Programming NFC tags on a phone with Windows Phone (Instruction). What is NFC and how to use it Nfc payments windows phone 10

Programming NFC tags on a phone with Windows Phone (Instruction). What is NFC and how to use it Nfc payments windows phone 10


NFC is a wireless communication technology high frequencies, which allows you to exchange data between devices located at a short distance from each other. It is known that NFC is a device that can communicate with already existing smart cards and readers used in transport, payment systems and to manipulate device functions.

NFC technology is implemented using a chip that works both in passive mode (for example, in subway cards or passes) and in active mode (it can receive information from passive devices, it emits information).

Many do not know aboutNFCthat this is a technology that allows you to speed up the performance of many functions.

The comparison of NFC with Bluetooth comes first, but despite the fact that Bluetooth is much more common so far, NFC has at least two significant advantages.

  1. First The technology only works at very short distances. You say it's inconvenient? Partly - maybe, but it provides much more security.
  2. And here second the advantage is undeniable - the connection between devices will turn on almost immediately (in less than a tenth of a second), and Bluetooth "thinks" for a long time before searching for and connecting another device.

How to use NFC

NFC is very convenient to use for sharing information, the contents of your devices; playing games together with friends and accessing, for example, online services.

If you want to use NFC on your Android, first check if NFC is supported by your device. Sometimes the manufacturer can place an inscription or logo directly on the device, but the easiest way is to go to the menu android settings, then to the section " Wireless networks ", and then click "More". There you will have to see NFC settings items.

But NFC is needed activate to use. In the section described above, check the box "data exchange when combined with another device - allow". It should automatically activate android function Beam. If Android Beam for some reason does not turn on by itself, then it will be enough just to click on it and select "Yes" to turn it on.

Now, after successfully activating the technology, you can use NFC to transfer data.

Don't forget the following points:

Let's start with the fact that here the technology is not available for all phones. Therefore, if any of the instructions below turn out to be impossible or have no effect, most likely NFC is simply not supported - check the technical data of your device.

How to enable NFC on Windows phone device?

  1. Tap Settings in the application list, and then tap NFC.
  2. Then turn on.
  3. Touch and pass to activate linking and NFC transmission, or enable.
  4. Touch and pay to enable NFC transactions.

To transfer photos using NFC(and more) - touch your phone to another NFC device.

To connect with another device- Touch your phone to an NFC accessory (headphones or speakers, for example) to pair this accessory with your phone using Bluetooth.

To tap a tag to get some information, tap your phone on an NFC tag (say a business card or poster) and a website or app will open.

To complete payments or other transactions- you can set up banking or credit cards and make payments in stores that offer a similar service.

Let's summarize: most modern, and, moreover, newly released tablets and phones already support NFC, but still the function is still in little demand, and the application is quite limited. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that NFC is not the present, but the future, and soon we should expect the technology to penetrate absolutely all areas of life, even the most unexpected ones.

Not so long ago, we already made a detailed review of the instruction "How to program NFC tags for Android". But as you know, NFC technology is supported by Windows Phone phones from Nokia. And today we are sharing with you instructions for programming NFC tags for the Windows platform phone.

And, as you may have already noticed, NFC technology is making waves both in the world of Android and in the worlds of other manufacturers such as Sony and Samsung and Nokia. The latter took our technology seriously, so the company's programmers released their application, which is available for download for free - Nokia NFC Writer for Windows Phone. The functionality of the program also pleases with a variety of functions and tasks. This guide will focus on this application.

Nokia NFC Writer has a lot of different features, which include the usual writing to complete tasks, but there are some interesting ones, such as built-in support for Foursquare, so you can create a tag that will check-in or post on Twitter. You can also connect to your Facebook or Google+ account. This is a great app, the folks at Nokia have done a great job.

Let's move on to examples of creating tasks and recording them on an NFC tag.

Turn on airplane mode before you go to sleep

This is a good and simple example of automating a specific action, which is performed by simply presenting the phone to the tag, which in this case is taped to my nightstand:

We launch the program, select "Compose" in the main menu of the Nokia NFC Writer program, and then swipe to the right panel ("Settings") and select "flight mode".

Now you need to bring your NFC tag (which you can) to the back of the phone (where the NFC antenna is) and hold it in place for a second. In the case of the Lumia 1020, the antenna is located at the top, near the camera, but the location of the antenna may vary depending on the device model. The transfer is very fast - only 30 bytes.

You can also make another mark, in the morning, to turn off airplane mode. In the event that you do not like using airplane mode, you can turn off all sounds, for example.

Create an electronic NFC business card

Such a business card will be especially useful at an event in the form. To share with your phone number, just press the phone you want to send data to to share your phone number.

You can also share an email, send an SMS (which will be discussed below), or even automatically dial a phone number.

Sending SMS to the addressee that you have just left work.

Example: you go home from work, and in the car, hold your phone to a tag that sends a text message to your wife (who is already at home) that you are already on your way home. We can say that this will be a signal to your wife to make tea for your arrival :)

Select "send message", write the text of the message and the number of the recipient.

I brought several simple examples using NFC tasks. You can also simply launch different applications, check in on Forksware, send messages to Twitter and much more.

It is also worth noting that when adding tasks, at the bottom of the program it is written how much space is needed on the chip to record the task. When buying an NFC tag, you yourself must know how much memory is available for writing on the NFC tag. And when creating tasks and recording them, they themselves must control how much memory remains.

If you still have questions, ask them in the comments below.

Near field communication, better known as NFC(Near Field Communication) is a "short-range, high-frequency wireless communication technology that enables the exchange of data between devices located at a distance of about 10 centimeters." This is how Wikipedia deciphers the meaning of the technology that is rapidly gaining popularity. If earlier no one thought why his phone needed to have such an advantage, then in our century, especially in the coming years, NFC along with it will not be superfluous at all. So what's so great about this technology? Let's figure it out.

The following 8 reasons will make you think about buying a smartphone next time Windows Phone 8 with the support NFC.
1. Leave your wallet at home. A smartphone with NFC can remember all your debit/credit card details. They will be stored in the application " Purse" and can be used when you need to enter data from the card or when making purchases in the Windows Phone Store. In the near future, it will be possible to pay with a smartphone on special NFC-supported terminals with one touch.

2. Another possibility in the near future is the storage of information about the key card from your hotel room. This means that now you will never leave the room without a key to it, because you always take your Windows Phone with you.

3. Use your smartphone to pay for public transport. It is enough to swipe the device over the NFC reader. The system is already working in countries such as the UK, Germany, China and some others. In Russia, you can also experiment with the Moscow metro. Don't forget to share your results with us
4. Transferring virtual business cards just got easier. It is enough to bring two smartphones to each other, and all the information indicated about you in the card will be downloaded to the opponent's device. You no longer need to buy new business cards when changing numbers or jobs, all information can be easily overwritten. Of course, data transfer is only possible if both smartphones have NFC.

6. In the "Wallet" application, you can also save all information about your discount (discount) cards. Say goodbye to your wallet swollen from them, now you only need one smartphone to get a discount at your favorite store.
7. NFC can be used for a wide variety of purposes in a variety of applications. For example, in Foursquare, to indicate your location, you need to download the program, find your current location and "check-in" (check-in). With NFC, this is done with one touch, just put your smartphone on the desired NFC reader.

8. As in point 5, you can easily transfer your photos and videos to your friends and family using the Tap + Send feature on Windows Phone.

Listed above are just 8 everyday situations in which you will make your life easier. In fact, the possibilities of NFC are limited only by the imagination of the developers. See how you can turn Nokia Lumia 920 to the central control panel of your apartment:

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