Can I use my phone c. Is it possible to use a phone in the army, which model to choose

Can I use my phone c. Is it possible to use a phone in the army, which model to choose


Some airlines allow, others prohibit ... To put an end to this popular question, we will take a closer look at whether it is possible to use a telephone on an airplane and how to do it correctly.

A few years ago, mobile phones on board were banned. This was explained by the fact that, allegedly, their use can provoke interference and malfunctions in the operation of aircraft equipment. Later it turned out that the fears were completely unfounded. Scientists, aircraft designers, and even the Mythbusters have come to an unambiguous conclusion: mobile devices do not affect the operation of instruments.

So why not completely remove all restrictions on their use? There are several theories on this score:

1. Airlines are reinsured... New phone models appear almost every day, standards and protocols change ... Aviation equipment does not stand still either. Therefore, purely theoretically, the probability that someone's mobile phone will create dangerous interference for some device still exists.

2. Distraction... During the flight (and especially takeoff and landing), anything happens. Again, purely in theory, so you shouldn't be intimidated. So, at this moment, well-coordinated work of the entire crew and passengers will be needed. And if half of the people are chatting on the phone, and the other half are hacked into Angry birds, then a few precious seconds will be spent so that everyone has time to hide their favorite gadgets. Taking into account the specifics of the location of the seats on the plane, one passenger who hesitates can lock a whole row of seats. During heavy or emergency braking, phones and tablets released from their hands can fly around the cabin and cause injury. They can also provoke disorientation. Have you ever noticed how the lights are dimmed during a night takeoff or landing on an airplane? This is not just for the sake of economy, as many people think. This is also done so that the crew and passengers get used to the twilight and better navigate in the event of an emergency. And if at this time you are sitting, sunk into a bright screen, then, barely tearing yourself away from it, you will be blind as a mole for several seconds.

  • Do not miss:

3. Economic factor... Supporters of this version believe that airlines prohibit the use of mobile phones on airplanes in order to continue to earn on the provision of paid communications. The theory is not devoid of sense, because any company is looking for ways of additional income. And equipping each plane with a mobile hotspot will not be cheap.

4. Caring for comfort... Many people are terrified of flying, while others, on the contrary, feel quite safe. Imagine a "bundle of nerves" sitting in one chair, flinching with every maneuver, and in the next one - a carefree chatterbox, incessantly describing the details of the flight over the phone. It smells like a scandal here, and no one needs conflict situations on board. Anyway, constantly listening to someone's enthusiastic chirping is a dubious pleasure. That is why even on those planes where there is a connection and wi-fi, only correspondence and SMS are generally allowed.

So, is it possible to use the phone on the plane? Formally, yes. Since 2014, the European and US aviation safety agencies have lifted the previous ban on mobile use. It would seem that this is the answer to the question asked in the title of the article, but no. They allowed permission, but the final decision was left to the airlines. They have the right to both allow and prohibit the use of the telephone on board their aircraft.

Most airlines have chosen the middle ground by allowing limited use of mobile devices. You can easily carry them on board the aircraft and also use them throughout the flight. However, you will most likely be asked not to use your phones during takeoff and landing and put them in "airplane mode", which disables all wireless modules. As soon as the plane gains altitude, wi-fi will turn on (if there is one, of course) and you can use all the available functionality of your gadgets.

You can find out in advance the rules for using mobile phones on the airline's website. And if you are already on board, do not yawn and listen carefully to the stewardess. At the very beginning of the flight, she tells a lot of interesting things, including whether you can use your phone on the plane you are flying.

In modern realities, a mobile phone is at the disposal of every person, and today it is not easy to imagine any of us without a gadget. What about cell phones in the army? After all, a soldier is also a man. Today we will try to understand this topical topic and find out whether it is possible to use a telephone in the army, what is the order of their issuance, and how you can hide your cell phone if you really don't want to part with it.

Is it allowed to use

Let's start with the official part. Mobile phones in the army are allowed for conscripts, this fact is reflected in the current legislation (instructions of the Minister of Defense No. 2; 205; 862 of December 20, 2009). In these documents, we are talking about the fact that the use of cellular devices by military personnel is possible, but with restrictions - phones are issued on certain days and hours, while most of the time gadgets must be stored in a closed room.

At the same time, the law does not specify the period in which a soldier can communicate with family and friends by means of a mobile phone - the clock is appointed by the commander of one or another unit. As a rule, the days of using cell phones are Saturday (after the end of the PCB), Sunday (after sports events) and holidays. In general, the army provides a unique opportunity to be at least some time without a gadget in hand and without a gaze fixed on it (the second such place is a prison, so you need to take advantage of the moment).

However, in practice, everything happens so differently that the testimonies regarding telephones in the army can be heard the most contradictory. In some military units, the mobile is issued generally only for 2 hours on Sunday evening, somewhere it happens every day in private time before lights out, and there are some units where soldiers do not part with gadgets around the clock, and then they are surprised to learn from friends, that in fact, your favorite accessories had to be handed over somewhere, and on completely legal grounds.

Caches and the soldier's imagination

In general, the army is an amazing place where human ingenuity is realized at 100 percent (fortunately, there are plenty of reasons for reflection due to the fact that there are a lot of restrictions). Of course, the situation with mobile phones is no exception. Every soldier involuntarily thinks about how to hide a phone in the army.

As a rule, a check for the presence of a prohibited accessory on a soldier takes place during the morning inspection, and here the most interesting thing begins - the first to come across are inexperienced soldiers who hide the phone in boots and a headdress, and those who have forgotten about basic safety measures (turn off sound and vibration ). More sophisticated secret places are also revealed: an additional pocket on a jacket and trousers, camouflage using a belt and other products of soldier's ingenuity.

  • first of all, you can put the device in a neatly and tightly wrapped warm clothing;
  • another way is that you can hide your mobile phone in a book (classic version - cut out the middle part of several pages);
  • you can try to put the communication device into one of the cigarette packs of the block (you will need to very carefully print out the cellophane wrapper of the block and glue it back just as carefully).

Compared to other types of travel, flying by plane has the largest number of procedures and rules. Many of them are incomprehensible to travelers, for example, why can't you use your phone on the plane?

The passenger hears a request to turn off mobile devices at the very beginning of the flight - this rule applies on all flights and in most airlines. Can the use of mobile phones negatively affect the operation of the aircraft? Of course, one call is unlikely to lead to a plane crash, but for the sake of safety, it is better to play it safe and put the device into flight mode.

Why is the ban on the use of telephones on the plane?

There are two main reasons why it is forbidden to use a cell phone in flight:

  • The mobile phone may interfere with the operation of the aircraft's navigation device;
  • Mobile phone signals can drown out signals from the tower and beacon.

Probably, everyone is familiar with the hiss and junk of a computer, if they use a phone nearby and a call rings. Something similar can happen with aircraft instruments. If all passengers turn on their phones at the same time and do not set airplane mode, then the consequences can be unpredictable, so no airline can risk safety.

The risks are associated with the fact that when the aircraft is at an altitude of more than 3 km, the signals from the mobile phones in use reach the ground communication towers. It is speculated that this could overload and even disable grids on the ground. Also, the radiation of the phone can negatively affect the operation of onboard instruments and create difficulties for pilots. This is especially important during takeoff and landing - at this stage, all electronic devices of the aircraft should work perfectly and without interruptions. That is why it is necessary to exclude all factors that can cause interference on board.

In 2014, the Aircraft Safety Association stated that according to the latest research, cell phone use has no effect on normal flight behavior. For this, a special experiment was carried out - the scientists went to the airport, while on the plane other specialists used a mobile frequency generator. For a long time, aircraft were exposed to waves of various cellular, ranging from the simplest to the most modern mobile phones.

Surprisingly, the switched on phones did not have any negative effect on the aircraft's electronic devices and the very system of communication with the ground at any height.

So why then are airlines banning cell phones? The fact is that experimenting under ideal conditions is one thing, but real flight is a more complicated and unexpected process. Also, there are many small systems on the plane, and it is impossible to check the operation of each of them. If there is at least one possibility that using the phone it is possible to disrupt the operation of the aircraft, then it is better to be insured and take it offline. In addition, new cellular phones regularly appear that operate at different frequencies, and all of them have their own characteristics.

Why you can't use a Samsung Galaxy smartphone on board an aircraft

Today, a special ban on operation applies to the popular Samsung Galaxy Note 7. It is forbidden to turn on the device during takeoff and landing, during the entire flight, it is forbidden to charge the phone on board the aircraft. Many airlines, including Aeroflot, have banned the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in checked and carry-on baggage.

An attractive smartphone through the fault of the developers has become a high-risk device. Within a month after the release of the technical novelty, about 70 cases of spontaneous fire and explosion of the phone were recorded. Samsung Galaxy has a built-in lithium-ion battery, which, if ignited, can damage even the aircraft's skin.

It should be noted that the majority of airlines have not accepted devices with large batteries for a long time. Therefore, if you are going on a trip with Samsung Galaxy, then it is better to replace it with another phone. There is a chance that you will simply not be allowed on board with such a cell, and no one will figure out which version of Note 7 it is - dangerous or new and improved.

Other reasons why phone use is prohibited

  1. Compliance with order and silence. Imagine what happened on the plane if all passengers neglected autonomous mode? Due to the loud noise, important instructions from the pilot and recommendations of flight attendants can be heard. And in the event of a critical situation, it is important that everyone acts together and is not distracted by anything.
  2. The comfort of other passengers. Many people want to read in silence, sleep or just enjoy the beauty of the sky from the window. But all this atmosphere can be grossly disturbed by a neighbor who has not set the flight mode and has been solving his everyday problems by phone for half an hour. Therefore, in order to avoid complaints and conflict situations, it is easier for a company to prohibit the use of mobile phones.

Airplane mode is available in any phone and is set in a couple of seconds. It disables cellular, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Activate the mode even before the boat takes off and use other mobile functions. If necessary, you can turn on the phone for a couple of minutes to send a message, but only when the plane has already gained altitude.

Recently, a colleague boasted that her son taught her to pay rent using a mobile phone. Now, at lunchtime, there is no need to stand in line at the bank or at the post office. And we thought: do we know our operators, their capabilities and tariffs so well? How can an ordinary person understand all technological innovations and not overpay?

Vice President of MTS Marketing Vasil Latsanich answered the burning questions of AiF readers about the quality of mobile communications, roaming, the Internet and talked about what everyday tasks can be solved using a mobile phone, which is always at hand.

Instead of a nanny and a TV

Is it possible to somehow track from the mobile where the child is now? My daughter has been going to school alone since this year. I worry about her every day.

Alexandra, Izhevsk

Can. The service is called "Supervised child". It will automatically locate your daughter's phone using the base stations closest to it. Parents can receive this information in response to an SMS request or in accordance with predetermined parameters: for example, at 9, 14 and 16 hours - when the child goes to school, for additional classes and must return home. You can send requests and receive location information from any phone. And if you have a smartphone, you can track your child's movements using an electronic map on the website and special applications on Facebook and VKontakte.

As I started using a smartphone, so much more money began to be spent on communication. I suspect this is due to the Internet. Can I turn it off somehow?

Albina, Volgograd

It is easy to disable the mobile Internet in the phone settings, but why? You probably like your smartphone and its capabilities - communicating on social networks, working with mail, reading news and conveniently searching for the necessary information, be it the schedule of movie shows or the definition of the second law of thermodynamics. All this is available at no extra cost - for about 150 rubles a month, that is, like a cup of coffee or a movie ticket. You just need to connect the special service "Unlimited Internet from your phone", or "BIT". It is available for subscribers of almost any tariff plan. Use your phone 100%, not just for calls and SMS.

Is it possible that high fidelity or 3D mobile television will appear in the future?

Sergey, St. Petersburg

The provision of mobile TV services in high-fidelity format or using 3D technology, in my opinion, is not far off.

This depends on two factors: the breadth of new mobile devices - smartphones with wide screens, tablets - and the level of development of communication networks. MTS's 3G network is already operating in almost the entire populated territory of Russia. It covers about 15 thousand settlements and provides high-speed data transfer, which allows you to watch videos in excellent digital quality without interruptions, "cubes" and delays in broadcasting.

This can already be appreciated by users of the Mobile TV service from MTS, which is available throughout Russia. More than 100 TV channels in different languages \u200b\u200bcan be watched directly on the mobile screen for only 8 rubles per day. The next standard of mobile networks - 4G, or LTE, the implementation of which we have already begun, allows us to support the speed of mobile Internet up to 100 megabits per second and any video, even in HD format, can be downloaded in a matter of seconds.

Bank in your pocket

Is it true that I can pay for a purchase in a store without a bank card, only using my phone?

M. Klinoshkov, N. Novgorod

Truth. This feature is implemented on the basis of NFC technology - it is enough to put the phone to a special reader. Immediately anticipating the question of possible fraud: the technology is thought out, protected and applied all over the world. In Russia, we are implementing it in partnership with the MasterCard payment system and MTS Bank.

So far, you can turn your phone into a “bank in your pocket” only in our stores in Moscow, but in the near future we plan to expand this service in the regions. To use NFC technology, you just need to change your SIM card to a special one with NFC support and insert an antenna into your phone. It is quite inexpensive - it costs only 10 rubles.

We will also issue a payment card "MTS Money", so that it is convenient to replenish your mobile NFC account. You can pay with your phone in about 400 thousand stores around the world and in thousands of retail outlets in Russia, including gas stations and cafes. Look for the MasterCard Pay Pass badge. The commission for payments is not charged, you also do not pay for roaming abroad, since NFC does not use cellular communication.

I already have a "middle-aged" phone, and I can change it. I want my daughter and my son-in-law to ask for a smartphone for the New Year, and my neighbor dissuades: the money leaves the account, and there is no benefit. As an expert, you explain: why do you need a smartphone? I don't listen to music, I don't start social networks ...

S. Vaganova, Novosibirsk

In some ways, the neighbor is right: you can watch your favorite series on an old black and white CRT TV, switching programs with a screwdriver. But, you must admit, it is much more pleasant when the screen is in color and there is a remote control.

All phones, without exception, can make calls and send SMS. But imagine that in front of your neighbor, without getting up from the couch, while there is an advertisement on TV, you can buy vacation tickets. Or find a recipe for a new apple pie for dinner on the train on the way from the dacha. At the same time, there is absolutely no need to buy an expensive device - there are a lot of budget models on the market today. In the line of our smartphones, you can choose a suitable option for yourself at a price of 3 thousand rubles.

As for the cost of communication services, they do not depend on the type of device that the client uses, and the mobile Internet is available to everyone. And if you don't want to connect the service for a whole month, pay only for the days when you use it: 25 rubles a day - like a bus ticket.

With a smart phone, you don't have to stand in line to pay for utility bills. For smartphones, there is a special MTS application "Easy Payment", which allows you to pay for utility services, as well as make purchases both from the personal account of a mobile phone and from a bank card. The database contains more than 15 thousand service providers.

For example, I was convinced from personal experience that paying bills using a mobile phone is much easier and faster. The menu of this service is very convenient, even a child can figure it out. Funds are credited in just a couple of minutes. At the same time, the percentage of the commission is lower than the banking one and the time savings are very significant.

Fourth generation networks

Four years ago, third-generation networks appeared, now all of Moscow is covered with advertising for 4G networks. Why do operators constantly change communication standards, why is this technological race necessary? Why can't all basic services be provided on existing networks? For example, 3G is more than enough for me - you can send mail, SMS, talk on the phone.

Ivan, Moscow

Fourth generation networks compare favorably with 3G with the speed of the Internet - they support up to 100 megabits per second, which allows our customers to use the Internet to the maximum: download high quality music, movies or TV series, communicate with loved ones via video communication. A significant drawback of LTE is that this standard does not support regular calls. We are developing LTE network in parallel with 3G networks, which are now, one might say, at the peak of popularity.

As a result, lovers of "heavy" content, purchasing a modem for 2 thousand rubles, go to LTE, freeing up 3G networks for owners of smartphones using the Internet for mail and social networks.

The evolution of mobile networks is inevitable - with the advent of various services on the World Wide Web, the need for high speeds simultaneously with the availability of mobile Internet is growing. So far, only modems support LTE, but in the future there will be phones with support for 4G networks, and then they can be used as a real media center: watch TV in real time, listen to music or audiobooks without saving them on your device, but directly from the Internet.

Ten years ago, this might have seemed fantastic, but we are already ready for our subscribers to have access to a wide range of mobile Internet capabilities.

They brought me a gift. Will it work in 4G networks in Moscow?

A. Zadorozhnaya, Moscow

Unfortunately, the frequency range used by Apple's new product is not supported by Russian 4G networks. We are in consultation with the largest smartphone manufacturers and hope that next year we will have the first models of phones supporting the fourth generation of the Russian standard.

The good news: the fifth iPhone supports high-speed third-generation HSPA + networks, which already provide mobile Internet speeds of up to 42 megabits per second, which is quite comparable to average 4G speeds.

So with your new phone you will be able to appreciate the advantages of high speeds when surfing the Internet or watching videos and TV programs in MTS networks. Please note that the new iPhone 5 only works with a special format of SIM cards - they are already in our stores throughout Russia.

I live in Aprelevka, 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kiev highway. Recently, the quality of communication has become disgusting, the signal is lost. What measures are being taken to improve the quality of communication?

V. Pershin, Moscow region

Each of the operators is faced with the task of not only building new base stations to increase coverage, but also constantly working to replace old equipment with more advanced ones. And this has to be done on a working network, because none of the operators can simply turn off the network, configure the equipment, and then turn on the network again.

Now MTS is completing a large-scale reconstruction of all mobile networks in the Moscow region - we are talking about replacing several thousand base stations, rebuilding the entire network, the foundations of which were laid 20 years ago. These works can have a temporary impact on the quality of signal reception in a particular area. Please be aware of any short-term inconvenience.

Thank you for the signal, we will be sure to double-check the network settings in your area.

I bought myself a new LTE modem. How much does MTS 'fourth generation' communication cost and how now to monitor which network the modem is registered on - manually?

Denis, Zheleznogorsk

Denis, when we launched LTE, we thought about this question. There is no need to monitor the network, since our mobile Internet costs the same in any generation network. We offer our subscribers access to the World Wide Web immediately in 2G, 3G and 4G. In addition, we do not limit the maximum speed for our users. There is a basic tariff "MTS Connect 4" and four traffic packages to choose from - from 4 to 25 gigabytes for a monthly fee from 500 to 1400 rubles. If you haven't calculated your "appetite" and you need more Internet, you can additionally connect a package of 1 or 3 gigabytes at any time.

Teach to save

What is the most favorable tariff for calls within Russia and the CIS countries?

A. Vilyanova, Moscow

We have built the tariff line in such a way that any tariff can be made profitable for international or long distance calls - just add additional services to your usual tariff. Pay attention to the options "Favorite country" and "Favorite country. Whole World ”, which can reduce the cost of long-distance and international communication up to 90%.

I often go on business trips around Russia, and a lot of money is spent on the Internet from my mobile, Wi-Fi in the outback is far from everywhere. Teach you how to save money.

S. Sworn, Lipetsk region

It is not difficult to save - connect a special option for mobile Internet "SuperBIT" to your tariff - for a monthly fee of about 200 rubles a month you will receive unlimited Internet both at home and in any region of Russia - from Moscow to Kamchatka. If you use the Internet only from time to time and do not want to pay every month, then choose the service "Unlimited for a day in Russia", it is suitable for both voice tariffs and modems - you will pay only for those days when you go online , no monthly fee.

How to make communication on business trips in roaming more convenient and not so expensive - in Russia and Europe?

Nataly L, Moscow

We have a number of proposals that allow you to save on communication services in roaming. If on duty you often travel around Russia, activate the option "Everywhere at home" - with it you can receive incoming calls anywhere in the country for free, and outgoing calls to numbers of all operators of any Russian region will cost 3 rubles per minute. For trips abroad, I recommend our Zero Without Borders offer - you can talk for free for the first ten minutes of each incoming call.

Security questions

My family members have phones from different operators, but we all periodically receive SMS from scammers. Does this mean the base is so easy to get hold of? What is MTS doing to protect its subscribers?

Juls Filippova, St. Petersburg

Operator bases are well protected and therefore inaccessible to fraudsters. For spam mailings and dubious calls, as a rule, they use random selection of numbers or information collected from the Internet - social networks, various profiles, shops, etc. To protect the interests of our subscribers, MTS has a comprehensive anti-fraud program.

A special section "Protection against fraudsters" has been created on our website, which contains complete information about the types of fraud known today, as well as recommendations on how to counteract this. A short toll-free number 1911 has a "hot line" where you can apply to report fraud.

We check each client's request and, if the information is confirmed, in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, we take the necessary measures.

Now the most widespread format is content fraud, various services on short numbers. We offer the Infocontent service, which allows you to find out the exact cost of the service on any short number using a free SMS request.

I bought a phone for my child, and he spends all the money on his mobile on games and ringtones by short numbers. How to disable access to them?

Vsevolod Igorevich, Tula

In order to restrict the use of entertainment and content services from a child's phone, you can activate the Content Ban service, which prohibits receiving SMS / MMS from short numbers of entertainment service providers. It is free, and you can connect it by calling the MTS contact center.

I often work late, and my sixth-grader son is at home alone and, of course, at the computer. I am very worried that he will stumble upon information that is not suitable for his fragile mind. Is it possible to somehow block access to unreliable sites and pages on the Internet?

Marina, Irkutsk

If you have "Home Internet" from MTS, then you can use the "Parental Control" service, it will reliably protect your son from negative information on the global network, blocking access to web pages containing information for adults, gambling, obscene language, extremist materials promoting violence or drugs. With the help of this service, you can limit the pages available to the child and the time allotted to him on the Internet, as well as block access to chats and e-mail programs. The service is included in the package of the MTS Anti-Virus anti-virus program, which protects your computer from viruses and spyware.

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