New server L2 classic Ruoff with Eliot. Old school version. Now - with Kamael

New server L2 classic Ruoff with Eliot. Old school version. Now - with Kamael


New Lineage 2 Classic servers with free access. Best selection l2 classic servers, don’t miss the opening. Choose an L2 Classic server and jump in!

Lineage 2 announcement collected the best Lineage 2 classic servers, including American ones, which all L2 veterans were certainly waiting for. From the list, you can choose a project that has the appropriate rates and will meet all your wishes. As you know, official servers provide only original content based on x1 rates. We are announcing new ones l2 classic server, which are distinguished by the diversity of the game world. Start dates are also included in the top lineage classic servers to make it easier to determine whether the project is active or just about to open. We have selected for you the announcement of Lineage 2 classic with live online. You can choose a working L2 classic server, where life is already in full swing and gaining momentum, or wait until it opens. In Lineage 2 announcements, we tried to collect for you the best of best projects, so that you can choose suitable conditions and without delay set off to conquer the territories of La2 Classic.

Time passes, the old fades into the background, the new appears - the process goes on endlessly. But nostalgia for the old days does not subside; such processes affect absolutely everything, and L2 is no exception. Since the game's creation, there have been many updates that have caused controversy among players. But a good, long-awaited decision that NCsoft made was to return to the good old lineage 2 classic. Undoubtedly, modern version l2 classic is considered the standard of everything that has been valued in the line since its introduction. This news pleased those people who started on C1 - veterans of Lineage 2.

If you decide to switch to the "Classic Line" servers, then you should be extremely patient. Those who played the first chronicles know what we are talking about. Huge competition awaits you, queues for mob quests, sleepless nights near the convertible, or waiting for the baium to wake up at the door to prick him with a knife. In lineage 2 classic servers, there are practically no leveling quests. You will have to look for a place in spots, due to the limited number of good locations, there is a lot of competition. To reach a high level you will have to work hard, and any mistake can undo several hours of grueling leveling. But this also has its charms, it is much more pleasant to realize that through painstaking work you have risen to the top, having gone through all the “circles of hell”. Lineage classic largely took what was valued in the initial chronicles. The developers did not make life too difficult for players, and left the benefits that appeared on the new L2 servers. For example, they left the automatic use of combat nipples, you can learn skills without buying books and similar pleasant in-game little things. L2 classic servers will greet you with a long download time, a catastrophic lack of adena at the initial stage, and high competition. You should not be afraid of this, but it is better to perceive difficulties in small steps towards achieving your goal. While playing, you meet friends, unite in clans, fight against others, and it becomes possible to control the market through the efforts of the players. Going to mass events, sieges and the Republic of Belarus - an incomparable feeling when the whole difficult path has passed, and the time for fun has come. Our announcement presents only new and best lineage 2 classic (classic) servers.

Tomorrow, October 2, 2018. The new server will have the same update as the existing servers (Classic 2.0 – Seven Signs).

The main innovation of the project is disabling the function of in-game macros. According to the publisher, macros have become too influential on the gameplay, which disrupts the element of live communication between players. Also, not long ago, a web store was opened on the official website, where you can purchase useful products for leveling up. By the way, donations are allowed from the first day of the server’s life.


As before, to start playing Lineage 2 Classic you will need one account for 30 days. The number of accounts you have paid for is the number of windows you can download at the same time. It is known that the Olympiad will be available no earlier than a month after the start. As for fishing, it is available from level 20.

Problem with quest mobs

The Russian publisher is well aware of the problem of the lack of quest mobs when obtaining the first profession. That is why they requested a special script from the Korean developers with accelerated respawn of quest monsters, and also independently increased the number of monsters by 2 times from the current number.

Second server or queues?

The maximum online that the servers can support is set at 6,500 people. When you try to log into a full server, a sign will appear indicating you are in the queue and the serial number. If one server is not enough, then Innova is ready to open a second server in a matter of minutes.

It is worth noting that the new world will have a special event plan that will help newcomers quickly master the initial content. Visit the official forum to learn more about the new server.

Representatives of the 4game company announced on their forum that a new server will be opened on August 31, 2017, and everyone will be able to start their first adventure in the world of magic and sorcery! Many players were waiting for this event, since on other servers it is very difficult to overtake those who have long achieved maximum progress.

According to the localizer, at the time of launch new server L2 classic will not have a game store, so “guys with big wallets” will not be able to overtake other players who do not plan to spend their hard-earned money on their favorite “line.” Of course, over time the shop will appear (approximately in December of this year), but until that time you have an exceptional opportunity to get ahead and seize power.

A vote is currently being held on the 4game forum to select a suitable server name, and gamers have the chance to choose from several of the following options:

  • Saiha;
  • Mafr;
  • Einhasad;
  • Pa'agrio.
  • At the moment everything is official game servers Lineage 2 has a Classic 2.0 Zaken version, so the latest 4game server will match this update. As for the rate indicator (drop of game currency, items and resources), localizers do not have the right to set unique conditions for individual servers - this is done by the developer for all game resources at once. Accordingly, drop rates will also correspond to earlier servers.

    As for the payment model, we expect a monthly subscription with a cost of 300 rubles. Over time, a game store will also open, but 4game representatives claim that it will only sell cosmetic items for “decorating” your own character.

    Many players asked questions about the start of sieges and auctions for the rights to own Clan Halls. Here, as elsewhere, all major social events start a month after the opening. Accordingly, already in early September, all clans and communities will be able to take part in fierce confrontations with rivals for the right to manage in-game territories!

    For lovers of peaceful professions, the opportunity to fish will be open from character level 20, and not a single buff scroll for beginners, experience runes, or level-up rewards will be cut in any way. This ensures that all players starting out will be on an equal footing.

    The upcoming opening of a new server is always expected, since most fans of the classic and one of the first MMORPGs are interested in starting the journey anew, getting the opportunity to become one of the strongest players. Choose your path, team up with other players in clans and prove to everyone that in this new world you are worthy of establishing your own rules!

    The material was prepared with the assistance of the editors of the gaming torrent portal

    Lineage 2 is one of the first online RPG games to gain worldwide popularity. Now there are more than six million players around the planet. The game is made so vitally and realistically that a person who registers “out of nothing to do” and sits down to play for a couple of hours, as a rule, stays here for a very long time - in Lineage 2 They don’t play, they live in it. And best of all, you can enjoy this game completely free of charge! Perhaps in Lineage 2 there is everything that exists in reality and, of course, even more - after all, this is a fantasy universe. The creators did not lie when they made the phrase “This world is a reflection of the real one” the anthem of this game.

    Lineage 2 is one of the few games where characters have the opportunity to acquire a companion or servant - an animal or creature that will help him in battle with monsters or in battle with other players. Moreover, there are minions controlled both by the computer and by the player himself through a special command model. Are you used to seeing yourself as an elf (dwarf, human - underline as appropriate)? Get used to it, because using special transformation skills, your character will be able to turn into a real monster with his own unique fighting abilities. With achievement high level, V lineage 2 the player not only becomes stronger due to things and increased skills, he can significantly strengthen his character by completing a special task and receiving the title of Nobleman, and with it a significant facilitation of the gameplay and, in particular, its PvP component. You can become a nobleman by reaching level 75.

    If you are tired of battles and "pumping", in line 2 You can go fishing! Caught fish can be sold or gutted, thus obtaining ingredients for making useful in-game items. A character of any race and class, regardless of level, can become a fisherman. For fans of arena fighting, the creators of the game came up with a “delicacy” called the Great Olympics - daily duels between players of senior levels. Each month, the player with the most victories receives the title of Hero and special battle bonuses, which he can use as long as he holds the hero title - that is, for at least a month. And all this is just a small part of what awaits you in the game. It's time to install the client and check for yourself what it is lineage 2.

    Open daily new lineage 2 servers, majority L2 servers open for a week, but only a few new L2 servers start to exist for years. In order not to miss a single discovery, we made this Lineage 2 server announcement, come every day and you won't regret it

    Lineage 2 server announcement, This new l2 servers that will open soon or have recently opened! L2 Announcements top lineage servers compiled by date opening the la2 server, rate, server chronicles such as: interlude, gracia final, epilogue, high five, freya, c4, classic and many others. All data on opening of new la2 servers are completely reliable since we work with the administration of almost all lineage 2 servers and get the most accurate data on opening new servers. Top L2 servers also sorted premium or vip l2 servers, as well as online based on past openings of popular servers. Rating and announcements of L2 server openings are updated and carefully checked several times a day, so that visitors to our portal about Lineage 2 could receive the most reliable data on time. Welcome to the most popular lineage server announcer in the vastness of our favorite game!

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