How to use public Wi-Fi networks safely? How can you keep your public network safe.

How to use public Wi-Fi networks safely? How can you keep your public network safe.


On June 25, on Kharkovskaya Street in the city of Ulan-Ude, a large fire was extinguished in one of the two-story houses. Presumably, there was an explosion of a gas cylinder, which contributed to the rapid spread of the flame.

What can gas explode in a house?

This can happen if gas, due to a malfunction of the gas pipeline or carelessness of residents, has entered the room. For this, a small source of fire is sufficient - from a match or from the sparks of a light switch.

Users of gas partitions should know and strictly observe the following rules for their use and care:

  • The gas bottle must be level on a solid surface, at an angle of 90 degrees. The cylinder must be at least 1.5 meters away from the stove, stove or radiator;
  • Do not change the gas cylinder if there is a fire or electrical appliances on. Each time with such a replacement, it is also necessary to change the gasket between the cylinder valve and the regulator;
  • Remember that you cannot store more than two cylinders in one room. It is also forbidden to store them in a room where the temperature rises above 40-45 ° and in direct sunlight;
  • Keep children away from gas appliances;
  • Use only serviceable and normally working gas appliances, in no case should you use home-made gas appliances that are not fully equipped with handicraft appliances;
  • Observe the sequence of switching on gas appliances: first light a match, and then open the gas supply;
  • If the gas supply is interrupted, immediately close the shut-off valve at the burner and the spare on the gas pipeline;
  • Do not use gas stoves to heat an apartment;
  • To avoid gas leaks, make sure that boiling liquids do not flood the fire during cooking;
  • Clean burners regularly;
  • Do not tie ropes to gas pipes, stove, tap, do not hang laundry and other things on them;
  • Do not store cylinders with flammable gases in individual residential buildings, apartments and living rooms, as well as in kitchens, on escape routes, in basements, in basements and attic rooms, on balconies and loggias;
  • Refuel gas cylinders only at specialized points;
  • Do not connect or disconnect gas stoves in apartments yourself;
  • When leaving home, do not forget to turn off the gas stove and turn off the valve on the cylinder.

This is especially important for summer residents leaving their homes for a long time.

How to check for gas leaks?

There is a simple method for detecting a leak - this is a regular soap solution. You will also need a brush - you can use a shaving brush or a thick paint brush. Soak a brush in soapy water and coat the gas line. If gas leaks, you will notice small soap bubbles at the gas outlet.

Never use lighters or matches to check the leak - it is very dangerous! Better yet, call the gasman.

It smells like gas. What to do?

  1. Stop using the gas appliance: turn off the gas on the stove, turn off the gas pipe.
  2. Eliminate the appearance of ignition sources: open flames and sparks (matches, cigarettes, lighters, electrical switches, household appliances, electric calls, telephones).
  3. Immediately remove all family members from the premises, warn neighbors about what happened and urgently ventilate all premises, including basements.
  4. Call the emergency service of the gas facilities by phone "04" or firefighters and rescuers by phone "01", from the mobile phone "101", "010".
  5. Leave the gas-polluted room before the arrival of emergency services and the elimination of the accident.

An explosion of domestic gas in a room can cause the building or part of it to collapse, fire, injury or death.

The magic time of New Year's holidays is approaching, which means it's time to travel.

The modern user wants to be in touch everywhere and 24 hours a day. Travel is not a reason to give up constant communication. Just the opposite. While traveling, users are increasingly using their gadgets in a variety of situations - from searching for information about attractions to paying for air tickets. But what dangers can lie in wait for them? And how to secure online tourists and their gadgets while traveling? asked about this from the specialists of Kaspersky Lab.

Internet on the go. Is it safe?

According to statistics, many literally do not let go of their gadgets - smartphones, tablets, laptops. Moreover, they do not part with them even when traveling - after all, with their help, you can publish photos on social networks, check in, write statuses and keep abreast of all events. 50% of users actively use the Internet in public transport, 44% connect it in their car, 70% press buttons right in bed, barely waking up.

If we take into account the fact that many of them store important confidential information on their personal devices, the loss of which can lead to significant financial troubles, then one can understand why hackers are extremely interested in such users.

Paradoxically, few users, storing important data on their devices, think about their security. Despite the fact that hackers can easily intercept data and passwords, only 27% restrict their activity and perform only safe actions when using open networks. These are the statistics of Kaspersky Lab.

Most of the users are not so vigilant - for example, 17% register on sites and go to their accounts, and 4% even make purchases or banking transactions in open networks. At the same time, gadgets, which often connect to public open Wi-Fi networks, are especially vulnerable to cyber threats.

Insecure connection. How do I protect my data when using open Wi-Fi?

There are some fairly simple rules to keep personal information private when using open Wi-Fi hotspots in cafes, hotels, airports and other public places.

So, for example, you should not unconditionally trust those networks that you can immediately enter and start working on the Internet without any passwords. Such Wi-Fi connections, as a rule, are provided today in all shopping centers, clubs, cinemas and even transport.

However, if you see that the network is asking for a password, you should also be vigilant. Fraudsters can find out the password to the network, for example, in a coffee shop, and then create a fake connection with the same password. This makes it easy to steal a person's personal data. In this case, you should only trust the network names and passwords provided by the employees of this institution.

To be as safe as possible, you should turn off your Wi-Fi connection when you are not using it. It will also save battery power. Experts also advise turning off the automatic connection to existing Wi-Fi connections.

In the event that you are not 100% sure about the security of the wireless network you are using, but you still need to go online, try to get by with simple actions, for example, checking mail, reading social networks. But in such a situation, you should not make any transactions in an online bank or enter your confidential data somewhere (bank card number and especially CVV code).

Some social networks require manual security settings. In order not to worry about potential attacks by cyber fraudsters, it is enough to enable the "Always use a secure connection" (HTTPS) item in the settings. It is recommended that you enable this feature when visiting all services that you are not sure about properly protecting.

If possible, you should use a virtual private network (VPN) connection. This is a great data protection option, the only thing is that it is not free. Traffic on such a network is routed through a secure tunnel in encrypted form.

You should definitely use specialized complex anti-virus protection tools. They warn of potential danger if you connect to a questionable Wi-Fi network, and will not allow you to transfer passwords if there is a threat of leakage.

How to prepare your gadget for vacation?

To maximize your safety on vacation, you should prepare your device for the trip.

So, it is advisable to set a PIN code on all your devices. The lock will save you from unauthorized access to your data, as well as just from prying eyes.

In addition, it is advisable to install a program to track the location of the device and lock it in case of loss or theft of the device. For example, the Anti-Theft feature in Kaspersky Internet Security for Android will allow you to remotely turn on the siren if you lose your phone. In addition, you can track the location of the device on the map, lock it and take a photo of whoever has it. As a last resort, you can even wipe the device memory remotely. So, at least, photos and contacts will not fall into the wrong hands.

Also, train yourself in advance not to share sensitive data while connecting to public Wi-Fi networks.

Be sure to update your device software before traveling and back up all files. And put a pop-up blocker in your browser.

Additionally, you should worry about the safety of other devices and devices that you take with you and that can be synchronized with your mobile device. Install a comprehensive antivirus for smartphones and tablets on Android, as well as for laptops on Windows and Mac.

If you go to the post office, you can see a number of people politely queuing up (not only retirees), who hold in their hands forms of rent, electricity or telephone.

Meanwhile, electronic bank payments can be used today. Just remember a few rules.

Follow a few basic safety guidelines and you will provide yourself with even more comfort and peace of mind.

First, protect your computer by using electronic banking services.

Install legitimate software, antivirus and firewall on it. Legality is at a premium.

Pirated software does not provide you with the correct updates, and can also be created by criminals and contain harmful viruses.

If they infect your computer, their software can hijack your sensitive information.

Antivirus programs and firewalls should also not be taken from unknown sources.

It is in your best interest to update them constantly. Each new version is better prepared to protect your computer from attacks and malware.

Do not use the same password for all sites. When entering the site, make sure you entered the correct URL or web address.

Be careful, sometimes a small typo can redirect you to a malicious resource.

Make sure your connection is encrypted. An indication of this is when the web address begins with HTTPS: // and a closed padlock icon.

Avoid locations with computers that are accessible by more than one person (such as internet cafes) and unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

In order to protect your data, clear your cache - whenever you use electronic banking on your computer, do not forget to log out of your account, because your registration data can be saved in browser sessions.

Not every email address is worth answering. This could be a phishing attempt, so ignore these messages and be careful not to click on the active hyperlink it contains.

Online shopping is generally cheaper, faster, and a more convenient way to buy. However, in order to be safe, use the services of reliable online stores.

According to various estimates, about 1/3 of Internet users currently use Internet banking.

Given that about half of the population has access to the network, it can be assumed that 15-20% of people use transactional services. This is surprisingly small.

However, it is popular to pay bills at the post office, supermarkets or shops.

The payments are lonely, but apparently many are worried about security.

Young people are better educated and they use more online banking.

One exception is entrepreneurs who are looking for ways to reduce costs, en masse, regardless of age, and are switching to e-banking.

Most of all, people are afraid of leaking login, password and fake bank web pages.

Recently, the media has also scared the electronic payers hard.

Some banks do not set operating limits, which makes it easy to clean up your account after a credit card is stolen.

This problem also has an aspect of internet connectivity. On banking sites, contactless payments are often not recorded at all until they are finally settled.

Therefore, it is difficult for users to quickly respond to suspicious transactions. Good luck.

With the advent of bank cards, everyday life has become much easier. With the help of modern banking technologies, you can easily pay for utilities, order a plane or train ticket, or purchase something in online stores.

People no longer have to stand in endless lines for utility bills, theater tickets or train tickets. Everything has become much faster and more convenient. But has it become safer?

What are the dangers of online payments?

Each owner of a plastic card should be aware that every time a purchase is made with a bank card, all information goes to the bank. There it is checked for plausibility. If the verification is successful, the bank will transfer the funds to the merchant's account and the purchase will be completed.

Attackers always strive to collect as much data as possible about the card (its number, expiration date) and its owner. Then they pay at the expense of the unsuspecting cardholder for their purchases via the Internet or transfer funds to their personal account.

What is a phishing site?

This term "phishing" comes from two combined English words "fishing" - fishing or fishing, fishing and "password" - password. It is this word that is called the most popular and widespread method with bank plastic cards on the Internet. Its purpose is to fraudulently obtain as much of the cardholder's identification data as possible. Fraudsters are trying to "catch" the card and account number, username and password of the owner from the Internet.

Fraudsters create a fake site (so-called phishing site), which in appearance and content resembles the official page of a bank or other financial organization that also conducts financial transactions, such as WebMoney. In order for the cardholders to issue their own, the attackers arrange a spam attack, send letters with threats if the cardholders do not confirm their data.

Fraudsters today have in store quite cunning and sophisticated ways to fish out information. They come up with serious reasons why bank customers should provide all the information they need about their funds and card.

The most common reason is that it is necessary to carry out an urgent data check due to the fact that a system failure has occurred, a system of protection against hacker attacks is installed, or data has been lost. As a rule, letters with such content are accompanied by a link to a “fake” site where data from gullible citizens is collected and which will be used in illegal actions of intruders. An example of such a letter.

How to protect yourself from scammers?

To protect yourself and your money from the encroachments of scammers, you need to take a number of necessary measures:

1) Do not keep all the money or a very large amount on one bank plastic card. You can calculate a certain limit for yourself, and put the rest of the money into a completely different account, which will not be associated with the card.

2) The SMS notification service is useful, which can be activated at the bank or independently via the Internet bank, if you have one. Having installed the SMS notification function for yourself, you will receive in a timely manner all information about the transactions performed through your card (for example, transfer or withdrawal of funds, payment for purchases).

If you received a notification about an unknown operation, it means that your card was used illegally. You should immediately contact the bank and report the problem, freeze all operations carried out with the card, and simply block it.

3) Apply for a regular account statement. This is also an effective way to find out if you are a victim of scams or failures in the banking payment system.

4) If you are going to use the services of an online store, choose only proven and reliable sites and companies. If you have doubts about the honesty and reliability of the company, it is better to use the payment systems WebMoney or Yandex.Money. You can replenish your e-wallet with only the amount necessary for the purchase, and then use it to pay for your purchase.

5) Never use your bank card from a shared computer in public places such as internet shops or cafes.

6) Now many banks are launching a new service - specifically designed for online payments. Using this service, the client receives the necessary details, as well as an account linked to a virtual card, where you can deposit or transfer funds necessary to make a purchase on the Internet and use its details. In this way, scammers will not be able to get to your money, and even if this happens, they will receive only a small part that was transferred to a virtual card. Also, these cards have different validity periods, which also allows you to provide decent protection for all payments made.

7) And remember, in order to protect yourself from fraudulent activities, never give your security PIN code from a bank card to anyone.

Also, do not forget that bank employees will not ask their customers to provide or remind them of their personal data (pin code, CVV2 or CVC2). This information is known only to you.

8) It is not necessary to follow the links or pop-up windows, or use attachments from incomprehensible resources. Be careful before submitting your data, as the domain or website URL specified by scammers is often incorrect. Be vigilant and save your money!

P.S. It is also useful to look.

The Internet has become an important part of many people's lives. There is entertainment, useful information, and convenient services, but there are a number of dangers associated with the Internet, even if you think you are completely protected. To protect your personal information and sensitive data, you should train yourself to use the Internet with care.


How to protect passwords

    Use complex unique passwords. If you need to set a password, use numbers, symbols, and lower and upper case letters. Do not use the same password for different accounts. Multiple passwords will be more difficult to remember, but your data will be more secure.

    Use an app to store passwords. Dedicated applications can generate and store strong and unique passwords for all of your accounts. You will need to create one password to log into the application, and this will ensure the security of all accounts.

    Enable multi-factor authentication on all accounts. Multi-Factor Authentication makes your account more secure, as additional action is required to log into the account (for example, entering the code that was sent to the mobile phone number). Many email and social media services offer multi-factor authentication.

    • To check if the Internet service provides multi-factor authentication, go to the settings.
    • It can be inconvenient to enter codes, but it will help protect your data more reliably.
  1. Register only on verified sites. Before creating an account on the site, consider whether you trust this site, even if you just need to enter your email address. No matter how secure your passwords are, your data is at risk if you enter it on phishing sites.

    • Pay attention to errors in the site name. It is not uncommon for scammers to create copies of sites with similar names.
    • Be wary if the site opens many additional windows, and the site address contains many numbers and random characters.
  2. Log out when you finish using the site. When you log into an account, the site creates a cookie by which the user can be identified. If this information is intercepted, your data will be compromised. This is especially dangerous if you are working with your bank account or using a credit card. Always log out after shutting down.

    • Log out of all sites if you were using a public computer or connected to a public network.
    • Sign out of your online banking or online shopping site, even if you're on your computer and connected to your home network.
    • You don't have to log out of your home computer accounts (for example, email or social media), but it's important to set a password on your computer and block it if you need to log out.
  3. Don't open emails and files from people you don't know. Phishing is the distribution of fake messages that can be used to gain access to a person's personal data. If you received a message from an unfamiliar address, or you received a message from a person you know, but the content of the message seems dubious to you, move the message to your spam folder.

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