They returned the money to Aliexpress, and the goods arrived, what to do. How to return money back to the seller on Aliexpress

They returned the money to Aliexpress, and the goods arrived, what to do. How to return money back to the seller on Aliexpress


When buying goods on Aliexpress, you often have to open disputes for various reasons - defective goods, the wrong quantity was sent, the package did not arrive, etc.

Today we will talk about one situation that can sometimes arise.

You opened a dispute because the promised delivery time was coming to an end and you have not received your order yet. As a result of the fact that you did not receive the goods, you won the dispute, and the parcel unexpectedly, after a couple of weeks, arrived.

Yes, there are such situations:

  • if the parcel is lost somewhere and lies for a long time - and for some reason the sellers are not in a hurry to make inquiries about the fate of the parcel, even if it was tracked. They give only a standard answer - "Don't worry, friend, usually delivery takes 45-60 days", etc.;
  • if it is trackless and gets to you by unknown delivery services and the data on it is not updated.

I'll give you an example.

As you can see, judging by the status, there was a departure from the country of departure. But after the departure, she did not appear in Ukraine. I wrote to the seller a month after the departure - I received an answer that the package was on its way.

Accordingly, after waiting for the end of the Buyer Protection, which is almost a month, I was forced to open a dispute.

Naturally, I won the argument.

Now imagine the situation, after the money was returned to me, after a while the parcel is still “fought off” at customs and after a while, I receive it.

This is the same situation you may be in. Everything is fine, the order has been received, now you want to return the money to the store, but you don’t know how.

How to return money?

To return, in this case, the money or not is your business. Read my article on .

The administration of Aliexpress, after the completion of the transaction, does not control your relationship with the seller

Let's just say - it will be on your conscience, but still I recommend - return the money.

There are several reasons for this:

  • your conscience will be clear;
  • the seller may block your access to purchases in his store, and you will no longer be able to purchase anything from him;
  • also, he may leave a bad review about you, which will be visible to other merchants. Of course, this does not mean that they will not cooperate with you - but why do you need negative reviews.

To return the money to the store, it makes no sense to contact support - you will be directed to the seller.

You need to write to the seller and explain to him that the package has arrived and you want a refund.

In order to write to him, you need to select the order for which you want to return the money in "My orders" and click the "Message to the seller" button

In the window that opens, at the bottom of the page there is a form for communicating with the seller.

Write (in English) that you have received the goods and would like to return the funds to him. Ask how it can be done.

Wrote, press "Submit" and wait for a response.

So what could be the answer:

  • if the goods are inexpensive, the merchant may refuse money and offer to leave the goods as a gift;
  • will offer to transfer money to his account through PayPal or some other system that he uses. This option is not always suitable for buyers, since not everyone uses the same PayPal;
  • may offer to make a second purchase of the same product. After paying, verifying the payment and allegedly sending the goods, you must confirm receipt - this way the goods will remain in the store and the seller will receive his money;

Please note that the amount payable is no more than the amount you have to return. If it is higher - write to the seller, let him reduce the cost of the goods.

  • the seller may offer to pay for a cheap product, indicating in it the cost of delivery, which will be equal to the cost of the product you received.

Good merchants, as a sign of gratitude, may offer to return not the entire amount. Or after the return - they can send you a present.

As you can see, it is not difficult to return the money after the parcel has arrived. Just write to the seller and he will tell you a solution.

What to do if you received a refund for the goods on Aliexpress, but the package still arrived. How can I return money to the seller for the order?

Sometimes there are situations on Aliexpress when the parcel arrived after the money had already been returned for it through a dispute or after the cancellation of the order. This mainly happens with inexpensive parcels that are not tracked, get stuck in the mail, or just go (delay) for a very long time due to mail congestion.

And here the question arises: how can I return money to the seller for an already received parcel (goods) from Aliexpress? The point is that repeating the payment or to buy the same product again and immediately confirm receipt will not be entirely correct, since for each purchase, the Aliexpress trading platform charges the seller about 15% of the amount paid.

Therefore, it is better to write to the seller and inform him that the parcel has been received after all and ask for a link to re-pay for the order. You need to write in English, the text should look something like this:
Hi dear seller, i received the product. Give me link where i can pay you! (translation: Hello dear seller, I received the goods. Give me a link where I can pay you.)

After that, the seller will most likely provide you with a link with the full cost of your product, where the price of the product will be approximately $ 0.01, and the shipping cost will be the equivalent of the cost of your product. I think you guessed that in this case the seller will receive the full cost and he will not need to pay the Aliexpress commission again (by the way, many sellers are so confused, selling goods for a penny, but delivery is paid and more expensive than the goods themselves)

So let's figure out how to write to the seller and return the money to him. Go to the main page of the Aliexpress website, log in and go to the My Orders section:

You will see a page with a detailed description of the order, where at the very bottom you can correspond with the seller. Actually there you can write to the seller and ask for a link for a refund (he will provide a link to a similar product at a cost that you can pay and thus return the money back to the seller):

Here's what the seller's response will look like, in this case, he created a special type of product with the right value, which is not subject to the Aliexpress commission (called: additional fee, Extra Fee). All you need to do is follow his link and pay for the goods.

That's all, justice has triumphed, the money has been successfully returned to the seller. I have a plus in karma)

By the way, sometimes as a token of gratitude for honesty, the seller can send you a small gift from China or provide a good discount on their other products. In any case, other people's money has never brought joy, it is better to return everything in time and your conscience will not torment you.

The Chinese already work there for a penny, there is little work in the villages, they go to distant lands to work, by the way, there are no pensions in China either, where children support the elderly and their families at their own expense. Here is a visual video for you, how the life of ordinary Chinese is currently in China and the production of millions of goods that we are so accustomed to using is arranged:

Do you have any questions? ask your question at

Aliexpress is the largest online trading platform, equally convenient for both sellers and buyers. She is speaks Not only mediator between the participants in the operations of purchase and sale of goods, but also arbitration on emerging problems. If the buyer opened dispute on Aliexpress, returned money, and then came goods in complete volume of proper quality, arises question, as protect interests both parties.

Order design order

Everyone day on Aliexpress purchased goods on dozens million dollars. Designed clear design algorithm order:

  1. Register on the official site shop.
  2. By choosing required product, immediately click on "Finish order» or add product in basket and keep shopping. Go to payment and others details deals possible in field view pending shopping.
  3. In a popup window fill in shipping address if you don't filled him at registration or he changed.
  4. choose convenient way payment, after press button " Pay my order". Aliexpress works with several payment systems: Webmoney, Yandex. Money, Qivi wallet. Money you can also translate with cards VISA and MasterCard. The browser will take you to the page confirmation payment with indicating amounts order.
  5. In the tab "My orders» buying assigned a unique number and status " Confirmation payment», which updated within 24 hours.
  6. Once facilities fall into account shop, status parcels is replaced to "Waiting sending». Turns on timer for the seller (3-7 days), during which he collects order and trains him to departure.
  7. As soon as the goods leaves stock seller and hits to sorting Centre, appears track number, by which you can track everything motion with comments, if any there are. Time delivery determined individually depending on the seller and final item arrival(no more than 60 days). If the product is not came on time, the buyer has the right open dispute and return the amount paid to yourself. Duration return no more than 15.
  8. Having received product, click " Confirmation" and score translates frozen funds to the seller's account.

Open dispute possible only during protection.

AT otherwise case system is not st sdeat it's automatic and the seller maybe not go on contact, with request return money without official solutions dispute.

how enroll, if opened dispute on Aliexpress, returned money, and then came product

Situation higher shows, as score protects rights buyers. But what make sellers when Aliexpress returned money, a package came later?

All operations committed remotely, therefore rely costs only for integrity of people participating in deal. Some are sure that "the buyer is always rights”, so the goods not delivered on time are a priori present supplier "for the inconvenience caused". If conscience is not for someone empty sound, there is two option:

  1. Return amount of money in complete volume or part.
  2. Sending goods back to the seller.

Second option less attractive, insofar as bears in itself additional postal expenses. If you are going to return money seller for received product, subsequence action next :

  1. To report second side about arrival goods and your readiness pay her again.
  2. come to agreement by amount return: salesman maybe myself offer pay only part.
  3. Reach an agreement about convenient for both parties way return of money .

Conscientious sellers go per contact in 100% cases. At incredible competition, everyone strives keep"your buyer". On your honesty You can get unexpected answers:

  • Salesman will offer return him only part of money .
  • Refuse from return and leave in present"long-awaited" product.
  • Will do to you big discount for the next purchase.

Ways return of money seller

If both sides agreed on the option return of money, salesman will offer one of the following options:

  • Still being issued one order on the similar products . Attached to it is the left track. As soon as you can systematically confirm order, money fall down to the seller's account.

Important ! Mandatory in

Did you get your money back on Aliexpress, and did the goods arrive after that? Learn how to return money to the seller on Aliexpress for the goods received.

I am often asked questions about how to return money to the seller on Aliexpress for the goods received, and this is good news. Why is that? Because I myself remember very well my joy when I received the first such “freebie” - they say I returned the money and received the goods.

But we all know perfectly well that doing so is, at least, ugly. And no one has canceled karma in one sense or another - one cannot build one's prosperity on someone else's misfortune (in this case, the double loss of the seller). And such a profit usually responds with a sharp loss in something else.

Therefore, now I adhere to a strict position: if the item arrived, even late (in which the seller is not to blame in most cases), you need to contact the seller. Naturally, this applies to those cases when everything is in order with the item that arrived, and the order arrived complete and in the proper form.

How to contact a Chinese? on the page of the order that came after the return of money for it. Let him know that the goods still arrived, and you want to return the money for it. Further developments are possible in three directions:

  1. The seller will happily greet you, thank you for your honesty and inform you of a convenient way for him to return the money.
  2. The seller will thank you for your honesty and say that you do not need money - this is a gift (this is rare, but it still happens with various inexpensive things).
  3. The seller will not respond in any way either that day or the next. Usually in this case, I wait up to a week, and if there is still no answer, I don’t look at this order anymore, because. my job is to offer.

If in principle everything is clear on the second and third points, then I will dwell on the first point in more detail.

They returned the money, and the goods arrived - how to return money to the seller on Aliexpress

So, according to my observations, I can highlight the 3 most common ways to return money to the seller on Aliexpress

Method 1 - reorder

Purchase of exactly the same commodity item (if the price has not changed up / down) or another, but similar in price, marked in the comment “ Do not send, please, I return the money for order ...(order number for which you are refunding” (translation: Please do not send, I am refunding the money for the order ...).

Pay for the order as usual, and to be sure, duplicate the above phrase also in a personal message on the new order page.

True, sometimes there are overlays, and the seller really sends the ordered item. But there is already a refund at your discretion, because. this is already a jamb of the seller (or his warehouse worker).

Method 2 - ordering a special item

Some sellers, who often face various kinds of surcharges after placing and paying for the main order, start special headings. The meaning of their existence: the price of an order can be edited only before the buyer pays for it, and after payment, it is no longer possible. And if the buyer orders additional services, then he simply orders a special item in the required volume and pays for it separately.

Here is an example of such positions from one tablet seller.

If you return the money to such a seller, then simply type the required number of “items of goods” in this special position, place an order marked “ I return the money for order…”, pay for it and wait for the seller's response. There will be no errors here, because. special offer does not involve sending any goods at all :)

Method 3 - PayPal

In rare cases, the seller may give you his e-mail as a PayPal account ID and ask you to send money there. I myself did not return the money in this way, but this option is quite possible, it was offered to me by some good, rated electronics sellers.

So if you are an active user of the Stick, you can send money to the seller in this way. But I would advise you to leave it as a last resort, because. According to the rules, all financial transactions must go through Aliexpress. And transferring money through PayPal, as far as I understand, is an opportunity for the seller to avoid paying commission for the sale.

This is how the educational program turned out. So if you got your money back on Aliexpress, and the goods arrived, now you know how to return them to the seller. In any case, most sellers, when offering a refund, send detailed instructions on how to do this in response. Still, it's in their interest :)

Often there are situations when the goods do not arrive for a long time, although the time on the timer ends. In such situations, the buyer is nervous and opens a dispute.
If the goods are not very expensive, and the seller is honest, then he accepts the dispute, but asks, if the goods still come, that the buyer return the money to him.
After the dispute is closed in favor of the buyer, the money is returned to him in full. But, it may turn out such a situation that the dispute is won, and after some time a package with goods arrives. And the question arises, what to do if the thing turned out to be of high quality and completely satisfied.

How would you act in such a situation? Someone will think that the goods did not arrive on time - these are the problems of the seller and the money will not be returned.
But is the seller responsible for the work of completely unrelated delivery services? Is it his fault that our valiant Russian post always slows down?

The seller honestly did his job and should be rewarded for this. This is also the opinion of the administration of Aliexpress.
If your track number is legible, then the seller can see that the goods have been delivered, but the money has not been returned to him. In such a situation, upset sellers complain to the administration. And the accounts of buyers greedy for freebies are simply simply blocked as deceivers.

How to return money to the seller for the goods that you received?

In order to return the money to the seller, you need to contact him. Write that you received the goods and want to return the money to him.

Dear friend.

Fortunately, today I received a parcel. thank you. I'm completely satisfied and I want to give you back the money.

Tell me, how can I refund money for a product?

The seller will most likely offer one of two simple schemes:

1) You will need to place an order for a similar product again and ask for the left track number. And at the first opportunity to confirm the order. Thus, the seller will receive the money back. Write in the comments that this order does not need to be sent, that you return the money in this way. Be sure to write a comment, because if the seller has a lot of orders, he simply will not understand that you are making a refund and will send you the goods again.

2) The seller will give you a link to a special "item" with a low price. Which in fact serves specifically for payment. And he writes how many units of this “product” you need to order in order to get an amount equal to the cost of your order. And again, as soon as the opportunity arises, confirm the order.

That's all. Be honest with each other. And happy shopping.

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