Convert m3 to thousand m3 calculator. Okei - all-Russian classifier of units of measurement

Convert m3 to thousand m3 calculator. Okei - all-Russian classifier of units of measurement

  • Responsible for classifier support: Rostekhregulirovanie
  • Reason: Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 366 01/01/1996
  • Approved: 06/07/2000
  • Entered into force: 06/07/2000
Code Unit name Symbol Symbolic designation
national international national international
International units of measurement included in the ESCC
Units of length
47 Nautical mile (1852 m)milen mileMILESNMI
8 Kilometer; thousand meterskm; 10^3 mkmKM; THOUSAND MKMT
5 DecimeterdmdmDMDMT
4 CentimetercmcmCMCMT
39 Inch (25.4 mm)inchinINCHINH
6 MetermmMMTR
41 ft (0.3048 m)footftFOOTFOT
3 MillimetermmmmMMMMT
9 Megameter; million metersMm; 10^6 mmmMEGAM; MILLION MMAM
43 Yard (0.9144 m)yardydYARDYRD
Area units
59 HectarehahaGAHAR
73 Square foot (0.092903 m2)ft2ft2FOOT2FTK
53 Square decimeterdm2dm2DM2DMK
61 Square kilometerkm2km2KM2KMK
51 Square centimetercm2cm2SM2CMK
109 Ar (100 m2)AaARARE
55 Square meterm2m2M2MTK
58 thousand square meters10^3 m^2yeahTHOUSAND M2DAA
75 Square yard (0.8361274 m2)yard2yd2YARD2YDK
50 Square millimetermm2mm2MM2MMK
71 Square inch (645.16 mm2)inch2in2INCH2INK
Volume units
126 MegaliterMlMlMEGALMAL
132 Cubic foot (0.02831685 m3)ft3ft3FOOT3FTQ
118 DeciliterdldlDLDLT
133 Cubic yard (0.764555 m3)yard3yd3YARD3YDQ
112 Liter; cubic decimeterl; dm3I; L; dm^3L; DM3LTR; DMQ
113 Cubic meterm3m3M3MTQ
131 Cubic inch (16387.1 mm3)inch3in3INCH3INQ
159 Million cubic meters10^6 m310^6 m3MLN M3HMQ
110 Cubic millimetermm3mm3MM3MMQ
122 HlchhlGLHLT
111 Cubic centimeter; millilitercm3; mlcm3; mlSM3; MLCMQ; MLT
Units of mass
170 Kiloton10^3 tktCTKTN
161 MilligrammgmgMGM.G.M.
173 CentigramsgcgSGCGM
206 Centner (metric) (100 kg); hectokilogram; quintal1 (metric); decitontsq; 10^2 kgCDTN
163 GramGgGGRM
181 Gross registered ton (2.8316 m3)BRT- BRUTT. REGISTER TGRT
160 HectogramyyhgGGH.G.M.
168 Ton; metric ton (1000 kg)TtTTNE
162 Metric caratcarMSKARCTM
185 Load capacity in metric tonst grp- T LOAD UNDERCCT
166 KilogramkgkgKGKGM
Technical units
331 Revolutions per minuterpmr/minRPMRPM
300 Physical atmosphere (101325 Pa)atmatmATMATM
306 Gram of fissile isotopesg D/Ig fissile isotopesG FISSIONING ISOTOPESGFI
304 MillicuriemCimCiMKIMCU
243 Watt hourWhW.hVT.HWHR
309 BarbarbarBARBAR
301 Technical atmosphere (98066.5 Pa)atatATTA.T.T.
270 PendantClCKLCOU
288 KelvinKKTOKEL
280 Degree Celsiushail Chail CCITY OF CELUSCEL
282 CandelacdCDKDC.D.L.
330 Revolutions per secondr/sr/sOB/SR.P.S.
297 KilopascalkPakPaKPAKPA
302 GigabecquerelGBkGBqGIGABKGBQ
230 KilovarkvarkVARKVARKVR
281 Fahrenheithail Fhail FCITY OF FARENGFAN
292 MegahertzMHzMHzMEGAHzMHZ
227 Kilovolt-amperekVAkV.AKV.AKVA
323 BecquerelBkBqBCBQL
298 MegapascalMPaMPaMEGAPAMPA
263 Ampere hour (3.6 kC)A.hA.hA.ChAMH
247 Gigawatt-hour (million kilowatt-hours)GWhGW.hGIGAVT.HG.W.H.
245 Kilowatt hourkWhkW.hKW.HKWH
273 KilojoulekJkJKJK.J.O.
305 CurieKiCiCICUR
228 Megavolt-ampere (thousand kilovolt-ampere)M.V.AM.V.AMEGAV.AMVA
314 FaradFFFFAR
284 LumenlmlmLMLUM
215 Megawatt; thousand kilowattsMW; 10^3 kWM.W.MEGAVT; THOUSAND KWMAW
274 OhmOhm OMO.H.M.
271 JouleJJJJOU
333 Kilometer per hourkm/hkm/hKM/HKMH
349 Pendant per kilogramC/kgC/kgCL/KGC.K.G.
264 Thousand amp hours10^3 Ah10^3 A.hTHOUSAND A.HTAH
223 KilovoltkVkVHFKVT
335 Meter per second squaredm/s2m/s2M/S2MSK
290 HertzHzHzGCHTZ
260 AmpereAAAAMP
246 Megawatt hour; 1000 kilowatt-hoursMWh; 10^3 kWhMW.hMEGAWH; THOUSAND KW.HMWH
324 WeberWbWbWBWEB
312 KilobarkbkbarKBARK.B.A.
294 PascalPaPaPAPAL
283 LuxOKlxOKLUX
310 HectobarGBhbarGBARH.B.A.
308 MillibarmbmbarMBARMBR
327 Knot (mph)bondsknUZKNT
296 SiemensCmSSISIE
316 Kilogram per cubic meterkg/m3kg/m3KG/M3KMQ
328 Meter per secondm/sm/sM/SMTS
214 KilowattkWkWKVTKWT
289 NewtonNNNNEW
Time units
368 Decadedeslet- DESLETDEC
361 DecadeDec- DECDAD
364 Quarterquart- QUARTQAN
365 Half yearsix months- HALF A YEARSAN
362 Monthmonths- MESMON
359 Daydays; daysdSUT; DNDAY
355 MinuteminminMINMIN
356 HourhhHHUR
360 A weekweeks- NEDWEE
354 SecondWithsWITHSEC
366 YearG; yearsaYEAR; YEARSANN
Economic units
745 ElementaleC.I.ELEMNCL
781 One hundred packs100 pack- 100 UPAKCNP
732 Ten pairs10 pairs- DES PARTPR
599 Thousand cubic meters per day10^3 m3/day- THOUSAND M3/DATTQD
730 Two tens20 20 2 DESSCO
733 A dozen couplesa dozen pairs- A DOZEN PAIRSDPR
799 A million pieces10^6 pcs10^6 MILLION PCSMIO
796 ThingPCpc; 1PCPCE; NMB
778 Packagepack- UPAKNMP
831 Liter of pure (100%) alcoholl 100% alcohol- L PURE ALCOHOLLPA
657 Producted.- IZDNAR
865 Kilogram of phosphorus pentoxidekg Р2О5- KG PHOSPHORUS PENTOXIDEKPP
641 Dozen (12 pcs.)dozenDoz; 12DOZENDZN
841 Kilogram of hydrogen peroxidekg H2O2- KG HYDROGEN PEROXIDE-
734 Packagemessage- MESSAGENPL
704 Kitkit- KITSET
847 Ton of 90% dry mattert 90% dry- T 90 PERCENT DRY THINGSTSD
499 kilogram per secondkg/s- KG/SKGS
801 Billion pieces (Europe); trillion pieces10^12 pcs10^12 BILL ST (EUR); TRILL PIECEBIL
683 One hundred boxes100 boxesHbx100 BOXHBX
740 A dozen piecesa dozen pieces- A DOZEN PCSDPC
802 Quintillion pieces (Europe)10^18 pcs10^18 QUINT PIECETRL
821 Alcohol strength by volumecrepe. alcohol by volume%volCREPE ALCOHOL BY VOLUMEASV
533 Ton of steam per hourt steam/h- T STEAM/HTSH
859 Kilogram of potassium hydroxidekg KOH- KG POTASSIUM HYDROXIDEKPH
852 Kilogram of potassium oxidekg K2O- KG POTASSIUM OXIDEKPO
625 Sheetl.- SHEETLEF
798 A thousand piecesthousand pieces; 1000 pcs1000 THOUSAND PCSMIL
630 Thousand standard conditional bricksthousand std. conventional brick- THOUSAND STANDARD USL KIRPM.B.E.
797 One hundred pieces100 pieces100 100 PIECESCEN
626 One hundred sheets100 l.- 100 SHEETCLF
736 Rollrul- RULNPL
780 A dozen packsdozen pack- A DOZEN PACKDZP
800 Billion pieces10^9 pcs10^9 BILLION PCSMLD
863 Kilogram of sodium hydroxidekg NaOH- KG SODIUM HYDROXIDEKSH
833 Hectoliter of pure (100%) alcoholGL 100% alcohol- GL PURE ALCOHOLHPA
715 Pair (2 pieces)steampr; 2STEAMNPR
861 Kilogram of nitrogenkg N- KG NITROGENKNI
598 Cubic meter per hourm3/hm3/hM3/HMQH
845 Kilogram of 90% dry matterkg 90% dry- KG 90 PERCENT DRY THINGSKSD
867 Kilogram of uraniumkg U- KG URANKUR
735 PartPart- PARTNPT
820 Alcohol strength by weightcrepe. alcohol by weight% mdsCREPE ALCOHOL BY WEIGHTA.S.M.
737 A dozen rollsa dozen rolls- A DOZEN RULSDRL
616 Spoolbean- BEANNBB
596 Cubic meter per secondm3/sm3/sM3/SMQS
National units of measurement included in the ESKK
Units of length
49 Kilometer of conventional pipeskm conventional pipes KM USL PIPES
20 Conventional meterconventional m USL M
48 Thousand conventional meters10^3 arb. m THOUSAND USL M
18 Linear meterlinear m POG M
19 One thousand linear meters10^3 linear m THOUSAND LOG M
Area units
57 Million square meters10^6 m2 MLN M2
81 Square meter of total aream2 total pl M2 GEN PL
64 Million conventional square meters10^6 arb. m2 MLN USL M2
83 Million square meters of total area10^6 m2 total. pl MLN M2. GEN PL
62 Conventional square meterconventional m2 USL M2
63 One thousand conventional square meters10^3 arb. m2 THOUSAND USL M2
86 Million square meters of living space10^6 m2 veins. pl MILLION M2 LIVED PL
82 One thousand square meters of total area10^3 m2 total. pl THOUSAND M2 GENERAL PLUS
56 Million square decimeters10^6 dm2 MLN DM2
54 One thousand square decimeters10^3 dm2 THOUSAND DM2
89 One million square meters in two-millimeter terms10^6 m2 2 mm calc. MLN M2 2MM ISCH
60 Thousand hectares10^3 ha THOUSAND hectares
88 One thousand square meters of educational and laboratory buildings10^3 m2 uch. lab. built THOUSAND M2 ACCOUNT. LAB BUILDING
85 One thousand square meters of living space10^3 m2 veins. pl THOUSAND M2 LIVED PL
87 Square meter of educational and laboratory buildingsm2 school lab. built M2 UCH.LAB BUILDING
84 Square meter of living spacem2 lived. pl M2 ZHIL PL
Volume units
121 Dense cubic meterdense m3 DENSITY M3
124 One thousand conventional cubic meters10^3 arb. m3 THOUSAND USL M3
130 One thousand liters; 1000 liters10^3 l; 1000 l YOU SL
120 Million deciliters10^6 dcl MLN DCL
129 A million half liters10^6 floors l MILLION FLOOR L
128 One thousand half liters10^3 floors l THOUSAND FLOOR L
123 Conventional cubic meterconventional m3 USL M3
127 One thousand dense cubic meters10^3 density m3 THOUSAND DENSITY M3
116 Deciliterdkl DCL
114 Thousand cubic meters10^3 m3 THOUSAND M3
115 Billion cubic meters10^9 m3 BILLION M3
119 One thousand deciliters10^3 dcl THOUSAND DCL
125 Million cubic meters of gas processing10^6 m3 recyclable gas MILLION M3 GAS PROCESSED
Units of mass
167 Million carats metric10^6 ct MILLION CAR
178 Thousand tons of processing10^3 t processed THOUSAND T PROCESSED
176 Million tons of standard fuel10^6 t conv. fuel MLN T USL FUEL
179 Conventional tonconventional T USL T
207 One thousand centners10^3 c THOUSAND C
171 Million tons10^6 t MILLION T
177 Thousand tons of simultaneous storage10^3 t one-time storage THOUSAND T EDINOVR STORAGE
169 thousand tons10^3 t THOUSAND T
165 Thousand carats metric10^3 ct THOUSAND CAR
175 One thousand tons of standard fuel10^3 t conv. fuel THOUSAND T USL FUEL
172 Ton of standard fuelt conv. fuel T USL TOPL
Technical units
226 Volt-ampsV.A V.A
339 Centimeter of water columncm water st SM VOD ST
236 Calorie per hourcal/h CAL/H
255 Bytebye BYTE
287 HenryGn GN
250 Thousand kilovolt-amperes reactive10^3 kVA R THOUSAND SQ.A R
235 One million gigacalories10^6 Gcal MILLION GIGAKAL
313 TeslaTl TL
256 Kilobytekbyte KBYTE
234 One thousand gigacalories10^3 Gcal THOUSAND GIGACAL
237 Kilocalorie per hourkcal/h KKAL/H
239 One thousand gigacalories per hour10^3 Gcal/h THOUSAND GIGACAL/H
317 Kilogram per square centimeterkg/cm^2 KG/SM2
252 thousand horsepower10^3 l. With THOUSAND PM
238 Gigacalorie per hourGcal/h GIGAKAL/H
338 Millimeter of mercurymmHg st MMHG
337 Millimeter of water columnmm water st MM VOD ST
251 Horsepowerl. With PM
258 Baudbaud BAUD
242 Million kilovolt-amperes10^6 kVA MLN sq.A
232 Kilocaloriekcal KKAL
257 MegabyteMB MBYTE
249 Billion kilowatt hours10^9 kWh BILLION KW.H
241 Million amp hours10^6 Ah MLN A.H.
233 GigacalorieGcal GIGAKAL
253 Million horsepower10^6 l. With MLN drugs
231 Meter per hourm/h M/H
254 Bitbit BIT
248 Kilovolt-ampere reactivekV.A R KV.A R
Time units
352 Microsecondmks ISS
353 MillisecondMLS MLS
Economic units
534 ton per hourt/h T/H
513 Autotonauto t AUTO T
876 Conventional unitconventional units USL ED
918 Author's sheetl. auto SHEET AVT
873 A thousand bottles10^3 bottle THOUSAND FLAC
903 Thousands of student places10^3 sc. places THOUSAND PLACES STUDYED
870 Ampouleampoules AMPOULES
421 Passenger seat (passenger seats)pass. places PASS SEATS
540 Man-dayperson days PEOPLE DAYS
427 Passenger trafficpass.flow PASS.FLOW
896 Familyfamilies FAMILIES
751 A thousand rolls10^3 roll THOUSAND RUL
951 A thousand car-(machine)-hours10^3 vag (mash).h THOUSAND VAG (MASH).H
963 Given hourdrive.h DRIVE.H
978 Channel endschannel. conc. CHANNEL. END
975 Sugo-daysugo. days SUGO. SUT
967 Million ton miles10^6 t. miles MILLION T. MILES
792 Humanpeople PERSON
547 Couple per shiftpairs/shifts PAIR/SHIFT
839 Setset COMPLETE
881 Conditional bankconventional bank USL BANK
562 A thousand spindles10^3 strands spun A THOUSAND STRAINS BELIEVE
909 Apartmentquart QUART
644 Million units10^6 units MILLION UNITS
922 Signsign SIGN
877 Thousand conventional units10^3 arb. units THOUSAND USL UNITS
960 Thousand vehicle-ton-days10^3 THOUSAND VEHICLES.T.D.N.
761 A thousand stans10^3 stan THOUSAND STAN
511 Kilogram per gigacaloriekg/Gcal KG/GIGAKAL
912 A thousand beds10^3 beds THOUSAND BEDS
980 One thousand dollars10^3 dollar THOUSAND DOLLAR
387 A trillion rubles10^12 rub. TRILL RUB
908 Numbernom NOM
968 Million passenger miles10^6 pass. miles MILLION PASS. MILES
962 A thousand car-seat-days10^3 car spaces days THOUSAND CAR SEATS DN
916 Conditional repairs per yearconventional rem/year USL REM/YEAR
895 A million conditional bricks10^6 arb. brick MLN USL KIRP
888 A thousand conditional boxes10^3 arb. box THOUSAND US BOXES
699 A thousand places10^3 seats THOUSAND PLACES
522 Persons per square kilometerperson/km2 PERSON/KM2
869 Thousand bottles10^3 bottle THOUSAND BUT
958 Thousand passenger miles10^3 passenger miles THOUSAND PASSENGER MILES
510 Gram per kilowatt hourg/kWh G/KW.H
535 Ton per dayt/day T/SUT
424 Million passenger kilometers10^6 pass. km MILLION PASS.KM
907 Thousands of seats10^3 seating places THOUSAND SEATS
965 A thousand kilometers10^3 km THOUSAND KM
538 Thousand tons per year10^3 t/year THOUSAND T/YEAR
546 Thousands of visits per shift10^3 visits/shift THOUSAND VISITS/SHIFT
775 A thousand tubes10^3 tube THOUSAND TUBE
961 Thousand car-hours10^3 car.h THOUSAND VEHICLES.H
537 Thousand tons per season10^3 t/s THOUSAND T/SEZ
449 T.KM
556 Thousand heads per year10^3 goal/year THOUSAND GOALS/YEAR
383 Rublerub RUB
970 Million passenger-seat-miles10^6 pass. places miles MILLION PASS. LOCATION MILES
921 Recording and publishing sheetl. academic ed. STUDY SHEET
894 A thousand conditional bricks10^3 arb. brick THOUSAND USL KIRP
514 Ton of thrustt.thrust T traction
388 Quadrillion rubles10^15 rub. SQUARE RUB
541 Thousand man-days10^3 person days THOUSAND PEOPLE DAYS
971 Feed dayfeed. days FEED. DN
953 A thousand place-kilometers10 ^3 THOUSAND PLACE KM
871 Thousand ampoules10^3 ampoules THOUSAND AMPOULES
385 One million rubles10^6 RUR MILLION RUB
966 Thousand tonnage flights10^3 tonnage. flight THOUSAND TONNAGE. FLIGHT
911 Bedbeds BOOK
892 A thousand conditional tiles10^3 arb. slabs THOUSAND USL PLATES
868 Bottlebottle BUT
793 A thousand people10^3 people THOUSAND PEOPLE
544 Million units per year10^6 units/year MILLION UNITS/YEAR
949 A million sheets of prints10^6 sheet.print MILLION SHEET.PRINT
886 A million conventional pieces10^6 arb. bite MLN USL KUS
698 Placeplaces PLACE
536 Ton per shiftt/shift T/SHIFT
548 Thousand pairs per shift10^3 pairs/shift THOUSAND PAIRS/SHIFT
812 Boxbox BOX
915 Conditional repairconventional rem USL REM
956 A thousand train kilometers10^3 THOUSAND TRAIN KM
553 Thousand tons of processing per day10^3 t processed/day THOUSAND T PROCESSED/Day
450 Thousand ton-kilometers10^3 THOUSAND T.KM
950 Car (car)-dayvag (mash).dn VAG (MASH).DN
552 Ton of processing per dayt processed/day T PROCESSED/DAT
423 Thousand passenger kilometers10^3 passenger km THOUSAND PASS.KM
924 Symbolsymbol SYMBOL
782 Thousand packs10^3 pack THOUSAND PACK
838 A million couples10^6 pairs MILLION PAIRS
905 A thousand jobs10^3 work. places THOUSAND WORK PLACES
744 Percent% PERCENT
887 Conditional boxconventional box USL BOX
639 Dosedoses DOZ
891 Conditional tileconventional slabs USL PLATES
545 Visit during shiftvisits/shifts VISIT/SHIFT
543 One thousand conventional cans per shift10^3 arb. bank/shift THOUSAND USL BANK/CHANGE
893 Conditional brickconventional brick USL KIRP
957 Thousand ton miles10^3 t.miles THOUSAND T.MILES
977 Channel-kilometerchannel. km CHANNEL. KM
901 Million households10^6 household MILLION HOUSEHOLDS
976 Units per 20-foot equivalent unit (TEU)pieces in 20 foot equivalent PCS IN 20 FEET EQUIV
762 Stationstanza STANCE
897 Thousand families10^3 families THOUSAND FAMILIES
880 A thousand conventional pieces10^3 arb. PC THOUSAND USL PCS
923 Wordword WORD
955 One thousand train hours10^3 train.h THOUSAND TRAIN.H
539 Man-hourperson/hour PERSON.H
661 Channelchannel CHANNEL
874 Thousand tubes10^3 tubes THOUSAND TUBES
558 Thousand bird places10^3 bird places THOUSAND BIRD PLACES
913 Book fund volumebook volume fund TOM BOOK FOUNDATION
673 Thousand sets10^3 sets THOUSAND SET
640 A thousand doses10^3 doses THOUSAND DOSES
643 One thousand units10^3 units THOUSAND UNITS
878 Million conventional units10^6 arb. units MILLION USL UNITS
914 Thousand volumes of the book fund10^3 volume. book fund THOUSAND VOLUME BOOK FUND
883 A million conditional cans10^6 arb. bank MLN USL BANK
384 Thousand rubles10^3 RUR THOUSAND ROUBLES
925 Conventional pipeconventional pipes USL PIPES
889 Conditional coilconventional cat USL CAT
900 Thousand households10^3 household THOUSAND HOUSEHOLDS
898 A million families10^6 families MILLION FAMILIES
979 One thousand copies10^3 copies THOUSAND EXECUTES
746 ppm (0.1 percent)ppm PROMILLE
890 Thousand conditional coils10^3 arb. cat THOUSAND USL CAT
724 A thousand hectares of portions10^3 ha portions THOUSAND hectares PORTS
542 Thousand man-hours10^3 person/h THOUSAND PERSONS
642 Unitunits ED
560 Minimal salarymin. salary boards MIN SALARY
557 Million heads per year10^6 goal/year MILLION GOAL/YEAR
917 Changeshifts SHIFT
902 Student placescientist places PLACE STUDYED
521 Person per square meterperson/m2 PERSON/M2
479 Thousand sets10^3 set THOUSAND SET
899 The householdhousekeeping HOUSEHOLD
906 SeatPosad places POSAD MEST
515 Deadweight tondwt.t DEADWEIGHT.T
982 Million tons of feed units10^6 food units MILLION TON OF FEED UNITS
959 Car-daycar days CAR.DN
972 Centner of feed unitsc feed units C FEED UNIT
882 A thousand conditional cans10^3 arb. bank TUS USL BANK
969 Million tonnage miles10^6 tonnage. miles MILLION TONNAGE. MILES
837 A thousand pairs10^3 pairs THOUSAND PAIRS
810 Cellyach YAC
516 Tonno-tanidt.tanid T.TANID
794 A million people10^6 people MILLION PEOPLE
451 Million ton-kilometers10^6 t. km MILLION T.KM
836 HeadGoal GOAL
872 Bottleflask FLAC
808 A million copies10^6 copies MILLION EKZ
561 Thousand tons of steam per hour10^3 t steam/h THOUSAND T STEAM/H
973 Thousand car-kilometers10^3 cars km THOUSAND CARS KM
981 Thousand tons of feed units10^3 food units THOUSAND TON OF FEED UNITS
386 Billion rubles10^9 RUR BILLION RUB
554 Centner of processing per dayc overwork/day C PROCESS/DAT
885 A thousand conventional pieces10^3 arb. bite THOUSAND USL KUS
937 A million doses10^6 doses MILLION DOSES
920 Printed sheetl. oven SHEET OVEN
779 Million packs10^6 pack MLN UPAK
709 A thousand numbers10^3 nom THOUSAND NUM
512 Tonnage numbernom T.NOM
952 One thousand car-(vehicle)-kilometers10^3 vag (mach).km THOUSAND VAG (MASH).KM
879 Conditional thingconventional PC USL SHT
904 Workplaceslave. places SLAVE PLACES
559 Thousand laying hens10^3 chickens not dry THOUSAND CHICKS. NESUSH
840 Sectionsection SECC
974 Thousand tonnage-day10^3 tonnage. days THOUSAND TONNAGE. SUT
729 Thousand packs10^3 pack THOUSAND PACKS
910 A thousand apartments10^3 quarts THOUSAND QUARTERS
550 Million tons per year10^6 t/year MILLION T/YEAR
875 A thousand boxes10^3 cor THOUSAND COR
563 A thousand spinning places10^3 rows THOUSAND ROW OF SEATS
776 A thousand conditional tubes10^3 conventional tubes THOUSAND USL TUBE
884 Conditional piececonventional bite USL KUS
930 Thousand plates10^3 layer THOUSAND PLAST
555 One thousand centners of processing per day10^3 c/day THOUSAND CENTERS PROCESSED/Day
International units of measurement not included in the ESCC
Units of length
17 Hectometer hmm HMT
45 Mile (statute) (1609.344 m) mile SMI
Area units
79 Square mile mile2 MIK
77 Acre (4840 square yards) acre ACR
Volume units
137 Pint SK (0.568262 dm3) pt (UK) PTI
141 US fluid ounce (29.5735 cm3) fl oz (US) OZA
149 Dry US gallon (4.404884 dm3) dry gal (US) GLD
153 Cord (3.63 m3) - WCD
152 Standard - WSD
145 US liquid gallon (3.78541 dm3) gal (US) GLL
154 Thousands of board feet (2.36 m3) - MBF
143 US liquid pint (0.473176 dm3) liq pt (US) PTL
150 US bushel (35.2391 dm3) bu (US) BUA
136 Jill SK (0.142065 dm3) Gill (UK) GII
144 US liquid quart (0.946353 dm3) liq qt (US) QTL
138 Quart SK (1.136523 dm3) qt (UK) QTI
135 Fluid ounce SC (28.413 cm3) fl oz (UK) OZI
139 Gallon SC (4.546092 dm3) gal (UK) GLI
148 Dry US quart (1.101221 dm3) dry qt (US) QTD
140 Bushel SK (36.36874 dm3) bu (UK) BUI
151 US dry barrel (115.627 dm3) bbl (US) BLD
142 Jill US (11.8294 cm3) Gill (US) GIA
147 Dry US pint (0.55061 dm3) dry pt (US) PTD
146 Barrel (oil) USA (158.987 dm3) barrel (US) BLL
Units of mass
184 Displacement - DPT
193 US cwt (45.3592 kg) cwt C.W.A.
190 Stone SK (6.350293 kg) st STI
189 Gran SK, USA (64.798910 mg) gn GRN
200 US drachma (3.887935 g) - DRA
194 Long quintal SK (50.802345 kg) cwt (UK) CWI
191 Kvarter SK (12.700586 kg) qtr QTR
186 UK pound, US (0.45359237 kg) lb LBR
187 Ounce UK, US (28.349523 g) oz ONZ
197 Scrupul SK, USA (1.295982 g) scr SCR
182 Net register ton - NTT
202 US troy pound (373.242 g) - LBT
201 Ounce UK, US (31.10348 g); troy ounce apoz APZ
196 Long ton UK, USA (1.0160469 t) lt LTN
188 Drachma SK (1.771745 g) dr DRI
183 Measured (freight) ton - SHT
198 Pennyweight UK, USA (1.555174 g) dwt DWT
192 Central SK (45.359237 kg) - CNT
195 Short ton UK, USA (0.90718474 t) sht STN
199 Drachma SK (3.887935 g) drm DRM
Technical units
275 British thermal unit (1.055 kJ) Btu BTU
213 Effective power (245.7 watts) B.h.p. BHP
Economic units
638 Gross (144 pcs.) gr; 144 GRO
853 One hundred international units - HIU
835 Gallon of alcohol of specified strength - P.G.L.
851 International unit - NIU
731 Big gross (12 gross) 1728 GGR
738 Short standard (7200 units) - SST

What is OKEI

OKEI is the abbreviated name of the All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement. The classifier is part of the Unified System of Coding and Classification of Social and Technical and Economic Information of Russia. The All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement was introduced on the territory of Russia instead of the All-Union Classifier, known as the “System of designation of units and measurements used in automated control systems.” A classifier has been developed based on the international classification of units of measurement of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity and other significant documents. The all-Russian classifier of units of measurement is associated with GOST 8.417-81 "State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Units of physical quantities."

Why was OKEI created?

The classifier is intended for use when solving problems of quantitative assessment of social and technical and economic indicators for state reporting and accounting, forecasting and economic development, foreign and domestic trade, ensuring statistical international comparisons, organizing customs control, and regulating foreign economic activity. In OKEI, classification objects are units of measurement that are used in these areas of activity.

What is the code structure in OKEY

In OKEI, units of measurement are divided into 7 groups: units of length, area, volume, mass, technical units and time units, as well as economic units. For a number of units of measurement, submultiple and multiple units have been introduced. The All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement contains two reference applications and two sections.

Each position in OKEI structurally consists of three blocks: identification, name and a block where additional characteristics are indicated.

The identification code of a unit of measurement is a digital three-digit decimal code, which was assigned according to the serial-ordinal coding system. Appendix A and the first section use codes that completely coincide with the international classification codes. Also in the second section, decimal digital three-digit codes were used, taken from the reserve of international classification codes.

In OKEI, the formula for the structure of the identification code is as follows: XXX. The name block is the name of the unit of measurement adopted in state reporting and accounting (for the second section), or the name of the unit of measurement according to the international classification (for Appendix A and the first section). The block of additional characteristics is conditional data, letter codes for units of measurement (national and international).

In order to facilitate the use of the classifier, an alphabetical index of units of measurement is provided in Appendix B. The second column indicates the number of the application or section in which the unit of measurement is located. The third column is the identification code of the unit of measurement.

The All-Russian Classifier of Measurement Units is maintained by the VNIIKI of the State Standard of the Russian Federation together with the Computer Center of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and the Center for Economic Conjuncture under the Government of Russia.

Length and distance converter Mass converter Converter of volume measures of bulk products and food products Area converter Converter of volume and units of measurement in culinary recipes Temperature converter Converter of pressure, mechanical stress, Young's modulus Converter of energy and work Converter of power Converter of force Converter of time Linear speed converter Flat angle Converter thermal efficiency and fuel efficiency Converter of numbers in various number systems Converter of units of measurement of quantity of information Currency rates Women's clothing and shoe sizes Men's clothing and shoe sizes Angular velocity and rotation frequency converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Moment of force converter Torque converter Specific heat of combustion converter (by mass) Energy density and specific heat of combustion converter (by volume) Temperature difference converter Coefficient of thermal expansion converter Thermal resistance converter Thermal conductivity converter Specific heat capacity converter Energy exposure and thermal radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Heat transfer coefficient converter Volume flow rate converter Mass flow rate converter Molar flow rate converter Mass flow density converter Molar concentration converter Mass concentration in solution converter Dynamic (absolute) viscosity converter Kinematic viscosity converter Surface tension converter Vapor permeability converter Vapor permeability and vapor transfer rate converter Sound level converter Microphone sensitivity converter Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Converter Sound Pressure Level Converter with Selectable Reference Pressure Luminance Converter Luminous Intensity Converter Illuminance Converter Computer Graphics Resolution Converter Frequency and Wavelength Converter Diopter Power and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Electric charge converter Linear charge density converter Surface charge density converter Volume charge density converter Electric current converter Linear current density converter Surface current density converter Electric field strength converter Electrostatic potential and voltage converter Electrical resistance converter Electrical resistivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical conductivity converter Electrical capacitance Inductance converter American wire gauge converter Levels in dBm (dBm or dBm), dBV (dBV), watts, etc. units Magnetomotive force converter Magnetic field strength converter Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Ionizing radiation absorbed dose rate converter Radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter Radiation. Exposure dose converter Radiation. Absorbed dose converter Decimal prefix converter Data transfer Typography and image processing unit converter Timber volume unit converter Calculation of molar mass D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic table of chemical elements

1 cubic meter [m³] = 0.353146667214886 register ton

Initial value

Converted value

cubic meter cubic kilometer cubic decimeter cubic centimeter cubic millimeter liter exaliliter petalitre teralitre gigaliliter megaliter kiloliter hectoliter deciliter deciliter centiliter milliliter microliter nanoliter picoliter femtoliter attoliter cubic cm drop barrel (petroleum) barrel American barrel British American gallon British quart US quart British pint US pin that British glass American glass (metric) glass British fluid ounce US fluid ounce British tablespoon amer. tablespoon (meter) tablespoon brit. American dessert spoon Brit dessert spoon teaspoon Amer. teaspoon metric teaspoon brit. gill, gill American gill, gill British minim American minim British cubic mile cubic yard cubic foot cubic inch register ton 100 cubic feet 100-foot cube acre-foot acre-foot (US, geodetic) acre-inch decaster ster decister cord tan hogshead plank foot drachma kor (biblical unit) homer (biblical unit) baht (biblical unit) gin (biblical unit) kab (biblical unit) log (biblical unit) glass (Spanish) volume of the Earth Planck volume cubic astronomical unit cubic parsec cubic kiloparsec cubic megaparsec cubic gigaparsec barrel bucket damask quarter wine bottle vodka bottle glass charka shalik

Microphones and their technical characteristics

Learn more about volume and units of measurement in recipes

General information

Volume is the space occupied by a substance or object. Volume can also refer to the free space inside a container. Volume is a three-dimensional quantity, unlike, for example, length, which is two-dimensional. Therefore, the volume of flat or two-dimensional objects is zero.

Volume units

Cubic meter

The SI unit of volume is the cubic meter. The standard definition of one cubic meter is the volume of a cube with edges one meter long. Derived units such as cubic centimeters are also widely used.


The liter is one of the most commonly used units in the metric system. It is equal to the volume of a cube with edges 10 cm long:
1 liter = 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm = 1000 cubic centimeters

This is the same as 0.001 cubic meters. The mass of one liter of water at a temperature of 4°C is approximately equal to one kilogram. Milliliters, equal to one cubic centimeter or 1/1000 of a liter, are also often used. Milliliter is usually denoted as ml.


Gills are units of volume used in the United States to measure alcoholic beverages. One jill is five fluid ounces in the British Imperial system or four in the American system. One American jill is equal to a quarter of a pint or half a cup. Irish pubs serve strong drinks in portions of a quarter jill, or 35.5 milliliters. In Scotland, portions are smaller - one fifth of a jill, or 28.4 milliliters. In England, until recently, portions were even smaller, just one-sixth of a jill or 23.7 milliliters. Now, it’s 25 or 35 milliliters, depending on the rules of the establishment. The owners can decide for themselves which of the two portions to serve.


Dram, or drachma, is a measure of volume, mass, and also a coin. In the past, this measure was used in pharmacy and was equal to one teaspoon. Later, the standard volume of a teaspoon changed, and one spoon became equal to 1 and 1/3 drachms.

Volumes in cooking

Liquids in cooking recipes are usually measured by volume. Bulk and dry products in the metric system, on the contrary, are measured by mass.

Tea spoon

The volume of a teaspoon is different in different measurement systems. Initially, one teaspoon was a quarter of a tablespoon, then - one third. It is the latter volume that is now used in the American measurement system. This is approximately 4.93 milliliters. In American dietetics, the size of a teaspoon is 5 milliliters. In the UK it is common to use 5.9 milliliters, but some diet guides and cookbooks use 5 milliliters. The size of a teaspoon used in cooking is usually standardized in each country, but different sizes of spoons are used for food.


The volume of a tablespoon also varies depending on the geographic region. So, for example, in America, one tablespoon is three teaspoons, half an ounce, approximately 14.7 milliliters, or 1/16 of an American cup. Tablespoons in the UK, Canada, Japan, South Africa and New Zealand also contain three teaspoons. So, a metric tablespoon is 15 milliliters. A British tablespoon is 17.7 milliliters, if a teaspoon is 5.9, and 15 if a teaspoon is 5 milliliters. Australian tablespoon - ⅔ ounce, 4 teaspoons, or 20 milliliters.


As a measure of volume, cups are not defined as strictly as spoons. The volume of the cup can vary from 200 to 250 milliliters. A metric cup is 250 milliliters, and an American cup is slightly smaller, approximately 236.6 milliliters. In American dietetics, the volume of a cup is 240 milliliters. In Japan, cups are even smaller - only 200 milliliters.

Quarts and gallons

Gallons and quarts also have different sizes depending on the geographic region where they are used. In the Imperial system of measurement, one gallon is equal to 4.55 liters, and in the American system of measurements - 3.79 liters. Fuel is generally measured in gallons. A quart is equal to a quarter of a gallon and, accordingly, 1.1 liters in the American system, and approximately 1.14 liters in the Imperial system.


Pints ​​are used to measure beer even in countries where the pint is not used to measure other liquids. In the UK, milk and cider are measured in pints. A pint is equal to one-eighth of a gallon. Some other countries in the Commonwealth of Nations and Europe also use pints, but since they depend on the definition of a gallon, and a gallon has a different volume depending on the country, pints are also not the same everywhere. An imperial pint is approximately 568.2 milliliters, and an American pint is 473.2 milliliters.

Fluid ounce

An imperial ounce is approximately equal to 0.96 US ounces. Thus, an imperial ounce contains approximately 28.4 milliliters, and an American ounce contains approximately 29.6 milliliters. One US ounce is also approximately equal to six teaspoons, two tablespoons, and one eighth cup.

Volume calculation

Liquid displacement method

The volume of an object can be calculated using the fluid displacement method. To do this, it is lowered into a liquid of a known volume, a new volume is geometrically calculated or measured, and the difference between these two quantities is the volume of the object being measured. For example, if when you lower an object into a cup with one liter of water, the volume of the liquid increases to two liters, then the volume of the object is one liter. In this way, you can only calculate the volume of objects that do not absorb liquid.

Formulas for calculating volume

The volume of geometric shapes can be calculated using the following formulas:

Prism: the product of the area of ​​the base of the prism and the height.

Rectangular parallelepiped: product of length, width and height.

Cube: length of an edge to the third power.

Ellipsoid: product of semi-axes and 4/3π.

Pyramid: one third of the product of the area of ​​the base of the pyramid and the height. Post a question in TCTerms and within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

Conditional fuel called fuel, the calorific value of 1 kg or 1 nm³ of which is equal to 7000 kcal. It is most often measured in tons, so a common abbreviation in various sources is here.(means it is a ton of equivalent fuel).

Below is a table with average coefficients for converting natural fuel into conventional fuel.

Name of fuel types, unit of measurementAverage coefficient
Coal by basins and deposits
Altai coal, ton0,782
Bashkir coal, ton0,565
Vorkuta coal, ton0,822
Georgian coal, ton0,589
Donetsk coal, ton0,876
Inta coal, ton0,649
Kazakh coal, ton0,674
Kamchatka coal, ton0,323
Kansko-Achinsk coal, ton0,516
Karaganda coal, ton0,726
Kizelovsky coal, ton0,684
Kyrgyz coal, ton0,570
Kuznetsk coal, ton0,867
Lviv-Volyn coal, ton0,764
Magadan coal, ton0,701
Podmoskovny coal, ton0,335
Primorsky coal, ton0,506
Sakhalin coal, ton0,729
Sverdlovsk coal, ton0,585
Silesian coal, ton0,800
Stavropol coal, ton0,669
Tajik coal, ton0,553
Tuvan coal, ton0,906
Tunguska coal, ton0,754
Uzbek coal, ton0,530
Ukrainian brown coal, ton0,398
Khakass coal, ton0,727
Chelyabinsk coal, ton0,552
Chita coal, ton0,483
Ekibastuz coal, ton0,628
Yakut coal, ton0,751
Charcoal, storage m³0,93
Estonian slates, ton0,324
Leningrad shale, ton0,300
Milled peat (at a relative humidity of 40%), ton0,34
Lump peat (at a relative humidity of 33%), ton0,41
Peat crumb (at a relative humidity of 40%), ton0,37
Dry metallurgical coke 25 mm and above, ton0,99
Coke 10-25 mm in terms of dry weight, ton0,93
Coke breeze< 10 мм в пересчете на сухой вес, тонна 0,90
Fuel briquettes (at a relative humidity of 16%), ton0,60
Petroleum refining dry gas, ton1,50
Combustible natural gas, thousand m³1,15
Associated flammable gas, thousand m³1,3
Liquefied gas, ton1,57
Fuel oil
Fuel oil, ton1,37
Naval fuel oil, ton1,43
Oil, including gas condensate, ton1,43
Waste oils, ton1,30
Fuel for low-speed diesel engines (motor), ton1,43
Diesel fuel, ton1,45
Household heating fuel, ton1,45
Automotive gasoline, ton1,49
Aviation gasoline, ton1,49
Kerosene for technical purposes (tractor), ton1,47
Kerosene for lighting, ton1,47
Jet fuel (aviation kerosene), ton1,47
Firewood for heating, dense m³0,266
Wood scraps, shavings, sawdust, ton0,36
Wood sawdust, storage m³0,11
Branches, pine needles, wood chips, storage m³0,05
Stumps, storage m³0,12
Logs from dismantled old buildings, sleepers that have fallen into disrepair, communication poles, a mine stand, dense m³0,266
Bark, ton0,42
Agricultural waste, ton0,50

Conversion calculator to t.u.t.

Select the name of the fuel type and enter the required value. The calculator will automatically convert it into tons of standard fuel (here).

136 Bobrinetsky district

Verkhneingulskoe gneiss deposit located on the left bank of the river. Ingul at 3 km south of the village Verkhneingulskoe. The deposit is not being developed.

The mineral is gneiss, fresh and weathered. Average gneiss thickness - 38 m. Overburden rocks - soil-vegetative layer, loam and sand. Average stripping power - 6.1 m. Expected maximum water inflow into the quarry - 2204 m h |day.

Physico-mechanical properties of gneiss; specific gravity - 2.70-2.74 g/cm 3 ;

volumetric weight - 2.62-2.70 g/cm 2 , porosity - 0.25-4.40%; water absorption - 0.04-6.4%; compressive strength, kg/cm 2 : in a dry state - 800-1384, water-saturated - 704-1138, after 25 times freezing - 512-1338; weight loss when crushed in a cylinder - 7.3-17.3%; resistance of crushed stone to impact on a PM-47-166 piledriver; abrasion of crushed stone in the shelf drum is 17-39%.

Gneisses are suitable for the production of rubble and crushed stone.

Gneiss reserves were approved by UTKZ (protocol No. 3241 dated 27/U1 1971) for industrial categories - 1494 thousand. m 3 . Actual reserves - 1494 thousand. m 3 .

Gayvoronsky district

Gaivoronskoe crystalline rock deposit located on the southern outskirts of Gayvoron, on the left bank of the river. Southern Bug. Developed by the Ukrdorstroymaterialy trust of the Ministry of Construction and Operation of Highways of the Ukrainian SSR. Production - 215 thousand m 3 .

The mineral is migmatite with inclusions of gneiss xenoliths, amphibolite and veins of aplitoid granite. Revealed thickness of crystalline rocks-75 m. Overburden rocks - gruss, clay, loam and soil-vegetative layer. Average stripping power-22 m. Expected maximum water inflow into the quarry -3312 m h |day.

Physical and mechanical properties of crystalline rocks: specific gravity - 2.64--3.19 g/cm 3 , volumetric weight-2.60-3.11 g/cm 3 ; porosity - 0.33-2.74%;

tensile strength in a water-saturated state - 1062-2062 kg/cm 2 ^ crushability during compression in the cylinder is 7.5-15.6%; abrasion of crushed stone in a shelf drum - 17.9-35.8%; resistance of crushed stone to impact on a PM-79-216 piledriver;

weight loss after 50 times freezing is 1.6-4.8; content of silt, clay and dust particles 0.2-0.7%; the content of lamellar and needle grains is 3.4-11.8%.

Crystalline rocks are suitable for the production of rubble, crushed stone and checkers.

Reserves were approved by UTKZ (protocol No. 3203 dated 23/111 1971) for industrial categories - 23,094 thousand. m 3 . Actual reserves - 22,363 thousand. m 3 .

Zavalevskoe deposit of crystalline limestones located in the village. Zavalye at 14 km south of the railway station. Paved on the left bank of the river. Southern Bug. The deposit is not being developed.

The mineral is crystalline limestones and dolomites occurring among gneisses and quartzites. Non-metallic building material can be two horizons separated by gneisses: the lower one - crystalline limestones and dolomites (140-350 m) and upper magnesian-silicate crystalline limestones with dolomite interlayers (250-360 m). Overburden rocks-weathered limestones and dolomites (6 m) and sandy-clayey rock (40-60 m). Expected water inflow - 6240 m 3 /day.

Physical and mechanical properties of limestone: volumetric weight - 2.71 g/cm 3 ;

specific gravity - 2.75 g/cm 3 ; porosity - 1.6%; water absorption - 0.4%; compressive strength, kg/cm 2 : V dry condition - 918. water-saturated - 828, after 25-fold freezing - 768; soaking coefficient - 0.9;

frost resistance coefficient - 0.83; wear of crushed stone in the shelf drum - "38%; humidity - 0.02-0.48%.

Crystalline limestones are suitable for the production of rubble stone and crushed stone for construction work.

The reserves were approved by the scientific and technical council of the Kievgeology trust (protocol No. 242 dated 8/U 1962) under category C1-5670 thousand. m 3 . Actual reserves - 5670 thousand. m 3 .

Savranskoe granite deposit located on the right bank of the river. Southern Bug at 12 km north of the village Savron, Odessa region. Developed by Odessa OMKS. Production - 25 thousand. m 3 .

The mineral is granite-charnockite. Revealed thickness of granite - 30 m. Overburden rocks - gruss, clay, loam and soil-vegetative layer. Average stripping power - 7.4 m. Hydrogeological conditions are favorable.

Physical and mechanical properties of granite: specific gravity - 2.72-3.26 g/cm 3 ;

volumetric weight - 2.7-3.24 g/cm 3 ; porosity - 0.61-0.73%; water absorption - 0.1-0.17; compressive strength, kg/cm 2 : dry - 1427-2918, water-saturated - 1401-2877; frost resistance coefficient - 0.90 - 0.92; abrasion in the Deval drum is 2.9-4.2%.

Granite is suitable for the production of crushed stone in ordinary and hydraulic concrete and as rubble stone.

Granite reserves were approved by UTKZ (protocol No. 1252 dated 22/KhP 1955) for industrial categories - 11,076 thousand. m 3 . Actual reserves - 10,775 thousand. m 3 .

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