What is a3 on aliexpress. Status, buyer rating on Aliexpress: A1, A2, A3, VIP-club Aliexpress

What is a3 on aliexpress. Status, buyer rating on Aliexpress: A1, A2, A3, VIP-club Aliexpress

Created. Now all participants who are registered as buyers receive a certain status. Privileges depend on the level assigned to the buyer. Let's talk about where levels come from and what privileges they give.

Why do we need “Aliexpress Club” at all?

The purpose of creating such a club is to additionally reward clients. The level depends on the frequency and amount of purchases. Points are given for this. When a certain number is reached, a new status is assigned. There are five of them in total - A0, A1, A2, A3, A4.

How to find out your buyer status on Aliexpress?

  • When you log into the site, your name and status will be displayed at the top right.
  • To understand what stage you are at and how many points are required to move to the next level, open "My Aliexpress".
  • On the left you will see a menu where you need to find and click on.

  • Next, a new window will open where everything is described in detail. As we see in the example, the buyer has A1 status and 25 points. He will move to the next level only when 100 points are scored. More Aliexpress displays statistics so you can see what percentage of people have a status lower than yours.

  • The privileges available to you will immediately be displayed. The ones you can use are bright in color, while the pale ones will become available at higher levels.
  • Below you will see how many bonus points you have been awarded and for what purchases.

How are points awarded?

Points are awarded continuously from the moment of your first purchase on the site. In your personal account you will see the total number of points that will expire if you do not show any activity in a year. Now let's look at everything in more detail.

  • For every dollar spent, one point appears in your bonus account. Such crediting is carried out only when purchasing items more than two dollars. That is, if you buy something for a few cents or a dollar, you will not get anything.
  • Exactly the same principle applies to lots. One item can be purchased no more than 10 times.
  • When you leave a review for a purchase received, you will be credited with one point.
  • If you place orders daily, you will receive an additional 5 points.
  • When canceling an order, returning a purchase, etc., bonuses are not awarded. If activity on the site is suspended, the level earned may decrease and privileges will no longer be valid.

What privileges do A1, A2, A3 statuses on Aliexpress provide?

Now let's discuss what kind of privileges statuses can give.

  • A0(0 points). This status is assigned to all newcomers upon registration. Accordingly, it does not provide any privileges.
  • A1(1-99 points). Here the buyer is given the opportunity to receive email alerts about discounts on goods in the cart and from "My wishes". That's all.
  • A2(100-499 points). In principle, there are no more advantages here. Perhaps the administration will change something in the future.
  • A3(500-1999 points). Here we add the possibility of expedited returns. The payment amount should not exceed $25. A buyer of this level does not have to wait 7 days for the funds to arrive in the account after the dispute is completed. When the application is completed, they will return immediately.
  • A4(2000 points or more). This is the most privileged level. Possibility of expedited returns on purchases up to $100. Moreover, disputes are happening faster. Unlike other statuses, the dispute lasts only 5 days.

How to get one of the VIP club statuses on AliExpress?

In addition to simple buyer statuses, on Aliexpress There are VIP statuses. They are given for a reason, but only when making purchases for a certain amount. Depending on the amount collected during the reporting period, the buyer will be assigned the appropriate status. Today there are three VIP categories:

  • Silver - purchase from $999
  • Gold - purchase from $3999
  • Platinum - purchase from $6999

The reporting period is 90 days. In other words, within 30 days you must reach a certain amount of purchases, based on the rating you plan to receive.

What bonuses does the VIP club on Aliexpress provide?

Each of the statuses provides for the provision of certain bonuses, but after joining the VIP club, the participant will be assigned a personal manager who will help if questions arise and will personally deal with any disputes that arise.

In addition, each club member has the opportunity to participate in special seasonal sales, where the cost of goods is much lower. There is also a separate sale for club members.

How to maintain your VIP status on Aliexpress?

As the club rules state, in order to maintain your status, you need to buy for a certain amount within 90 days. That is, to receive "Silver status" In three months you need to purchase $999 worth of goods. If you do not do this, your VIP status will be reset.

What is given for maintaining status?

For this, an additional purchase coupon is provided:

  • Silver status - for $5
  • Gold - for $10
  • Platinum - for $15

Is it possible to become a member of the VIP club?

If we consider that on Aliexpress very low prices, then you just need to be a big fan or a wholesale buyer to gain at least status "Silver", although you can find very expensive quality premium products.

When purchasing goods directly from the Chinese, you must take into account that there are certain restrictions on amounts per month:

  • 1000$ for Russia
  • 200$ for Belarus

Of course, it is easier for the first buyers, since now it is possible to receive the parcel from a warehouse in Russia, and the amount is added to the total and there is no need to pay a duty.

If you have already exceeded your monthly limit, you can make purchases for relatives or friends. In this case, you can specify one address, but different names.

Becoming a member of the club or just making occasional purchases is up to you. But now you know why and how the rating is awarded and, as you may have noticed, it is very possible to become a member of the club.

Video: AliExpress Club. New privileges. A0-A1-A2-A3-A4

But this system did not provide any privileges for holders of this title. At the moment, a more advanced version of it has appeared - the creation of a multi-level system. The system operates on the basis of the created Aliexpress club.

On what principle does the club work, and what levels are we talking about? This is actually what we will talk about next. When making various purchases on the site, the user will now receive special points. The progress of points earned can be tracked in your personal account.

Next, the principle of direct dependence applies: the more purchases made, the more points earned. Having collected a certain number of points, an AliExpress club member receives a number of privileges.
There are rules for earning points. They do not apply to purchases under two dollars. But if the purchase amount exceeds this threshold, then bonus points are calculated for every dollar spent. Purchases after ten orders from one seller are not counted. Another way to receive bonuses is by actively visiting the AliExpress website. For each day when purchases are made, additional points are calculated. By leaving reviews about the products received, the user also receives bonuses.

Level system A0-A1-A2-A3-A4 on AliExpress

Initially, each user has level A0, which determines his status in the site club. The maximum level that can be achieved is A4. But before this happens, you need to go through three more intermediate levels - A1, A2, A3. Raising your current level is very simple - you need to collect points for purchases and for using the site. Each level is unique in its own way and has its own characteristics and privileges.

Level A0 is considered starting and does not provide any advantages in the site club.
Level A1 provides access to closed discounts. If an item was once added to the cart or wish list, but seemed too expensive at that time, then as soon as a reduced price is announced for it, a notification about this will be sent to the club member’s email. A2 adds to A1 notifications about discounts on items in the cart.

Level A3 and A4 allows you to process the return of goods in the shortest possible time. This is done through the function of opening a dispute on the site. Level A3 makes it possible to return goods worth up to $25 to China, A4 – up to $100.

The highest of the privileges is available at level A4. Having achieved it, you can speed up the time period for resolving disputes. Thus, the administration of the AliExpress website first of all considers disputes opened by users of level A4. The reduction in period is approximately five calendar days.

The A0-A4 level system is an innovation for AliExpress. We can safely say that at the moment the system is in its infancy. In the future, it is planned to develop it, reach new, higher levels and obtain new privileges.

However, only levels A3 and A4 are really useful; the functions of the rest were previously available to everyone, but now they only work after some active actions on the aliexpress site. Let's hope that this buyer's club system will develop and representatives of levels A1 and A2 will also have access to some significant privileges, and not the standard crumbs and unnecessary spam in the mail.

And don’t forget to use cashback for Aliexpress - https://cashback.epn.bz/?i=41c2a - I use it myself, since it gives the maximum percentage of return on money spent on Ali (from 7 to 15%). For example, you want to buy an item that costs $120. Find the best offer for the same with a price of $100. Make a cashback, place an order, pay 100 dollars, but about 10 bucks will be returned to your account in the cashback system. The minimum withdrawal is the same 10 bucks, which essentially complements the profitability of the purchase. Cool, right?

The banner below is clickable and leads to various interesting products on the same Aliexpress

When it comes to adding a fashionable wardrobe or buying something to furnish their home, millions of users around the world prefer comfortable online shopping on the popular shopping platform. The virtual windows of the online hypermarket delight you with a rich assortment of goods in a wide variety of categories. Reasonable prices, many offers with free shipping, holiday and seasonal promotions, and constant sales make shopping on the site profitable and enjoyable. Did you know that the most active buyers can become members of the VIP club and enjoy special privileges?


Who can become a member of the Aliexpress VIP club

Anyone can become a member of the VIP club. What do you need to do to join the club? Nothing special. Just open online hypermarket catalogs more often, choose the products you need at the best prices, buy for your own pleasure, share your impressions of the order received and the level of service with other users and accumulate bonus points.

What benefits do members of the Aliexpress VIP club enjoy?

level A0

A0 status is the starting level in the club. It is available to users who have not yet made a single purchase on the trading platform website or have placed few orders. Also, your buyer status may gradually decrease if you have not purchased anything on . After all, the club member level is calculated based on bonus points accumulated over 365 days. Alas, users with A0 status do not have any privileges.

Level A1 in the VIP club is quite easy to achieve: to obtain it, you just need to collect from 1 to 99 bonus points. That is, after your first online order in the trading platform catalog, your status will not be zero. Have you accumulated from 100 points to 499? The system will automatically assign you level A2. Do you have from 500 to 1999 bonus points in your piggy bank? You can be congratulated on moving to A3 status. And finally, level A4 is reached by users who score 2000 points or more.

benefits of members of the Aliexpress VIP club level A1:

benefits of members of the Aliexpress VIP club level A2:

  • Electronic system alerts about price reductions or discounts on goods in the Wish List or Cart.

benefits of members of the VIP-club Aliexpress level A3:

  • Electronic system alerts about price reductions or discounts on goods in the Wish List or Cart.
  • Expedited refund option on purchases up to US$25.

benefits of A4 level Aliexpress VIP club members:

  • Electronic system alerts about price reductions or discounts on goods in the Wish List or Cart.
  • Expedited refund option for purchases up to US$100.
  • Reducing the period for reviewing disputes by 5 days.

You will find information about all the privileges you have on your personal page in the club. As you reach higher levels, the benefit boxes will become clickable and you will be able to enjoy new benefits.

Don't forget to open an account from time to time and inquire about your status and available benefits in the VIP Club. By the way, on the club page there is one empty window - “Other privileges”. Let's hope that soon the administration of the trading platform will surprise us with new interesting offers.

How to take advantage of the privileges of the Aliexpress VIP club

great deals in your cart and wishlist

This privilege is available to all club members with status from A1 to A4. As you navigate the pages of the site, do not forget to put the items you are interested in in your shopping cart or add them to your Wish List.

By receiving electronic messages from the system about a price reduction or discount on goods that you have placed in a virtual basket or added to your “My Wish” list, you will be able to track the best conditions for purchase without even visiting the site. As soon as the price of the product you like becomes attractive enough, you can place a profitable order in just a few clicks.

How to start directly from the Cart? Open the page with a list of deferred items. Select the product you wish to purchase and click “Order from this seller.” The system will immediately redirect you to the order form.

Have you received a message about a particularly attractive discount on an item on your Wish List and decided to? Open the “My Desires” tab, click on the product photo.

On the sales offer page that opens, click “Buy Now” and proceed to place your order as usual.

how to use the benefits of VIP status when returning goods

Members of the VIP club with A3 and A4 statuses can take advantage of the discount when returning goods. VIP level A3 opens up the opportunity for a purchase amount of up to US $ 25. A4 status holders have access to expedited returns for orders up to US $ 100.

How to take advantage of the privilege if you received defective products or are not satisfied with the quality and appearance of the purchased product for one reason or another? Open a dispute and request a refund of your funds as usual. To do this, go to the order page by sequentially clicking “My Aliexpress”, “My orders”.

Then click and go to the next tab. Indicate whether the package has been received and what kind of refund - full or partial - you would like to receive. For a faster refund, it is better to request a full refund. Here, explain the reason for the dispute (possible options can be selected from the list).

After the seller agrees with your claims and the dispute is resolved, the system will automatically transfer an urgent payment to your card. To do this, you only need to send the goods to the address specified by the seller and provide the track code of the postal declaration of the parcel. The timing of receipt of money depends on the option you selected when making an online purchase.

How can a member of a VIP club speed up the time frame for resolving a dispute?

Users of the A4 level trading platform can expect a reduction in the period for consideration of controversial issues by 5 days. This benefit applies if a member of the VIP club was unable to agree on a refund with the seller and expressed a desire to escalate the dispute. You can submit an application by pressing the button on the order tab.

After your application, a special site service will resolve the conflict situation.

What other advantages do active users of Aliexpress have?

Does the list of privileges for VIP club members seem rather modest to you? Let's hope that it will soon be replenished with new, more tempting offers. However, the site already offers its active users many opportunities to make their online shopping fun and their purchases profitable.

Bright banners with invitations to promotions and sales await you. In this section you will always find many trade offers at amazingly attractive prices. Three times a week there are “Almost Free” promotions with truly stunning discounts. By the way, by making profitable online orders and saving your family budget, you can simultaneously increase your rating in the VIP club of the trading platform.

Active activities also provide many opportunities. By placing advertising links to the assortment of the trading platform on social networks and other sites, you can earn money for new purchases and receive quite significant discounts from sellers. By actively helping to improve the translation of product names in the catalog, you can accumulate bonus points and win coupons from the site administration for US $ 50 or even US $ 100. And this is real money for useful and profitable purchases for yourself and your family!

In conclusion, we present to your attention two videos from experienced site users. The first one will help you understand the calculation of points and the use of privileges for VIP club members. The second one will tell you how not only to spend, but also to earn money by collaborating with the site. We wish you successful shopping and a pleasant stay!

The AliExpress online store has introduced a new system of privileges for its users. The AliTrust editors have carefully studied these innovations and are ready to tell you about the key points of this innovation.

As it was before?

Previously, everything was simple, there were 4 levels of buyers who had names: regular, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Let's be honest and note that these levels never gave any privileges, but only an icon next to the username.

What changed?

Now privileges are a full-fledged system that has new levels: A0, A1, A2, A3 And A4. Your AliExpress level is determined based on the number of recent 365 days. Each level has its own privileges, which we will tell you about now.

Level A0– the minimum level that you receive immediately after registering on the AliExpress trading platform. The following privileges are available at this level:
- notifications about discounts;

Level A1– the second in order level, which you receive after you make 1 transaction on the trading platform for an amount of at least $2. Privileges available at this level:
- notifications about discounts;
- notification of price reductions for goods in your wishlist or cart;

Level A2– the third in order level on the site, which can be obtained by accumulating 100 bonus points. The privileges at this level are the same as at the previous one:
- notifications about discounts;
- notification of price reductions for goods in your wishlist or cart;

Level A3– almost the coolest level on the site. To obtain level A3 you need to score 500 bonus points. This level is awarded more privileges than the previous three:
- notifications about discounts;
- notification of price reductions for goods in your wishlist or cart;
- expedited return funds for orders worth up to $25;

Level A4– at the moment this is the highest level that you can have by gaining all 2000 bonus points.A4 level privileges differ from A3 in several ways:
- notifications about discounts;
- notification of price reductions for goods in your wishlist or cart;
- expedited refunds for orders up to $100;
- acceleration of the dispute;

This is all that is currently known about the AliExpress club, in particular about the level system.

What is an expedited refund and how does it work?

If suddenly you do not like the product or are not satisfied with it in some way, you will need to:
  1. Open a dispute for a full refund;
  2. If the seller has confirmed your dispute, send the goods to the address specified by the seller;
  3. Indicate on the dispute page the tracking number of the parcel you sent to the seller;

As soon as you complete all 3 steps, payment from AliExpress will be sent to you to the account from which you paid for the goods. But it is worth noting that the speed at which returned funds are credited to your accounts depends on the original method of payment for the order.

Level Buyers A3 can count on expedited refunds up to 25$ , and buyers level A4 for a refund before 100$ .

If you can't use the expedited refund feature, don't worry. The service is still in beta testing and does not apply to all orders yet.

What is dispute acceleration?

Dispute acceleration is only available for buyers with privilege level A4. When a dispute escalates, you can expedite it, after which the dispute is referred to a dedicated dispute resolution team. This team, having received your application, will deal with your dispute and will speed up dispute resolution process for 5 days.

Good day!

Nowadays, it is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with the Aliexpress trading platform. Well, how could it be otherwise? After all, this is where millions of goods for the home, for each family member, for your animals and much, much more are collected!

I started ordering quite recently, but I have already accumulated several dozen products that I am ready to show you. But first, I’ll tell you about how the Aliexpress website has changed over the past few weeks.


The ordering menu was the first to change. At first glance, it may seem that everything has become terribly inconvenient, but this is only at first glance. Having taken a closer look at the new menu, I found a lot of positive aspects:

1. The first thing that catches your eye is buyer protection period in the most visible place! Now you don’t need to constantly open order information to find out how much time you have left until the end of buyer protection.

Also Processing time is visible in the most visible place. Do you agree that this is much more convenient than it was before?

2. Another innovation is good for those for whom Aliexpress is not only a place for shopping, but also a platform for work. So, for users with a large number of orders added additional filters for quickly searching for orders.

3. It should be noted that a little The design of the site itself has changed. Like many people, it irritated me a little, but you quickly get used to it. From the order menu now it’s easy to take snapshots and go directly to the product, well and Information with tracking, confirmation, and order messages has been combined into one button on the right.

4. Another most important update regarding the safety of your product. Now A dispute can be opened after confirmation, if 15 days have not passed. My screenshot shows that the order has already been confirmed, but the button to open a dispute remains. Follow the same steps as when opening a dispute normally.

5. To prove that you are right to the seller, now You can attach a video with the problem.

6. Well, one more thing that was most incomprehensible to me. Numbers and letters next to your name, like A1, A2, A3 etc.

Now there is a so-called Aliexpress club, thanks to which you can receive bonuses and additional privileges.

Your number depends on the number of points, points can be obtained by purchasing goods, every $ from a product over the price of $2 gives you 1 point.

Points are also given for writing reviews, And for every day of shopping on Aliexpress.

All users, without exception, even with level 0, have access to notifications about discounts on products from the wish list.

Privileges for A3 and A4:

Expedited return

This benefit allows A3 and A4 customers to receive refunds faster. If the seller has approved your return request, all you need to do is fill in the AliExpress tracking number for your package and the refund will be processed automatically.

Privileges for level A4:

Acceleration of the dispute

When your dispute escalates, you can choose to expedite the dispute so that it can be referred to a dedicated resolution team to deal with your issue. This will speed up your review process by 5 days.

So don't be scared by those numbers next to your name, it just shows the level of activity on the site and offers small privileges.

You can find out more about all the changes related to your level in the “My Aliexpress”, “Aliexpress Club” tab.

These are the small but rather pleasant changes the site has prepared for us.

Well, now I’ll tell you my ordering rules, which will help make shopping with Ali an enjoyable experience.

__________________________________ My order rules_________________________________

1. Since I am a student, I don’t have much wealth. IRecommend helps me buy almost all things from Ali, but I still need to find inexpensive things. Special filters in the search menu help me with this:

But it's not worth it rush only at the price so my second rule

3. If there are no orders, and therefore no product rating, I look here:

Namely, I analyze how many customers constantly use the services of this store and add it to their “favorites”.

Naturally, it is better to avoid such sellers:

4. What my order cannot do without is searching for the right thing on Airek. Where else if not here can you find comprehensive information about the thing you need. I myself try to consider each product in as much detail as possible, be it a small ring for half a dollar, or shoes for several thousand.

Reviews on Ali itself are often not entirely truthful, because sellers can “bribe”, and buyers give the product five stars.

5. In order not to buy things I don’t need, I make sure to add them to my list first. a wish list. It always takes me several pages, but after looking at things in it for several days in a row, I realize what I can easily do without.

____________________________________My purchases! _______________________________________

I don’t have many of them yet, but with each new parcel I will update the review.

The first order is a ring with an Austrian crystal. I fell in love with it at first sight, the quality is top notch, it doesn’t darken, it sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow. True, I made a little mistake with the size, but it’s not a big deal, I wear it on my other finger.

Erotic lingerie became my third purchase. I was not satisfied with the quality and size; the handcuffs were a complete misunderstanding.

Another phone case, it didn’t last long, but was very pleasing to the eye.

The MP3 player, if I had handled it more carefully, would have served me much longer. I often dropped it and hit it, it lasted 2 months.

Very sexy and the cheapest set of erotic lingerie. I liked the color and quality, I recommend it to brave girls!

Baby dress for sister. She chose it herself, fast delivery, well made, but made of synthetics.

Melamine sponge. So much has already been said about them that it becomes scary. I took mine for testing, 6 rubles each. We cleaned off a year-old hair dye stain on the keyboard and a bunch of other surfaces.

I also gave the ankle bracelet to my younger sister, it looks too cheap.

My most expensive purchase is the Nike Free Run 5.0 sneakers. No matter how much I wear it or how much I wash it in the machine, they are still just as beautiful!

I loved them very much and ordered a couple more colors.

Strips for raising the upper eyelid. No one on the site noticed any difference from them, so I don't use them.

Vintage style glasses frame. Perfect for a themed party or photo shoot.

The cheapest iPhone case. I still wear it to this day.

Cute watch with an anchor. I wore them for about a month, and then my grandmother noticed them. She gave it away, she really liked them.

Bright summer neon shorts. I wear them often, they haven’t lost color or stretched. The quality is synthetic.

Favorite chiffon skirt! She's beautiful! I can’t count how many compliments I’ve received about her.

A wonderful phone case in a marine style. I also loved it very much, it’s beautiful, noticeable, and the inscription is very close to me.

Popular on Ali blouse in turquoise color. Quality and cut are excellent.

My favorite snow-white sweatshirt. I wear it on bike rides, to the store, and to the pizzeria. Large sizes available!

The Pandora bracelet is beautiful, but not for everyone.

Fluffy Bayla is a sensational toy in a lot of 10 pieces. I gave it to my brothers and sisters - the little one is happy.

Very warm sweatshirt! I bought it to match my sneakers, but I don’t wear it in the summer - it’s too hot.

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