If the parcel is not tracked by aliexpress. The track number is not tracked on Aliexpress - what to do

If the parcel is not tracked by aliexpress. The track number is not tracked on Aliexpress - what to do


How to open a dispute on AliExpress if the track number is not tracked?

Consider the situation when you paid for the goods, received a track number, but it has not been tracked for a long time.

What to do if the track number is not readable?

1)It's been less than 10 days since the order was shipped. Your track number is not trackable.
You should not worry, because it will take some time to track the track number.
Just in case, check your track code on different sites. For example, .

2) More than 10 days have passed, but not a single resource reads your track number.
At this stage, you need to write a letter to the seller stating that your track number does not work.

An example of such a letter:

The track number __________________ is not tracked. Check, please, where is my parcel.

If the seller does nothing within 5 days, then open a dispute, ignoring the seller's assurances.

Dispute (dispute) opens on the page of your order. To do this, you need to mark the products with non-working tracks and click the button Open Dispute:

From the beginning, there will be a question. Have you received your order? - answer in the negative. ( Did you receive your goods? answer "No")

Then, a list of reasons - mark that the track is not being read ( no tracking information.)

In the next paragraph, request a full refund from the seller. To do this, check "Full refund":

In the field below, indicating the return cost, write that the track number does not work:

The track number is not tracked. It has been 15 days and my package has not been dispatched.

After that, click the "Submit" button. After that, you will be taken to the page with an open dispute.

1) Do not cancel the dispute until your track number starts to be read, despite the persuasion of the seller.

Important!!! Under no circumstances cancel the dispute (dispute) if the time on the delivery timer is over, because after that your order will be closed in favor of the seller and he will receive your money.

2) Don't click the "accept" button if you're not going to close the deal.
By clicking on the "accept" button, the buyer agrees with the amount of money that the supplier offers to return and the possible demand for the return of the goods. Before accepting the seller's offer, check the refund amount.

3) If the seller does not respond to your open dispute (dispute) within 5 days, then the dispute (dispute) is closed in your favor and you receive the amount indicated when opening the dispute.

Aliexpress Lesson #6 Disputes and disputes! How to solve problems.

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Approximately every third parcel from Aliexpress is not tracked. Why is this happening and what to do in this case?

In general, there are several common situations when a parcel from Aliexpress may not be tracked. We will talk about the causes of their occurrence and consequences further.

Why is the parcel from Aliexpress not tracked?

The main reasons for the inability to track the movement of the parcel are:

  • the seller's desire to save money - he sends by regular parcel, without the possibility of tracking (most often);
  • fraudulent actions - a deliberately false track code, and the parcel can be sent (without tracking), or maybe not;
  • an error on the part of the tracking service (rarely enough);
  • individual tracking systems are being slowly updated and the package simply has not had time to “appear” yet.

Most often, the movement of the parcel cannot be tracked when the goods are cheaper than the tracking service. And it, according to various sellers, costs from $2.5, which does not prevent some of them from demanding $5 and $10 for the possibility of tracking. Therefore, when buying a penny trifle, mentally prepare for the fact that you will not be able to track its movement with 90% probability.

If we consider the causes of this situation with reference to the cost of goods, then we can notice the following pattern:

  1. Goods under $5 are extremely rarely tracked, and if they are tracked, it is usually before crossing the border with China. You should not be especially worried about this - the usual situation, there is nothing out of the ordinary.
  2. Goods up to $10 are usually tracked, although they travel quite a long time. Reasons for not being able to be traced may be fraud or the seller's desire to save money.
  3. Goods over $10 are almost always tracked. If after 6 days from the date of sending the parcel you cannot track it, this is the reason for the reason "No tracking information". And then - to see how the seller will get out of this situation.

In any case, you either get the package or you don't. Most often, the package still arrives safely, sometimes even on time :-)

What to do if the parcel from Aliexpress is not tracked?

If the goods are inexpensive, just wait and monitor the order protection period, up to the legal 60 days, if necessary, or by opening a dispute about the goods that did not arrive.

I advise you not to succumb to opening a dispute about a deliberately untraceable package, the cost is less than $ 5. You will win it, but we are all human, and the Chinese want to eat too. And according to Ali's rules, they do not have the right to sell us anything without providing a track number, albeit a false one. So be smart :-)

In other cases, act according to the circumstances. Expensive purchases should always be monitored, I have already talked about this.

We will talk about where and how you can track the track code another time. And now, if you have questions about why the package with Aliexpress is not tracked, you can ask them in the comments, I will try to help :-)

And finally: if this post was useful to you, you can tell us “Thank you” by sharing it on any social network convenient for you or joining

When a new track number appears in the order card for Aliexpress, it becomes obvious that the seller has sent the order. Usually, by tracking the movement of the track number, you can find out where the package is located, what route it is moving along, and also approximately calculate when it will arrive. But, sometimes it happens that the track is not tracked. At the same time, the seller is either silent or assures that the parcel has been sent and should arrive soon. It is quite possible that this is true. Why is this happening and how to find out the track number of the parcel, which will be displayed in tracking services?

Sellers can send compact parcels of low value without a track number: it’s cheaper, first of all, to the buyer. But the Aliexpress system requires this number to confirm the shipment. In this case, the seller enters either a random combination of letters and numbers, or an invalid track code number.

If the number is not tracked, you must first write to the seller and find out his opinion on why this happened. Shipments of this category can take quite a long time - up to 2 months, but if this is not an urgent purchase and there is time to wait for it, you just need to monitor the transaction protection period and extend it when the time on the timer is close to zero.

If there is no desire to wait, 30 days after sending, you can open a dispute. In this case, the decision will be in favor of the buyer - either the amount will be returned to the account, or the seller will be obliged to send a new product with an already existing track. There are frequent cases when, after receiving compensation, the first package arrives, further actions with it are at the discretion of the buyer.

Sometimes store owners buy track numbers in advance, enter them into the system, and the actual shipment of the goods is carried out 3-7 days later (according to the terms of Aliexpress, it usually takes 3 to 5 days to send the goods). This is not fair, since the seller makes life easier for himself due to the expectations and nerves of the buyer, but in a few days the track will appear in the field of view of search services.

If this did not happen within 10 days from the date of dispatch, you can write a letter to the seller.

local track number

International numbers have a standard form: XX000000000XX, where XX are letters, 00 are numbers. If the track number looks different (for example, it consists of only numbers), this is a local combination that is valid within China.

As soon as the parcel leaves the borders of China, it will no longer be tracked. Write to the seller and ask for an international format number.

The parcel is tracked, but the status is unchanged

If the shipment started its movement, but at some point it stalled, and the location of the parcel remains unchanged for several weeks, most likely it is at customs.

Depending on the point and the workload (which increases significantly during the pre-holiday periods), it can take up to 3 weeks to pass the control. Neither the recipient nor the sender will be able to speed up this process.

The parcel was tracked before, but stopped

But if the parcel number is no longer in the tracking services, although it is international and has already been “tracked” outside of China, this is not a very good sign. It is necessary to contact the seller so that he starts searching for the shipment (it is he, since he has the receipt for the shipment, and he is the owner of the shipment until the parcel is received). There may be such force majeure as the loss of the parcel, or maybe they simply forgot to identify it in the tracking system.

Summing up, we can say that the presence of track numbers greatly facilitates the expectation of purchases from Aliexpress.
Thanks to them, you can track the movement of shipments, predict the time of receipt, or timely submit requests for compensation due to an unsent or lost parcel.

Do you know what question AliTrust employees most often hear from users of our service? They ask us what to do if the tracking number for a parcel from China issued by the seller does not exist. That is, the number, it seems, is on AliExpress in the order card, but for some reason it is impossible to track the goods using it.

And in general, many are interested in what tracking numbers are, how to decipher them, and what to do if the goods from Aliexpress are not tracked.

Let's figure it out together. Start over.

Classification of international mail

International mail (IGO) is divided into two types:

  • small packages or parcels weighing up to 2 kg;
  • parcels weighing more than 2 kg.

There is also a classification:

  • registered IGOs ​​(with track number);
  • unregistered IGOs ​​(without track number).

Parcels are always registered, but for small packages (and Ali sellers send them much more often), this rule is not necessary.

If the postal item is registered, then it is assigned a tracking number starting in Latin letterR, by which it is easy to control the movement of goods to the recipient. An unregistered shipment also receives a number starting with letterL, but it is impossible to track the movement of the package through it.

About the tracking number of goods from China

AliExpress'a rules state that an order is considered complete if the tracking number is entered by the seller in the purchase card on the site.

Finding a number on Ali is very simple. On the page opposite the product name, look for the "Check Tracking" button. In the second block on the page, you will see the number and be able to track the shipment.

The information provided by AliExpress about where your package is located leaves a lot to be desired. On Ali, only the movement of the parcel in China is visible, and the data on the shipment in Russia or another country can be seen on the pages of the carriers. We recommend that you avoid these difficulties by using . We will help you track any parcel from the moment it is sent in China to receiving it at the post office near your home.

Types of tracking numbers

IGO tracking numbers are generally standardized across all postal services, regardless of country.

According to the international standard, the number must consist of 4 letters and 9 digits and have the following structure:


XX- the first two letters are responsible for the type of departure and, as was said, they show whether it was registered.

  • RA-RZ– traceable small package;
  • LA-LZ– untraceable small package;
  • ca-cz– tracked package;
  • EA-EZ– Tracked Express Mail (EMS).

If you see a tracking number starting with the letter L in your account, then you can only hope that a miracle happens and the package with your order is not lost by the carriers. Such parcels are brought to Russian post offices "in bulk", no one registers them, and their issuance lies entirely on the conscience of the employees. Upon receipt, you don’t even need to sign anywhere, let alone fill in your passport details.

The numbers indicated in the tracking number are the unique code assigned to the shipment.

The last two letters (in our example they are marked faceless YY) are responsible for the code sender's country. Since we are expecting a package from China, the letters will be at the end CN. This number will "work" both on the Russian Post website and on independent tracking services, of which our website is an excellent example.

Alternatively, there are numbers that do not end with CN, but with the code characters of another country. For example,

  • RA**********FI

The seller tells us that the parcel goes through Finland, and on the site we can really track the goods. Then, when the order leaves the Finnish territory, we are provided with a tracking number, which is tracked by the Russian Post.

Alternatively, parcels are sent via Singapore, then buyers receive numbers like: RF*********SG.

Find out from the room To what country a parcel is coming it is forbidden.

Custom IGO Tracking Numbers

Small transport companies issue numbers that are different from those used by official mail. Tracking them is most often unrealistic, but it is likely that information about the shipment will be posted on the website of the delivery service. One of the options:

  • U**********YP

If the number begins with the letters UA, then the parcel can be tracked only in China. At the Russian Post, the number will give an error.

If the number starts with the letters UR, then its IGO can be tracked on the territory of Russia, and you will receive a notification from the mail.

  • RH*********HK

An incomprehensible number, probably issued by a small transport company in China, but the goods, as practice shows, reach the recipients.

There is a delivery option with Aliexpress standard shipping. The sellers send parcels to Ali's general warehouse, and the warehouse employees choose a transport company. AliExpress cooperates with the post of Singapore, Estonia (pictured below), Finland, as well as with private companies and small courier services. Parcels Standard usually "travel" 15-45 days. If delivery is indicated Aliexpress Premium Shipping, then the guaranteed delivery time is reduced to 5-10 business days.

There are other options. For example, when the number generally consists of only digits.

Transport company SF EXPRESS delivers parcels to customers, although it issues track numbers in a non-standard digital format.

Similarly, the carrier China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus:

You don't have to be scared right away. Even if the item is not tracked, you still have "Buyer Protection" from AliExpress. The main thing is that in the absence of a parcel within the approximate time indicated by the seller required for delivery, on time.

Why does the seller write a non-existent tracking number

If the seller does not have a tracking number, and it is not issued by the state post office and very cheap carriers, then he has to write gibberish on the order card so that Ali transfers the order status from “Delivery expected” to “Order sent”.

Remember that if you are ordering a very cheap product and even with, then you should not count on the fact that the package will be sent by some expensive carrier, such as. And the absence of a tracking number does not always mean that you have been deceived. Below you see a picture with a number that was not tracked, but the product was successfully received a month after it was sent:

Another very common option, when the code is clearly wrong (three letters first) is shown below. The item has been successfully received.

You will learn more about how to behave if the package is not tracked.

Happy shopping. If you have any questions, please ask us in the comments.

Aliexpress is a kind of "supermarket on the Internet" because it has a huge range of things.

All products are represented by individual sellers who are not related to each other. All transactions are protected by a special system, so that the sellers do not receive funds until the recipients confirm the delivery.

However, the disadvantage of purchases on Aliexpress is that they take a long time - from twenty to sixty calendar days. In this connection, a system was created for tracking postal items by the track number, which is assigned at the post office for sending the parcel. But there are situations when the Aliexpress parcel number is not tracked.

Why the package with Aliexpress is not tracked, what to do

Indeed, according to statistics, approximately every fourth parcel with Aliexpress is not tracked in Russia. There are several fairly common reasons why the parcel from Aliexpress was sent, but not tracked.

The main reasons are as follows:

  • the supplier's desire to save on the supply of goods, since sending simple parcels costs less than a postal item with a track number. This situation is the most common;
  • fraudulent activities. The recipient is sent a fake tracking number, and the package is sent without tracking;
  • errors from online tracking services, which happens quite infrequently;
  • slow updating of some tracking services, so the mailing does not have time to “show up” in a timely manner.

As for the question: what to do if the package with Aliexpress is not tracked for a month? In this case, when the thing is inexpensive, you don’t need to panic, but simply wait and control the order protection period, extending it to the maximum sixty days if necessary, or open a dispute over a package that has not arrived with the goods.

There are situations when the package with Aliexpress stops being tracked. In this case, too, you should not be nervous and open a dispute earlier than the prescribed 60 days, in addition, Aliexpress has a program, which is that if the goods, for some reason, go to the customer for 60 days or more, Aliexpress fully reimburses the buyer's money costs , while the goods can be kept.

What parcels are tracked on Aliexpress

Most often, the movement of a postal item from Aliexpress cannot be tracked when the cost of the goods is lower than the cost of the tracking service. Such a service, according to various sellers, averages $ 2.5, so some merchants offer to purchase goods with a separate surcharge for tracking in the amount of $ 5 - 10. Therefore, when purchasing a penny product, the buyer needs to mentally prepare for the fact that tracking the stages of the parcel's movement with a probability of 99% is not possible.

There is such a pattern regarding the cost of goods and the possibility of tracking it:

  • products under five dollars are tracked in rare cases, and if they are tracked, then, as a rule, before crossing the border with China;
  • goods, the value of which does not exceed ten dollars, can usually be traced;
  • parcels with a price higher than ten dollars are always tracked.

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