew on a sewing machine, operate a machine. These knowledge and skills rather depend on mental activity and require repetition and constant training.

Why is it necessary to be computer literate?

Computer technologies affect the change in the system of relationships between people, the state and society, and even between countries. Computer literacy is rightfully a part of the information development of society.

The personal computer has become a way to communicate and exchange information at home and in offices, factories and businesses. It provides access to many databases and, at times, replaces TV, VCR, radio, mail, and a personal diary.

The computer will help if you feel sad and want to communicate. It will give an answer to almost any question of interest, thanks in large part to millions of people like you who have gone through the experience of learning a computer and now write tips and articles on various topics.

The computer is interesting and useful for people of any age. With the help of the Internet, you can find long-lost and forgotten childhood friends or make new acquaintances. In social networks, both global problems and “kitchen” problems are discussed hourly.

Today, being computer literate is an important quality of a person that helps to cope with daily changing tasks.

This is also information literacy, without which a full-fledged human activity is impossible, his awareness of himself as an individual in the information society, as part of a general technological and cultural process.

Computer literacy is the quality that needs to be passed on to young and future generations for the further progress of all mankind.

Now you can't live without a computer. Not only in order to get a job, but even in order to continue working, one has to confirm his knowledge. It happens that employees who have worked for twenty or thirty years have to take computer knowledge exams. And it doesn't matter - candidate of sciences, doctor, professor ... If you didn't pass - look for another job. But the trouble lies in the fact that many people, working with a computer, know only those applications with which they work, and are not able to cope with the simplest task in something else, they do not understand the logic of computer technology. Well, plus ignorance of terminology, according to the principle "here they showed me to press this button." So even those who, it would seem, do not get off their laptop, turn out to be computer ignoramuses. By the way, this also applies to young people - often guys who see VK for days are not able to simply change the font size in Word or make a simple presentation.
What does the concept of "computer literacy" include?
By definition, this is a set of knowledge and skills necessary to work with computer technology. In detail, we can highlight:

  • knowledge of the computer device;
  • the ability to choose the required PC according to the parameters;
  • knowledge of peripheral devices and the ability to connect them;
  • knowledge of at least the Windows operating system;
  • Knowledge of basic Office applications - Word, Excell, PowerPoint;
  • the ability to master their new versions;
  • ability to install and master new applications;
  • ability to work on the Internet, knowledge of browsers;
  • information retrieval skills.

Knowledge of the computer device and the ability to choose the necessary PC

The “definition” that a computer has “this box, which is a computer itself, has a screen and a mouse”, alas, I happened to hear from adults who have been using computers for years. However, normally, you need to know what a processor, RAM, hard drives, disk drives are, what are their main parameters - for example, speed - for a processor, volume - for memory, etc .; what are the monitors. Only knowing them, you can choose the necessary and sufficient tool for the job (this has to be explained to many).

Knowledge of peripheral devices and the ability to connect them

It is not by chance that I put this in a separate paragraph. If no one has problems connecting a mouse or speakers, then connecting a printer can turn into a critical problem for many, because they don’t know what to install a device driver on their computer, and if it doesn’t exist, find and download the device driver. There are even problems with connecting a multimedia projector!

Knowledge of Windows

It often does not exceed the level of “here is the screen, and on it you need to click on this picture.” Therefore, knowledge is required, at a minimum, how to use windows, the Start menu, the control panel, and independently change the simplest settings.

Knowledge of the main applications and the ability to master their new versions

Word - creating text files, editing text, changing the font, style and size, page settings, using templates and services, including spell checking. To this I often want to add the ability to use the keyboard - I always show how to work on a somewhat forgotten ten-finger system; it does speed things up though.
Excell - knowledge of tables, templates, use of statistics, creation of charts.
PowerPoint - the ability to create a slide, including without using templates, change the background, slide design, slide transition, animation settings, the ability to insert pictures and sound.
I will add that the appearance of new versions of many plunges into despondency, because "the buttons are not there, I can not find them." Therefore, it requires the ability to reorient to the use of new design and new features, eliminating the fear of making a mistake. Such fear is a phenomenon very common among older users.

Ability to learn new applications

In the course of work, there is often a need to use specific applications, be it accounting, working with maps, photos, video or sound. In this situation, the immediate environment often cannot suggest anything. The ability to understand the logic of the program, use the help, search for hints on the Internet - these necessary skills have to be taught additionally.


This is the simplest. Since even the most inexperienced regularly surf the Internet, sit in social networks. However, knowledge about searching for information, setting correct search queries is required. Often the problem is working with different browsers.

All of the above allows you to fully use the computer, feel comfortable when working. And, what is most interesting, the process of mastering this knowledge is not long at all, and is not difficult even for those who have a fear of the computer. Sometimes 9-10 seminars are enough (just in terms of the number of skills) to master this amount of knowledge.

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