How to set up a D-Link Wi-Fi router: step by step instructions. How to set up a D-Link Wi-Fi router: step by step instructions Changing the system parameters of the router

How to set up a D-Link Wi-Fi router: step by step instructions. How to set up a D-Link Wi-Fi router: step by step instructions Changing the system parameters of the router


In this manual, we will consider the detailed configuration of the D-Link DIR-320 / NRU (rev. B1) router, which, in comparison with the DIR-320 at the end of 2011, changed its web interface and added support for Wi-Fi 802.11n. The improvements did not end there, now Long-Deer 320 learned to work with 3G modems right out of the box without any flashing ...

In this manual, we will consider the detailed configuration of the D-Link DIR-320 / NRU (rev. B1) router, which, in comparison with the DIR-320 at the end of 2011, changed its web interface and added support for Wi-Fi 802.11n. The improvements did not end there, now Long-Deer 320 learned to work with 3G modems right out of the box without any flashing.
It should be noted that at the end of 2011, D-Link updated the web interface in all of its other routers for home and small office. Instead of black and orange (see Fig. 1), the D-Link's web interface has become poorer in color: now the menu items are aqua, and the background is the usual white (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 1 Previous web interface "Delinks"

You can see how to configure a D-Link router with the previous firmware (in orange tones) at this link.

Rice. 2 New web interface

The color on the box of D-Link routers has also changed, now the box is also white with aqua on the sides, as well as black at the top and bottom (see Fig. 3):

In this DIR-320 / NRU configuration manual, we will take a closer look at how to configure this router in DHCP mode, as well as in PPTP (VPN) client mode. Our manual for configuring the D-Link Dir-320 NRU router can be used for other models from the Dlinkov line, which have a similar web interface and functionality:
... D-Link DIR-300 (ver. B5)
... D-Link DIR-615 (ver. E4)
... D-Link DIR-655 (ver. B1)
... and other Dlinkov models that we might not have mentioned.
Well ... Let's assume that you have in your hands one of the D-Link's with a new web interface, you took it out of a cardboard box along with a power adapter and a network cable. On the front side of the router you will find LED indicators that, during operation, indicate the "behavior" of the router at a given time (about the operation of its interfaces). On the rear panel, to the right of the antenna, you will find 5 network connectors: 4 of them labeled LAN are needed to connect internal cables from home PCs, and a network cable from an Internet provider is connected to the lone connector labeled INTERNET (this interface is usually called WAN in routers ). To the right of the WAN interface is a USB connector for connecting a 3G modem from a wireless Internet provider, and then there is a power connector and a RESET button recessed into the case for resetting the router if necessary.
You can connect up to 4 PCs or laptops to 4 LAN ports of DIR-320 via a network cable. By the way, one of these blue cables (a regular patch cord) is already included with the router, so you can use it to configure. If you need to connect more than 4 PCs to the router via cable, then you can solve the shortage of port capacity using an unmanaged network switch (switch), which you connect to one of the LAN ports of the router. As a result, you will get several more from one port (depending on the capacity of the switch that you buy).
We have reviewed the basic information regarding the capabilities of our router, now you can proceed to configure it. But first, you need to connect the router to a computer or laptop, after which we will get access to the web interface of our router.

Connecting a D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router in Windows 7 and XP
Before configuring our D-Link DIR-320, you need to perform a number of preparatory measures - find an agreement from your Internet provider (you may need information about IP parameters and information about connecting to a provider from there); then connect with a blue network cable any LAN interface of the router with the network card on the PC or laptop from which you will perform the settings, and then connect the power adapter to your router. As for the cable from the provider, it must be connected to the INTERNET (WAN) interface. If at your home the Internet is provided using ADSL or DOXIS technology, then the network cable from the modem should be connected to the WAN connector of the router.
Now you should switch the TCP / IP settings on your PC to DHCP client mode (automatically obtain IP addresses). Below we will look at how to do this using the example of Windows XP and Windows 7.
Connecting a D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router in Windows XP:
Start - Control Panel - Network Connections - Local Area Connection - Properties - Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) - further see fig. 4

Connecting a D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router in Windows 7:
Start - type View network - select at the top in the search results - View network connections - Local area connection - Properties - Internet Protocol version 4 - see further fig. 5

By default, all D-Link \ 'and issue to the internal network IP addresses from the range Therefore, after 10-20 seconds, your PC or laptop should receive an IP address from the router itself. It will look something like or In Windows XP, you can track the receipt of an IP address from a router by opening the Local Area Connection status. (see fig. 6)

The inscription that DHCP is assigned to the network card means that the router has successfully issued an internal IP address to the computer via the LAN interface. If this does not happen or an IP address of the form 169. ***. ***. *** appears, then problems with the operation of the DHCP client on your computer are not excluded. Most often this can be caused by the work of firewalls (firewalls), but there are other reasons ... In this case, we can advise you to register the necessary IP addresses in the settings of the network card manually. To do this, it will be enough to specify the following IP parameters on your PC or laptop:
... IP -
... Subnet mask -
... Default gateway -
... DNS -
We will assume that you have connected the router to the computer system unit. We proceed directly to configuring our router.

Configuring the D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router (hardware rev. B1)
We will configure D-Link DIR-320 through the web interface. To do this, in any computer browser (Opera, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Chrome) go to the address bar in the address bar: (usually all D-Link \ 'have this address by default). You will see the router's welcome message on your computer screen (see Figure 7)

To enter the D-Link web interface, you will need to enter your username and password, and then click on Login. By default, the Username is admin, the Password is admin. After entering the credentials, you will see a pop-up message from the router (see Fig. 8)

In this message, DIR-320 forcibly requests to change the default password, which will later be used to log into the router. You just have to click on OK and set a new password in the next window (see Fig. 9)

Here you need to enter a new Password and its Confirmation, after which it remains only to click on the Save button. Next, the router will offer to log in again, but with a new password (see Fig. 10). Well, there is nothing left but to enter the credentials again ...

Enter the Username and Password, and then click on Login. Next, you will be taken to the main menu of the D-Link DIR-320 (B1) router, where you will see the Device Information in front of you (see Fig. 11)

This is how D-Link's new web interface looks like. The author of this manual did not particularly like the interface in terms of appearance and usability, but the functionality in the new firmware has increased. Important: now, to save the configuration, after any changes to the settings (!), You must press the Save button in the upper right corner each time.

Firmware update for D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router
Now we recommend making sure that the latest firmware version is installed in the Dir-320 / nru router! For inexperienced users, let's explain: firmware is the internal software of the router. In new firmware versions, errors are usually corrected, and sometimes additional functionality is added. You can find out the current firmware version directly in the main menu (see Fig. 11). You will find the Firmware Version in the Device Information field. In our particular case, we are dealing with version 1.2.94.
Now you need to make sure that there are no firmware updates on the manufacturer's website. To do this, follow the link above to go to the manufacturer's ftp server and see - firmware updates for the DIR-320 / NRU (see Fig. 12). We see on the site only one file with the same version that is already installed in our router (judging by the file name). This means that there are currently no firmware updates available. But we will still download it to our computer and transfer it to the PC from which we configure our router in order to show how you can update the software of your router within the framework of this guide.

In the absence of new versions in this particular case, we will install the same version to show the essence of the flashing process. You will install yourself a newer version as soon as it appears on the manufacturer's website. We recommend that you check the Dlink ftp server every 3 months and check for updates!
So, let's move on to the procedure for updating the firmware in the D-Link router. This can be done in p. System - Software update (see Fig. 13)

You need to tell the router where the firmware file is located. To do this, click on the Select file button and in Windows Explorer get to the file with the firmware for the DIR-320 / NRU, click on the Open button, and then on Update.
After that, the router will start updating its firmware, at this moment you just have to wait for the end of the process.
Attention!!! During the next 3 minutes, do not turn off the power of the wireless router or interrupt the flashing process by any other action!
In the process of updating the software, you will see a progress indicator on the screen (see Fig. 14)

After a while, the router will flood the new firmware into its bowels, reboot and offer to re-authorize (see Fig. 10). Please note that the router will reset all its previous settings after flashing. Enter your username and password (admin and admin), and then click on Login again. The router will again ask you to change the default password, but we have already gone through all this in Fig. 8-10.
If everything happened as described above, then you can accept our congratulations - you have successfully updated the firmware of your D-Link DIR-320 / NRU! If the router did not issue an authorization window, and repeated attempts to log into 5 minutes after the start of the firmware update do not bring success, then an emergency has most likely happened to the router. Restart it through a power interruption and if there is no response, contact the manufacturer's service center!
Now it's time to make sure that the router is updated with the firmware that we uploaded to it. This information will be indicated in the D-Link DIR-320 / NRU main menu (see Fig. 15)

Here we can see that version 1.2.94 is installed with a build time of Aug 3, 2011. Before that, we had an assembly dated May 13, 2011 (see Fig. 11). With the firmware update completed, now let's move on to direct configuration of our D-Link DIR-320 / NRU.

Setting up an Internet connection in D-Link DIR-320 / NRU
Now it's time to set up your router's connection to your ISP. In D-Link DIR-320 NRU, this can be done in p. Connections - WAN (see fig. 16)

As we already warned above, in this guide we will show how to configure the D-Link DIR-320 NRU router using DHCP and PPTP VPN protocols. If your Internet access is provided using a different protocol, then here you will need to contact technical support for clarifications on setting up.

First, we will configure the DIR-320 NRU in DHCP mode
To do this, click on the line of the WAN interface (Fig. 16), then you will see a window of its detailed settings called Network / Connections (see Fig. 17)

In the DHCP mode (automatic obtaining of IP parameters from the provider), no special difficulties should arise with D-Link DIR-320 / NRU configuration. To do this, leave the option in the IPoE position in the Connection Type field.
In the MAC field, you can enter your own value for the physical address of the router (via the WAN interface). This can be very useful when the provider has implemented the binding of the MAC address to the IP address of clients in the network. Since each network device has its own unique MAC address, this option avoids calls to the provider when replacing network equipment connected over the last mile (for example, replacing equipment from a network card to a router). You can make the MAC address in the router identical to the MAC address of your computer, on which you worked before installing the router. If you want to use a router with a “non-native” MAC address in the provider's network, fill in this option. If you want to register the MAC address of the router, you will have to make a call to your provider and tell him the MAC address, which can be found on the bottom of the router (six pairs of alphanumeric letters).
Then leave the checkboxes for Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. This will make the router automatically pick up the settings from the DHCP server of the ISP.
We will not change any options here, in DHCP mode everything will work and so 😉
It remains only to click on the Save button.
And then do not forget to click on the Save button in the next window in Fig. 18, so that after rebooting the router "does not forget" the settings.

Now is the time to check if the settings are working. This can be done in p. Status - Network statistics (see fig. 19)

Here in the WAN field you can see information that the DHCP client of the router has successfully received the necessary IP parameters from the provider. In fact, you can already surf the Internet from a computer that is connected to the LAN interface of the DIR-320 / NRU router.

Now let's configure the DIR-320 NRU router in PPTP VPN mode
VPN is often used by home providers to provide Internet access. Configuring the D-Link DIR-320 NRU router in PPTP mode is performed in the already familiar p. Connections (see Fig. 20). To connect via PPTP or L2TP, here you need to create a new interface. (Note: to begin with, we still need to configure the router to work via the WAN interface with the ipoe connection type. If your provider does not have a DHCP scheme in the local network, you will probably have to first configure the WAN ipoe in Static IP mode).

In this menu, we need to create another interface for connecting via PPTP. To do this, click on the Add button, after which a menu for configuring the new interface will open on the screen (see Fig. 21).

To configure the router to work via a VPN connection, you must set the Connection type option to the PPTP position. (Note: if your provider provides L2TP access, then this protocol is selected in the same menu).
Next, let's consider the rest of the necessary options for configuring the DIR-320 / NRU in PPTP mode [top-down]:
wanPPTPSNameType - allows you to specify how the VPN server address is specified: as a domain name or as an IP address. If the provider recommends specifying the server address in the form of a domain name, then choose the URL option, but if in the form of an IP address, then the IP option. (Advice: look into your agreement with the provider and find out how it is recommended to indicate the VPN server address there. You can also contact technical support for clarification);
Server address - this is where the VPN server address mentioned above is indicated. Either as a domain name or as an IP - depending on the wanPPTPSNameType option;
PPP Username - this option is used to enter a login for authorization with the VPN server. You can find it in your contract with your provider.
Password is the password for connecting to the VPN server of the provider (see your agreement).
Password confirmation - here you will need to re-enter the password for authentication on the VPN server to avoid typing errors;
Encryption - here you can activate encryption of data transmitted over the VPN. Usually, providers do not use VPN tunnel encryption, so we leave the option - No encryption.
Authentication algorithm - here you can select the type of authentication supported by the provider's VPN server. For more information, you can contact technical support. But you can also choose the AUTO option, then the router itself will try to choose a compatible authentication option.
No other options in this menu can be touched. After clicking on the Save tunnel button, the provider's VPN server should be successfully installed.

You can check if the VPN session has risen in the Connections menu (see fig. 22). In order for traffic to go through the VPN tunnel, be sure to set the Default gateway checkbox opposite the PPTP connection and save the settings via the button in the upper right corner!

The inscription that the PPTP type is in the Connected state indicates successful actions on your part. If the inscription Connected does not appear, then somewhere in the previous stages a mistake was made ...

Configuring routing (routing) for access to local resources
The next step when configuring D-Link routers in PPTP VPN mode is usually filling in the routing table. This procedure is necessary for simultaneous access to the local resources of the provider's network with an established VPN connection. Actually, if you are not very interested in local resources, then you can skip this stage. For those who are going to use local services such as FTP or DC ++ in the future, they will have to configure routing. You can do this in DIR-320 / NRU in the Advanced - Routing section (see fig. 23)

This menu is a table for entering static routes. You can find out the static routes that are needed in your particular case in the technical support of your provider.
To create a new local route in D-Link DIR-320 / NRU, you need to click the Add button, then a window will appear for creating a new routing rule (see Fig. 24).

Here, in the Destination network field, indicate the destination area of ​​this route.
In the Destination network mask field, specify the subnet mask for a specific route.
In the Gateway field, specify the address of your local gateway (you can find it out from your contract or you could see it in the state of the LAN connection on the computer that was connected to the provider's cable before installing the router).
You can put one in the Metric field. This value specifies the priority for this particular routing rule.
In the Via interface field, you can leave the option, then the D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router will itself determine which interface it is more expedient to use this route on.
To create a rule, you just have to click on the Save button.
In such a simple way, you should enter all the necessary rules in the routing table. As a result, local traffic will go exactly in the directions that you indicated in your rules.
You can see in fig. 25 (just do not forget that the local gateway address is individual in each case!

After entering all the necessary routes, it remains to save the parameters of the router by clicking on the Save button. This completes the routing configuration in the D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router.
Configuring Wi-Fi connection in D-Link DIR-320 / NRU
The D-Link DIR-320 / NRU router, unlike its predecessor, DIR-320, supports a faster Wi-Fi communication standard, which allows data transmission over a wireless network at speeds up to 150 Mbps when using the appropriate Wi-Fi equipment from the client side (adapter !!! D-Link DWA-140 is suitable !!!). Setting up a wireless Wi-Fi network in new D-Link \ 's of the DIR series is performed in the Wi-Fi - General settings (see Fig. 26)

Here you can completely turn off the Wi-Fi module in your router. Then the router will go from wireless to wired. Next, we will go to the Basic Settings item, in which you can set the name of the network and select the wireless standard (see Fig. 27):

Hide access point - disables the broadcast of the network identifier (SSID), this allows you to hide your network from devices running Windows, acting as a security tool. However, in this case you will have to create a profile for connecting to a wireless network manually.
SSID is the name of the wireless network (network identifier). Under this name, the network will be visible in wireless Wi-Fi clients.
Country - all Russians can leave the option Russian Federation.
Channel - forced selection of a channel for wireless communication. We do not recommend dealing with channel number 6, since most Wi-Fi equipment works on this channel by default (few users change it). Ideally, we recommend choosing either Channel 1 or Channel 12 to minimize the chance of interference with neighboring networks.
Wireless Mode - here you can choose between 802.11g or 802.11n wireless mode, and maybe even the legacy 802.11b or a combination of both. In mixed operating mode (802.11 B / G / N mixed), keep in mind that the overall network speed when connecting diverse clients will drop to the level of the slowest client.
Below you can set the Maximum number of clients that will connect to the router.
Then you just have to click on Change and you can proceed to setting up encryption on the network.
Encryption of the wireless network is configured in p. Security settings (see Fig. 28)

In the Network Authentication option, you can select the encryption algorithm for the wireless network. We recommend opting for the most versatile WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK mixed option - this will provide support for most modern Wi-Fi equipment.
In the PSK encryption key field, you set the password for your wireless Wi-Fi network. We recommend using a password of 8 to 10 characters long, consisting of upper and lower case letters, special characters and numbers. This minimizes the chances of a brute-forcing password guessing.
In the WPA encryption option, you can select the algorithm for WPA encryption. TKIP is less cryptographically secure than AES, but some wireless clients may not work with AES. We recommend installing the TKIP + AES option, then you will ensure compatibility with most Wi-Fi clients.
You can leave the default WPA key renewal period.
Then all that remains is to click on the Change button.
I would like to say a few words about one more option in the Advanced Wireless Settings (see fig. 29)

Here the TX power option is responsible for the radiation of the wireless antenna. You can experimentally lower it to such a level when it will be enough to cover the apartment / room, and the network will not look out of the apartment too much. This will reduce the likelihood of hacking your wireless network from your hacker neighbors :) And it will affect your health for the better, especially if you quit smoking 😉
This completes the configuration of the wireless Wi-Fi network in D-Link DIR-320 / NRU. To use Wi-Fi at home, the manipulations discussed above will be quite enough for you.
Now you can turn on your laptop and connect it to the Wi-Fi network.

Port forwarding for DC and torrent in D-Link DIR-320 NRU
Configuring port forwarding (port forwarding or Port Forwarding) must be done if you plan to use programs and devices in your home network that require unsolicited access to them from the provider's local network or external Internet. For example, this may be required in case of access to a home VEB IP camera or when working with file-sharing services such as torrent or DC ++. The principle of port forwarding is as follows: You yourself tell the DIR-320 / NRU router what type of unsolicited traffic from outside the router should be forwarded to a specific IP address of the home network.
Consider port forwarding in D-Link DIR-320 NRU for DC and Utorrent:
You can configure Port Forwarding in the D-Link router in p. Firewall - Virtual Servers (see Fig. 30). New rules are created after clicking the Add button.

In this menu of the Dlink router, you can create the necessary rules for port forwarding. Moreover, these rules can be created both on the basis of ready-made templates and for specific traffic.

Consider below how to route ports in the D-Link DIR-320NRU router for the DC ++ file-sharing program (see Fig. 31):

In the DC connection settings, you will need to activate the Firewall connection mode with manual port forwarding. For file exchange within the provider's network, in the External / WAN IP field, enter the intranet IP address that the provider gives you under the contract. If you intend to work with DC ++ on the external Internet, then in the External / WAN IP field you will need to enter your dedicated / external IP address (for more information, contact your provider).
In the Ports: TCP and UDP field, you need to enter the values ​​of the ports through which you plan to further work with your client DC. We recommend that you choose port values ​​that are easy to remember, but which are not occupied by the system.
Then we will return to the port forwarding menu in our D-Link DIR-320nru (see Fig. 30), click on the Add button to create a new rule (see Fig. 32):

Since our redirect rule does not match any pattern, we leave the Custom option.
Next, in the Name field, we will indicate the name of our first forwarding rule (think of it as you wish).
Leave the Interface option in the WAN position.
In the Protocol field, set the TCP / UDP option, since the DC client uses both types of traffic. In all lines with ports, we will specify the same value - 11111, which corresponds to the value of the ports in our DC client. Let's explain a little here - a router, according to this rule, transfers TCP and UDP traffic from an external port to an internal one. The capabilities of the router allow you to pass several ports at once in one rule (for example, from 11111 to 11115), but in our case this is not required, so the start and end ports in our example are the same.
In the Internal IP field, you must specify the value of the internal IP address of the computer in your local network to which the router needs to forward traffic. You can find out the internal IP address in the state of a local network connection on this computer (see Fig. 6). Its value must exactly match the value in our router's port forwarding rule.
Then click on Change, after which the router saves the rule in its memory.
Now let's look at D-Link DIR-320 / NRU port forwarding for Utorrent. Let's open the Utorrent settings in terms of connection parameters and bring them into the following form (see Fig. 33):

The D-Link DIR-320 router is considered one of the most popular. It is not uncommon for a person to buy a D Link router, bring it home, and then call the Internet provider and say: “I bought it and I can't configure it”. Let's take a brief look at the technical characteristics and appearance.

Appearance and characteristics

There is little to say about the characteristics, because all routers are extremely similar. The wireless standard is 802.1g / b. On a Wi-Fi router, in addition to LAN ports, there is 1 USB port. The antennas on the modem are removable. To be more precise, there is only one antenna in it. The device itself supports PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP connection protocols.

On the front of the device there are various indicators, light bulbs that allow you to monitor the state of certain characteristics:

  • First comes the standard power indicator to show if the router is powered on
  • Further there are indicators showing the state of the Internet, wireless network "Wi-Fi".
  • Then there are 4 local port LEDs. They show if there is any connection to the router via a LAN cable, and if so, through which port.
  • The last USB indicator that shows if the USB port is enabled.

There are various ports and connectors on the back of the machine where you need to insert cords and cables for proper installation:

  • First there is one antenna, which allows communication to reach further through the house or apartment.
  • Then comes one USB connector, it has a green outline.
  • Then there are 4 blue local ports, they are needed to connect using a LAN cable.
  • Then one WAN or INTERNET connector for connecting the Internet to our modem.
  • The penultimate connector is needed to connect the power supply.
  • The last button is labeled "RESET". It is needed to reset the settings, with its help they reset the password. The button itself is located inside the hole, which protects it from accidental pressing, because after resetting the password, the router has to be re-configured.

Installing the router

Before configuring anything, the modem must be unpacked and installed in a convenient place for us. It is important that there is an outlet nearby, so that the Internet cable can reach there, so that there is a PC nearby.

There is nothing difficult in the installation. For proper installation, you just need to connect the electricity to the router, connect the computer and the Internet via cords. An internet cable is provided by an internet company. At this stage, the configuration and installation of D Link DNS to the required location is complete.

Complete router configuration

Before starting to configure the Internet and a wireless network, before configuring the D Link DIR 320 router, we need to check if the computer is correctly connected to the modem.

Checking the connection

To check the connection of a computer that runs on the Windows 7 operating system, we need to go to "Start", then to the standard computer control panel. (It's easier to do as in the instructions for the screenshots, it will help you set up the D Link DIR 320).

Now we need to select "View network status and tasks".

After we have selected the required item, we need to click "Change adapter parameters".

Now you need to look at the "Local Area Connections" properties.

We need to see if the correct Internet Protocol version 4 properties are there.

Here we put the checkboxes, if they are not there, everything is opposite the automatic setting, as in the screenshot. And click "OK".

In the event that you have Windows 10 on your PC, then follow the other instructions. "Start", and then you need to click on "Options".

We click on the sub-item "Network and Internet".

On the left in the menu, you need to click on Ethernet, then look at configuring the adapter parameters, as in the first instruction.

Now we also look at the properties of the LAN network.

We look at the properties for the fourth version.

Set the automatic configurations again and click "OK".

Now we are sure that the connection is working properly, if not, then we update the software. And on the updated router, you can now perform some actions.

Internet connection setup

To perform any further actions, we need to enter the settings of the router. This happens through the browser, there we go to or - these are sites. This must be done on a PC that does not have an internet connection.

In the window that opened, we are asked to enter Login & Password. By standard, the username and password are identical - admin.

Now we have entered the center of all configurations, we need to change the interface language to Russian, to make it easier. In the upper right corner, where Languages, select "Russian".


Let's consider a standard PPPoE setup. The latter is the type of connection, it must be checked with the provider. All important configuration information can be found in the contract. So, first of all, you should look there.

In the "Network" block, click on WAN. In the window that was just opened, you need to click "add". Here we do as shown in the screenshot.

You need to choose the type of connection PPPoE, or the one that is prescribed by the Internet company in your contract.

Then we indicate the username and password, they are numbered 2 and 3,4. This data is in the contract with the Internet company.

After that we press "Apply". Now the Internet should appear on your computer.

PPTP with dynamic address

First, to perform debugging, we need to follow the WAN link, which is located in the "Network" block. On the new page, click "Add".

1. The type of connection, as in the title of this sub-item, is PPTP with a dynamic address.

3. Next, we need to provide a username and password. This data must be provided by the provider.

4. It's the same with the VPN server. It must be provided by the provider.

5. We press to apply.

PPTP with static address

In order to configure the static connection, you need to add a new connection. This must be done in the WAN window, it is located in the "Network" section. We select the type of connection that we need - PPTP + static.

1. After that you need to fill in the fields in the IP item. All required fields must be specified. And we can request the data from the provider, support service, or find it in paper contracts.

2. Now the settings of the VPN item. Immediately check the box opposite the automatic setting. After that we register all the selected fields. This is a username and twice a password, they must be in the contract. As well as the address of the VPN server.

3. Click apply.

Setting up a wireless network

Setting up Wi-Fi is even easier. To do this, in the Wi-Fi block, select the basic settings (if you can't find it, then first you need to click on the advanced settings at the bottom of the page).

After that you need to check the box next to "enable wireless connection". Then we indicate the necessary data. SSID is the name of your Wi-Fi. Here we write any, only in English letters. Click "Apply".

Now you need to put a password on Wi-Fi. To password-protect the Wi-Fi, select "Security Settings".

In the "network authentication" field, select WPA2-PSK. The encryption key, which is numbered 2, is the WiFi password. After the new password has been entered, we need to save. To do this, click on "Save and Restart", this is at number 3.

Now all questions about how the D Link Dir 320 nru router is configured should disappear. Sometimes, before configuring the router, we need to learn how to flash the D Link Dir 320 router. But we will talk about this and how to create a network storage using the D-Link DIR router in another article.

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Fast Internet for you!

  1. Plug the power adapter of your router into a power outlet.
  2. Connect the provider's cable to the WAN port of the router.
  3. In the LAN port, plug the patch cord (blue) into the network card of your computer.
  4. Change the TCP / IP parameters of your computer's NIC to "Receive settings automatically" (DHCP):
  • TCP / IP protocol settings in Windows XP: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Network Connections" - "Local Area Connection" - "Properties" - "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)".
  • TCP / IP protocol settings in Windows 7: Left-click on the icon (computer with cable) - Select "Network and Sharing Center" at the bottom - on the left click "Change adapter settings" - Local Area Connection - Properties - Internet Protocol TCP / IP v4.

The D-Link DIR-300 NRU Wi-Fi router assigns IP addresses from the range, after a while your computer should receive the required address by itself. If no IP is assigned, the firewall is most likely the cause. You can register IP parameters on the computer manually:

  • IP -
  • Subnet mask -
  • Default gateway -
  • DNS -

How to connect to D-Link DIR-300 NRU / D-Link DIR-320 Wi-Fi router

We go to the web interface of your router.

Open any browser on your computer (Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla) and write the following address in the address bar: (this IP is used by all D-Link routers). A window will appear asking you to enter your username and password. By default, User Name is admin, Password is blank. After entering the login-password pair, you will be taken to the main menu of the router. Before you start configuring the router, update the firmware, which will increase the stability of the router, and making sure from your own experience, will save you from interruptions in the connection.

Updating the router firmware

First, check the current firmware version in the web interface: item Maintenance - Firmware update

Here you can also update the firmware in the section Firmware upgrade... You can download the firmware of your router from the manufacturer's FTP server (find your router model and open the Firmware folder).

After downloading the current firmware version, go to the section Firmware upgrade, press the button "Overview…" and open the path to the file with the firmware by marking it, then click Upload(download).

Attention! Do not turn off the power of the Wi-Fi router while updating the firmware.

After completing the firmware update process, log into the web interface again.

Setting up the Internet on the DIR-300 NRU / D-Link DIR-320 router

Back in the web interface, go to Setup - Internet Setup, and then to the manual setup section - Manual Internet Connection Setup In chapter Manual Internet Connection Options to manually assign Internet connection parameters.

Setting up a wi-fi router. PPPoE connection

In the window Internet Connection Type choose My Internet Connection is: Dynamic IP (DHCP)... Field Host Name you can enter the name of the provider.

MAC Address. If your Internet provider has made a binding of the MAC address to the IP address of the computer, then you can duplicate the MAC address of your computer to the router using the " Clone MAC Address "(the router will automatically assign the MAC address of your computer's network card).

Primary DNS Address and Secondary DNS Address- the values ​​of the main and alternative DNS server are entered (you can find out them by calling the provider or see in your agreement with the provider). Leave the MTU field unchanged.

V Access Point Mode you can switch the D-Link router to the Access Point mode. Features: the LAN ports of the router are disabled, so the router does not create a local network. Check the box Enable Access Point Mode if only one computer should be connected to the Internet, and now click Save Settings to save the settings.

Setting up a wi-fi router. PPTP connection.

We pass to the point Setup Internet Setup - Manual Internet Connection Setup

In the field Internet Connection Type My Internet Connection is: select Russia PPTP (Dual Access)... In Dual Access mode, the router has access to the local resources of the provider's network with an active Internet connection (when the local gateway and the provider's VPN server are in different subnets).

Dynamic IP or Static IP- selection of the connection mode: DHCP (Dynamic IP) or manual IP address assignment (Static IP) (this parameter depends on the specifics of the Internet provider's access).

IP Address- network address (in the agreement with the provider or you need to find out from its technical support). It is necessary to fill in if using the mode - Static IP.

Subnet Mask, set by the provider (in the provider agreement). It is necessary to fill in if using the mode - Static IP.

Gateway- the main gateway (in the provider agreement). It is necessary to fill in if using the mode - Static IP.

DNS- DNS server address (domain name system server) (in the provider's agreement). It is necessary to fill in if using the mode - Static IP.

MAC Address... If your Internet provider has made a binding of the MAC address to the IP address of the computer, then you can duplicate the MAC address of your computer to the router using the button Clone MAC Address(the router will automatically assign the MAC address of your computer's network card).

Server IP / Name- address of the provider's PPTP VPN server (in the provider's agreement).

PPTP Account- login to connect to the VPN server. (in the provider agreement)

MPPE- activation of encryption of data transmitted over VPN (usually not used)

PPTP Password- password for connecting to the provider's VPN server (in the provider's agreement)

PPTP Confirm Password- confirm the password in this field

Maximum idle time- idle time before disconnecting the connection in the absence of traffic towards the VPN (in minutes)

MTU- the maximum size of the transmitted data packet (leave it as default). If the router is unstable, the value can be lowered to 1200-1300.

Connect mode select- select the connection mode: Always recommended (always), you can set Connect-on demand (connection on demand).

Now press Save Settings to save the settings.

Setting up a Wi-Fi connection on a D-Link DIR-300 (320) router

Go to the web interface item Setup - Wireless Setup and click the button below " Manual Wireless Connection Setup ".

Let's move on to the settings:

Enable Wireless- on off. Wi-Fi router module. Button " NewSсhedule " allows you to set its running time.

Wireless network name- come up with any name for the wireless network that will be displayed when scanning on client computers.

Enable Auto Channel Selection- activation of automatic selection of the wireless communication channel

Wireless Channel- manual selection of the wireless channel. It is recommended to use channel 1 or 12 to minimize the chance of interference with neighboring networks. In case of connection problems, change the parameter.

Transmission Rate- the speed of data transmission over the Wi-Fi network. Recommended Best (automatic)

WMM Enable- activation of support for QoS (quality of service) wireless communication.

Enable Hidden Wireless- hide your network from searching on client devices (connection is possible manually by specifying a name in addition to the password).

Wireless security mode the choice of the type of encryption in your Wi-Fi network is regulated. Highly recommended WPA / WPA2 encryption ( Enable WPA / WPA2 Wireless Security (enchanced)).

Cipher type- the type of WPA encryption algorithm. Recommended Auto (TKIP / AES), this algorithm is compatible with most devices. You can put AES, but if you connect to the network and the Internet does not work, return Auto (TKIP / AES).

PSK / EAP- WPA encryption mode:

  • personal mode (for personal use)
  • infrastructure (for organizations, a Radius server is required). Recommended home mode PSK.

Network key- set the encryption key for the Wi-Fi network (at least 8 characters long). The larger the variety of characters in the password and the length of the password, the less likely the network will be compromised.

Everything is set up, it remains to click "Save Settings".

Advanced wi-fi router settings

Additional settings can be accessed in the web interface item Advanced - Advanced Wireless.

Basic advanced settings option:

Transmit Power- the range of the Wi-Fi module of the router (for example: limit the range of the range of your apartment or room).

Attention! In an 802.11n wireless network, older devices such as 802.11g reduce the overall wireless speed to the lowest standard. (similar with 802.11b).

Congratulations! Now turn on the computer, use the wi-fi adapter. Your network should appear in the list of available ones, you just need to enter the password.

A dlink router, like other similar routers, serves to create a wireless network through which other wi fi devices connect to the Internet or a local network. To do this, he needs a wired internet connection via a modem.

Users with little experience may have some difficulties when connecting a wi fi router to Windows OS. D link, in comparison with other router manufacturers, has a more convenient system of router configuration settings, thanks to which, even people who are very far from computer technologies, will be able to configure it correctly.

In terms of price and quality ratio, d link devices occupy a leading position in the wi fi router market. In general, this company specializes in the development and production of network equipment, so its leadership in this area is well deserved.

One of the factors that determine the choice of equipment by users of the equipment produced by this company is a large selection of alternative firmware, which significantly increases productivity. High-quality support for its products also determines the choice of the buyer in favor of d link wi fi router devices.

Installation and connection

So, you are the proud owner of the d link router.

First, we unpack the device. In addition to the router itself, the kit must contain a couple of cables for connecting to the Internet and Ethernet. How to connect and configure d link router?

To connect a d link wi fi router, you need to do the following:

Instruction, power supply, patch cord, CD disk, router

  1. We connect an Ethernet cable to the DSL modem, its other end is connected via the WAN port to the router itself.
  2. We connect the PC to the router with the second Ethernet cable, for this you can use any Ethernet port of the router.
  3. The basic configuration of the router is configured using the web interface. In the browser, type the following in the address bar:
  4. On the page that opens, you will need to create a username and password for it. It is easier to use the “Admin” login, and leave the password field empty.
  5. Press enter, a window appears in which the d link configuration of the router is configured.

To configure a dlink router and wireless security system, you need to do the following:

  1. Change the password for access to the administrative menu. This is done in the "Tools" menu. In it, select the "Admin" tab, in which we enter the password.
  2. Next, we need to temporarily disable the wireless network.
  3. The next step is to enable wireless data protection (WEP protocol). This is done in the tab "Home" - "Wireless" - "OpenSystem". Turn on "WEP", set the key to protect "128 Bit". We set the key type "ASCII", in the field for the first key you need to enter a password. In order to increase the security level, you need to change the SSID. It is located in the same tab. After completing these steps, save the settings.

A considerable number of users are hesitant about the WEP security protocol. In such cases, preference is given to the latest, advanced developments, such as WPA and WPA II. The latter will maximize the protection of your wireless network. You can configure WPA II as follows. Open the "Wireless Security Mode" tab and click to enable the corresponding function.

You will need to determine the encryption algorithm. This is done in the "WPA Personal" window. The "AES" algorithm is considered the most progressive, for this reason it is better to choose it. After that, the type is selected. For home use, the most acceptable type will be PSK, which requires entering a password on all connected devices. EAP type is used by corporate users, it is better protected. Basically, it is a combination of different methods.

MAC address filtering is configured as follows:

1. Go to the configuration settings window, then go through the advanced settings tab, where we select "Filters"

2. Select the MAC filter, set the list of PC addresses that connect to your wireless network.

Configuring the d link 2540u router

First, you need to configure the TCP / IP protocol on your PC. To do this, using the example of WINDOWS XP, open the Start menu - Settings - Control Panel - Network Connections.

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Default gateway:
  4. Preferred DNS Server:
  5. Alternative DNS server:

Save and exit.

After making sure that the device is correctly connected to the PC, open the browser and enter the address bar: A page will appear where you will need to enter your username and password. After these data are entered, click OK.

We hope that the material in this article will help you install the d link router and configure it correctly.

The D-Link DIR-300 router has an 802.11n Wi-Fi access point on board and allows you to organize a wireless network at home, through which mobile gadgets can access the Internet and access each other's files. Correct configuration of the router not only helps to avoid hacking of the home network by "craftsmen", but also allows you to significantly increase the speed of Wi-Fi and increase the coverage area of ​​the D-Link DIR-300.

After the D-Link DIR-300 router is connected to the provider's network, you can set up Wi-Fi, set a password and distribute the Internet to wireless devices. The access point can be configured in three ways:

  1. Using the "Wireless Network Settings Wizard";
  2. Manual setting of parameters;
  3. Automatically via WPS protocol.

Quick setup

The DIR-300 provides for setting using the "Wizard". This method requires minimal effort and allows you to set up a Wi-Fi network in seconds without diving into the technical details.

To establish a connection, you need to enter the web interface of the router and select the "Wireless Network Settings Wizard" section. Depending on the firmware, the "Master" can be located in different places of the interface, but all options and menu items in different versions of the software have the same name. The procedure for working with the "Wizard":

Set the network mode "Access point".

Enter the name of the access point - the name of the Wi-Fi network, which will be displayed on all connected devices. For security reasons, it is not recommended to leave the default name "DIR-300".

Select the "Protected network" item and come up with a password that the router will ask for from the connected devices.

After completing these simple steps and applying the changes, the Wi-Fi configuration using the "Wizard" will be completed and the D-Link DIR-300 will be completely ready for use.

Manual setting

Unlike quick setup, manual configuration takes into account the specifics of connected devices and neighboring networks, which can improve throughput and receive quality.

Basic manual configuration of a Wi-Fi network for home use on the DIR-300 is performed in 2 stages:

  1. Setting basic network parameters;
  2. Configuring security settings.

basic settings

The main parameters of the wireless network are located in the control panel of the router on the "Wi-Fi - Basic settings" tab. To go to this item in the "dark gray" interface, you will need to switch to the advanced mode.

Description of functions:

  • The option "Enable wireless connection" controls the power supply of the access point. For devices to use WiFi connection, the checkbox must be checked.
  • Disabling the broadcasting of the Wi-Fi network without deactivating the radio module may be necessary when using the DIR-300 in client mode. If you uncheck this checkbox in standard mode, then the wireless connection between the router and all devices will be interrupted.
  • The MBSSID and BSSID parameters are configured when the router is used to serve multiple wireless networks at the same time. At home, such a scenario is unlikely, and if there is a single network, these parameters cannot be changed.
  • If you check the "Hide access point" checkbox, the name of the WiFi network will no longer be displayed both on other people's devices and on trusted ones. In this case, the router will not stop broadcasting. To establish a new client connection, you will need to enter the SSID manually. This function is implemented in D-Link DIR-300 for security purposes.
  • The selection of the channel can be entrusted to the router's firmware, leaving the value "auto", but automatic configuration is not always adequate, which often leads to a drop in the wireless speed of the router. To manually select the correct channel, you need to evaluate the performance of neighboring Wi-Fi networks. In the "light" air interface D-Link DIR-300, when selected, a histogram appears, showing the channel load.

The less the channel is loaded, the higher the bandwidth, and hence the wireless transmission speed. For a more detailed study of the situation, you can use one of the free programs, for example, WiFi-Analyzer.

Configuring security

Professional hackers hunt for corporate secrets and are unlikely to be interested in breaking into someone's home hotspot. But there are amateurs who can "harmlessly" guess the password in order to use the "free" Internet or connect to the webcam of someone else's computer. Therefore, it is still not worth neglecting elementary safety rules.

The security settings for the wireless network are located in the control panel of the router on the "WiFi - Security Settings" tab. To go to this item in the "dark gray" interface, you will need to switch to the advanced mode.

Description of functions:

  • The network authentication method that excludes the objective possibility of hacking is WPA2. In corporate Wi-Fi networks, access through the RADIUS server is used, and the preset PSK password is suitable for a home network. Thus, WPA2-PSK will provide maximum protection.
  • The encryption key is the same password that you need to enter on the WiFi device to connect to the D-Link DIR-300. A complex password and correct configuration are the most important conditions for network security. You cannot set simple numeric or dictionary combinations as a password, as well as the date of birth. A good password contains more than 8 characters: numbers, special characters, and case sensitive letters. Regardless of the complexity, selection of the key is only a matter of time, so it is recommended to change the password to a new one every month.
  • AES is a data encryption technology. Provides cryptographic strength of the key without lowering the wireless transmission rate, therefore it is well suited for use in the 802.11n standard. The update period should be left at the default 3600 seconds.
  • Pre-Authentication via Adjacent APs is only used in complex networks with multiple routers.

After completing these steps and applying the changes, the Wi-Fi security setting will be completed and the D-Link D-300 will be ready for safe operation.

Connecting using WPS

The WPS protocol was developed to simplify the setup of a Wi-Fi network. For the user, the essence of the technology lies in the fact that the router is paired with any WPS-compatible TV, smartphone or tablet without having to enter a password: when you press a button on the router's case, the devices exchange a digital access code and connect automatically.

Depending on the hardware revision of the router, the button can be located on the side or back of the case.

Brief instructions for connecting to D-Link DIR-300 via WPS using the example of an Android device:

Select the "WPS Button" option.

Press the WPS button on the DIR-300 body.

After a few seconds, a successful connection message will appear.

Thus, in just 4 simple steps, you can connect any WPS-compatible device to the router without entering any password.

Despite the convenience of this pairing method, the WPS protocol has the lowest security: when exchanging identification packets between devices, a digital code is used that can be easily picked up by spyware.

Additional features

  • The MAC filter in D-Link DIR-300 is an auxiliary means of protection against unauthorized Wi-Fi connections. Allows you to configure both black and white lists of MAC addresses.

  • WiFi Clients List displays up-to-date information about connected devices. The function allows you to forcibly disconnect any user from the home network.

  • The "WPS" tab provides access to the options for easy pairing of devices.
  • On the "Additional settings" tab, you need to pay attention to 2 important parameters: "TX power" and "Channel width".

The transmitter power is expressed as a percentage. The higher it is, the wider the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi network.

The channel width can be selected automatically - 20/40, or manually adjusted. The wider the channel, the greater the bandwidth, i.e. the speed.

The 40 MHz channel provides a noticeable increase in speed, but is less resistant to interference from neighboring networks than 20 MHz. In addition, as you approach the edge of the coverage area, the bandwidth of the 40 MHz channel is greatly reduced. To improve reception, you will need to tune the D-Link DIR-300 transmitter to maximum power, but then the router will start emitting too strong a stream of radio waves, which will "hammer" weak waves from the antennas of mobile gadgets. This will significantly reduce the wireless transmission rate on devices operating in the vicinity of the router. Thus, it is possible to select the optimal values ​​of power and channel width only by measuring the speed and coverage directly at the DIR-300 installation site.

  • It is not recommended to change the values ​​of other parameters on the "Additional settings" tab by users who do not have special knowledge.
  • WMM technology - WiFi-Multimedia optimizes wireless traffic for multimedia applications. To improve speed performance while watching online videos or Skype calls, this option must be enabled. It is not recommended to change the parameter values.
  • In the "Client" mode, the DIR-300 can connect to another router to organize a complex infrastructure in large houses or offices, as well as when connected to a provider's Wi-Fi network.

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