How to create a button in Microsoft Access. Creating buttons to launch forms

How to create a button in Microsoft Access. Creating buttons to launch forms


Providing button forms in the application helps users find the tasks they need. This article describes how to create and delete button forms in Access, and add and edit elements in a button form.

Note: Access also provides a feature called the navigation pane, which you can use in place of button forms to allow application users to navigate around the application.

In this article

Creating a Button Form

Before creating a button form, consider how users should find the various forms and reports in the database and plan the navigation structure accordingly. If you need to make changes after creating your button form, you can change the structure of the button form at any time.

When you create a button form using the Button Form Manager, Access creates a "push button form elements" table that describes the buttons on the form and the actions they perform. If you change your button form manually, the application may stop working.

Because the Push Button Manager only supports eight command buttons on a pushbutton, you may need additional pushbuttons that the user can navigate to from the main pushbutton.

When you start Access 2010, the Button Manager is not available on the ribbon, so you first need to add a command to quick access panel. The first steps here show you how to add this command to quick access panel.

    Click the down arrow on the Quick Access toolbar and select other teams. Access will open the " Access Options"with highlighted item" quick access panel ".

    In a combo box Select teams from select item all teams.

    Select Pushbutton Form Manager and press the button Add. Click the button OK to save changes and close the dialog box Access Options .

    On quick access panels click the button Button Form Manager to open the tool.

    Microsoft Access asks if you should create a button form, click the button Yes. Will be created Main button form. You can add all the buttonform commands to the main buttonform or create additional buttonforms.

    To create additional button forms, click the button create.

    Note: If you create additional buttonforms, make sure that each buttonform has a command to return to the main buttonform.

    A dialog box will open Creating a new one .

    Enter a name for the new button form and click the button OK.

    Microsoft Access will add the button form to the list in the field Pushbutton form pages .

    At this point, you can add additional button form names.

    Repeat steps 5 – 6 for each additional button form you want to create, and then click the button Close.

Adding elements to a button form

After you create your button form, you'll need to add menu items or commands that perform various tasks, such as opening forms and reports in the database. The elements you add to the button form appear as command buttons.

    In the dialog box Pushbutton Form Manager select the button form and click the button change.

    A dialog box will open.

    Click the button Create.

    The dialog box " changing a button form element ".

    Enter the name of the command element in text field and select the appropriate command from the list teams .

    For example, if the element is client data, check the box Open the form in add mode.

    Note: To create a button form that will connect to other button forms, click the button Go to button form in field team, and then select the switchboard from the list or enter the name of another switchboard.

    Click the button OK.

    Repeat steps 1 – 4 until all the necessary commands for the button form have been added.


Action to be performed

Go to button form

Opens an auxiliary button form.

Opening a form in append mode

Opens the form in a mode in which you can add new records.

Opening a form in edit mode

Opens the form in a mode that allows you to add or change any entries.

Opening a report

Open the report in preview mode.

Application design

Opening the Button Form Manager.

Exit the application

Closes the current database.

Running a macro

Runs a macro.

Running the code

Runs a Visual Basic function.

You can add buttons and embedded macros to launch database components, and then configure the form to display when launched. For information about how to create embedded macros, see Understanding macros. For information about how to create a form, see Introduction to forms.

Access to the button form

Here's how to access the generated button form to test the accuracy of the commands and design elements.

    In the navigation pane, double-click the form push-button form.

    If you don't like the name provided to access the button form, you can change the name.

Changing elements in a button form

You may need to change elements on a button form for several reasons, such as changing the command label or changing the way a command is executed.

    Pushbutton Form Manager .

    In the dialog box Pushbutton Form Manager select the button form you want to change and click the button change.

    Click the item on the button bar that you want to change and do one of the following:

    • To change the text of an element, the command performed by the element, or the object that opens or runs when the element is clicked, click the button change.


      To move the order in which an item is displayed, click the Up button or down.

    When you are finished editing the button form elements, click the button Close.

Delete a button form or button form element

You can use the Switchboard Manager to remove an unwanted pushbutton or pushbutton element. However, deleting a buttonform will also delete all elements assigned to that buttonform.

    On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Pushbutton Form Manager .

    In the dialog box Pushbutton Form Manager Select the button form that you want to delete or that contains the element that you want to delete.

    To remove the button form, go to step 6.

    To remove an item, click the button change.

    The dialog box " changing a pushbutton form page "

    Select the items you want to remove.

    Click the button Delete.

    Click the button Close.

Displaying the main button form on startup

You can change the access settings so that the Main Button Form appears automatically when you open the database.

    On the tab File select item Options to open the dialog box Access Options.

    Select an item Current database.

    Select push-button drop down form View form .

    Click the button OK.

    Close and reopen the database.

    The button form will open automatically.

Creating buttons on a form does not depend on what version of Access you have installed (2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016). In this article I will show 2 ways to create buttons on a form in the Acceess database: using a wizard and using a macro.

How to do it?

Step 1: Create a form

If you don't have a form, you need to create one. You can see more details on how forms are created. HERE. Go to the “Creation” tab, “Form Wizard” item. Next, select the table or query on the basis of which the form will be created. Next, select the required fields and click “Next”.

Selecting the appearance of the form.

Set a name for the form and click “Finish”.

Open the form in design mode. How to create a button in the Microsoft Access database will be described in the second step.

Step 2: Create a button using the wizard

On the toolbar, select the “Button” item and place it on the form. The Button Wizard window appears. Here you need to select the required category and set a specific action. Select “Previous Entry” and click “Next”.

Choose what to display on the button: text or image. Leave the default image and click “Next”.

Set a name for the button and click “Finish”.

Now let's create a button with text. Let’s go to the button wizard again and select “Next entry”.

Step 3: Create a button using a macro

On the toolbar, select the “Button” item and place it on the form. The Button Wizard window appears. Click “Cancel”.

Double-click on the created button to open the properties window. Go to the “Events” tab, “Button Press” item. Click the button with three dots.

We return to the form “Table 1”. Let’s rename the button and set it to “Exit”.

Let’s go to form mode and check how the “Exit” button works. The Microsoft Access application should close.

In this article, we looked at how to create a button in the Microsoft Access database.

If you need a ready-made Access database, then check out the list provided HERE.
Useful links:
Lesson 17: Query Wizard
Lesson 16: Create Table Query
Lesson 15: Parameter Queries
Lesson 14: Queries with Calculated Fields
Lesson 13: How to determine YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, DAY OF WEEK in a query
Lesson 12: How to Create a QUERY WITH CONDITION
Lesson 11: How to Set Conditions for TEXT Fields in Queries
Lessons on SQL queries

Button form is a form whose sole purpose is to redirect you to other forms (usually when you click a form button). It is a kind of main menu of your database. This form is both the starting point and the center of action. A typical push-button form contains a set of buttons that direct different places.

In Fig. 14.10 shows a type of button form created by Access.


The created button form is similar to any other type of form, so once you create it, you can use the skills you learned in the last two chapters to make your button form look visually appealing.

Rice. 14.10. This Access button form gives you access to five different forms with one click. The advantage of Access button forms is that you can build your own in a matter of seconds. The disadvantages include a somewhat old-fashioned appearance, forcing impressionable users to design their own button forms from scratch

To automatically create a button form, you should use the Form wizard. The following describes how it works.

1. Select from the ribbon Working with Databases > Working with Databases > Button Form Manager(Database Tools > Database Tools > Switchboard Manager).

When you click this button in the database for the first time, Access will report that it cannot find the button form and will offer to create it. Click the Yes button to continue working with the Button Form Manager (Figure 14.11).

If a button form already exists, go to step 2, where you can edit the current button form.

Rice. 14.11. The button form manager displays a list of pages. Each page is a separate part of a button-shaped menu. The simplest button forms have only one page, which means the form supports one level of depth and each button performs a useful action (for example, opening a form or report)

Rice. 14.12. The window allows you to create menu commands, delete those that are no longer needed, change their order (this order determines the order of commands on the button form)

2. Click the button Change to edit a button form page.

A window appears on the screen Changing a button form page(Fig. 14.12). This is where the actual menu commands are defined.

3. To create a new menu command, click the button Create.

A window appears on the screen Changing a button form element(Fig. 14.13). To create a menu command, you need to provide two pieces of information: the text that appears on the form, and the command that Access should execute when you click the button.

Rice. 14.13. This command runs the report Attendance(attendance).

From the dropdown list Team select the action the command should perform

4. Enter menu text and then select the action you want the button to perform.
The following options are possible:

o Go to button form(Go to Switchboard) - goes to another page of the button form. Button pages can be used to break up really long menus into several shorter ones:

o Open form to add(Open Form in Add Mode) - opens the form in data entry mode, so you can insert new records;

o Open form for modification(Open Form in Edit Mode) - opens the form in normal mode for viewing and editing records. This mode does not allow form editing, despite the misleading name;

o Open report(Open Report) - opens the report in preview mode;

o Application designer(Design Application) - opens the Button Manager window, thus allowing you to edit the button form menu. This option rarely needs to be included on the menu;

o Quit the application(Exit Application) - ends the Access program:

o Run macro(Run Macro) and Execute the program(Run Code) - run the macro you created (see chapter 15) or code you wrote in Visual Basic (see chapter 16).

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have created all the necessary commands. Then click the button Close to return to the main window of the Button Form Manager.

Pushbutton forms have a nasty secret. You can only put eight menu commands on each page. If you need more (and who doesn't?), you should add additional pages to your menu.

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Laboratory work No. 5.

Subject: Creating button forms.

Target: Learn to create and edit button forms.


Create a main button form and additional button forms for working with the database.

Basic information

SuperstructureAccessbutton form manager

Access add-ins are databases that contain procedures and their associated objects. There are three types of add-ons:

menu add-ons

· builders

· masters

Wizards and builders are context-sensitive add-ins. They are triggered when the user tries to perform certain actions. Menu add-ons are context independent and can be accessed from the menu ServiceÞ Utilities. An example of a menu add-in is the Button Form Manager.

Pushbutton forms (or menus) ) are forms in an application that provide access to application components and subsystems. Switching between components occurs by clicking buttons. Of course, you can build button forms in design mode by creating an event handling procedure for each button Button press. But in the case where the application includes many forms and reports, this work can be very time-consuming.

Button Form Manager uses a sophisticated technique to control all button forms through one button form, creates a driver table called Button Form Elements, and allows you to create up to eight elements in each button form. If more than eight buttons are required, then the missing ones are created manually by writing procedures or creating macros. When it starts, the dispatcher looks for a table in the current database with the name SwitchboardItems, and if there is none, it starts creating a new button form.

In the dialog box Button Form Manager all forms are called pages. Here the names of all button forms of the application are specified.

In the dialog box you can change the names of forms, edit form elements (button Change...), delete elements (button Delete) or change the position of an element (button Up And Down).

In the dialog box Changing a button form element three parameters are specified:

· Text– the name of the element that will appear on the button in the button form.

· Team– the command that will be executed when the user clicks the button.

· Form– the contents of this field depend on the value of the Command field.

Rice. 5.1 . Creating a button to add a new client.

After creating the button forms, a table will appear on the Tables tab of the database window SwitchboardItems, and on the Forms tab – form Switchboard, which can be renamed. But to rename the table SwitchboardItems, you need to change all references to it in the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) procedures stored with this button form.

Work technology

Ccreating a button form

1. Open the database.

2. Select a team Service® Utilities® Button Form Manager.

Fig.5.2 Button form Forms .

3. When asked about creating a new button form, answer Yes.

4. In the window that appears Button Form Manager click the button Create.

5. Set the name of the additional button form – Forms. Click OK.

6. Set the name in the same way Reports for the second additional button form and names Form Client And Form Orders,Report ReportClients, Account And Exit for others.

7. In the window Button Form Manager select MainSwitchboard(Main button form) and click the button Change.

8. In the window Changing a button form page click the button Create.

9. In the window Changing a button form element specify the parameters:

Text: Forms

Team: Go to button form

Form: Forms

10. Click OK.

11. Button options Reports set in the same way.

12. For the button Exit set parameters:

Text: Exit

Team: Quit the application

13. Press the button Close.

14. In the window Button Form Manager select form Forms and press the button Change.

15. In the window Changing a button form page click the button Create.

16. In the window, specify the parameters:

Text: Working with the Client form

Team: Go to button form

Shape: Shape Client

17. Click OK.

18. In the same way, specify the parameters for working with ShapeOrders

19. Provide a button to return to the Main form:

Text: Return

Team: Go to button form

Form: Main Switchboard.

20. Click Close.

21. In the window Button Form Manager choose a form Form A Client and press the button Change.

22. In the window Changing a button form page press the button Create.

23. In the window Changing a button form element specify parameters:

Text: New client

Team: Opening a form in append mode

Form: Client

24. Click OK.

25. In the window Changing a button form page press the button again Create.

26. In the window Changing a button form element specify the parameters:

Text: Editing

Team: Opening a form in edit mode

Form: Client

27. Click OK.

28. Similar to steps 21-27, create buttons for working with the form Orders

29. Similar to step 19, create a button to return to the previous form.

30. In the window Button Form Manager select form Reports, press the button Change and create button form elements Reports(view reports and return).

31. Edit the ButtonForm in design mode.

1. Topic of laboratory work.

2. Purpose of laboratory work.

3. Technology for creating a push-button form.

Creating a Button Form

When opening the database, the following form should appear on the screen: Database “Products” (Title Page) (Fig. 1.).


By clicking the Exit button, the database should be closed.

When you click on the Database button, the Main button form should be displayed on the screen, the buttons of which open second-level forms (Fig. 2).


Operating procedure:

  • 1. Creating the structure of the main button form begins with button forms of the second level: Tables, Forms, Queries, Reports. Let's look at this process using the Table form as an example.
  • 1.1. On the Create tab, in the Forms section, click the Blank Form button. A form will appear on the screen. not associated with any table. The form opens in Design mode (Fig. 3).


1.2. On the Design tab, in the Tools section, click the Property Page button. In the properties window, on the Layout tab, in the Signature line, write the name of the form (Fig. 6.4).


  • 1.3. The Selection Area and Navigation Buttons are removed from the form (these parameters are configured on the Layout tab of the Properties Window).
  • 1.4. On the Design tab, in the Controls section, all objects are displayed and the Use Wizard button is disabled (made inactive) (Fig. 5).


1.5. Buttons are “drawn” on the form; when clicked, tables will open. The number of buttons should match the number of database tables plus a button to close the form and return to the main menu (Fig. 6).


  • 1.6. For each button, a command is written that will open the corresponding table.
  • 1.6.1. To do this, select the button and on the Design tab, in the Tools section, select Property Page.
  • 1.6.2. In the dialog box that appears, go to the Events tab and place the cursor in the Button Press line.
  • 1.6.3. A button will be displayed on the right side of the line; when you click on it, the Builder dialog box will appear on the screen, where you select the Macros command and click the OK button.
  • 1.6.4. A window designed for recording macro commands will appear on the screen (Fig. 7).


1.6.6. In the Add new macro command line, select the OpenTable command. In the Macro Arguments section, select the name of the table to open and the opening mode from the drop-down list.

Rice. 6.8. Selecting a table name and opening mode

  • 1.6. The macro recorder window closes. To check how the macro works, you need to switch from Design mode to Forms mode and click on the created button. The corresponding table should appear on the screen.
  • 1.6.8. Similar commands are written for the remaining buttons with the only difference that in the Table Name line the name of another table will be indicated - Product Directory, Invoice Directory or Goods Receipt.
  • 1. Record a macro for the button Go to the main button form, which will allow you to close the Table form and open the Main Menu form.

To do this, you need to write down the following sequence of commands in the macro recorder window (Fig. 9).


1.8. In a similar way, the forms “FORMS”, “QUESTS”, “REPORTS” are created, containing the corresponding buttons (Fig. 6.2).

In this case, all forms should be opened in Forms mode, reports in View mode, and queries in Design mode.

  • 2. The first level form, the Main button form, is created.
  • 2.1. On the Create tab, in the Forms section, click the Blank Form button. A form will appear on the screen that is not associated with any table. The form opens in Design mode (Fig. 10).


2.2. On the Design tab, in the Tools section, click the Property Page button. In the properties window, on the Layout tab, in the Signature line, write the name of the form (Fig. 11).


  • 2.3. The Selection Area and Navigation Buttons are removed from the form (these parameters are configured on the Layout tab).
  • 2.4. On the Design tab, in the Controls section, all objects are displayed and the Use Wizard button is disabled (made inactive) (Fig. 12).


  • 2.5. Buttons are drawn on the form, clicking on which will open second-level forms: Tables, Forms, Queries, Reports, as well as a button to go to the title page of the “Products” Database (Fig. 13).
  • 2.6. For each button, a macro is created containing commands that must be executed when the button is pressed (Fig. 14, 15).



  • a) macro command for the Open TABLE form button;
  • b) macro command for the button Open form FORMS;
  • c) macro command for the button Open the REQUESTS form;
  • d) macro command for the button Open the REPORTS form
  • 3. Creating the Title Page form.
  • 3.1. On the Create tab, in the Forms section, click the Blank Form button. A form will appear on the screen that is not associated with any table. The form opens in Design mode.
  • 3.2. On the Design tab, in the Tools section, click the Property Page button. In the properties window, on the Layout tab, in the Signature line, write the name of the form (Fig. 16).


  • 3.3. The Selection Area and Navigation Buttons are removed from the form (these parameters are configured on the Layout tab).
  • 3.4. On the Design tab, in the Controls section, all objects are displayed and the Wizard button is disabled (made inactive) (Fig. 17).


3.5. A Tab () is drawn on the form (Fig. 18).


3.6. Tab labels contain their names. To do this, select the required tab, call up its context menu, select the Properties command and change the Signature property (Fig. 19).


3. The “Main page” of the “Products” Database form is created (Fig. 20).


Note: if the dimensions of the photo exceed the dimensions of the frame, then you need to open the Properties window for the picture and in the Set dimensions line, select the Fit to frame command.

3.8. The “Initial information” page is created (Fig. 21).


3.9. In the note of the Title Page form, two buttons are created, designed to close the database and to go to the main button form (Fig. 22).


  • 3.10. For each button, a macro is created with the corresponding commands (Fig. 23).
  • a) for the Database button:

b) for the Exit button:


3.11. On the Main push-button form, a button is created, clicking on which will open the Database “Products” form and close the Main push-button form (Fig. 24, 25).



3.12. Set so that when you open the database, the “Products” Database form automatically appears on the screen. To do this, select the File tab, Options command, Current Database section and in the View Form line select the name of the form Database “Products” (Fig. 26).


push-button interface signature


  • 1. Fomina E.E. Guidelines for completing coursework in the discipline “Informatics” [Electronic resource]: methodological manual / E.E. Fomina. Tver, 2009. 102 p.
  • 2. Mamontova E.A., Tsvetkova O.N., Grigoriev S.M. Working with databases in MS Access 2010: guidelines and assignments for studying the course “Informatics”, “Economic Informatics” / E.A. Mamontova, O.N. Tsvetkova, S.M. Grigoriev. Moscow, 2012. 75 p.
  • 3. Vinogradov G.P., Kirsanova N.V. Designing the structure of relational databases using MS Access DBMS: textbook / G.P. Vinogradov, N.V. Kirsanova. Tver: TSTU, 2006. 84 p.

Creating a new form

Microsoft Office Access 2007 provides a variety of ways to create forms, depending on the functionality and complexity needed. You can create the following types of forms:


Split shape using tool Split form;

Regular shape using tool Multiple elements;

Regular form using the Form Wizard;

Empty form.

In addition, an already created form can be modified in design mode, where controls can be added to it.

Let's take a closer look at each method of creating forms, using the training database as examples. Sales department.

To get started, learn the simplest ways to create forms with Microsoft Office Access 2007 doing most of the work for you.

Create a form using the Form tool

The easiest way to create a form is to use a tool Form.

1. Open the database Sales department.

2. In the navigation area, double-click on the table name Clients to open the table.

3. Go to the tab Creation and in the group Forms click on the tool Form

The automatically created form will be displayed in layout mode (Figure 3.1).

Rice. 3.1. Automatically generated form

The form contains all the fields from the table Clients and displays the first record from the table. Also, since there is a table Orders associated with the table Clients one-to-many relationship, that part of the table is added to the form Orders, whose records relate to the selected client. However, if there are multiple tables associated with the selected one-to-many relationship, they are not added to the form to avoid cluttering it.

4. Close the form. Before closing, a window will appear asking you to save the form.

5. Click the button Yes. A window will appear Preservation(Fig. 3.2).

Rice. 3.2. Save Window

6. Enter a name for the form layout (for example, Customers). Click the button OK.

You've created a very basic form, but even this has basic form functionality that allows you to enter and edit data. In addition, any form, even created in such a simple way, can be modified in design mode.

Create a split form using the Split Form tool

A split form is a form that is divided into two parts: a form view of the data and a table view of the same data. Split forms are new in Microsoft Office Access 2007.

A split shape is just as easy to create as a simple one.

Sales department.

2. In the navigation area, double-click on the table name Clients to open the table.

3. Go to the tab Creation and in the group Forms click the button Split form.

The automatically created form will be displayed in layout mode (Figure 3.3).

Rice. 3.3. Split form

Both views are linked to the same data source, so they are always in sync. If you select a field in one part of the form, it will also be selected in the other. Necessary actions with records can be performed in the view in which it is more convenient. For example, searching for records can be done in a table view, and editing can be done in a form view.

4. Save the form layout as Split form Clients.

Create a form using the Multiple Elements tool

Until now, you've created forms that only open one record. But there is no limit on the number of entries for a form. To create a form that will contain multiple records, follow these steps:

1. Open the training database Sales department.


3. Go to the tab Creation and in the group Forms click the button Several elements.

The automatically created form will be displayed in layout mode (Fig. 3.4).

Rice. 3.4. Form with multiple entries

4. Save the form as Form with multiple records Clients.

At first glance, it is not clear why create such a form, which is practically no different from a table. But in the following sections you will learn how to add graphic elements and controls to forms, and therefore how to expand the functionality of this form.

Create a form using the Form Wizard

The forms created so far had a full set of fields, and from only one table. If you need more detailed layout settings, you can use the Form Wizard.

1. Open the training database Sales department.

2. In the navigation area, double-click the table name Clients.

3. Go to the tab Creation and in the group Forms click the button Other forms. In the drop-down list (Fig. 3.5) select a tool Form Wizard.

Rice. 3.5. List Other forms

A window will open Creating Forms(Fig. 3.6).

Rice. 3.6. Form Creation Window

4. Move the fields to the list of selected fields Name, Telephone, Address. Click the button Further. A window for selecting the appearance of the form will open (Fig. 3.7).

Rice. 3.7. Form appearance selection window

There are four types of form:

In one column – all fields of the created form will be located in one column;

Ribbon – form fields will be located in one or several lines;

Tabular – the form will look like a regular table;

Aligned – a ribbon form whose fields are aligned in width.

5. Set the switch to the position of the desired form type (for example, aligned) and press the button Further. The form style selection window will open (Fig. 3.8).

Rice. 3.8. Form style selection window

To see what a particular style looks like, click on its name. On the left side of the window you will see how the form's design will change.

6. Select a suitable design scheme (for example, Modular) and press the button Further. The last form wizard window will open (Fig. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. Window for specifying the name of the form

7. Enter the name of the new form in the text field and click the button Ready. The new form will open in view mode (Fig. 3.10).

Rice. 3.10. Created form in view mode

Using the Form Wizard allows you to create fairly flexible forms using fields from different tables, different types of forms and design styles. Using a wizard has at least two advantages:

Using the Form Wizard, even untrained users can create a complex form;

Experienced users do not have to waste time on routine operations such as placing fields and their labels, assembling the form, and organizing communications with the data source. Instead, you can focus on more complex tasks while refining your form in Layout or Design view. This text is an introductory fragment.

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Creating a New Web Page Extra Hide Studio allows you to create new web documents in three ways. In the first case, a completely blank page is created, in the second - a standard web page, and in the third case, you can create a web page using

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Designing a New Form The new form you just created (Figure 10.1) provides a blank space for your user interface design exercises. You can change the size of the form and its position on the screen, select colors for the form and place elements in it

From the book Self-instruction manual for working on Macintosh author Sofia Skrylina

Creating a Form To create a new VBA form, select Insert=UserForm from the Visual Basic Editor menu or from the right-click context menu in the Project Explorer window. A new form (more precisely, a blank of a new form) will appear in a window specially created for it, and

From the book Ubuntu 10. Quick Start Guide author Kolisnichenko D. N.

1.10.4. Creating a new account Creating an account takes place in the familiar Accounts window, which is opened by clicking on the icon located in the system settings window: As mentioned earlier, to access the changes you need to make

From the book Access 2002: Tutorial author Dubnov Pavel Yurievich

17.2. Creating a New Presentation Even the simplest presentation, including photos of your family's summer vacation, requires some planning. How will you arrange the slides? Random or chronological (first day, second day, etc.)? About it

From the book Social networks without fear for those who... by Winner Marina

Chapter 3 Creating tables of a new database As already mentioned in Chapter 2, the development of a new “Control and Measuring Instruments” database is carried out in the Access 2002 software environment. Formation of a database in Access consists of a number of sequential stages described below. First stage

From the book How to Tame Your Computer in a Few Hours author Remneva Irina

Chapter 4 Creating forms for a new database If tables serve as the primary, source elements of the database, then the “output” you get is forms and reports. Typically, forms are used to receive responses to user queries, record data in tables and/or change

From the author's book

Chapter 5 Creating reports for a new database In Access 2002, you create a report much like you create a form. The difference between these two database objects lies not in the technology of their construction, but in their intended purpose. If the user works with the form on the screen, then the report

From the author's book

From the author's book

Creating a new folder To create a folder on the desktop (or folder window), right-click on an empty space on the desktop. From the menu that appears, select Create. A context menu will appear from which we select the Folder command. You can call her whatever you like

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