C programming environment for windows 7. Convenient tools for creating programs

C programming environment for windows 7. Convenient tools for creating programs


Users who are just getting started with computers dream of learning how to develop their own applications. However, this process is very complex and requires a lot of attention and patience. First, you need to download the appropriate programs in which you will write the source code. In fact, there are quite a lot of programming languages, including Pascal, Basic, Java, assembler and others. One of the best is the C programming language, which is portable, compact and efficient. Because of these qualities, professional users use the C program in a wide variety of programming areas.

If you are writing code in C, then it is perfect for both beginners and professionals. On the one hand, working here is relatively simple when compared with other languages, which allows inexperienced users to learn programming skills in the shortest possible time. On the other hand, C has a lot of possibilities, so professional programmers will be able to create real masterpieces. The interface is relatively simple and accessible, but it does take some time to get used to. Data input is carried out exclusively through the keyboard; the mouse manipulator is not available in this program.

You just need to download the software for this programming language to get a powerful and effective development tool. C has no built-in options for performing tasks related to process control, screen manipulation, memory layout, input, and output. To perform such operations, users typically resort to macros, special functions, and execution libraries.

Free download C program to create your own applications

Once you have downloaded the program for the C programming language, you will be able to work with it. The software boasts a large number of interesting features, which makes it stand out among other similar utilities. So, there is a full set of transitions, conditions, cycles for effective and logical control of the program execution process. There are plenty of operators in C, and most of them have the ability to be automatically admitted to live broadcast in machine codes. So creating other types of operations will be very simple, it will require a minimum of time and effort.

If you download C for free, you can use several double precision sizes and floating point data types in your calculations. If necessary, users will be able to create structures, arrays and other complex data types, if such a goal is specified in the conditions of the problem being solved. In general, if you want to learn programming, then try downloading the C program - this is an ideal option for everyone, it will be very easy to work with it.

Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) - library packages required to run C++ programs. Integrated development environment for programs and applications in C++, developed by Microsoft.

Visual C++ has powerful support for a variety of applications in Managed C++ and C++/CLI, and C++, and has the ability to generate code for various platforms, both NET Framework and in a “pure” Windows environment. In this case, Visual C++ is indispensable among other programs, since neither Visual J# nor Visual Basic .NET are capable of generating code.

The latest version of Visual Studio 2015 includes Visual C++ (14.0). This kit gives developers more features, such as multi-monitor support.

Key Features of Microsoft Visual C++

  • Instead of heap area, stack area or static area,
  • Automatic type determination replaces explicit type specification.
  • Smart pointers to replace raw pointers.
  • Raw char arrays are replaced by std::string and std::wstring types.
  • In place of raw arrays, STL containers are the same as vector, list and map.
  • Manually coded algorithms are being replaced by STL algorithms.
  • Using STL std::atomic free communication between threads.
  • Built-in lambda functions to replace small functions (implemented separately).
  • For loops to create range-based loops that work with STL containers.

Installing Microsoft Visual C++

This is an important system component, so the installation should be run as an administrator. If you have a 32-bit operating system, you should select the “vcredist2017_x86” file for installation, but if you have a 64-bit operating system, then you should install both “vcredist2017_x86” and “vcredist2017_x64” files. Right-click on the installation file and select “Run as administrator.” A download window will appear where you need to read the license agreement and accept it by checking the box. Click on “Install.” The installation menu will show the installation progress and in less than a minute the installation is successfully completed. Click on “Close”. Today we considered installing version 14.16.27024.1. Enjoy your use.

People who have a desire start learning programming in C++, the following questions are often asked online:

  • What programs are needed for programming in C++

However, the answer to one question raises more questions. On this page I will try to answer them and tell you in more detail.

The C++ programming language is very popular and used. Applications written in this language use operating system system calls directly without any layers. This, in turn, saves computer resources and affects performance. Programs written in C++ are famous for their speed.

What you need to program in C++

The most necessary thing is wish. Without the desire to program, you will have to force yourself very hard and soon you will get tired of it. Programming is a mental process, and it can be tiring, even if you're really fired up. By the way, many people lose their desire after reading half of a textbook on a programming language, because... some complex structures or things that are uninteresting to you appear. For example, you wanted to immediately start writing games and learn the necessary commands (classes and functions) for this, but they tell you about smart pointers, function overloading or lambda expressions. If you are not afraid of the fact that you will have to study a lot of everything that may seem unnecessary at first glance, then you are welcome to join the ranks of novice programmers.

For the programming process itself, you need the programmer himself and his workplace (a computer with the necessary software). If you're reading this, you're probably on a computer, so you already have everything you need, except for the IDE.

So, you need:

  • Wish
  • Computer
  • Installed IDE

IDE- an integrated development environment, or, to put it simply, it is a program that has a whole set of useful things: a text editor for code with syntax highlighting, a compiler (it converts your program code into machine code that is understandable to the computer), a debugger and a bunch of other useful things approx.

There are many different IDEs for different operating systems.

IDE for Windows

Visual Studio. The most popular for Windows is Visual Studio (You can download Visual Studio Express for free on the official Microsoft website). It has everything you need and even more, this monster weighs several gigabytes, but is slow on weak computers.

Dev-C++. The best option for programming is the Dev-C++ IDE, it has everything you need to get started, it weighs about 50 megabytes. Simple interface, easy to understand. You can download it.

IDE for Linux

Geany. The best option is Geany. Lightweight, simple, fast and convenient.

QtCreator. The best, in my opinion, IDE for Linux (And not only that, it is cross-platform). There is everything you need + Qt Framework out of the box.

How to start programming in C++

Grab yourself a cup of delicious coffee, sit in front of your computer and launch the IDE. However, if you are just starting out, then you need to read up on how to use your IDE; there is a lot of information on this topic online. To begin with, it is enough to learn: how to create a program file, how to compile the written program and how to run it. This is a matter of 10-15 minutes.

Well, traditionally, the code of the first program that you can paste into the editor, compile and run:

#include using namespace std; int main() ( cout<< "Hello, world!"; return 0; }


using namespace std ;

int main()

cout<< "Hello, world!" ;

return 0 ;

There is a lot of educational literature on the Internet, there are websites with lessons, video lessons, etc.

I'd start with books, they describe everything in more detail.

  • Programming: principles and practice in C++(Björn Stroustrup) - a book for those who have no programming experience at all.
  • Tutorial for Beginners: C++(Stanley Lipman, Jose Lajoie, Barbara Mu) - for those who already have some experience. It contains a thousand pages of detailed description.

Well, the best thing you can do to learn programming is practice. Program more often, come up with interesting problems for yourself and implement their solution in the form of a program. If something doesn’t work out, ask other people on programming forums or stackoverflow.

I think I have answered all 3 popular questions. I wish you good luck in your endeavors.

C is a simple, general-purpose procedural programming language. It is quite easy to learn. At the same time, it is powerful so that it can be used to create any computer program.

C++ is an object-oriented programming language that was originally created as a superset of C. C and C++ languages ​​are among the most popular technologies used for writing programs.

This article lists free C and C++ compilers for various operating systems.

Free compilers and interpreters C, C++ for computers

Open Watcom V2 Fork

It can run and create executable files under Windows ( 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit versions), Linux ( 32-bit and 64-bit versions), OS/2 and MS-DOS ( 16-bit and 32-bit modes). It's worth clarifying that Watcom was a well-known commercial compiler until the original developers stopped selling it and published the source code ( in accordance with the Sybase Open Watcom Public License).

Microsoft Visual Studio Community

For individual or beginner programmers Microsoft Visual Studio Community includes many important tools from the commercial versions of the project. You will have at your disposal an IDE, a debugger, an optimizing compiler, an editor, debugging and profiling tools. With this package you can develop programs for desktop and mobile versions of Windows, as well as Android. The C++ compiler supports most of the features of ISO C++11, some of ISO C++14 and C++17. At the same time, the C compiler is already hopelessly outdated and does not even have proper C99 support.

The software also comes with support for building programs in C#, Visual Basic, F# and Python. At the time I wrote this article, the project's website stated that Visual Studio Community 2015 " free tool for individual developers, open source projects, scientific research, educational projects and small professional groups».

Clang: C programming language frontend for LLVM

Clang is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ compiler developed for Apple. This is part of the LLVM project. Clang implements various ISO C and C++ standards, such as C11, ISO C++ 11, C++ 14 and parts of C++ 1z.

It also supports extensions that can be found in the GNU family of C compilers. The C compiler for Windows is released under the BSD license. Unfortunately, as of this writing, it is only provided in its original form and you will have to assemble it yourself.


The MinGW-w64 project provides the libraries and headers needed by the GNU C and C++ compilers to run on Windows. In the case of MinGW-w64, these support files allow you to create 64-bit programs in addition to 32-bit . The project also provides cross-compilers so that a Windows program can be compiled from a Linux system.

AMD x86 Open64 Compiler Suite

This is a version of the Open64 compiler suite (described below) that has been tuned for AMD processors and has additional bug fixes. The C/C++ compiler complies with ANSI C99 and ISO C++98 standards, supports cross-language calls ( since it includes a Fortran compiler), 32-bit and 64-bit x86 code, vector and scalar code generation SSE/SSE2/SSE3, OpenMP 2.5 for shared memory models, MPICH2 for distributed and shared memory models; contains an optimizer that supports a huge number of optimizations ( global, loop-node, interprocedural analysis, feedback) and much more. The kit comes with an optimized AMD Core Math Library and documentation. This set of compilers requires Linux.

Compiler C/C++ Open Source Watcom / Open Watcom

It is a free and open source compiler for Windows 7. It generates code for Win32, Windows 3.1 (Win16), OS/2, Netware NLM, MSDOS ( 16-bit and 32-bit mode) etc. Watcom was a very popular compiler a few years ago until Sybase shut it down. It also includes the rather famous STLport ( implementation of the C++ standard template library). Update: This project appears to have stalled and a new Open Watcom V2 Fork project (described above) is now live.

Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler (Symantec C++ replacement)

Digital Mars C/C++ is a replacement for Symantec C++ with support for compiling programs for Win32, Windows 3.1, MSDOS, and 32-bit extended MSDOS. If the PC you are using does not have a floating point processor ( pre-Pentium machines), you can associate floating point emulation in your program. The compiler supports the definition of C++ from the Annotated C++ Manual ( ARM) and advanced features of the AT&T language version 3.0, including templates, nested classes, nested types, exception handling, and run-time type identification.

UPS Debugger (C interpreter)

It is a graphical source-level debugger for X Window, which contains a built-in C language interpreter. It can process one or more source files. You can use it to create a bytecode executable and run an interpreter on that executable. If you need an interpreter for debugging or prototyping programs, or just to learn a language, try this tool. It supports the following platforms: Solaris, SunOS, Linux, FreeBSD, BSD/OS and some other Unix platforms.

The BDS C Compiler

Remember the old (popular) C BDS compiler for CP/M 8080/Z80 systems? This C compiler is currently publicly available, complete with assembly language source code. The package is a retail version of the compiler with a linker and user manual. It can be used to easily generate 8080/8085/Z80 code for embedded systems ( that is, create your own routines to replace any library code that accesses operating system functions).

C/C++ Compiler Bloodshed Dev

It is a Win32 IDE that includes the C++ egcs compiler and the GNU debugger from the Mingw32 environment. As well as an editor and other tools that facilitate the development of programs using the Mingw32 gcc compiler on the Windows platform. It also contains an installer for applications.

C Orange Compiler

It runs on both Windows and DOS, and has an integrated development environment with a program editor ( with syntax highlighting and automatic code completion). It can generate programs for Win32 and MSDOS, as well as Intel and Motorola hex files ( which is useful if you write programs for embedded systems). To output MSDOS, your programs will use the DOS extender.

DeSmet C

DeSmet C should be familiar to those who programmed C in the 1980s. This is a C compiler for MSDOS. It was released under the GNU GPL license and comes with tutorials, an editor, and a third-party optimizer.

Apple Xcode for Mac OS X

Xcode is Apple's integrated development environment that includes a syntax-highlighting editor, a build management system, a debugger, the GNU C compiler (gcc), an interface designer, AppleScript Studio, support for Java development, and WebObjects development tools. To receive these tools, you must be a member Apple Developer Connection (ADC). But online membership is free.

Tiny C Compiler - the most compact Linux C compiler

This small C compiler for Linux and Windows generates optimized x86 binaries. It claims to build, link, and link code several times faster than GCC. Developers are currently striving to achieve ISO C99 compliance. The compiler also includes an optional bounds check. It processes C script files ( just add to Linux shebang code #!/usr/local/bin/tcc -run to the first line of the C source code so that it is executed directly). TCC is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

Portable Object Compiler

It is a set of class libraries and an Objective C compiler that converts Objective C code into plain C code. Works on Windows, Linux, OS/2, Macintosh, etc.

C & C++ compilers Mingw32

This system comes with the GNU C/C++ compiler, which can be used to create Win32 executables. It contains its own , which is in the public domain. Applications built using this system are expected to be faster than those built using Cygwin32, and are not limited by the terms of the GNU license. Mingw32 comes with text processing tools ( sed, grep), lexical analyzer generator ( flex), parser generator ( bison), etc. Mingw32 also comes with the Windows Resource Compiler.

GNU C/C++ Compiler

The GNU C Compiler page provides links to binaries and source code for the GNU C compiler. You can also use the links provided in this article to the most frequently requested binary versions ( MSDOS and Win32).

C Pelles Compiler

Another C compiler based on LCC ( see also LCC-Win32). It includes a C compiler, linker, resource compiler, message compiler, make utility, and other tools. It compiles code for Windows and Pocket PC.

Compaq C Compiler

Linux/Alpha users can now download and use the Compaq compiler for free by simply filling out a form and accepting the license agreement. A compiler can be used to generate any program, commercial or otherwise. It includes a math library and debugger ( ladebug), ported from True64 Unix. It comes with the usual man pages, as well as a language reference and a programmer's guide.

C/C++ Ch Embeddable Interpreter (standard version)

C/C++ interpreter that supports the ISO 1990 C standard ( C90), core C99 functions, C++ classes, and extensions to the C language such as nested functions, string type, etc. It can be embedded in other applications and hardware, used as a scripting language. C/C++ code is interpreted directly without compiling intermediate code. Because this interpreter supports Linux, Windows, MacOS X, Solaris, and HP-UX, the code you create can be ported to any of these platforms. The standard version is free for personal, academic and commercial use. To download the package you must register.

C and C++ compilers DJGPP

It is a development system based on the well-known GNU C/C++ compiler. It generates 32-bit MSDOS executables, which are Windows 95 long filenames. This is a very functional system with IDE, graphics libraries, lexical analyzer generators ( flex), parser generators ( bison), text processing utilities, and so on. A C language compiler, utilities and libraries are supplied with the source code.

Cilk - ANSI C-based compiler

Cilk is an ANSI C-based language that can be used for multi-threaded parallel programming. This is especially effective for exploiting dynamic, highly asynchronous parallelism in the data-parallel or message-passing style. The official website mentions that Cilk is already used to develop three world-class chess programs: StarTech, Socrates and Cilkchess.

Sphinx - C compiler -

It's sort of a combination of a C compiler and an assembler that allows " create programs with the power and readability of C while maintaining the efficiency of assembly language" It can create MSDOS executables or .OBJ files, which can be used in conjunction with other linkers to create an executable file. The source code and documentation for the compiler can be found at the link above. If you want to get a pre-compiled binary, you can do so at unofficial site of the C compiler - Sphinx.

LSI C-86 C Compiler

The website of this compiler is written in Japanese. It looks like a cross-compiler that allows you to generate code for ROMs. Old version of the compiler ( 3.30c) is provided free of charge. The free version only works on MSDOS.

Cross-compiler C SDCC

It is a C cross-compiler designed for Intel 8051, DS390, Z80, HC08 and PIC microprocessors. It can also be repurposed for other 8-bit microcontrollers or PICs. SDCC comes with a reconfigurable assembler and linker, a source-level debugger, and a simulator. The libraries are compatible with the C99 standard. The source code for the compiler is available under the GPL license. Platforms supported include Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Alpha, Sparc and others.

C compiler LADSoft CC386

It is an ANSI C compiler for MSDOS/DPMI and Win32, which comes with a runtime library, linker, debugger, DOS extension (version MSDOS), IDE (version Win32) and the make utility. Source code is also available. When running in C99 compatibility mode, it compiles most C99 constructs.

Cygwin Project (C and C++ compilers)

This "project" includes a commercial compiler ( GNU C/C++), which generates Win32 GUI and console applications. Source code for the compiler, libraries, and tools is provided. Note that the default option in this package requires you to distribute the source code if you compile and link your libraries. There is also a special callable option that specifies the ability to link to alternative libraries, allowing you to distribute your applications without sources.

DEV-C++ is a fairly well-known application development environment among programmers in the C and C++ languages, previously very well known for UNIX, now released for the Windows operating system. This environment consists of a code editor, where you can write a program, and a compiler, which translates the written code into machine language.

The graphical interface of the program is designed in a simple and strict style, which will allow you to fully concentrate on application development. All tools are conveniently grouped at the top of the workspace, and the code itself is displayed in a large window. The basic set includes the necessary tools to write an unlimited number of lines of code, in addition, there is a built-in debugger. It is worth noting that through this environment you can not only create console applications, but also use the Windows API, connecting additional libraries if necessary. And you can use this easy-to-use tool absolutely free.

Key Features and Functions

  • simple and practical interface;
  • availability of tools for full coding in C/C++;
  • presence of a built-in debugger;
  • the ability to write both console applications and projects using the Windows API;
  • the ability to connect additional libraries;
  • free distribution of the program.

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