Irina's culinary blog. Interview with Irina Rybchanskaya

Irina's culinary blog. Interview with Irina Rybchanskaya


It seems that literally everyone writes about food now, however, there are not so many good food blogs in Russian. There are even fewer that are at the same time pleasant to read, watch and apply the advice they offer in practice.

Until recently, I subscribed to only 2 Russian food blogs – SalatShop and Crazy Cucumber. The first one perfectly represents my love for a healthy lifestyle, and the second one represents the same feelings for the island of Bali and the typical products that grow there. The information on these resources, in my subjective opinion, is very interesting and educational, and the beautiful photographs taken by the authors of these blogs always cause aesthetic pleasure. However, there are, of course, many more people who like to eat delicious food and film their work in the kitchen. I'll tell you about ten blogs that, in my opinion, are worth checking out.


Nika Belotserkovskaya reminds me of a very famous American woman - a TV presenter, cook and admirer of French cuisine. It was as if the legendary Julia Child Nika also ended up with her husband in France, where she found her new home and forever fell in love with the cuisine of Provence. It was there that she found her destiny and, like Julia Child, wrote a book, or rather, as many as 6. Her passion and unprecedented enthusiasm are followed daily by an audience of almost half a million; today she is the most popular food blogger in Russia. You can treat her in completely different ways, someone considers her incredibly creative, someone believes that with the same lack of financial problems as hers, absolutely anyone could easily achieve the same success. However, the indisputable fact remains that her beautiful life is incredibly interesting to watch.


Leno lives in Bali, where he explores local exotic products with incredible enthusiasm and prepares healthy, tasty and very attractive dishes from them. The information she shares on her blog is literally worth its weight in gold, because not much has been written about Balinese gastronomy in Russian. True, Leno rarely talks about traditional Balinese dishes; she rather creates recipes for familiar dishes based on exotic Balinese ingredients, such as pandan leaves, tamarillo and chayote.


Having discovered yoga at a fairly early age, Olga Malysheva began to become seriously interested in nutrition and subsequently received a diploma as a detox specialist. Now she herself conducts seminars on nutrition and detox, writes a column in Yoga Journal, and also launched the 365 detox project, for which she has developed a series of recipes for fresh, cold-pressed juices, smoothies, almond milk and healthy snacks. In her blog, which over the 4 years of its existence has grown into a full-fledged website, Olga Malysheva shares tips on healthy eating, personal experience, and also publishes simple and healthy recipes.


A very convenient and visually attractive site with a huge number of detailed step-by-step recipes and a chicly designed visual aid for preparing basic sauces, creams and dough. Its author, Andrey Rudkov, also reviews various cooking equipment and gadgets, writes about his gastronomic travels, shares the secrets of great food photography, and conducts master classes in his native Khabarovsk.


Nina Tarasova is a professional pastry chef, so for those who are seriously interested in cooking, reading her blog is doubly interesting. Nina often prepares dishes according to recipes from the most famous chefs and travels a lot around the world with her master classes. There is certainly a lot to learn from her.


Anastasia’s blog has an absolutely amazing section – Friday cake. Every Friday she bakes a new beautiful cake and shares its recipe, which is accompanied by atmospheric photographs. In addition, together with her boyfriend, she shoots short inspiring videos about food and gives master classes on making cakes for the magazine “KhlebSol”.


Chocolate Chalk is a nice blog about all kinds of baked goods and desserts with beautiful illustrations. It is hosted by a beautiful girl, Katya, who moved with her family to Nigeria. However, there is almost nothing on the blog about traditional African dishes, but there is a wonderful recipe for beetroot bread.


The lifetastesgreat blog is run by professional photographer and food stylist Anna Pustynnikova. It is the colorful photographs that encourage every reader to endlessly flip through the pages of her blog, in which she publishes a variety of recipes and reviews of new products from the world of gastronomy.


Daria Boronina photographs food incredibly beautifully, and her website is primarily dedicated to food photography. The recipes for some dishes in this case are only a pleasant addition and brighten up an already very attractive picture, the development of which I want to continue to watch.


Alena Kogotkova very enthusiastically describes each prepared dish. As she herself says about her blog: “This culinary site is thoroughly imbued with my love for delicious and gourmet cuisine.” Well, this is really true, because literally every entry of hers emanates positive energy.

Irina Chadeeva is a famous Russian culinary blogger and author of books about baking. Known on the Internet under the nickname Chadeyka. Irina’s recipes are famous for their simplicity, accessibility of presentation and compliance with GOST standards. In addition, exotic ingredients are not needed to prepare such baked goods and desserts. This article provides detailed cooking recipes. Chadeyka assures that any housewife will be proud of such delicious dishes.

A little about Irina Chadeeva

Irina Chadeeva is a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute named after S. Ordzhonikidze. For several years she worked as a journalist on television. Irina began her blogging activities in 2006, when she promised her virtual friend to tell her the recipe for delicious gingerbread cookies. Later, thanks to the convenient format of LiveJournal, Chadeeva began to share detailed descriptions of the preparation of various baked goods and could answer questions that housewives had. In a fairly short time, Irina’s blog gained fame.

In 2009, Chadeeva released her first book under the intriguing title “Pies and Something More...”, in which her best recipes were published. Chadeyka shared her secrets and culinary tricks, using which you can prepare truly wonderful pastries.

In 2011, another book, “Pies and Something Else... 2,” was published. A little later in the same year, the publication “Miracle Baking” was published. And 2012 was marked for Irina with the release of two more cookbooks: “Baking according to GOST. The taste of our childhood" and "All about pies." The first book contains descriptions of the preparation of dishes from the times of the Union, which needed to be adapted to modern conditions, which is what Chadeika did. Recipes according to GOST take you back to childhood and allow you to feel that unforgettable taste of baked goods and desserts again. And the publication “All about Pies” collected the best recipes from Irina’s first two books.

The preparation of the best culinary masterpieces is described in detail below. These are marshmallows, cakes that Chadeika prepared, and cupcakes. The recipes comply with GOST standards, which ensures an amazing result, subject to strict adherence to the given technologies.

Capital cupcake: what do you need to prepare?

Required ingredients:

  • butter - 175 grams;
  • sugar - 175 grams;
  • egg without shell - 140 grams (that's about 3 small eggs);
  • flour - 240 grams;
  • raisins, washed and dried - 175 grams;
  • vanilla essence - 2 drops;
  • powdered sugar;
  • salt.

How to cook a capital cupcake?

The cooking process is as follows:

This will turn out dense, juicy and amazingly tasty if the hostess does everything as Irina Chadeika recommends. Recipes for other desserts are given below.

Curd cake: what do you need to prepare?

Required ingredients:

  • flour - 150 grams;
  • butter - 75 grams;
  • sugar - 165 grams;
  • cottage cheese 18% fat - 130 grams;
  • egg without shell - 80 grams (that's about 2 small eggs);
  • baking powder - ½ teaspoon;
  • powdered sugar.

How to cook cottage cheese cake?

Cooking process:

If you follow the given recipes exactly, Chadeika assures that the finished baked goods will turn out amazingly tasty.

Pastila according to old recipes

Required ingredients:

  • Antonovka apples - 5 pieces;
  • sugar - 170 grams;
  • egg white - 1 piece;
  • powdered sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Bake the apples in the oven or microwave until fully cooked. Scoop out the pulp with a spoon and puree it using a blender or fine sieve.
  2. Add sugar to the warm apple mixture and stir. Leave to cool.
  3. Add egg white to the cold puree and beat with a mixer until it becomes a white fluffy mass. This will take about seven minutes.
  4. Set aside a glass of the resulting mixture. You will need it later. Place the rest of the mixture in a rectangular pan measuring 20 x 30 centimeters, which is lined with a layer thickness of three centimeters.
  5. Dry in the oven at 70°C for 5-8 hours. After half the time, it is recommended to turn the marshmallow over.
  6. Then remove the parchment. If it does not separate well, you should moisten it a little with water.
  7. Cut the resulting rectangle lengthwise into three strips of equal width. Coat each of them with the remaining mixture, stack them on top of each other and coat the outer edges with it.
  8. Place in the oven for another two hours.
  9. After the time has passed, remove the finished marshmallow from the oven and rub powdered sugar into it.

As Chadeika writes, pastille according to old recipes will turn out lighter the lower the temperature is maintained in the oven.

Cake “Prague”: what is needed to prepare?

Ingredients required for baking sponge cake:

  • chicken egg - 6 pieces;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • cocoa powder - 25 grams;
  • butter - 40 grams;
  • flour - 115 grams.

Ingredients needed to prepare the cream:

  • egg yolk - 1 piece;
  • cocoa powder - 10 grams;
  • butter - 200 grams;
  • condensed milk - 120 grams;
  • water - 20 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet.

Ingredients for chocolate icing:

  • apricot jam - 55 grams;
  • dark chocolate - 60 grams;
  • butter - 60 grams.

How to prepare a cake?

Desserts are prepared for the sake of taste, as Chadeika says. Irina’s cake recipes are famous for their simplicity and accessibility, and “Prague” is no exception.

Cooking process:

Chadeika recommends implementing the recipes given in this article, strictly following the recommendations. As the author himself says, if you decide to replace one ingredient with another or at least deviate slightly from the specified technology, it will be on your conscience. Rare ingredients are not needed to prepare such baked goods and desserts. And the recipes are written in such detail that it will not be difficult to prepare a masterpiece.

Just a couple of years ago, our mothers and grandmothers passed each other thick notebooks with a bunch of recipes copied by hand, so that the family recipe for “herring under a fur coat” or “mimosa” would not accidentally get lost somewhere. However, “herring under a fur coat” will no longer surprise anyone, and the female sex has to invent thousands of new recipes... After all, you want it to be tasty, stylish, and not like everyone else’s. And on the eve of the New Year this is especially true!

By the way, we also have an article about

Fortunately, now everything has become much simpler, and you can draw inspiration for your culinary masterpieces directly from the Internet. We have selected for you the best culinary sites that can serve as a lifesaver at the right time and will make you, if not a real professional, then certainly a confident amateur.

Eating at home

The love of many women for cooking (including mine) begins with this resource. Actress, TV presenter and mother of two children, Yulia Vysotskaya, created an entire project in 2003, which has now grown to incredible proportions.
The website “Eating at Home” presents not only Yulina’s recipes, but also the masterpieces of other users. Everyone has the opportunity to publish their own recipes and photos of dishes, rate others, compare by ingredients and ratings, and also create their own cookbook. In addition, on the website you can watch all episodes of the TV show “Eating at Home” and take part in culinary competitions from partners. In general, “Eating at Home” is a whole social network where live communication is in full swing, where experienced cooks share their secrets, and ordinary amateurs turn into professionals.


A culinary portal, which is perhaps the most popular portal about food not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. “Gastronom” has this name for a reason: on the site you can find not only culinary recipes with step-by-step preparation, but also a large amount of material on how to choose and work with products correctly, how to make your dish look no worse than that of a famous one chefs, and where to go for fresh gastronomic experiences.

Another culinary magazine that is hard to put down for those who love to cook something “special”! The magazine itself contains more than 35 thousand original recipes, video cooking instructions and tips on ingredients. Each recipe is equipped with a special counter that helps you calculate the correct amount of ingredients depending on the number of servings. Every week, popular food bloggers and chefs share their stories, exclusive recipes and cooking secrets.

The food delivery market is trying to surprise us with everything today: some specialize in fast food, some in home cooking, and some in . Perhaps in our country this trend is just beginning to gain momentum, but abroad, almost every third housewife already uses this service to prepare the dish of her dreams. The Chefmarket service offers a whole program to make life easier for modern housewives. The site has specially designed categories that offer a set menu, step-by-step recipes for cooking and a service for delivering all ingredients directly to your kitchen!
All you need is to go to the website, select the appropriate complex and, voila, all the necessary ingredients are already on your table.

Jamie Oliver's Recipes

Cooking guru Jamie Oliver is known around the world for his many shows and books. Even beginners love Jamie's recipes because... In his recipes, Oliver uses simple ingredients that can be found in any store today. Moreover, in his video tutorials presented on the website, Jamie reveals all the secrets and shares the intricacies of preparing this or that dish. If you are looking for healthy and delicious food, then Jamie's kitchen is for you.

Blog with taste Andy Chef

Who said women cook better than men? Andrey Rudkov's culinary blog can argue with you. Andrey started his blog in 2013 when he realized that nothing inspires him more than cooking, so Andrey decided to inspire people himself.

"Blog with taste" is filled with a lot. Moreover, this “raisin” lies not only in the ingredients used, but also in the technique. Andrey takes all photographs for each recipe personally. And taken together, the recipe turns out so appetizing that you want to immediately go to the kitchen and repeat the experiment.

In addition to recipes, the site contains a large amount of useful material about gastronomic travel, cooking basics and reviews of technological innovations. And as a bonus, everyone can watch master classes with Andrey’s participation and add food photography lessons to their luggage.


Another author's blog that will not leave any woman indifferent! Irina Chadeeva is a true specialist in pies and the author of such famous books as “Pies and Something Else...”, “Baking According to GOST. The taste of our childhood”, “All about pies”, etc. When you first get to Irina’s personal LiveJournal page, time flies by, and now 3 hours have already disappeared somewhere. “Blueberry pie”, “lemon ganache pie”, “chocolate meringue”, “cherry tarts”... and these are just a few of the names that cause an increased flow of endorphins in the body. Each recipe is supported by beautiful and stylish photographs of the author. And if something doesn’t work out for you, then in the comments you can ask all the questions that interest you. Rest assured, they will definitely not go unanswered!


I love her very much, she’s a great fellow! All baked goods according to her recipes always turn out well (especially the eclairs are incomparable))).

What is there to discuss? Well done Irina! And if he doesn’t want to make money on his blog, his husband probably makes good money.
I blog myself. The main theme of which is recreation (a wide range) with children, crafts, recipes. What I live for myself.
I agree with Irina that selling is difficult when it comes to making to order. I make my crafts from the heart in my free time from the child. If you make it to order, then that’s all you need to do. It takes a lot of time. How to get to work.))))))))))))))))
I would like my blog to generate income. I don’t have the same attendance as Irina, but I think that over time everything will be fine. When I read the article, I realized that Ira and I are very similar, only I have one daughter, and she has two sons, she makes complex cakes, and I make complex crafts!))))))))))

Comment on the article "Chadeika: how to become a successful culinary blogger (and more)"

Bakery. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. I take a cottage cheesecake from a child, or this one [link-1].

Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. Oatmeal cookies with orange and honey from Chadeika. The main thing is to pour the juice over it later - I didn’t - and it turned out not so tasty, rather dry...

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Do you love to bake? Bakery. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. For quiches - chopped dough from chadeyka >.

Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and tips for preparing dishes, holiday For me, the discovery was the recipe that was given a link here about a month ago. But here are the photos of the process - you need to work, Chadeika’s process is captured more deliciously.

Ingredients: Valio ESL milk 3.5% – 200 g Valio cooking cream 20% – 100 g Chicken eggs – 3 pcs. Cherry – 500 g Wheat flour – 75 g Sugar – 100 g Vanilla stick – 1 pc. 1. Prepare pancake dough: start mixing flour with eggs, vanilla and sugar, adding a small amount of milk, and then gradually pour in the remaining milk and Valio cream. Then the dough will be smooth and homogeneous without additional effort. Let the finished dough stand for half an hour - an hour. This will help the clafoutis smooth and...

British television star and best-selling culinary author Nigella Lawson, whose programs in Russia can be seen on the Kitchen TV channel, is gradually coming to her senses after a difficult and rapid divorce. The sultry beauty and coquette shocked not only with her culinary successes, but also with her age - no one would ever give a TV presenter 53 years old, but that’s exactly how old she is now. Her father is English peer Nigel Lawson, a former Chancellor of the Exchequer in Margaret Thatcher's administration, so Nigella can...

A book, and in my case it should be a cookbook :) The only difficulty is that I just can’t find this most ideal book. No, of course, any bookstore or online supermarket happily puts out delicious piles of manuals from famous personalities, whom it’s hard to imagine even in the kitchen... Politicians, actresses, TV presenters and astrologers - whoever doesn’t contribute to the culinary library. Of course, there are also the creations of real culinary university professors. But...

My recipe!. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. By the way, Chadeyka herself is very slim, so I think it’s not just about calories :-) Personally, the manufacturing process annoys me...

Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. I like Chadeika’s GOST [link-1] >.

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toys are the kind of thing that you can do without, but it’s so nice when you have them :-) The dough recipe and the cooking process can be found on the internet, for example from Chadeika. Just in case, my recipe: 100 grams of butter, 200 grams of flour, salt, 5 tablespoons of water. I use this dough to make savory quiches and sweet American pie (apple pie). I just can’t master the baskets with cream... well, that’s okay :-) The point is to chop the butter with flour. You can use a knife; at first I found it convenient to use a fork. And then I...

Hello everyone, or whatever is customary there, my dear diary)))!!! I’ve never used a blog service before, I haven’t read, I haven’t written, and I haven’t taken them into account at all, probably like you all, you haven’t paid attention to how your children are fed in kindergarten, at least until January 2012! !!It was only after many of you realized that there was food in your children’s kindergartens that I realized that you were all communicating somewhere, so I ended up on this blog! Well, let’s start, although I myself don’t understand why...

Meringue roll from Chadeyka. Sweet dishes. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and reception. Perhaps some sourness in the final baked goods. Vinegar somehow immediately changes the structure of the dough. The dough immediately becomes porous.

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Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. from the sweet ones - definitely Chadeika (two books already), from the regular ones... I don’t even know the recipe - pictures like step-by-step, the products in general are not horror-horror :) to me...

I saw a lot of gingerbread cookies for Christmas at the child’s place. Bakery. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection.

Tell me about baking in the microwave. Dishes. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. Thank you! where can I find Chadeyka - can you share the link?

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