How to execute a deal for a percentage and not be fooled. Advertising for a percentage of sales, selling leads without prepayment Attracting customers for a percentage of the transaction company

How to execute a deal for a percentage and not be fooled. Advertising for a percentage of sales, selling leads without prepayment Attracting customers for a percentage of the transaction company


We can organize a flow of Clients for you in exchange for an agency commission from each order!
We work all over Russia.


We make a website, SMM, promoting, requests and calls go directly to you.

1) Who are we interested in? Companies providing various services in Moscow, St. Petersburg or other cities with a population of over one million. We consider working with companies with a small catalog of goods (up to 100 - 300 items).

Before sending us an application y, calculate how much you can pay us from each order attracted by our forces. If the total amount per month is less than 100,000 rubles, it will be pointless to write an application to us. We will not answer.

We are especially looking for partners in 2019 in the face of construction companies in the Krasnodar Territory, Moscow and St. Petersburg

Need to, so that you have certain clearly defined benefits in front of competitors, adequate prices, good system fulfillment of obligations to Clients.

How to buy leads profitably?

Pay not for the lead itself, but for a percentage of the order,

which turned out thanks to this very lead!

For successful lead generation you need:

  • photo of your business,
  • production (if any),
  • reviews from Clients, taken on photos, videos, scans on letterheads, scans of diplomas, licenses, etc.

2) We define the terms of cooperation. The percentage that you can pay from each order, which passed thanks to our work.

(usually it is 3% to 30% of the order amount or from 20 to 50% of the net profit)

3) We register a Unique selling proposition, collect information for the site, conduct a photo session, make a logo, develop a selling site

4) We set up contextual advertising for Yandex and Google, we do seo-promotion, SMM

5) An important point... Conversion from orders to orders on your part will be very important.

6) How do we know that the application came from our site? We will put a separate phone with forwarding to yours. For online applications, we will put our mail in a copy.

7) Another important point. If we generated 30 or more incoming applications for you, and you were unable to complete a single transaction, we will have to look for another partner company in your field of activity.

Benefits when working for% of sales:

  • You don't need to invest in website development.
  • You pay for the result! For conducted transactions

Your obligations:

  • You must be honest otherwise our cooperation will end quickly.


We do not work according to this scheme with everyone!

Details can be found by writing: "Interesting information on advertising in exchange for agency interest!"to the mail [email protected] site

or by filling out an application:

In most cases, we do not call back for these applications, we answer email, because they come from all over Russia and most of them are simply not interesting to us because of the specifics of the work of the circulating enterprises.

Please indicate your e-mail. You also don't need to call us with questions right away. If your company interests us for such a cooperation scheme, we will immediately answer you.

Scheme of work:

  • We make a selling website for the sale of your goods and services (without prepayment)
  • You provide an advance payment for initial promotion (from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the field of activity and your city)
  • Orders, deals begin
  • We calculate our agent percentage
  • Gradually, your advance is compensated and we switch to clean work for a percentage of sales

If you need to order services for attracting clients for a percentage, use the help of professionals who can make high-quality this work... The customer will be able to quickly find performers on the Yuda service who are ready to start working on finding clients for a percentage. Cooperation in the provision of services is carried out directly and therefore the purchase of ready-made leads, as well as the generation of sales performed by specialists, will cost you inexpensively. Prices are negotiated personally with the performers.

The relevance of using lead generation

Lead generation is essential for all direct selling companies. They are often targeted at specific target audiences rather than mass buyers. Lead generation using certain tactics is most effective. There are ready-made lead generation strategies that allow the customer to attract buyers and find new markets for their products. Professionals involved in finding and attracting clients for a percentage should have the following information:

  • the desired "value" of one client;
  • the amount of time it takes to find it;
  • what marketing operations to find customers for a percentage are the most effective;
  • how much profit you can get from a certain stock;
  • the number of customers who are most likely to purchase the product.

Ways to attract customers

If you want to buy leads inexpensively, the customer needs to find the most favorable conditions, as well as pay attention to the methods that are used to attract customers. One of these is cold calling. They provide a wide reach of the target audience. When ordering leads that will work well with the help of cold calls, searching for and attracting customers, it is better to develop your own communication style. Patterned speech can easily alienate the interlocutor, thus, the customer loses customers.

If you need to search for clients for a percentage of inexpensive, you can apply the method of business meetings. Many services and goods that consumers want to buy require a so-called “expertise”. It is better to discuss the peculiarities of the sale of the company's goods through personal negotiations. Scheduling a business meeting allows you to focus on "collaborating" with the right target audience who will order your services.

Also, the professional ways of selling leads for a percentage include organizing events. In this case, you should in advance:

  • get a list of registered clients;
  • work it out regarding their interest;
  • provide the event with visual materials that contribute to the activity of clients;
  • send out a mailing for a certain period of time before the start of the event, forming an opinion among customers about the product and its price.

Take advantage of the convenient Yudu service. Form the task and post it on the site. Then wait for feedback from the executors and entrust the task to one of them. We guarantee that all information presented on our resource is completely accurate.

First, sales outsourcing finds out the degree of interest in the goods and services provided, this happens through the following actions: communication with decision-makers, argumentation of benefits in the acquisition, overcoming any objections and suppression of other arguments, primary and secondary calls to maintain the personal interest of the client, transfer the result to the main customer.
Many people ask themselves what is the difference between outsourcing and call-center functions. The main thing is the type of action. In outsourcing, employees do not have a specific, standard script with which they make cold calls. The call center operator does not have complete information and often cannot answer the questions that users ask to obtain additional information... Outsourcing is distinguished by first-class professionalism, includes several calls and is an excellent argument for its opinion.

We are developing mobile applications for startups and made their own boxed solution for marketplaces, that is, projects that make money on meeting a client and a seller. The most famous projects that work according to this model:

  • youdo
  • Profi.Ru
  • Avito

In our turnkey solution, which includes a website and iOS apps and Android there are 4 types of monetization:

  1. Percentage of the deal
  2. Subscription to new tasks
  3. Pay per job response
  4. Payment for the publication of the assignment

Usually we recommended to make a subscription and / or pay per response, focusing on youdo, but many of our clients would like to make exactly a percentage of the transaction amount. After all, this is a fairly simple and straightforward mechanism - the more the amount of transactions concluded through your application, the more you earn.

But this is also the most risky way. In most cases, nothing prevents the client and the seller from exchanging contacts, formally canceling the deal and agreeing outside the service. For example, apartment renovation services cost about 50,000 rubles, and you take 10% of the transaction amount. A cunning repairman indicates a formal price of 1000 rubles. (that is, you will earn 100 rubles from this transaction), and writes to the client in the chat that he will make a discount of 2000 rubles if he accepts this formal price in the service. As a result, they are in the black (the client got a 2000 discount, the repairman saved 2,900 rubles), and you are in the red (you got 100 rubles instead of 5000). This is just one example, but I’ll recall a dozen of these schemes.

Seeing such an unhealthy situation, I decided to write an article on how to find out such scammers and develop my application. I will make a reservation right away - there are no one hundred percent solutions here and the complex application of protection means will help.

Stop words in chat and feedback

During the conversation between the client and the wizard in the chat of the application, you can set up a stop list of words, for example:

  • agree
  • telephone (11 digits in a row)
  • cheaper
  • etc.

Naturally, their use is not a guarantee that people want to leave the service behind their backs, but when using a stop word, you can automatically send a link to the dialogue to the moderator. And already a living person will assess the adequacy of the correspondence.

Response sum autoanalysis

This method is aimed at detecting enticement. In the described repair example for 50 thousand, it looks like this. several masters responded with amounts of 45-55 thousand, and one wrote 5,000 rubles, the client writes why so little, and the master says that in fact, 45, but if we agree outside the service, then it can be for 43.

That is, we analyze the obvious inadequacy of the price in comparison with competitors and also send it to the moderator for verification.

Bounce report

It's like a taxi. It happens that you sit down and the driver asks you to cancel the order. This means that he pays not for a subscription to the service, but for each transportation. Well, when you canceled, the commission, of course, is not paid. Taxis fight these drivers in two ways:

  1. You can refuse a maximum of 10% of orders. Otherwise, you are thrown out of the service
  2. Compares the gps tracks of the client and the driver. That is, if you drive at the same speed and along the same route as the driver, then the service is still provided

Mystery shopper

The good old way. Everything is simple here - register a separate client account for yourself, create tasks and ask those who responded whether it is possible to "negotiate"?

The main disadvantage of this option is that it cannot be automated and online fraudsters can be analyzed.

Lack of direct communication

That is, to act in front of clients as a service. For example, about the same repairs. You accept orders for repairs, as a company, and having already received an advance payment, lay out the task for your performers with the exact price in their direction and choose from those who are ready to work for that amount. But in front of the client, the performers will no longer look like independent units, but like your employees.

Safe deal

Offer added value when working through a service. For example, a client is afraid that they will not make a high-quality repair. Your service might suggest a scheme like this:

  1. The client makes a deposit of the service the cost of the work
  2. The master receives a notification of the payment of the amount and performs the work
  3. The client checks and confirms the quality
  4. The service transfers the amount of work to the master, excluding its commission.

Thus, the client understands that until he is satisfied with the work of the master, the master will not receive money and is it worth risking such a guarantee for the sake of 2000r. is a big question.

Instead of a conclusion

I hope my advice will allow you to take your project to a new stage of development, subscribe to my blog and YouTube channel and write questions to [email protected]- I will definitely go through them in the following articles and videos.

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