1c an incomplete configuration structure conversion operation was detected. Database configuration update fails abnormally

1c an incomplete configuration structure conversion operation was detected. Database configuration update fails abnormally



Valera September 18, 2013 at 03:24 pm

1C, infobase configuration restoration using MS SQL

  • Microsoft SQL Server,
  • Database Administration

At one time I encountered a problem: when updating the configuration from the repository, a failure occurred and 1C closed.

As it turned out later, the configuration storage was destroyed and when updating the configuration, the database configuration was also deleted from the storage. A similar error occurred before during dynamic updates of information security.

Because This problem has arisen more than once and I decided to share a treatment option.

The next time you started the configurator, an error appeared: “Attention!!! An error occurred while updating data after the last restructuring. Should I repeat the update? If the answer is yes, we receive the message: “An incomplete configuration saving operation was detected. To continue working, you must complete the operation” after which the application closes.

When analyzing this problem, several solutions to the problem were found, each solution works in different cases.

Option 1 (if you have a SQL backup with a copy with an identical configuration):

A copy of the information security is deployed, and the following request is executed:
In this case, the table in which the information security configuration is stored is refilled. It is advisable to test and correct the information security after this operation.

Option 2 (if there is no backup):

This option was turned to as the last straw. Because the configuration was under development and they forgot about backup a little, relying on storage.
In the database, two records are deleted from the “Config” table by the value in the “FileName” column - dbStruFinal and commit

The following query is executed:
USE GO DELETE FROM . WHERE FileName = "dbStruFinal" GO DELETE FROM . WHERE FileName = "commit" GO
Oddly enough, the base comes to life.

Tags: 1C Enterprise 8.2, SQL, configuration restoration

This article is not subject to comment, since its author is not yet a full member of the community. You will be able to contact the author only after he receives


iron Man September 18, 2013 at 03:24 pm

1C, infobase configuration restoration using MS SQL

At one time I encountered a problem: when updating the configuration from the repository, a failure occurred and 1C closed.

As it turned out later, the configuration storage was destroyed and when updating the configuration, the database configuration was also deleted from the storage. A similar error occurred before during dynamic updates of information security.

Because This problem has arisen more than once and I decided to share a treatment option.

The next time you started the configurator, an error appeared: “Attention!!! An error occurred while updating data after the last restructuring. Should I repeat the update? If the answer is yes, we receive the message: “An incomplete configuration saving operation was detected. To continue working, you must complete the operation” after which the application closes.

When analyzing this problem, several solutions to the problem were found, each solution works in different cases.

Option 1 (if you have a SQL backup with a copy with an identical configuration):

A copy of the information security is deployed, and the following request is executed:
In this case, the table in which the information security configuration is stored is refilled. It is advisable to test and correct the information security after this operation.

Option 2 (if there is no backup):

This option was turned to as the last straw. Because the configuration was under development and they forgot about backup a little, relying on storage.
In the database, two records are deleted from the “Config” table by the value in the “FileName” column - dbStruFinal and commit

The following query is executed:
USE GO DELETE FROM . WHERE FileName = "dbStruFinal" GO DELETE FROM . WHERE FileName = "commit" GO
Oddly enough, the base comes to life.

Tags: 1C Enterprise 8.2, SQL, configuration restoration

This article is not subject to comment, since its author is not yet a full member of the community. You will be able to contact the author only after he receives


Two days ago we made the transition from 8.1 to 8.2 - we changed the configuration of UPP 1.2... to Accordingly, a lot of differences from the standard configuration that were rolled out led to a bunch of errors. For two days, without spending the night, we change the configuration non-stop. The configurator is saved 15 times per hour. It was to be expected that when saving, the configuration might crash, which is exactly what happened. Such problems, in conf 8.1, were always resolved by the exit of users who were still working in the database, but could no longer log in again and with exclusive access. In our new configuration 8.2, the database told us “I’m tired. I’m leaving”), in general the problem is described in the announcement.

What was done right and wrong. And advice on what to do first.

First of all, in the turmoil, we begin to look for ways to solve the problem on the Internet. Google gives literally 3 articles at the moment on the text of the error that occurs. I will list them.

In general, in all three articles the answer to the solution to the current problem is the same - “Restore the database from a backup.”

There is no need to talk about the importance of backups, their regularity and so on. I think that in terms of us this was a good warning, although we had a backup of the database after it was saved in configuration 1.3, but few people follow their regularity and the fact that they are done (and the hard drive is not cleaned, etc.). Accordingly, excuse the “Captain Obviousness”, but if you have a fresh backup, the first thing to do is restore the database from it, do not waste precious time, for which the management will not thank you for downtime. However, you can try to revive the “fallen” base, which, thanks to my persistence, was done. I note that another programmer also made attempts to somehow revive the database using 1C methods, but they were unsuccessful. I don’t know everything he did, but I saw attempts to launch 1C in command mode immediately with the launch of Testing and Correction of Information Security, which actually did not launch anything.

I focused my attention on SQL. I am familiar with a little experience in configuring and administering databases and a typical set of SQL commands, but the method outlined below does not require any deep knowledge and skills in working with SQL. I simply connected the logic - if the database “fell” while saving the configuration, we conclude that the structure of one table in SQL could have collapsed (although I did not know before that the configuration in version 8 is in one sequel table) and this table in which it is stored database configuration. namely the dbo.config table. I later found out using the “pick-your-own” method and, again, logic, because the only thing I found was a local development, which didn’t help me but was quite useful for the future, namely Thanks to the author from the account of my colleague, with the help of whom I downloaded it. So I move on to the most important thing - attempts (!) to restore the database because, unfortunately, I cannot give you any guarantees and there are a number of presets that you may not have or, as they say, this is not your case...

Requirements and the database restoration itself.

(Attention. Be sure to look at the footnote below if you want to try to revive the configuration itself. Today (04/18/2012) through experiments I succeeded because I felt sorry for the week-long work that was done on it. Thus, it was possible to revive the database, leaving the old configurator without any copies)

Initial data - SQL database 1C 8.2, UPP configuration (I believe the described method is suitable for any 8.2 standard database). SQL server 2005. The error described in the announcement and the error that occurred while saving the configuration! The most important and mandatory requirement!!! A copy of the SQL database with the SAME CONFIGURATION(!) We have configured auto-exchange with another database and their configurations are the same. In addition, since we are three 1C programmers, we each have an uploaded and relatively recent conf file. In fact, any database will do, no matter what data, the main thing is that the configuration in it matches the metadata structure of the database. I would like to note the fact that the configuration was even slightly different from the one with which the base crashed. The most basic requirement, in my opinion, is that differences in configuration do not affect the metadata. Do not forget the fact that if the configuration is different, then in the end you will receive a working database but with the configuration from your copy.

The recovery process itself will not take you much time - literally a couple of minutes, but I highly recommend making a backup of even a “fallen” database first, but it can take time. For example, you will have the opportunity to restore the database by rolling back from the log file (which, unfortunately, was “banned” in the turmoil of recovery) or some other method. So, let me remind you that somewhere there must be a SQL database, no matter what data, but with the same configuration. If your configuration is an “untouched” standard one (which means that this problem arose during the process of rolling out a new standard configuration), you can create a new empty database and fill it with the standard configuration that you had before. If the configuration you found is not so recent, think and make a decision; perhaps the differences with the copy of the configurator, which you will be forced to repeat in your database, will take much more time and resources than the loss of information from the 1C database itself . A kind of double-edged sword) So...

1. Make a backup of the crashed database using SQL.

2. We clear the dbo.config table of our database, which contains our broken conf. This can be done from SQL Profiler, for example by running the command in it:

Delete From .

where Base2009 is the name of the crashed base.

Note: I read some unverified information somewhere on the net that sometimes it helps to clear the dbo.ConfigSave table, which supposedly contains the rolled-up conf. In our database it turned out to be empty, so I obviously didn’t clean the empty table. Perhaps - you can somehow deceive and revive the 1C database using this table, but without knowing the mechanism of how 1C works with this table, I will not say anything in terms of action in relation to it.

3. Copy the table from the database with the entire configuration to our damaged database. In my case, both databases were on the same server, so the copy command in SQL-Profiler looked like this.

insert into .. select * from ..

where base2009 is the name of the crashed database, BaseCopy is the name of the database with a copy of the configurator

4. We launch 1C, and if successful, we jump, as I did, with joy that we managed to revive the database without any loss of information.

5. (Captain obvious) we check, debug and monitor the system for creating database backups and take a very responsible approach to the process of updating the configuration (we do this not over the network, but preferably on the server, if possible making a backup first). Especially if your 1C version has become 8.2. As far as I understand from articles on the Internet and the first two days of working with it, it is more sensitive and capricious, compared to 8.1 with which there were no such problems.

5a. If the configuration of the database from which you will copy the conf table is still different (without having differences in the metadata, which I already mentioned), and somewhere there is your relatively fresh cf file with the unloaded conf - roll it to revived base. Otherwise, you will have to repeat all the differences that were with the copy of the configurator. So think again and analyze what is more important: your work on changing the configuration (and how much time you will spend on it) or the work of the database users until the last backup. In my case, it was the work of 2 programmers for 3 hours versus the work of about 100 users for 1.5 days, so the choice was obvious.

ZY Shall I remind you again? that this recovery function is an undocumented way to restore the database by 1C sheep (in the specific case of a database collapse that occurred while saving the conf) and everything you do is done at your own peril and risk, but specifically in my case there are other ways to revive the database with minimal There was no loss of existing information (the log file was lost and the most recent backup represented the loss of 1.5 days of work for about 100 users), so, as they say, the bridges were burned)

Z.Y.Y. This is my first publication here because... I’m a coward on other 1C forums, but I find this resource one of the most useful in terms of posted developments and publications, so don’t judge strictly the many IFs in this publication). I would be very glad if I really helped someone with the restoration of a destroyed base, because the only thing worse than that is a nuclear war)

Z.Y.Y.Y. 3 weeks later, the problem repeated itself) This time, the solution took just a few seconds (if you don’t take into account the time it took to create a backup), and even the users didn’t have to be kicked out.


A colleague came running today. Same problem. Only the database is test and not working, and the database itself is only for him - but the configurator is important to him. He spent a week working on it without once uploading the file to the cf and without rolling out the changes to the working database. Well, why not dig deeper with the table?! This time it's even easier. I open SQL Management Studio. I form a query on the table for fields with the current modification date and the time when the database crashed - the result gives 2 records. The first is Field FileName = "commit" Well, crash this entry - and everything worked out for me! The configurator has come to life and the database is working again. What needs to be done?!

So, in the open SQL Managment Studio window, we look for our database - open Tables, look for the table with the conf at the end of the list dbo.config on the table - right button - Open table. Next, in the right window, go down in the table itself alphabetically to the field where FileName = "commit". We go to this entry - right mouse button - Delete. In general, we delete the entry with the binary file. Next, we try to enter the conf. The same error appears first. It probably didn’t work out? Let’s press OK. And then, before issuing the second message about the impossibility of saving, as before, the computer began to think. After 30 seconds - OH MIRACLE! The configurator has opened. We try to save the configurator (after saving the cf file). The configurator is saved. Thus, the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe. I’m not sure about the full functionality of the database after such abuse - so I’d advise you to restructure and recalculate the results later in the evening (after making an archive, of course). Good luck with your recovery and positive emotions)

We moved to a new server. It runs SQL and 1C. Compared to the old ones it was much cooler. And Gilev’s test also confirmed this: against 10-15 on the old servers, it gave 39. Therefore, immediately after the purchase, we transferred the database and started working.

But at some point something went wrong - users began to complain about slow work. We made certain settings for the server and services (which ones are the topic of a separate post) and decided to reboot the server, fortunately the reboot speed was 2 minutes (on other servers it was up to 10). After this, when logging into 1C we receive the following message:

"Attention!!! An error occurred while updating data after the last restructuring. Should I repeat the update? "Not really"

After clicking "Yes" the following appears:

“An incomplete configuration save operation was detected. You must complete the operation to continue."

The first thing I decided to do was CHECKDB in Managment Studio - after 2 hours of waiting (500 GB database) - everything was OK.

I found information on the Internet that the same error occurs during dynamic updating.

The solutions proposed online did not help immediately, but together with other actions they gave results. So what I did:


  1. What was missing for solutions from the network:

sp_configure 'allow updates', 1
reconfigure with override

2. Put the database into recovery mode

alter database set EMERGENCY, SINGLE_USER

3. We perform database testing:

dbcc checkdb('db_name', REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS)

4. Exit the database from recovery mode:

alter database set ONLINE, MULTI_USER

5. In principle, if you are sure that everything is ok with the base itself, then you don’t have to do points 2-4. Next, we run two queries in the SQL profiler:

delete from config where FileName = 'commit'
delete from config where FileName = ‘dbStruFinal’

These records are responsible for dynamic updating - you don’t have to be afraid to delete them.

In working versions of the databases queries:

select * from Config WHERE FileName = 'commit'

select * from Config WHERE FileName = 'dbStruFinal'

will be empty.

6. return the settings:

sp_configure 'allow updates', 0

7. After this, we managed to launch the configurator and the database started working.

Also, the base can start working after removing the first flag.

Greetings, dear readers.

Just recently I had to restore the 1C Enterprise 8 database after a crash that occurred during a configuration update. Moreover, this happened twice and the methods used during restoration were also different (you will soon find out why). In this article I want to talk about the methods I used.

All methods discussed in the article refer to the server version of 1C Enterprise 8, used by the DBMS - MS SQL 2005.

Case No. 1.

When updating the configuration, the error “Lock conflict” was displayed and the configurator was closed. When trying to log into the configurator again, an error appeared: Attention!!! An error occurred while updating data after the last restructuring. Should I repeat the update? "Not really"

If the answer was positive, the following message was displayed “An incomplete configuration save operation was detected. You must complete the operation to continue."

Searches on the Internet revealed the following method. In the table Config our database data needs to delete the lines where the field FileName = commit or FileName = dbStruFinal or FileName=DynamicallyUpdated (for 8.3) or FileName=dynamicCommit (8.3) and also clear the table ConfigSave. Let me explain what these table data are responsible for: Config - this table stores the database configuration, ConfigSave - this table stores the working configuration, i.e. before pressing the button F7 in the configurator.

Open SQL Serger Managment Studio and open the query window using the button “ New Query» opens a query window.

In the query window we write queries and execute them:

  1. delete from [OurDatabaseName].. where FileName = ‘commit’
  2. delete from [OurDatabaseName].. where FileName = ‘dbStruFinal’
  3. delete from [Our Database Name].. where FileName = ‘DynamicallyUpdated’ (for version 8.3)
  4. delete from [OurDatabaseName].. where FileName = ‘dynamicCommit’ (for version 8.3)
  5. delete from [OurBaseName]..

After completing these requests, the configurator started without problems.

Case No. 2

The reason for the error logging into the configurator is the same as in the first case: a lock conflict when updating the configuration.

Deleting rows in a table Config and clearing the table ConfigSave It helped partially: the configurator opened, but it didn’t work in the company managed forms.

In this case, 2 development paths came to mind:

  1. Restoring from an archive. There was one big “BUT” in this option: it so happened that the archive was created after the update, i.e. the archive contained an error.
  2. There was an idea to use a distributed database configuration, which was not updated because the file for exchange had an error.

To solve the problem, option 2 was chosen. Next, I’ll tell you step by step what I did.

  1. Open SQL Serger Managment Studio and create a custom database, for example Perenos. We create a table in this database Config. For those who don’t know sql for transferring data from one table to another, MS SQL has a wonderful service “ SQL Server import and export wizard". Using this service, you can easily transfer data from one database to another. To start this service you need to press the keys " ctrl+r" and in the dialog box write the command " dtswizard «.
  2. We transfer using the service dtswizard table data Config our database into a table Config bases Perenos.
  3. Clearing the table Config in our database using a request delete from [OurBaseName]..
  4. On the server where the distributed database is located, we launch the service dtswizard and transfer data from the table Config into the same table only in our database.

With the help of such actions, it was possible to quickly restore the functionality of the database with minimal downtime.

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