How to change the matrix on the TV with your own hands? The screen of the LCD TV is broken, is it possible to repair How to fix the matrix on the TV.

How to change the matrix on the TV with your own hands? The screen of the LCD TV is broken, is it possible to repair How to fix the matrix on the TV.


In the process of writing one of the reviews, about the use of Chinese knick-knacks " a la Ambilight", the matrix of my TV died.
She died not quite - there were stripes on the screen.
This defect is practically not subject to restoration (it is difficult and far from being possible on any TV). In the workshop, you will probably be offered to replace the matrix (which is very expensive), but looking at the stripes is very unpleasant and annoying.
However, there is a relatively simple option to "repair" such a malfunction :)

In fact, it is not entirely correct to call it “repair” (therefore, in quotation marks), but it is quite possible to extend the life of a damaged matrix - especially since the defect can be removed almost completely!
Curiously, even my acquaintances “amateur-repairers” of TVs and other electronics did not know about this “treatment” option, so I decided to write a short review - what if someone else will find it useful? :)
I, for example, have already come in handy! ;)

For the described “repair”, special knowledge is practically not needed, we will not delve into the “junk” - no need, we will get by with just a few popular terms and phrases, for a general understanding of what we will do.
We do not need specific tools (including even a soldering iron and a tester!), but some accuracy and relatively “straight hands” are required.
The entire repair (for me) took half an hour on the strength, and then, most of the time was spent on twisting the screws for disassembling / assembling the TV, or rather, its back cover.

This is what my screen looked like after the defect appeared!
In fact, there are variations in the manifestation of such a malfunction - different types of stripes, darkening of part of the screen, etc.

This is how it began to look after the "repair" - as they say, feel the difference!
Almost perfect, and those distortions that you probably see in the photo are the phenomenon of interference (if I'm not mistaken in the name of the physical phenomenon), and they will almost disappear if you click to view the full version of the image

I (at least) observed the positive effect of such a “treatment” on a pair of TVs from LG and one Samsung, so it’s definitely worth a try.

Let's start!? ;)
Let me explain right away: We will not make any changes to the design and circuitry that may cause additional harm to the rest of the TV circuitry!

However, one must understand that no one is immune from their own negligence! If you accidentally miss a "brick" on a screen or a screen on a brick, or other force majeure circumstances occur - it's not my fault! :)
You perform all work at your own peril and risk! :)
Besides, be aware of the risk of electric shock- after removing the back cover of the TV, dangerous voltages become available!

At the same time, the actions described below are not a “panacea” - in your particular case, there may be another malfunction, or the design of the TV ...
The main thing is that "an attempt is not torture";) - and you do not perform any irreversible actions!

First we need to find the timing controller board (T-con) of our TV.
To do this, ON the TV OFF from the NETWORK, remove the back cover (we unscrew many, many screws).
When disassembling, it is advisable to put the screen on a table covered with a soft coating so as not to push / scratch the screen.

T-con can usually be identified by several flat cables coming out of it to the matrix, and an incoming large cable from the main "motherboard" board. The plumes going to the matrix in this case are covered, but we will get to them;)

Here it is, the payment we need. Most often, it has a pair of loop outputs to the matrix (less often four).
These loops (through additional drivers) control the pixels of the matrix.

In the process of "repair" we will need to repeatedly turn off these loops. In general, there is nothing complicated, but for those who have never encountered anything like it, it’s better to go there and not climb, you need to pick up, for example, with a fingernail, a black bar and pull it up - it should rise up. After that, the cable can be pulled out of the connector.

For the next steps, you will need a strip cut out of thin paper (I used a cash receipt).
First, we use a strip about 5 mm wide, the length is arbitrary (several cm).
We impose it on a part of the connector contacts, covering (isolating) a part of the contacts, insert the cable and snap the lock. Then turn on the TV and watch the result.

Depending on which contacts you have covered, the image may have a wide variety of distortions in the form of vertical, horizontal stripes or be completely absent - do not be alarmed! :)

After each check, turn off the TV, snap off the connector lock, pull out the cable and move the strip of paper, and so on until the end of the connector, go through all the contacts ... We achieve the best result!

On both TVs, it “worked” in about the same places on me - this is 8-10 contact (if you count from the right) on the left connector.
Moreover, if you slightly move the strip to the left or right, the result did not disappear, but a periodic slight change in brightness appeared in the right corner of the screen.
Ideally, it is necessary to isolate as few contacts as possible (besides, it is not always possible to find the right option with such a strip of paper), so the next step is to use a thinner (or wider) strip of paper in the place we found. Slightly shift it to get the best image.

After obtaining a result that suits you, you can leave a piece of paper in the connector, or seal the necessary contacts, for example, with thin tape. I just left a piece of paper...

In this case, we managed to get an almost perfect result!
White screen without stripes - they were most visible on white. Some unevenness is obtained only in the photo, in reality everything is fine!

Additionally - lower right corner, upper left corner

test picture

“Cheap and tasty!” ;)

It should be added that this method works almost perfectly on “medium” matrix sizes (32-40). On larger ones, towards one of the edges of the screen, a noticeable drop in pixel response speed is possible, which can cause a slight blurring of the screen or a slightly pronounced interlacing effect (which, by the way, is usually no longer visible from a short distance).

a little more, for those who are interested in the essence of the problem and the principle of its solution.

Matrix pixels are controlled by special microcircuits - control drivers (TAB COF IC).
These microcircuits are often located on flexible cables (the so-called "ears") soldered into the glass of the matrix, or on the matrix itself, so this part of the circuit is of little use for repair.
It might look like this

The manifestation of stripes is often a malfunction of one of the drivers, in our case it is most likely “broken”.

Medium and large matrices have double the number of drivers, they are located on opposite sides of the screen. In fact, they are connected in parallel to reduce the drop in pixel response speed towards the end of the line, due to the increase in resistance relative to long conductors.
At the same time, for a completely normal operation of a not very large matrix, there are enough drivers and one side - this is what we use in the so-called "repair" described above;). We simply disable (isolate) part of the drivers of one side, and the matrix continues to work on serviceable drivers of the other side.

Sometimes, for the same purposes, repairmen completely tear off these so-called "ears" on the matrix - the same goal is pursued, but not every matrix has these very "ears", and getting to them is already somewhat more difficult ...

Good luck and good mood everyone! ;) Add to favourites Liked +226 +378
In this article, I suggest that you talk about LCD matrices, or rather about those malfunctions that require their direct replacement and, in fact, we will analyze how they change.
Replacing LCD matrices in TVs

LCD matrices in television receivers have been replaced relatively recently. Practical, with low power consumption and the absence of harmful radiation, they not only won their place in the market of electronic devices, but also practically replaced the old devices using CRT. But everything new is not forever. A variety of TV breakdowns are not uncommon, and LCD matrices are no exception.

In order to better imagine the places of defects LCD matrices, you need to know its technological performance. For a better understanding, we will describe only the general surface information of her work without complex technical terms.
An LCD matrix is ​​a working glass surface with many millions of pixels, which, under the influence of external control signals, change the color and brightness of the glow. Matrix pixels form a directly visible image.

To control individual pixels, microcircuits are used - signal control drivers that send one or another signal to each pixel. Control drivers are most often located on a flexible cable, which is directly soldered into the base of the matrix glass. This cable is inseparable from the glass and cannot be replaced separately. It also contains driver batteries and additional decoder chips.

Examples of breakdowns of the TV matrix can be divided into conditional groups:
  • Mechanical damage to the matrix (impact, bending, liquid ingress);
  • Malfunction of imaging microcircuits located on a flexible, non-removable cable, as well as auxiliary passive elements (capacitors, resistors, diodes, inductors) that ensure the correct operation of these microcircuits.
  • Malfunction of a flexible non-removable cable, on which the above elements are located.
  • "Burnt" pixels - pixels that have lost their functionality without mechanical reasons.
  • Lack of backlight.

    All of the above malfunctions of the matrix lead to its replacement, since its repair is economically unprofitable or simply impossible. Backlight damage is on a separate list, as some types are repairable, for example, fluorescent lamp backlight inverters are often located on the TV power supply board, and the lamps themselves are easy to change. It is more difficult with LED backlight malfunctions, often the manufacturer has backlight control on the same non-removable flexible cable.

    Replacing the matrix on the TV differs from the device model, manufacturer and matrix size. However, some principles can be generalized. There are two common types of housing attachments. These are screw connections and connections on plastic latches.
    Disassembly of a TV with a front housing system

    If everything is done correctly, then the matrix, together with the electronic filling attached to it, will separate from the case. To avoid accidental scratches, it is advisable to place the part on a soft surface; flannel is often used for this. Now we detach it from the connecting cable, this must be done very carefully. In some cases, for additional fastening and protection against cable displacement relative to the connector, the manufacturer sticks adhesive tape on the place of their connection. Carefully remove it and lift the clip - the dog on the connector, this is best done with thin tweezers. In order not to damage the thin tracks, you need to try to get the cable without swaying from side to side. Now you need to release the matrix from the stiffness panel with the control boards mounted on it. To do this, unscrew the screws from its ends, different TV manufacturers can have them from 2 to 12 on each side.

    Dismantling the matrix from the body with rear disassembly

    Dismantling from the case with the opening of the back side has a similar procedure, with the exception of the absence of the facing front frame of the TV, but this is only partially relevant, since there are a lot of TV models and each has its own technological nuances. Further disassembly of control boards and the basics of matrix rigidity are no different, but require close attention. Installation of a new LCD matrix is ​​carried out in the reverse order.

    When performing these steps, it is best to keep a "cheat sheet" that will help us when installing a new matrix. And if you are doing this for the first time, then it is better to fix everything in a photo, if possible.

    Owners of television receivers with LCD screens sometimes face a situation where it is necessary to replace the matrix on the TV. This raises the question: isn't it easier, since the cost of replacing the LCD panel in service centers is very high? And if we add here the price of a new screen, it turns out that the repair will cost almost the same as a new TV set. But in fact, not everything is so sad. Replacing a TV matrix is ​​not such an impossible task. If you know the procedure, then this procedure can be performed by any home master who knows how to hold a screwdriver in his hands.

    This is the main element of TV technology, responsible for the formation of the image. The matrix is ​​a flat container, where a layer of liquid crystals is applied between two plates. The latter, when voltage is applied, change the intensity of the glow.

    Each individual crystal, also known as a pixel, carries three colors - blue, red and green. Light, passing through a particular tone, forms the final picture. That is, here we have a kind of set of mini-projectors.

    Types of matrices

    On the market you can find TVs with different types of matrices, but it is customary to take devices built using TN and IPS technology as the basis. And everything else (PLS, VA, etc.) are derivatives.

    TN (TN + film)

    The crystals here are lined up horizontally and are at a slight angle to each other, forming a spiral. Devices with TN-matrix are characterized by good response speed and low cost. A major disadvantage of this technique is modest viewing angles.


    In this case, the crystals are aligned parallel to each other. IPS TVs offer maximum viewing angles while maintaining image quality. But due to the specifics of the technology, the response speed is noticeably increased. The cost of IPS matrices is much higher than TN.

    Signs of matrix breakdown

    Liquid crystal technology, in addition to obvious advantages, has one significant drawback - frequent breakdowns of the matrix. Repair in specialized centers is an expensive procedure, but on modern devices it can be replaced at home.

    Liquid crystal technology is picky about almost everything. The matrix can fail under physical impact, contact with moisture or even dust. Improper operation of the device also leads to sad consequences.

    Visual effects indicating a breakdown of the matrix:

    • spots on the monitor of different intensity;
    • vertical or horizontal stripes;
    • artifacts like "snow";
    • chaotic colored pixels;
    • flashing picture.

    If one of the above effects is detected, you should immediately begin to solve the problem, otherwise the matrix may completely fail, pulling other important elements with it. Consider the most common defects in more detail.

    Mechanical impact

    If the TV fell or was hit, the matrix will immediately let you know about it with a downed image. Some budget models even react to soft objects or finger pressure. It is quite easy to identify such a defect by microcracks on the screen, broken glass or chips on the case. In addition to impacts, the cause of breakage can be bending of the screen, for example, during transportation.

    Image distortion

    There can be a variety of effects here. Some problems disappear by themselves when, for example, the equipment warms up, while others remain.

    The matrix needs repair in the following cases:

    • slowdown of frames;
    • the appearance of thin vertical stripes;
    • screen flickering in dynamic scenes;
    • wide multi-colored stripes.

    Important! Similar problems may appear when the control chip fails.


    By the appearance of the spots, you can determine the source of the problem. If the area is light, then this indicates broken glass or delamination of the matrix. Large dark areas indicate a kink or moisture ingress into the device. Small black dots are bad pixels. The latter are beyond repair.

    Matrix Replacement

    Replacing the matrix on a Sony TV differs slightly from the procedure for replacing the screen (matrix) on an LG TV. Mainly, the difference lies in TV designs, which affects the order of its disassembly. Fasteners can be implemented in the standard way - on screws, or less convenient - on latches, which are harder to find and easy to break. Disassembly of the unit can be accessed from the front or from the back.

    Front side access

    With frontal access to the disassembly of the device, you should start by releasing the latches that hold the panel lining.

    There are models of LCD devices, including plasmas, which have a protective glass in front of the matrix. If the screen was broken, then you will have to change the protective glass.

    After the latches are released, you will see the LCD TV matrix screwed to the TV body with screws that need to be removed. Please note that some screws may be duplicated with a latch. After that, unscrew all the fasteners on the back of the device, covering the entire electronic filling of the device.

    Access from the back

    To replace the matrix on an LG, Samsung or any other TV, including a plasma one, you will need to unscrew all the fasteners holding the rear panel of the unit and remove the stand if this is a desktop model of the device. Since screws of different lengths can be screwed in different places on the back cover, you need to remember their location.

    There are designs of television receivers in which a special hatch(for example, on an LG TV) for service during the warranty period. When removing the cover, you need to be careful not to damage the cables going to it. Also disconnect any modules that may be on the cover from the board. Screen replacement is carried out in a similar way with a plasma TV.

    In order for the telly to start working correctly, it will be necessary to coordinate the new matrix with all modules. To do this, you need to turn on the device, enter the service menu, and make settings. How this is done is shown in unit instructions.

    In order to correctly identify the causes of a breakdown, one should first of all eliminate problems with peripheral and internal equipment: check the cable, set-top box, video accelerator and color block.

    The backlight can fail due to power surges. If necessary, it is easily replaced. If the repair exceeds the cost of a new matrix, then it makes sense to simply replace it.

    Advice! It is also useful to check the warranty period. If they do not come out, then the device with problems of any type must be taken to a service center.

    Replacing the screen in an LCD or LED TV is not a difficult task, but it requires extreme care, since not only very thin cables on the new matrix can be damaged, but also the matrix itself, since it is very sensitive to bending. Some other TV malfunctions are also possible.

    The liquid crystal (LCD) matrix of the TV is the most expensive element of the TV. Naturally - since this is the most high-tech TV node. However, it is a very fragile node of the TV. In this article, we will consider the main malfunctions of liquid crystal or otherwise LCD matrices. In this case, we will keep in mind the malfunctions of only the matrix glass itself, since the restoration of the matrix glasses is our main profile. Backlight defects, such as the complete absence of screen glow, or its unevenness, are not the subject of this article. The matrix further in the article will be called the color-forming glass body of the matrix.

    physical destruction

    And the main reason for the failure of the matrix are hits on it or the fall of the TV. In our practice, there was even a case of failure of the matrix as a result of a blow to the head of a parrot that fluttered from the cabinet. The parrot is alive, the matrix is ​​unrecoverable. This is not to mention soft children's toys with glass eyes flying around the room. These are the real enemies of the LCD TV. We will modestly keep silent about football or champagne corks. ... With this malfunction, it is impossible to restore the matrix and we can offer you a replacement.

    Stripes, "braking", "freezing" of the image, etc.

    The next reason for a matrix malfunction is usually a factory defect. The manifestations of this breakdown are so diverse, and have a large number of variations from matrix to matrix, that it will be difficult to describe them in this article. The main ones are vertical stripes or pillars on the image, the disappearance of the image or its part, specific effects, such as “braking”, “freezing” of the image, the appearance of illuminated sides on the image, smoothly turning into a normal image, and others. This is caused by faulty chips integrated into the matrix glass via flexible cables (flexible printed circuit boards). This fault can be repaired by our service laboratory. In this case, one or more flexible cables integrated into the matrix glass must be replaced. This is done using special equipment and materials.

    Spots of various nature

    Another malfunction of the LCD matrix of the TV is colored spots of completely different shapes, round, irregular in shape. This is usually caused by a defect or break in the glass or polarizing film. This happens both as a result of violations of the operating conditions, or storage of the matrix, and due to violations of the technological process during production. In these cases, only the replacement of the matrix is ​​​​possible, its repair is impossible.

    Unskilled interference

    In extremely rare cases, you still have to deal with cases of an unsuccessful attempt to repair the matrix "having gained" experience on the forums of handymen of all trades, or unfortunate masters. Here we see torn flexible cables, a cracked edge of the matrix glass. All these attempts, if successful, are very unstable, brief, and, very often, fatal to the matrix itself. The fact is that LCD matrix repair - in addition to the restoration itself, also includes correct assembly and disassembly and many other operations, and even if you managed to fix something, it will not always be possible to assemble it correctly. One wrong move and the matrix is ​​split! She is extremely fragile. Especially matrix sizes over 32 inches.


    The liquid crystal matrix of the TV is an extremely vulnerable element. Especially considering that its design is 2 half-millimeter thick glass glued together, with a size of more than 82 cm diagonally, this is probably the most fragile glass creation. And the elements of the matrix, in addition to glass, are also extremely easily disabled. This clearly requires a qualified approach to the repair of matrices, as well as the availability of the necessary equipment and devices for the repair. We have everything you need for repair, testing of liquid crystal or LCD matrices. And most importantly - a lot of experience gained over the years of matrix repair. We strongly recommend that you do not try to repair the matrix yourself, as this may lead to the loss of its recreational properties. If the matrix of your device cannot be restored, we will

    Plasma TVs have long since become permanent cohabitants in our apartments, because such devices produce a very high-quality image. The image quality is ideal for action movies, sports events, and even cartoons. But then a weighty children's toy flies at the TV, and your “electronic friend” stops transmitting the image, showing only a crack that has appeared with colored stripes on the display. What to do in such cases? Can an LCD TV be repaired if the screen is broken? Do not rush to be sad, perhaps this article will help you find the most optimal solution to such a problem.

    What is a plasma TV screen?

    The main component of such a screen is a matrix. The matrix contains just a huge number of particles that are filled with a mixture of neon and xenon. The perimeter of the matrix is ​​framed by semiconductors. An electric current passes through the gaseous medium and creates a UV light that causes the phosphors to glow. This whole cunning process leads to the glow of the cell with the desired color, and in the aggregate, tens of thousands of cells form the picture that we observe every day.

    The entire screen device is located in a relatively small space between two planes, which are usually made of special glass.

    Important! Previously, models could boast of glass thickness, which was only 3 millimeters. But progress, together with manufacturers, has been made by new models with a thickness of only 2 millimeters. Such innovations have significantly reduced the weight of the device, but made it even more fragile, which leads to fraught consequences.

    Can a cracked LCD TV screen be repaired? Let's talk about it.

    If the display is cracked

    Cracks on the outer glass violate the integrity of the matrix, and the gas mixture freely leaves its “reservoir”. Such a malfunction cannot be repaired. The only way out is to buy a new matrix.

    Important! The matrix of the device costs almost the same as the TV itself, so it is often easier to purchase a new TV.

    Experienced users recommend not to repair plasma panels, which are a home theater component and do not have any sound output devices or other useful components. This case will definitely require the purchase of a new panel. But if a plasma TV with a huge set of functions is broken, then it will already be possible to speculate. But it should be understood that only in 1 out of 5 cases it will be profitable to repair. Your TV will most likely need to be replaced.

    Therefore, immediately read it, you may decide that buying a new TV will still be more profitable, instead of repairing a TV that has fallen and crashed.

    Still decided to change the matrix?

    You can repair the matrix, but even here you will have to upset you a little: you can’t do repairs at home, and even here there are huge difficulties - this is the transportation of plasma. Experts recommend transporting such equipment only in an upright position and avoid any tilt angles so as not to cause overload.

    Important! If you are a happy owner of a huge plasma, and you have a small car in your yard, then you will have to fork out not only for repairs, but also for the transportation of a broken device.

    Before sending the "corpse" of the TV to the technical center, once again make sure that all manipulations are cost-effective. To avoid huge idle costs, it is recommended to call the master at home. A specialist will arrive, carry out diagnostics and put forward a decision with which it is best to agree, it may be necessary to replace some parts. Also, in addition to diagnostics, for a small fee, the masters themselves will transport the TV in compliance with all safety regulations. You will only need to agree on the questions about the meeting and make a decision, wait a couple of days and go for the finished TV.

    Important! Can an LCD TV be repaired if there are streaks or spots on the screen? You can, and read more about it in the articles:

    It is best to try to avoid such a breakdown in the future.

    Preventive measures

    Now a repaired TV has arrived at your home, but children, animals, or a clumsy family member are still able to break the screen? Something urgently needs to be done.

    For such TVs, special protective screens made of acrylic are produced. Such surfaces are not afraid of water, scratches, and children will be able to throw their toys at the screen without forcing their parents to take a loan for a new device. In addition, such protection saves from dust, which, by the way, is also the old sworn enemy of TVs. Therefore, the purchase of an “accessory” is the most sought after. If you protect your equipment, you will be able to watch football, movies or cartoons for a long time.

    There is also another preventive TV care measure. To do this, you need to purchase a bracket. Using the bracket allows you to install the plasma directly under the ceiling. Such measures will help to avoid accidental “back pushing” or the consequences of children's active games at home. True, the bracket will cost a little more, and its installation is a completely separate issue.

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