The unblock extension. UBlock ad blocker split into two projects

The unblock extension. UBlock ad blocker split into two projects


One of the main disadvantages of surfing the Internet is annoying ads. It pops up in different parts of the web page and makes it difficult to find meaningful content. Moreover, it is distracting when watching videos. And some of the banner ads are downright immoral.

However, some Internet users have already forgotten when they last saw so many annoying ads. There are many plugins and extensions available today for different browsers that block any advertisement in any form. Among them uBlock Origin.

The uBlock Origin extension works on browsers, including, in addition, there are versions for Opera and Firefox. The plugin automatically blocks pop-up ads on pages and when watching videos, using constantly updated filter databases from various resources. In addition, the user can manually block any element of the web page. Creation of a whitelist with exceptions is available.

Features of the plugin uBlock Origin for Yandex, Chrome:

  • Blocking various types of advertisements;
  • Regular update of filters taken from various resources;
  • Compatibility with Chromium browsers (Yandex, Google Chrome, etc.);
  • Whitelist function with added exceptions;
  • Manual blocking of any elements on the page.

The plugin is distributed free of charge and is available for download in any online store of your browser extensions.


Scriptlet Doctor

For the attention of users of Firefox Quantum, Firefox Legacy, Pale Moon, Basilisk and other browsers from the Firefox family.

Interesting information has appeared on the "board", but since it is not recommended to place links to that site here, I will cite excerpts from there.

As has been discussed many times, in the uBlock Origin + Firefox bundle there is a problem with rules that require scriptlets to be executed on sites with strict CSP rules (in particular, on Yandex and its satellites), which can be partially solved using Tampermonkey. Unfortunately, this solution is not suitable for Firefox-legacy (pre-quantum) and Goanna browsers (Pale Moon, Basilisk), so the idea arose to make a separate add-on specifically for this task, which would not have such restrictions.

As a result of the experiments, the Scriptlet Doctor extension appeared, which was tested and approved dimisa, the author of RU AdList, and is recommended for use for options 2 and 3 instructions for using filters RU AdList. The Scriptlet Doctor add-on is available for both Legacy browsers and current versions of Firefox. By default, it is active only for Yandex domains, but the list can be edited by yourself in the settings (quick access to settings: Ctrl + click on the add-on button in the toolbar).

When installing the script RU AdList JS Fixes no longer needed.

EasyList (main filter)

+ RU AdList Fixes
The Anticounter added in this version is a kind of Runet analogue of EasyPrivasy. When these two filters are enabled at the same time, basically the same rules are triggered. But if in Runet EasyPrivasy is the main supplier of false positives, then the Anti-counter is devoid of this drawback.

EasyList (main filter)
RU AdList / RU AdList for uBlock Origin
Adblock Warning Removal List (aka Antiadblock)
Counters (aka RU AdList: Counters, Anti-counter)
BitBlock (aka RUS: BitBlock List, blocks garbage and social networks)
+ RU AdList Fixes
Only Bitblock is added here (read the description!), But this is a very voluminous filter that includes (and corrects) Fanboy's Social + rules for the Russian Internet, both social and anti-garbage. Contrary to popular belief that social filters are difficult to use social networks - this is not the case. All blocking rules usually operate only on third-party resources, for example ||$third-party will block the loading of the widget and its frame everywhere except, it is responsible for this "third-party" option, so Bitblock users won't have any problems with VK and other networks.

I will add on my own. Some people think it can't be used in legacy browsers. Perhaps this is the opinion of RU AdList developers, who believe that Greasemonkey cannot cope with this task. But this is not the case. I installed it in Pale Moon and I must say that this "monkey" works fine both with RU AdList JS Fixes and with other scripts.

Those users of Firefox, Pale Moon, Basilisk, etc., who install RU AdList JS Fixes to combat ads and Yandex directives, should pay attention to Scriptlet Doctor. This extension allows you to solve the above tasks by the forces of uBlock Origin itself, without connecting additional scripts, so Scriptlet Doctor is easier for the browser than the Tampermonkey / Greasemonkey + RU AdList JS Fixes bundle.
I do not use Yandex sites and services, so I cannot say which option is more effective in practice, Scriptlet Doctor or RU AdList JS Fixes.

As the venerable says JustOff(the author of the new extension),

Updated... The Chrome Web Store now has a new version uBlock Origin development build (v. dated October 12, but there is no confirmation that the problems with Google have been resolved yet.

12 october-,. Since the beginning of 2019, there has been a lot of talk about the fact that the development of uBlock Origin extensions could stop, and how these changes will affect all content blockers and other similar extensions.

In the summer, Google still announced its intention to make changes to the Web Request API, "in order to minimize the collection of data in Chrome by third-party extensions for blocking content and ads." However, the company relaxed the limit on the number of filtering rules - up to 150 thousand rules, after it faced serious criticism from users and developers.

But it looks like Google is back on track to limit ad blockers in Chrome again.

Google refused to publish uBlock Origin for developers

Raymond Hill reports on his GitHub page that Google refused to post a new version of the uBlock Origin developer extension to the Chrome Web Store.

Developers are uploading new versions of extensions to the Chrome Web Store to replace existing versions then Google will automatically scan these tools, and can also analyze downloaded extensions manually before allowing or denying their publication in its own directory.

After posting a new version of "uBlock Origin development build", the developer received a message from Google about e-mail that the extension violates one of the Chrome Web Store policies, which prohibits "bundling of unrelated features in extensions."

According to Raymond Hill, in email does not contain any other information about the actual violation. Google is often criticized for this practice, but it continues to adhere to it in all areas of its business.

Hill, as an experienced developer by now, has no illusion that Google will provide disclaimer information:

There is no point in speculating on this topic anyway, my experience with the Chrome Web Store in the past has taught us that we will never know why an extension was refused publication, Google never reveals the exact reason "why".

The developer version of the uBlock Origin extension is used by fewer users than the stable version, which means that the deprecation does not affect the majority of users of the extension yet. The main problem with the rejection is that the next stable version of the extension will be more or less identical to the rejected version for the developer.

While there is still the possibility that a new version of uBlock Origin will be published on the Chrome Web Store, it is more likely that Google will refuse to host again and this could put an end to uBlock Origin for Google chrome.

Recently, there has been so much advertising on the Internet that it has become quite problematic to find a web resource that has at least a moderate amount of advertising. If you are tired of annoying ads, the uBlock Origin extension for the Google Chrome browser will come in handy.

uBlock Origin is an extension for the Google Chrome browser that allows you to block any type of advertising that occurs while surfing the web.

You can either download uBlock Origin directly from the link at the end of the article, or find it yourself through the extension store.

To do this, click on the browser menu icon and in the displayed list go to "Additional Tools" - "Extensions" .

Go down to the very end of the page and open the item "More extensions" .

When the store loads on the screen Google extensions Chrome, enter the name of the extension you are looking for in the search box in the left pane of the window - uBlock Origin .

In the block "Extensions" the extension we are looking for will be displayed. Click to the right of it on the button "Install" to add it to Google Chrome.

As soon as the uBlock Origin extension is installed in Google Chrome, the extension icon will appear in the upper right area of ​​the browser.

How do I use uBlock Origin?

By default, uBlock Origin is already activated, so you can feel the effect by going to any web resource that was previously full of ads.

If you click once on the extension's icon, a small menu will appear on the screen. The largest expansion button allows you to control the expansion activity.

In the lower area of ​​the program menu, there are four buttons that are responsible for activating individual elements of the extension: enabling or disabling pop-up windows, blocking large media elements, the operation of cosmetic filters, and managing third-party fonts on the site.

The program also has advanced settings. To open them, click on the miniature gear icon in the upper left corner of uBlock Origin.

The window that opens contains tabs "My rules" and "My filters" aimed at experienced users who want to fine-tune the work of the extension to suit their requirements.

Ordinary users will need the tab "White list" , where you can list web resources for which the extension will be disabled. This is necessary in cases where the resource refuses to display content with an active ad blocker.

Unlike all ad blocking extensions in Google browser Chrome, which we looked at before, uBlock Origin has impressive functionality that allows you to fine-tune the work of the extension for yourself. Another question is that an ordinary user does not need all this abundance of functions, but without referring to the settings, this add-on does an excellent job with its main task.

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