Bauman, computer systems and networks. MSTU im

Bauman, computer systems and networks. MSTU im


I bring to your attention a note about the Department of Computer Systems and Networks (IP6) MSTU. Bauman, which I graduated from three years ago. Commented on the main subjects and the educational process in general. He told me what they don’t talk about in the admissions committee. There is no doubt that Baumanka has very strong teachers who keep up with the times, and whose lectures are truly interesting. But, unfortunately, for the PS6 department this is rare...

General subjects

The fundamental basis (mathematics, physics, theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, etc.) is given in full. It depends on the teacher, but in general, fundamental sciences are taught at a high level.
Two semesters of drawing. I agree that a future engineer should have basic concept about engineering graphics, but two semesters is too much.
Fundamentals of instrument design. Here, a device means a combination of gears and shafts. They force you to do homework on calculating these shafts. Has nothing to do with electronics or specialty. It is not clear how this subject even got into the program.
I am very glad that there are no strength of materials science, materials science and other subjects that are not needed by an IT specialist (at MSTU, strength of strength and materials are taught in 90% of specialties).
I’m not saying anything about general humanitarian subjects, because the term “University” implies their study.

Special items

Algorithmic programming languages
Two semesters.
First semester - Pascal. I liked everything: structured and clear.
Second semester - C. The teacher mixed C and C++ together, talking about loops, functions, classes, virtual methods. Nothing was said about the difference between the two languages. The knowledge test is rather weak: the most difficult thing that had to be done during the exam was to write the code for declaring class A with two numeric fields, from which class B with one additional field is inherited.
I think it’s a big mistake to teach the basics of programming and talk about classes, but say nothing about the basic principles of OOP and design patterns. There are no other subjects that could provide at least a basis for OOP and programming culture in the curriculum.
There is also not the slightest hint of the study of classical algorithms and data structures (lists, trees, etc.) in the curriculum.
System Programming
Learning x86 assembler, a very useful course, because... gives you an idea of ​​what's behind every line of c/pascal code.
Computer graphics
The teacher gives everyone a drawing of a certain flat figure (a cutaway part of a machine, for example) with the dimensions indicated. You need to write a script for AutoCAD in AutoLisp that will draw this figure.
For comparison: in the second year of the Computer Science and Computing Complex at Moscow State University, students were then asked to write image recognition and rendering of various scenes in directx/openGL in C++.
1) LABA: magnetic tape drive, record a few bytes of information, read these bytes, look at the signal from the magnetic head with a barely alive oscilloscope on which nothing is visible, sketch the oscillogram in the report and “draw conclusions” - the final point that should be in any lab for every subject.
2) during lectures, he read fragments from selected last year’s student abstracts under dictation, convincing us that we need to write down every word, because “British scientists have proven that with this approach you remember better”
3) abstract. The content is almost not checked; the necessary and sufficient requirements are: the presence of a title page, a table of contents and a list of references.
Information Security
1) 15 lectures in which the teacher gave dictated excerpts from the legislation of the Russian Federation on the topic of trade secrets, the creation of malware and other stuff that is often searched on Google. There was not a word about security and encryption algorithms.
2) Laba. Select an algorithm and write an encryption and decryption utility. The similarity of the programs among students and the correctness of their work were not checked. Only the paper was translated, printing reports with program texts.
Scientific organization of engineering work
Half of the lectures are dictation and regular reminders of how important it is to comply with them. What especially killed me was the seminar, where the teacher dictated for an hour and a half and showed examples of how to prepare a “list of used sources of information” at the end of a coursework or homework.
Computer design
1) The lectures were held at a wild pace, complex drawings and formulas were drawn on half a board about water cooling, load calculations, etc... The teacher spoke 200 words per minute. It’s impossible to write everything down, and it’s even more difficult to figure it out from fragments. The list of recommended literature, in my opinion, was too long to be completed in time for the 1st semester exam.
2) Exam. You write the answer to the ticket, go up to the teacher, he reads it silently, then takes the record book and gives a grade. If a student understands what he wrote, but due to inattention he missed a letter in the formula, then the teacher does not care - minus a point. To get an A, you need to reproduce the lecture material almost verbatim. Fortunately, the bachelor's program included a credit in this subject. Only engineers took the exam. In my opinion, among those who did not cheat, everyone received C grades or lower. The only “A” in the class was given to a notorious poor student: because the content of the spur for this ticket was ideal.
1) The lectures are quite interesting, mainly based on Tanenbaum’s book.
2) The labs were related to Win98, for example: configuration automatic installation systems or studying the download log (it was 2004).
Fundamentals of semiconductor technology. How transistors, amplifiers, generators, etc. work. Previously, this course was three semesters, then the plan changed and the course became one semester. But the teacher did not reduce the amount of material; he referred students to books. If memory serves, there were about two hundred questions for the exam. Even if you spend all your free time during the semester, you still may not have time to complete it.
Circuit design
An intermediate link between a transistor and an arithmetic logic device. The material is very readable and understandable. By the way: electronics, circuit design and the basics of computer construction are taught by three different teachers.
Basics of computer construction
1) 30 years ago, almost all blocks used delay lines that have not been used anywhere for a long time
2) the exam requires an answer word for word, and the drawings must be isomorphic: if you come up with an “adder” that is better than what was explained in the lecture, you get a bad mark, because “I didn’t tell you that, you don’t know what an adder is!!! »
3) a person who was developing firmware for large FPGAs went to this teacher to retake the exam several times.
4) LABA: the task is given to write a program for the MK51 microcontroller, for example, calculating a*a + 3*a + 5. It is carried out on the oldest stands, the program is driven into the microcontroller using hex codes. Those. It is required not just to write a program, but to translate it according to a table from assembler into command codes and enter it into memory character by character. One careless mistake - nothing will work and everything needs to be done again.
Microprocessor systems
The material about microcontrollers is presented in a structured and understandable manner. Course projects are different for everyone, they change almost every year, and have a connection with reality. Our labs took place on outdated stands, but I heard that new generations took place in these labs on freshly purchased design kits with AVR microcontrollers, which is much more interesting and enjoyable.
Parallel computing systems
The idea was good to teach such a course, but the implementation was unsuccessful. I got the impression that the lecturer who taught this course did not understand the subject. I read it according to a manual written by another person, and kept making mistakes. The cohesion of the material was weak. Students who were interested figured it out themselves and corrected the teacher during the lecture. The exam grade was based on personal sympathy and attendance. There were people who were preparing for the exam, answered adequately, and taught three, saying “you’re saying it wrong, everything is really wrong!”
Local and Global Networks
Here you had to sign the attendance sheet for lectures.
Those who skipped half the lectures, but learned everything, passed this exam very difficult. Even with the correct answer, the teacher shouted “no, it’s wrong,” and when asked to explain why, he continued “you don’t know anything at all, I won’t talk about this topic.”
For those who visited, it was different. A real conversation between a teacher and a student who attended all the lectures:
P: What is the speed of Fast Ethernet?
S: yyyy... I don’t know
P: What is the speed of Gigabit Ethernet?
S: yyyy... gigabit
P: well done... give me your record book, five
Corporate networks
One of the few subjects where relevant material is taught. The volume is large, but this knowledge can really be useful to everyone. I found it very useful when I was setting up a home network of 4 nodes, some of which had to go through a VPN with a UK address.
The exam contains questions both on setting up various services (DHCP, DNS, Active Directory, etc.) and on the general principles of construction corporate networks. You must answer in writing and in detail, describing each setup step. The labs are interesting, you need to configure them network services between several virtual machines.
Digital signal processing
A very interesting course. The lecturer heads a department that deals with very interesting things and high-performance DSP-based systems.
Laboratory work is carried out using modern design kits from Texas Instruments.

State exam for bachelors

Writing. Three items ( OS, local networks and circuit design). The tickets were almost exactly the same as what had happened previously in the exams in these subjects (i.e., the volume of material in each subject had not decreased - in fact, three exams in one day). Tickets were issued in 10 days. Only two people (one of them was me) decided to pass this exam without cheating. In one subject (networking) I was given 3 points because I wrote the answer in my own words, omitting things that were obvious to me. The appeal put everything in its place, but it left an unpleasant aftertaste. Those who found the correct answer in their spurs received A's.
I wonder what the teachers expected from the students when they informed them about the triple exam in 10 days? What will they take and learn, especially when they have to defend their diploma in two weeks?

About the educational process in general

- teachers say “we teach you to study, to acquire knowledge on your own,” although a significant part of the exams boils down to the fact that you need to reproduce the lecture material verbatim. If you told it in other words, you can get three.
- it’s better to get a D, because the dean allowed Cs and Bs to be retaken only in exceptional cases: if in the last year it is clear that a person could have had a diploma with honors, but one C gets in the way.
- if you do homework conscientiously, it takes an insane amount of time, and there is almost no time left to study something interesting. Most of the proposed assignments and coursework teach little, except to go to the teacher several times and stand in line to show a draft.
- as a rule, when handing in coursework and homework, the teacher is most interested in the design, title page and strict adherence to state standards in the text, formulas and drawings. GOST for registration text documents changed three times in the last 20 years. Not every teacher followed the new guests, so we often had to discuss this topic with them; sometimes it was easier to do it according to the old guests.
- teachers look very askance, some even with hatred, at working students, especially if they were unable to attend one of his lectures or complete their coursework on time.
- in many subjects, students present sign their attendance sheets. Those who have gaps in their paper (it’s different for each lecturer, but on average three or more), the teacher deliberately fails in the exam, even if the person has independently mastered two thick books and answers correctly.
- in most exams they don’t ask additional questions; a well-written answer to a ticket question is most likely 4 or 5. In other words, if you haven’t studied the subject, but copied it well and pretended to look smart in front of the teacher, you will get a good grade. Of the exceptions (where additional questions could radically change the assessment), I remember only matan and the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering. What I mean is that the knowledge test here, in my opinion, is weak. One of the teachers in our department says “I used to ask additional questions, but then I stopped so as not to get upset again.”

Curiosities in the dean's office

- a classmate went to France for a two-year internship, and after returning he was supposed to complete his final year of study. When he returns from France and comes to study in September, a surprise awaits him: according to his papers, two years ago he went to the academy and did not return from it. Someone mixed up something in the dean's office while working with papers. In the end, he managed to recover, but at the cost of an unimaginable amount of nerves: running with a pile of papers from office to office and proving that it was not the camel, but the aunts who were very nervous because they were torn from solitaire.
- one student had a C grade in his first year, and in the fourth year he decided to retake it in order to receive a bachelor's degree with honors. Retaken. He was given a diploma with red crusts, but with a C in the insert.
- another one was told in the middle of the third year that they would not be allowed to take the session because he supposedly still had not passed the exam for the first year - some piece of paper was simply lost.
- I understand that people are not made of iron and no one in the dean’s office is immune from mistakes, but in my opinion, there were too many of them during our studies.


In general, the article talks about the problems and disadvantages of the PS6 department, which, in my opinion, are much more numerous than the advantages.
In no case do I want to offend Baumanka as a whole.
Firstly, from conversations with students of the PS5 department, their training program seemed to me much more IT-ish, besides, there is only one semester of drawing, they threw out the course on calculating shafts and gears and do not teach guests at lectures.
Secondly, I don’t have the slightest doubt that mechanical engineering specialties are taught here to a much higher quality than IT.
If I had known the truth about my department before entering, I would not have gone there.
But it all depends on the person: someone can learn programming on their own while studying at a dairy technical school, but someone can’t take away anything from what they were given at Moscow State University.
No institute will give you a complete set of skills for a good job, this is impossible: in any case, you will have to complete your studies.
I am not against outdated courses that represent the basics, but I believe that the university should encourage the student's desire to gain new knowledge and experience by working while studying, and not put obstacles by punishing missed lectures with a bad grade.

Here the work schedules and reception hours of various institutions, offices and people are collected.


Faculty of IU

Third floor of GZ

Dean's office of the IU

Business hours:

Day Time
Mon no reception
VT 11:00 - 12:30
SR no reception
Thu 16:00 - 17:30
PT no reception
SB no reception
Sun no reception
Trade union committee of IU

Ninth floor GZ

Department PS5

You can take the stairs, but it is better to take the elevator.

Head of the department

Office: 902.

Business hours:

Day Time
Mon no reception
VT 16:00 - 18:00
SR no reception
Thu no reception
PT 16:00 - 18:00
SB no reception
Sun no reception




Located in the clinic building, on the 4th floor.

Student Scholarships Office

Room 425.


Day Working hours Dinner
Mon 08:00 - 17:30 12:30 - 13:30
PT 08:00 - 16:00
SB day off

Dining rooms


First floor
  • student canteen:
    • on weekdays: 10:00 to 18:00;
    • on Saturday: from 09:00 to 17:00.
  • teachers' canteen: from 09:00 to 17:00.
Third floor

Buffet "South": from 10:00 to 17:30.


Sports complex

Day Working hours Break
Mon 10:00 - 19:00 14:45 - 15:30
Sun 10:00 - 16:00 -

Hot food from 10:00 to 14:30 and from 15:30 to 18:30.


Management of student dormitories. Located in dormitory building No. 11, on the first floor.

Day Working hours Dinner
Mon 09:00 - 18:00 12:30 - 13:15
PT 09:00 - 16:45
SB day off -
Sun day off

Pass office

Work schedule (data from 07/18/2012):

Day Working hours Break #1 Break #2
Mon 09:00 - 19:45 12:30 - 13:15 17:30 - 18:00


Personnel Department

Student Human Resources Department

GZ, 2nd floor, northern wing, room 274.


Day Working hours Dinner
Mon 14:00 - 17:00 -
PT 14:00 - 16:45
SB day off

Just look at this divine work schedule. From two to five, only three hours a day! And on Friday also 15 minutes less! They get tired very quickly.

Moreover, this is a separate office for students, another for employees, so this is not due to overload.

Office Management Department

GZ, 2nd floor, northern wing, room 276a.


Day Working hours Dinner
Mon 14:00 - 17:00 -
PT 14:00 - 16:45
SB day off

Various departments, services

Social scholarship department

GZ, 4th floor, room 435.


Day Working hours Dinner
Mon 13:00 - 16:00 -
SB day off

Third department

GZ, 2nd floor, room 235.

From May 11, 2010, students of all faculties are required to submit an application for a foreign passport in room 396b (central staircase, 3rd floor).


Day Working hours Dinner
Mon 13:30 - 17:00 -
SB day off


The issuance of logins and passwords for the university WiFi and the Internet in the 2nd dormitory is carried out on the first floor of the State Building, in the same room as. Employees (not students) are issued Internet access on the 2nd floor of the State Building, in room 299av (opposite the elevator) on the basis of a memo (sample and blank forms are on site).

First-year students only need to have their student ID or grade book with them. Students of other courses are issued Internet access only during a closed summer session; they must bring their record book with them.


Day Working hours Dinner
Mon 10:00 - 16:00 13:00 - 14:00
SB day off


Where can you print documents and drawings at the university?

Printing house

It is located on the first floor of the State Building, in the same place where they issue.

The most low prices in the University.


Day Working hours Dinner
Mon 10:00 - 17:00 -
SB day off

GZ, 4th floor, north wing.


Day Working hours Dinner
Mon 10:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 14:00
VT no reception -
SR 10:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 14:00
Thu no reception -

To enter the military registration and enlistment office, you must have a passport or identity card of a citizen subject to conscription. Or better yet, both.

Graduate of this university: University graduate in 2013. Faculty of MT department MT3 - Mechanical Engineering Technology, specialist - training 6 years

I studied before the introduction of the Unified State Exam and bachelors, so I can’t say for sure about the current situation, however:

Advantages of the University
1. Name. Baumanka, ept. When I told everyone where I was studying/that I had graduated, everyone’s mouths dropped open. Only one guy I know turned out to be cooler - he studied to be a pilot))

2. Base at technical faculties (with rare exceptions, as discussed below). Many teachers give good knowledge. At least they can form quality thinking.

3. PS7 is quite a profitable specialty. But I was not at PS7)((

There were many more disadvantages for me:
1. Too much load. I lived in the region and went to school for 2.5 hours from door to door. In total, it took 5 hours to travel. I wanted to learn, so I figured it out and did everything myself. They asked so much that I slept 3 hours a day. And so the first 3 courses. On the 4th my nerves couldn’t stand it and I said to hell with everything - it turns out this is physiologically determined. The result is C grades in coursework in the diploma. Damn, even if you count the hours according to the curriculum, it turns out that you will have no free time at all during the day. And this is in your best young years. Bullshit. Maybe it’s easier for Muscovites, but I’m not a Muscovite, and I can’t say anything about this.

2. Dibilny schedule. There are only 2 main buildings, there are a lot of faculties, there are apparently not enough teachers, so the class schedule is wild. There is no lunch break - hello gastritis (you'll be lucky if the teacher lets you leave the class). Classes can be scheduled at any time without regard to convenience. In our second year it was just great - Monday - until 19.00, Tuesday - at 8.30, Wednesday - until 21.30, Thursday - at 8.30, Friday - until 19.00, Saturday - at 8.30. And imagine that it takes me 2 hours to travel one way. I arrived - sleep for 5 hours and go back. And you still need to study! Rave. These people apparently believe that students are made of steel and there is no need to take care of their health. There has never been such a dull rhythm of life.

3. Outdated material resources and lack of normal practices. On MT - exactly. You will graduate from this faculty and not be able to do anything. Because there are no new machines, no CNC, there is no practice anywhere, because there are no new factories. The result is that you will be taught the technologies of the 1970s. You will come to work, and they will send you away, or they will arrange you as an intern for a salary of 10 thousand until you learn something normal. Are your 6 years of brain-fucking worth then the same brain-fucking with work and a not-so-big salary? I think no.

Study summary:
In my last year I became interested in vocals - I turned out to have an opera voice. And damn it, I still can’t finish my studies as an academic singer. Because when I left Baumanka I had chronic gastritis and tonsillitis (constant, incessant sore throat) - thanks for this to the idiots who draw up the schedule and prescribe the curriculum. While I was treating this/figuring out what was wrong, a lot of time and money was spent on treatment (100 thousand for a sanatorium in Estonia, then another 100 thousand a year for LoRa). For the first two years I could barely sing at all, I could barely get to work, I could barely walk - it was so bad. Thank you Baumanka. My physical fitness became much worse - I played volleyball before university - when I started studying there, I immediately noticed how my jump was falling. Well, it all ended with chronic diseases, as I wrote above. And my only fault is that I really wanted to study! Well fire. Then I couldn’t find a normal job that could be combined with further studies. After graduation, you go to the factory for a salary of 20 thousand, 5 days a week from 8 to 17.00. It’s hard to study, there’s no money. Any serious company will require from you English, which is taught there mediocrely, knowledge of 3D programs, CNC, etc. What you don’t know because they don’t teach you. You will have to somehow learn at the factory (if there is one), and time is not flexible. There is no work with a free schedule at all (except for students to draw drawings, which is not serious). In short, you can forget about providing yourself with another second education (for a fee, it now costs 400k) - you will have to seriously acquire your specialty after graduating from a university for more than one year. Maybe by the age of 27-30 you will become a specialist. And what's that? That's right - it's bullshit. It’s not for nothing that the best student of our group (almost a legend of the class)) does not work in his specialty and only one person from the group works in his specialty - his dad is the chief designer at the plant.

The result is that I regret studying at this university. I got a bunch of health problems and didn’t get a decent specialty. Unless the military department turned away from the army.

I bring to your attention a note about the Department of Computer Systems and Networks (IP6) MSTU. Bauman, which I graduated from three years ago. Commented on the main subjects and the educational process in general. He told me what they don’t talk about in the admissions committee. There is no doubt that Baumanka has very strong teachers who keep up with the times, and whose lectures are truly interesting. But, unfortunately, for the PS6 department this is rare...

General subjects

The fundamental basis (mathematics, physics, theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, etc.) is given in full. It depends on the teacher, but in general, fundamental sciences are taught at a high level.
Two semesters of drawing. I agree that a future engineer should have a basic understanding of engineering graphics, but two semesters is too much.
Fundamentals of instrument design. Here, a device means a combination of gears and shafts. They force you to do homework on calculating these shafts. Has nothing to do with electronics or specialty. It is not clear how this subject even got into the program.
I am very glad that there are no strength of materials science, materials science and other subjects that are not needed by an IT specialist (at MSTU, strength of strength and materials are taught in 90% of specialties).
I’m not saying anything about general humanitarian subjects, because the term “University” implies their study.

Special items

Algorithmic programming languages
Two semesters.
First semester - Pascal. I liked everything: structured and clear.
Second semester - C. The teacher mixed C and C++ together, talking about loops, functions, classes, virtual methods. Nothing was said about the difference between the two languages. The knowledge test is rather weak: the most difficult thing that had to be done during the exam was to write the code for declaring class A with two numeric fields, from which class B with one additional field is inherited.
I think it’s a big mistake to teach the basics of programming and talk about classes, but say nothing about the basic principles of OOP and design patterns. There are no other subjects that could provide at least a basis for OOP and programming culture in the curriculum.
There is also not the slightest hint of the study of classical algorithms and data structures (lists, trees, etc.) in the curriculum.
System Programming
Learning x86 assembler, a very useful course, because... gives you an idea of ​​what's behind every line of c/pascal code.
Computer graphics
The teacher gives everyone a drawing of a certain flat figure (a cutaway part of a machine, for example) with the dimensions indicated. You need to write a script for AutoCAD in AutoLisp that will draw this figure.
For comparison: in the second year of the Computer Science and Computing Complex at Moscow State University, students were then asked to write image recognition and rendering of various scenes in directx/openGL in C++.
1) LABA: magnetic tape drive, record a few bytes of information, read these bytes, look at the signal from the magnetic head with a barely alive oscilloscope on which nothing is visible, sketch the oscillogram in the report and “draw conclusions” - the final point that should be in any lab for every subject.
2) during lectures, he read fragments from selected last year’s student abstracts under dictation, convincing us that we need to write down every word, because “British scientists have proven that with this approach you remember better”
3) abstract. The content is almost not checked; the necessary and sufficient requirements are: the presence of a title page, a table of contents and a list of references.
Information Security
1) 15 lectures in which the teacher gave dictated excerpts from the legislation of the Russian Federation on the topic of trade secrets, the creation of malware and other stuff that is often searched on Google. There was not a word about security and encryption algorithms.
2) Laba. Select an algorithm and write an encryption and decryption utility. The similarity of the programs among students and the correctness of their work were not checked. Only the paper was translated, printing reports with program texts.
Scientific organization of engineering work
Half of the lectures are dictation and regular reminders of how important it is to comply with them. What especially killed me was the seminar, where the teacher dictated for an hour and a half and showed examples of how to prepare a “list of used sources of information” at the end of a coursework or homework.
Computer design
1) The lectures were held at a wild pace, complex drawings and formulas were drawn on half a board about water cooling, load calculations, etc... The teacher spoke 200 words per minute. It’s impossible to write everything down, and it’s even more difficult to figure it out from fragments. The list of recommended literature, in my opinion, was too long to be completed in time for the 1st semester exam.
2) Exam. You write the answer to the ticket, go up to the teacher, he reads it silently, then takes the record book and gives a grade. If a student understands what he wrote, but due to inattention he missed a letter in the formula, then the teacher does not care - minus a point. To get an A, you need to reproduce the lecture material almost verbatim. Fortunately, the bachelor's program included a credit in this subject. Only engineers took the exam. In my opinion, among those who did not cheat, everyone received C grades or lower. The only “A” in the class was given to a notorious poor student: because the content of the spur for this ticket was ideal.
1) The lectures are quite interesting, mainly based on Tanenbaum’s book.
2) The labs were related to Win98, for example: configuring automatic system installation or studying the boot log (it was 2004).
Fundamentals of semiconductor technology. How transistors, amplifiers, generators, etc. work. Previously, this course was three semesters, then the plan changed and the course became one semester. But the teacher did not reduce the amount of material; he referred students to books. If memory serves, there were about two hundred questions for the exam. Even if you spend all your free time during the semester, you still may not have time to complete it.
Circuit design
An intermediate link between a transistor and an arithmetic logic device. The material is very readable and understandable. By the way: electronics, circuit design and the basics of computer construction are taught by three different teachers.
Basics of computer construction
1) 30 years ago, almost all blocks used delay lines that have not been used anywhere for a long time
2) the exam requires an answer word for word, and the drawings must be isomorphic: if you come up with an “adder” that is better than what was explained in the lecture, you get a bad mark, because “I didn’t tell you that, you don’t know what an adder is!!! »
3) a person who was developing firmware for large FPGAs went to this teacher to retake the exam several times.
4) LABA: the task is given to write a program for the MK51 microcontroller, for example, calculating a*a + 3*a + 5. It is carried out on the oldest stands, the program is driven into the microcontroller using hex codes. Those. It is required not just to write a program, but to translate it according to a table from assembler into command codes and enter it into memory character by character. One careless mistake - nothing will work and everything needs to be done again.
Microprocessor systems
The material about microcontrollers is presented in a structured and understandable manner. Course projects are different for everyone, they change almost every year, and have a connection with reality. Our labs took place on outdated stands, but I heard that new generations took these labs on freshly purchased design kits with AVR microcontrollers, which is much more interesting and enjoyable.
Parallel computing systems
The idea was good to teach such a course, but the implementation was unsuccessful. I got the impression that the lecturer who taught this course did not understand the subject. I read it according to a manual written by another person, and kept making mistakes. The cohesion of the material was weak. Students who were interested figured it out themselves and corrected the teacher during the lecture. The exam grade was based on personal sympathy and attendance. There were people who were preparing for the exam, answered adequately, and taught three, saying “you’re saying it wrong, everything is really wrong!”
Local and Global Networks
Here you had to sign the attendance sheet for lectures.
Those who skipped half the lectures, but learned everything, passed this exam very difficult. Even with the correct answer, the teacher shouted “no, it’s wrong,” and when asked to explain why, he continued “you don’t know anything at all, I won’t talk about this topic.”
For those who visited, it was different. A real conversation between a teacher and a student who attended all the lectures:
P: What is the speed of Fast Ethernet?
S: yyyy... I don’t know
P: What is the speed of Gigabit Ethernet?
S: yyyy... gigabit
P: well done... give me your record book, five
Corporate networks
One of the few subjects where relevant material is taught. The volume is large, but this knowledge can really be useful to everyone. I found it very useful when I was setting up a home network of 4 nodes, some of which had to go through a VPN with a UK address.
The exam includes questions both on setting up various services (DHCP, DNS, Active Directory, etc.) and on the general principles of building corporate networks. You must answer in writing and in detail, describing each setup step. The labs are interesting, you need to configure network services between several virtual machines.
Digital signal processing
A very interesting course. The lecturer runs a department that deals with very interesting things and high-performance DSP-based systems.
Laboratory work is carried out using modern design kits from Texas Instruments.

State exam for bachelors

Writing. Three subjects (operating systems, local networks and circuit design). The tickets were almost exactly the same as what had happened previously in the exams in these subjects (i.e., the volume of material in each subject had not decreased - in fact, three exams in one day). Tickets were issued in 10 days. Only two people (one of them was me) decided to pass this exam without cheating. In one subject (networking) I was given 3 points because I wrote the answer in my own words, omitting things that were obvious to me. The appeal put everything in its place, but it left an unpleasant aftertaste. Those who found the correct answer in their spurs received A's.
I wonder what the teachers expected from the students when they informed them about the triple exam in 10 days? What will they take and learn, especially when they have to defend their diploma in two weeks?

About the educational process in general

- teachers say “we teach you to study, to acquire knowledge on your own,” although a significant part of the exams boils down to the fact that you need to reproduce the lecture material verbatim. If you told it in other words, you can get three.
- it’s better to get a D, because the dean allowed Cs and Bs to be retaken only in exceptional cases: if in the last year it is clear that a person could have had a diploma with honors, but one C gets in the way.
- if you do homework conscientiously, it takes an insane amount of time, and there is almost no time left to study something interesting. Most of the proposed assignments and coursework teach little, except to go to the teacher several times and stand in line to show a draft.
- as a rule, when handing in coursework and homework, the teacher is most interested in the design, title page and strict adherence to state standards in the text, formulas and drawings. The state standard for preparing text documents has changed three times over the past 20 years. Not every teacher followed the new guests, so we often had to discuss this topic with them; sometimes it was easier to do it according to the old guests.
- teachers look very askance, some even with hatred, at working students, especially if they were unable to attend one of his lectures or complete their coursework on time.
- in many subjects, students present sign their attendance sheets. Those who have gaps in their paper (it’s different for each lecturer, but on average three or more), the teacher deliberately fails in the exam, even if the person has independently mastered two thick books and answers correctly.
- in most exams they don’t ask additional questions; a well-written answer to a ticket question is most likely 4 or 5. In other words, if you haven’t studied the subject, but copied it well and pretended to look smart in front of the teacher, you will get a good grade. Of the exceptions (where additional questions could radically change the assessment), I remember only matan and the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering. What I mean is that the knowledge test here, in my opinion, is weak. One of the teachers in our department says “I used to ask additional questions, but then I stopped so as not to get upset again.”

Curiosities in the dean's office

- a classmate went to France for a two-year internship, and after returning he was supposed to complete his final year of study. When he returns from France and comes to study in September, a surprise awaits him: according to his papers, two years ago he went to the academy and did not return from it. Someone mixed up something in the dean's office while working with papers. In the end, he managed to recover, but at the cost of an unimaginable amount of nerves: running with a pile of papers from office to office and proving that it was not the camel, but the aunts who were very nervous because they were torn from solitaire.
- one student had a C grade in his first year, and in the fourth year he decided to retake it in order to receive a bachelor's degree with honors. Retaken. He was given a diploma with red crusts, but with a C in the insert.
- another one was told in the middle of the third year that they would not be allowed to take the session because he supposedly still had not passed the exam for the first year - some piece of paper was simply lost.
- I understand that people are not made of iron and no one in the dean’s office is immune from mistakes, but in my opinion, there were too many of them during our studies.


In general, the article talks about the problems and disadvantages of the PS6 department, which, in my opinion, are much more numerous than the advantages.
In no case do I want to offend Baumanka as a whole.
Firstly, from conversations with students of the PS5 department, their curriculum seemed to me much more IT-intensive, in addition, there is only one semester of drawing, they threw out the course on calculating shafts and gears and do not teach guest lectures.
Secondly, I don’t have the slightest doubt that mechanical engineering specialties are taught here to a much higher quality than IT.
If I had known the truth about my department before entering, I would not have gone there.
But it all depends on the person: someone can learn programming on their own while studying at a dairy technical school, but someone can’t take away anything from what they were given at Moscow State University.
No institute will give you a complete set of skills for a good job, this is impossible: in any case, you will have to complete your studies.
I am not against outdated courses that represent the basics, but I believe that the university should encourage the student's desire to gain new knowledge and experience by working while studying, and not put obstacles by punishing missed lectures with a bad grade.

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