The seller does not send the goods to Aliexpress - what to do. What should I do if the seller did not send the goods from Aliexpress? The seller on aliexpress does not send the goods

The seller does not send the goods to Aliexpress - what to do. What should I do if the seller did not send the goods from Aliexpress? The seller on aliexpress does not send the goods

Online shopping is very convenient. The Aliexpress website is popular with fans of virtual shopping. If you decide to join the active users of Aliexpress, then our article will be of interest to you. We will review the goods from this resource.

Aliexpress shipping features

You have chosen a product, placed an order and you just have to wait for the parcel. At the final stage of waiting, as a rule, there are many fears and worries. Most often this is due to a delay in sending.

Let's try to figure out what happens after choosing a product. You place an order. Your next step is to make sure the seller has everything in stock. After clarifying all the details, the seller goes to the post office to send you an order. Keep track of your mail. You should receive an email from Aliexpress about the shipment of the goods.

This letter will contain a special track number. It allows you to track your package. Save the letter, remember the date of receipt. It is from this date that the countdown of the delivery time of your order begins.

Sometimes there are situations when the Aliexpress seller does not send the goods for a long time. Do not rush to sound the alarm. There may be a variety of reasons why the goods are not sent to Aliexpress. For example, your order fell on holidays or weekends. In this case, your item will be shipped on the first business day. You will immediately receive a notification about this.

Another reason for the delay during the dispatch of the goods by the seller is the high load on the site. Be patient, your order will be fulfilled.

The most unpleasant reason why the goods did not arrive from Aliexpress is. The site administration suspends your order. You will be informed about this over the phone. If the seller's fault is proven, your money will be returned.

If you do not receive a letter about the dispatch of your order for a long time, then your actions may be as follows.

  1. Contact the seller. Already at this stage, you can find out the reason for the delay and the time frame for solving the problem.
  2. If the seller is silent, not online for a long time, then cancel the order. You can do this in the list of your orders. The second step is not to confirm the delivery. The order will be canceled automatically. The third step is to click the "Open Dispute" button. If you follow all these steps, you will get your money back in case of fraud by the seller.

Tracking goods with Aliexpress

We considered a negative situation when the seller did not send the order. Now let's talk about what happens after you receive a send email. You have two options. You can just calmly wait or track the path of the parcel on the site.

To go to your personal account. There, select the "My Orders" tab and click the "Show Details" button.

Next, find the column "logistics information". Here you can see the track number of your order. Goods from Aliexpress China have the letters CN at the end of the track number. For parcels from other countries, other letter options are possible.

The track number will allow you to find out exactly where your parcel is at the moment. To do this, use the Russian Post website. On the site you will receive a detailed report on the time of dispatch of the order and the location of the parcel.

There are times when goods are not tracked on Aliexpress. Let's understand the reasons. Firstly, the track number appears only after the seller sends the package. If you try to find the track number earlier, you will fail. Information about the number on the site appears 2-3 days after you receive the letter.

If there is a track number, but it does not work, or simply put, you cannot track the package using it within 10 days, then open a dispute. Before 10 days, this should not be done.

A lot of buyers on Aliexpress are faced with such a problem when the seller does not want to send the goods. What should be done in this situation?

This site insanely popular not only in China, but all over the world.

Today, this Internet site has millions of users who buy and sell Chinese products.

The entire purchase procedure takes place in a completely transparent way, and the risks are minimal. But there are cases when the order is simply not sent by the seller. What should be done in this situation?

The period for which the parcel must be sent

You need to understand that large stores operate with a large turnover of products. Therefore, in order to place someone's order, they need to spend a lot of time. You also need to pay attention to the goods that you buy on sale or big discounts.

After all, thousands of people want to buy such a product. And it is this excitement that makes the process of the sellers' work very difficult. That is why it will take some time to place an order.

On average, a seller can spend three to seven days in order to process the entire order as a whole. Over this time:

  • Products are delivered directly to the warehouse itself.
  • Then it is carefully packaged.
  • Next, the manufacturer will need to carefully arrange the package, as well as send it through the mail, while indicating the exact data.
  • After that, the parcel receives its individual number, and also receives a unique description.

Can trace over the internet, using your personal account, where exactly is your package at a given time. There is a special buyer protection timer. Also, you always have a choice - to agree to the package or not.

The system can refund you if the order did not arrive within the Buyer Protection timer. This is especially convenient because the buyer will always be protected.

You need to understand that sellers can not always send all parcels on time. Firstly, they simply may have a lot of orders that need to be processed in which period of time. Also, they may just process your order after some time, so sometimes it just takes a little more time.

Why goods may be delayed

  1. First of all, this is due to the fact that the product that you could order is simply not in stock at the moment. It may also be the case that the new shipment has not yet arrived, which means that the goods simply have not yet been produced.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to holidays, as well as weekends, which are typical for China. Therefore, you need to clearly understand exactly when you want to make purchases.
  3. Also, special attention should be paid to various sales, when a flurry of customers simply does not allow sending all the parcels at the same time. In this case, you will also need to wait a bit for the clearance of your product.

How can I know when the parcel will be sent

If such a situation has happened that the seller does not send your goods to you, then you can check the exact information regarding the possible delivery time of the goods.

To do this, you will need to go to main official website, where you will need to find the "All Orders" section. The time will be shown here. Installed by the system, so that the seller can send the parcel to the right place in the world during this time.

Need constantly be in touch with your seller, try to ask him parting words.

What to do if the seller does not sell the goods

  1. The first thing to remember is that if the seller does not confirm that the item has been shipped. In this case, after the expiration of the term, the funds are returned to the buyer in full.
  2. You can also conduct a profitable and fast return system. If necessary, you can make an exchange, that is, cancel the order, and also get your money back. This period can vary from three days to fourteen days, depending on the contract that you enter into with the seller.
  3. Always use the buyer protection timer.

What are the shipping times?

There are several terms that are accepted on this site. For example, sending from distant countries can take from five to a whole month. So don't panic too soon, and it is best to clearly understand that the packaging and transportation of goods takes a significantly large amount of time.

The site currently has huge number of users who buy and sell Chinese products. This entire purchase procedure is carried out in a completely transparent way and the risks are minimal, which in particular improves the process and makes it more enjoyable.

AliExpress is the most popular Chinese trading network that sells various goods. However, despite the popularity of the trading platform, many users do not know how to make a purchase correctly.

What to do if the seller on Aliexpress did not send the order?

When payment is made, the purchase is sent for processing. The processing time is set by the store. The goods must be sent to the postal service for further delivery. However, sometimes sellers do not have time to send on time.

The main reasons why the parcel may not be sent:

  • the store did not notice the notification about the purchase made and did not send the goods;
  • out of stock products;
  • detained at customs;
  • Increased shipping time due to holidays;
  • high workload in postal services, delivery can take up to two months.

What happens if the purchased products are not shipped within the specified time?

If the processing date ends and the purchase has not been sent to the postal service, the order is automatically closed. The money paid for the purchased products is returned to the buyer's account.

How to avoid problems with sending an order?

The buyer can independently contact the seller and find out the reason for the delay. The store may ask to extend the processing. You can extend the processing in your personal profile "My orders". It is not recommended to extend the processing time if no one answers the correspondence.

Status "Closed" - return of money

In the "My Orders" section, you can track the status of your purchase. There are six statuses in total: payment pending, payment verification, shipment pending, shipped, frozen, and closed.

Reasons why the order status may be "closed" on Aliexpress:

  • the merchant did not confirm the shipment to the postal service;
  • the seller turned out to be a scammer;
  • the seller closed the order for Aliexpress on his own;
  • the protection timer has expired, and the buyer has not extended it;
  • the confirmation button is pressed.

If the order is closed in the first three cases, then there is no need to worry, as the money will be returned within 15 days (often the return of money is much faster). You can control the refund process in the "payment" section.

If the order is closed on the fourth and fifth occasion, then most likely the money will not be returned. However, you can try to open a dispute and resolve your problem.

In accordance with the rules of the trading platform, the return of funds for the order made is made through the support service.

Process for submitting an application for a return order:

  1. You need to go to the website of the trading platform and open a request for the return of goods and funds.
  2. Attach a video or photo of the autopsy.
  3. Specify the reason for the dispute, as well as describe the problem in detail.
  4. After that, you can submit a dispute.

After sending, you must wait for the decision of the seller, for this he is given 10 days. If the store did not take any action on the appointed date, then it is necessary to transfer the dispute into a claim. If the administrator agreed, then he indicates the return address to which the buyer must send the purchased item within 10 days. As soon as the goods come back, the money will be returned to the account.

We return the goods correctly:

  • if you want to avoid unnecessary problems, then always film the opening process. In the event of a marriage or damage, you will have proof to attach to your application. The presence of a video significantly increases the chances of a return of money;
  • when sending the goods back to the seller, it is necessary to pack it well. Otherwise, the store may open a counter dispute. Sending, it is also recommended to shoot a video so that you have a confirmation that will help resolve any problems with the seller.

You always need to understand why it is closed, only after that take action.

Changes after payment

After payment, the following transaction changes may occur:

  1. Changing the mail service through which the . So, for example, the buyer can choose paid shipping, which is carried out within two weeks, and the seller will send through the free postal service. In this case, the delivery date of the goods may increase up to two months.
  2. Increased processing time. This change is carried out by the buyer in the event that the store does not have time to send the parcel at the appointed time. If the deadline is not extended, the order will be automatically closed and the money will be returned back.
  3. Increased protection period. This change is also made by the buyer. It is necessary to increase the protection period if the protection timer expires and the package is still on the way. If the protection period is not extended, the buyer will not be able to return the money if the package is not delivered.

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AliTools extension for Aliexpress:

What is the feedback from buyers about disputes when goods are not sent?

Alexandra, 29 years old:

I bought a blue sweater through AliExpress, as a result, the product was delivered in the wrong size and color that was indicated when ordering. Immediately opened a dispute and indicated the reason that the product does not meet the declared parameters. I asked for a refund of 80% of the purchase price. Attached a video of the autopsy and a photo of the sweater. The seller did not answer for a long time and only at the last hour, he rejected the request. I sent a second dispute, to which I attached a few more photos. At the same time, she chose the function "aggravate the dispute." As a result, after five days, the administration of the trading platform granted my request and decided to return the full amount of the purchase.

Alexey, 30 years old:

Ordered through AliExpress phone. As a result, when I opened the received package, I saw a phone with a broken screen. The opening process was filmed by me on video, so I had proof that the goods were damaged during the delivery process. Immediately opened a dispute and attached the filmed video to it. Within two days they accepted all the conditions, and returned the full cost. It is important to track the status of your order on Aliexpress so as not to lose money. And don't forget.

Video "How to cancel an order on AliExpress and return the money":

Aliexpress is a world famous online trading platform where Chinese manufacturers sell their products. The store has many users, because the system is designed in such a way that all purchases and sales are absolutely transparent, risks are minimized. But what if the order for aliexpress is not sent?

Please note that large stores may spend time processing more than just your order. Especially if the product is on sale, there are thousands who want to buy it, and this figure is growing daily. From this we conclude that the company must place your and other orders, and this takes time.

Basically, the manufacturer spends 3-7 days processing the order, and during this time the following operations are performed:

  • products are brought to the warehouse;
  • packed;
  • the manufacturer draws up the parcel and sends it to the post office;
  • The parcel is assigned a track number and description.

At the same time, on Ali in the personal account, the parcel will display the status “Order Processing”. If the selling company does not have time to send the goods and writes to you about it, offering to extend the processing time.

You have the choice to disagree and cancel the order, after which the system will return the funds to your account. If you want to receive the parcel - check if the buyer protection timer has been extended. If not, do not agree to the terms of the seller.

Factors affecting the delivery time of the parcel

Please note that there are a lot of orders on aliexpress and the seller does not always send the goods because he is trying to fool you. Here are the factors under the influence of which the order is delayed:

  • the product you ordered is not currently in stock or has not yet been produced;
  • order time coincides with a non-working day or holiday in China;
  • sale period.

How to know when your package will be sent

If you do not receive an order, you can check the information about the timing of its possible shipment. To do this, go to Ali's personal account in the "All orders" section and look at the time given by the system for the seller to send the parcel.

Always talk to the seller and ask him questions, find out the reasons for the delay. Basically, the manufacturer notifies you of delays and problems that have arisen himself - but if this did not happen, you should ask him.

What actions to take if the seller does not ship the goods?

If the store does not process the package for a long time, here are some tips:

An article in the topic - what to do, if, where to write complaints.

Delivery times for parcels

Before you resent the fact that the parcel does not come to your hands for a long time and the status does not change, pay attention to the accepted deadlines:

  • delivery by China Post - 15-50 days;
  • sending via EMS - 10-20 days;
  • fast shipping SPSR arrives within 7 days.

If you are not sent an order after the specified period, and the refund does not come, it makes sense to open a dispute and demand a refund, since you have the right to receive your package on time.

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When buying goods on aliexpress, sometimes there are difficulties or questions that only the seller can answer. As a rule, most of the sellers are happy to respond to messages, but there are times when the seller does not answer at all, or after a long time can give you an answer. What should be done to resolve such a situation? If this happens, you can use some methods. But first you need to understand the reason why the seller is not responding.

There can be two main reasons:

  1. A very high degree of workload or the seller rarely visits aliexpress. These reasons are mainly noticed by young and novice traders who sell their goods on aliexpress. Sometimes they respond within 5 days. But also do not discard the fact that there may be days off. As a rule, if the day off, the seller does not work for aliexpress.
  2. The situation is much worse if the seller is not conscientious and wants to deceive the buyer, that is, you. If there are any problems, then the seller may simply ignore your message in order to avoid solving problems. In any case, you must wait for a response message for 5 days, if no one answers, you can safely act. Any problem on aliexpress is solved, sometimes even without the participation of the seller.

When there is no connection with the seller, you need to do the following:

  1. If the seller does not send the ordered goods for a long period, and also does not respond to any of your messages about why such a long order processing, then you can start canceling the order. But it should be noted that if the goods have already been paid for, then the cancellation will be made only if the seller gives his consent. In any case, the buyer remains in a winning situation, because after such actions the seller begins to stir and the dispatch process is dramatically accelerated. Although another outcome is possible, he simply accepts your cancellation and the money will be returned to the card or account. In such a situation, you can simply find another seller and purchase a similar product, but with short delivery times. An important point is the declared time of dispatch of the goods by the merchant. You should always look at such a line, and also avoid those traders who claim too long a design. As a rule, on aliexpress you can find an alternative option at a suitable price.
  2. The product came not the one that was in the application or defective. If in such an option the merchant begins to ignore the methods of communication, then certain actions need to be taken, namely, to start opening a dispute. The solution to this problem will be accompanied by the administration of aliexpress. In addition, this way the problem will be solved easier, because the administration will help you. If, with this outcome, the seller begins to ignore the dispute and messages, then the application will automatically move to the status of satisfied after some time. And all the conditions that are set out by the buyer will be approved. In this case, the buyer does not have to do anything. It must be recalled that you should not wait too long for a response from the seller, because after the time has elapsed to protect the order, it will not be possible to open a dispute.
  3. The seller does not respond to messages that relate to his product. If the purchase was not made, but you need to know some important details, and the message remains unanswered, then the solution to the problem is very simple. You just should not get hung up on it, but find a similar product from another seller and clarify all the details with him.

It is worth considering another factor, ignoring messages that are found on aliexpress - this is the closure of the store. When buying goods on aliexpress, you cannot know if the seller has a really large store with stock or if one Chinese has several copies of this product. And after selling things, they just close their stores.

But do not jump to conclusions and do not need to worry. As a buyer, the condition of the lot or the store as a whole should not be disturbed. Since until the order is received by mail or in another way, the seller who sent the goods will not receive the money. They are blocked on the account of the site.

What to do if the seller of the store does not respond to messages, and on top of everything else, his store is already closed. This also happens. Perhaps he decided to go on another vacation or take a break from work. And he left all communication channels so that no one could interfere with him, but at the same time he did not have time to send the order to the buyer. Then you should use the protection of the goods. As time approaches, you can open a dispute. This function has its own timer. For example, if there is no response from the seller in the dispute within a four-day period, then the administration will close it subject to the conditions of the buyer. And the buyer will be able to return his money for the goods not sent.

In such a case, the main thing is to follow the deadlines that are allotted for the protection of the goods. One week before the time runs out, and the parcel has not yet arrived, you can ask the administration to extend the protection period. Or open a dispute. The main thing is not to miss the deadline!

So, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that you should not worry about the fact that the store is closed. Sometimes, on the contrary, this closure can benefit you when conducting a dispute with a merchant of a certain product.

It should be remembered that not always those merchants who do not respond to messages sent by the buyer for a long time want to deceive them. It is likely that in their camp, aliexpress is not developing properly and there are technical delays. But it is still recommended to place orders with those people who have good reviews and reputation on the site, a high mark in the rating. Such traders, as a rule, set short delivery times and are always in touch. Of course, they may be a little overpriced for the goods, but the quality and service will be at the level. It's up to you to wait longer and be nervous or overpay a little, but soon be happy with your purchase.

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