Is it possible to turn on gadgets on an airplane? Is it possible to take power banks and other lithium-ion batteries on an airplane? Carrying chargers on an airplane.

Is it possible to turn on gadgets on an airplane? Is it possible to take power banks and other lithium-ion batteries on an airplane? Carrying chargers on an airplane.


We deal with the new requirements of airlines.

In February of this year, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which relate to the carriage of lithium-ion batteries in the luggage compartments of civil aircraft and are recommended to apply to 191 ICAO member countries, including Russia.

Let's dot all the i's, specialists from Aviakass will help us with this.

What are lithium-ion batteries

The most popular type of battery that has become widespread in recent years. Such batteries are the source of energy in most modern electronics; they power phones, laptops, digital cameras and even electric cars.

Your iPhone, iPad, MacBook and even Apple Watch also have a lithium-ion battery.

The operating principle of such batteries is based on the chemical composition of their components. The elements have gained great popularity due to their high energy density, low self-discharge and ease of maintenance.

What are airlines afraid of?

There is no smoke without fire; in the history of civil aviation there are several sad examples when lithium-ion batteries led to fires on board aircraft.

In 2013, such incidents were recorded in the USA and Japan. Fires have occurred on board passenger aircraft caused by overheated lithium-ion batteries. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Similar incidents have previously occurred on board cargo aircraft.

An overheated lithium-ion battery can cause an explosion and fire. The combustion temperature of such batteries is more than 600 degrees Celsius. This is enough to melt the aluminum from which the fuselage of the airliners is made.

Don't relax

Each air carrier has its own safety standards and allowances for baggage and hand luggage. Sometimes restrictions apply to all flights, and sometimes to flights that take place in certain countries.

It is better to study the rules of each carrier immediately after purchasing tickets.

These are the requirements for the transportation of lithium-ion batteries from the TOP-5 Russian air carriers:


What concerns: lithium-ion batteries with a power density of up to 100 Wh* (mobile phones, cameras, watches, laptops)

Can be carried in hand luggage inside equipment and gadgets. External batteries are allowed to take no more than 2 pieces per person. At the same time, they must be protected by something that excludes the possibility of a short circuit. Carriage in luggage is only possible inside the equipment.

Battery type: lithium-ion batteries with a specific power of 100-160 Wh* (laptops with a larger battery, professional audio and video equipment, portable devices)

May be carried inside the equipment with the permission of airline representatives. Portable and replaceable batteries (no more than two per person) must be packaged in such a way as to prevent contact shorting. Such batteries can only be carried in luggage inside equipment, and permission must be obtained from an airline representative.

Battery type: lithium-ion batteries with a power density of more than 160 Wh* (industrial equipment, some electric and hybrid vehicles, mopeds)

Subject to registration as “dangerous cargo” with special transportation requirements.

S7 Airlines

Portable electronic devices (watches, cameras, phones, laptops, etc.) containing lithium-ion batteries must be carried as carry-on baggage. If such devices are carried in checked baggage, measures must be taken to prevent unintentional activation.

Portable medical electronic devices with similar batteries must be carried as carry-on baggage.

Spare batteries must be separately protected to prevent short circuits and are carried only in carry-on baggage.


On the company's official website, in the section on permitted baggage, there are no separate rules and restrictions for the carriage of lithium-ion batteries.

Representatives only mention the need to obtain permission to carry medical equipment and vehicles that run on batteries in their luggage.

Ural Airlines

Consumer electronic devices with lithium-ion cells or batteries, such as watches, calculators, cameras, phones, laptops, etc., are permitted in checked and carry-on luggage. for personal use. Spare batteries must be in separate packaging that protects the batteries from short circuits and should only be carried in hand luggage.

Small mobile devices with lithium batteries, such as electric scooters, electric scooters, etc., are prohibited.

Keep up with the times

Today, small vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries are becoming increasingly popular. Don't forget that hoverboards, scooters and Segways are also equipped with lithium-ion batteries.

The vast majority of airlines prohibits transportation such devices as checked or carry-on baggage. The only exception may be vehicles for people with disabilities.

Some carriers offer to register such devices as “dangerous goods” subject to proper transportation regulations and rules.

Be careful that a fashionable toy from a trip abroad does not become a gift for airline representatives.

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Remember your first flight - how many questions, how many fears! Yes, novice tourists face a lot of questions. And one of them: “What can you take with you on a plane?” All the things you take with you on a trip are divided into carry-on luggage and luggage. Which items should be packed into a suitcase and checked into the luggage compartment, and which items can be carried as hand luggage? To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation when boarding a flight, read our material.

Before you start packing, check on the website of the airline you are flying with to see what weight is allowed on board. It will be a shame if you find out at the airport that you can only carry 20 kg, and for the rest you will have to pay extra at the carrier’s rate or leave it behind.

On average, in economy class you can carry from 20 to 23 kg free of charge, and in business class - 32 kg. But, I repeat once again, specific numbers need to be looked at on the carrier’s website or checked in the reference book.

If you have a lot of things, then most of them will have to be checked in as luggage, because carrying hand luggage also has its own restrictions. Approximately this is up to 10 kg in economy class and up to 15 kg in business class. As with luggage, you need to check with your carrier for specific numbers. You can pre-weigh your luggage at home using a bathroom scale.

So, we decided that we take only the essentials with us in our hand luggage. Let's start with this: cannot be carried on an airplane:

  1. All kinds of liquids, gels, face and body products, perfumes and the like in a volume of over 100 ml and up to 1 liter in total. The only exception is baby food required during the flight.
  2. Canned food and foods are also prohibited. The exception is products from Duty Free.
  3. Any piercing/cutting objects. This category includes screwdrivers and even nail scissors.
  4. Military weapons, copies, models and toys in the form of weapons, as well as magnets.
  5. Aerosols, shaving foam, deodorants, etc. are also prohibited. The exception is canisters of medicine for asthmatics if there are documents confirming the diagnosis.
  6. All kinds of chemical, explosive, toxic substances.

Now we can talk about what can you take on a plane.

  1. Money, documents, plastic cards.
  2. Valuables - cameras, laptops, tablets. All this must be in working order and with charged batteries. During the search, you may be asked to turn it on and demonstrate that you do not have an explosive device disguised as a laptop.
  3. The most pressing question this year is: can batteries be carried in hand luggage? The fact is that from April 1, 2016, the International Civil Aviation Organization ban on transportation of lithium-ion batteries. The concern was that the elements could spontaneously ignite, which could cause the plane to catch fire. This has been shown by numerous studies and cases of fire of household appliances. So is it possible to take a power bank or batteries on a plane?

Some clarification needs to be made. The ban applies to transportation in the cargo compartments of aircraft and on an industrial scale. This does not mean that cargo ships will completely stop carrying batteries - just that their charge will have to not exceed 30%. That is, your portable charger (since it is not an industrial-scale charger in the cargo bay) is not subject to this ban. You can safely take an external battery, laptop and other equipment with batteries on the plane.

Animals- conditions of transportation may differ for different carriers. Find out from them.

To prevent your smartphone or other gadget from running out of charge while traveling, it is better to buy an external battery (power bank) in advance. If you find it difficult to determine which one is right for you, read the article "

Since January 2013, the state and airlines have tightened requirements for the transportation of external batteries. According to the new rules, such devices are prohibited from being taken on board an aircraft. Restrictions are set for safety reasons. Is it so? Or are there still some exceptions?

What are lithium-ion batteries and what devices contain them?

Lithium-ion batteries are a modern type of internal battery. It is used to equip the following equipment:

  • telephones;
  • laptops;
  • tablets;
  • digital cameras and other mobile devices.

Batteries work based on the chemical reaction of their components. They hold a charge for a long time and are also easy to maintain.

Note. Carrying a lithium-ion battery in the cabin of an airplane has certain restrictions.

They are due to the fact that such batteries can spontaneously ignite and explode. Their combustion temperature reaches 600 degrees. This will not only lead to smoke in the passenger compartment. This temperature is enough to cause deformation of the aluminum fuselage.

Restrictions on the transportation of batteries were introduced for a reason. In 2013, cases of their ignition directly on board were recorded in Japan and the United States. The batteries overheated, causing them to explode. Previously, cases of fire were recorded in the cargo compartment of the aircraft.

Can I take it to the salon?

Transporting an autonomous power bank has certain limitations. This battery has been determined to be dangerous and transportation regulations must be checked with airline personnel. Carriers themselves set restrictions in this case.

According to the rules, the lithium-ion battery must be removed from the equipment. For example, a hoverboard, laptop, netbook, and so on. They take it with them into the cabin, and the devices from which it is removed are checked into luggage.

Note. If the battery is built-in, you need to inform the airline employee about this. The device in which it is installed is considered dangerous. And for him there will be different transportation rules. In some cases, passengers are prohibited from bringing devices with built-in batteries on board an aircraft.

Also, such requirements will be put forward for batteries that are packaged as separate elements. This category also includes batteries that are packaged separately, but are in the same box. These devices may ignite due to a chemical reaction with each other.

Can I take a power bank on a plane? It is possible, but there are certain limitations on its power.

One passenger can carry up to 10 pieces. spare batteries or lithium batteries. They must be in the same suitcase. All laptops and other similar gadgets must be turned off during the flight.

Important. All external batteries must be protected against short circuits.

There are rules for this too. Batteries or devices containing them must be packaged in non-conductive material. A plastic bag is perfect for this. This package can only hold one battery. It should not contain additional items made of metal or other conductive material.

Can I take a power bank on a plane? Yes, if its power does not exceed 160 Wh and its capacity does not exceed 30,000 Mah. Otherwise it will be confiscated. It must be in hand luggage and packed in accordance with established rules.

Can I check it in as luggage?

Lithium ion batteries and power banks are only allowed to be transported in hand luggage. Moreover, their number has been established, which should be in the passenger’s bag in the cabin. It is strictly prohibited to check in such devices as luggage.

The batteries must have a sticker containing the following information:

  • manufacturer's name;
  • best before date;
  • power;
  • number of pieces in the package (if more than one battery is transported).

If a passenger mistakenly places a power bank in their luggage, they will be forced to remove the device at the security checkpoint. You need to pack it in your hand luggage. If it is not marked, it will be confiscated as a dangerous item.

Advice. Rules for transporting batteries must be clarified on the airline’s website or by calling the hotline.

Are batteries dangerous during flight?

Unfortunately, cases of fires and explosions of autonomous chargers began to be recorded in 2013. In 2016, there were another 30 spontaneous combustions of these devices. Therefore, airlines impose restrictions on their transportation.

Lithium ion batteries and power banks are dangerous if they are connected to the mains power supply. During the flight, the pressure changes several times. Various chemical reactions occur in them. Some devices cannot withstand such a load and explode under the influence of the power supply network installed on board.

Important! Devices must be packaged and charging on board an aircraft is prohibited.

The exception is mobile phones and tablets. They do not have such powerful batteries as other modern gadgets.

Requirements for transporting batteries by different airlines

A large number of air carriers prohibit the transportation of self-contained batteries in hand luggage and as checked baggage. An exception to the rules is for mobility aids for disabled people.

These are the battery transportation requirements put forward by Russian airlines.

To avoid problems with the transportation of batteries and portable chargers, it is better to clarify the nuances of their transportation with the air carrier’s employees.

On April 1, 2016, the International Civil Aviation Organization issued a directive regarding the transport of lithium-ion batteries. It establishes rules and regulations for the transportation of such devices. According to the rules, you can take a power bank (external battery) on the plane, but you need to meet a number of requirements, which each airline has its own.

What are the dangers of lithium-ion batteries on an airplane?

Lithium-ion batteries have led to various accidents and accidents on board aircraft in the past. The first versions of such batteries were of poor quality, which is why they could spontaneously ignite. The decision to prohibit taking an external battery for a phone on a plane is due to incidents that arose in 2013, when airliners in the United States and Japan caught fire due to the fault of lithium-ion power banks carried on the plane. Several more similar cases were reported in 2016.

Lithium-ion batteries are widely used as an energy source. They power smartphones, cameras, laptops and other gadgets.

Batteries are dangerous only if they are connected to the power supply. During the flight, the pressure constantly changes; some devices cannot withstand such loads, which is why they explode.

Attention! It is prohibited to charge lithium-ion batteries on board an aircraft, with the exception of phones and tablets because the batteries they are equipped with have less power.

Can I take it in hand luggage?

International civil aviation has established a ban on the transportation of lithium-ion batteries only as cargo. The fact is that some airliners additionally carry various types of cargo on passenger flights. So, it is recommended to prohibit the transportation of batteries of this type. For now, cargo ships are allowed to transport these devices, provided that the battery charge does not exceed 30%.

This does not apply to carrying a battery in hand luggage. Portable chargers, laptops, tablets, phones and cameras are allowed to be transported. However, to avoid unforeseen situations, it is recommended to check with your airline operator for information about power bank transportation.

Can I check it in as luggage?

Many airlines do not allow power banks and other lithium-ion batteries to be carried as baggage in the cargo hold of an aircraft, as there is a risk of fire due to contact shorting, and the incident will not be detected in time. Only low- and medium-power batteries installed in equipment are allowed for transportation.

Conditions for transporting batteries from various companies

Many airlines have banned the transportation of power banks as baggage. However, there are also organizations that allow you to take a power bank for your phone on the plane, but under certain conditions. The data is shown in the table below.

Company nameLi-ion battery power, WhHand luggageLuggage compartment
AeroflotUp to 100 WhYes, inside the technologyOnly inside the equipment
100 – 160 WhYes, inside the technology

External batteries – no more than 2 pcs. per person

Only inside the equipment, with the permission of airline representatives
More than 160 WhNoRegistration as "dangerous goods" is required
S7 AirlinesUp to 160 WhYes, packagedInside the equipment, subject to measures to prevent spontaneous switching on of the equipment
Ural AirlinesUp to 160 WhYes, packagedOnly inside the equipment
UtairThere is no information about a ban on the transportation of external batteries. There is only a recommendation to check with company representatives about the availability of such an opportunity in a particular case.

Rules for transporting batteries

To ensure that the charger is not confiscated, during inspection you must follow the following rules:

  1. The external battery should be transported exclusively in packed hand luggage. The packaging must be made of non-conductive material (a plastic bag will do). It should be packaged in such a way as to prevent the possibility of shorting contacts.
  2. No more than 2 batteries per person are allowed.
  3. The battery must have a power rating from the manufacturer on the battery. Otherwise, it will be recognized as dangerous cargo and will not be allowed on board the plane.
  4. The power bank charge should be no more than 30%.
  5. It is allowed to transport such devices only for personal use. Transport for resale is prohibited.

Attention! According to reviews from tourists, a thorough inspection of devices is carried out at the airport in Beijing, Bangkok and the USA.

In what cases is the device confiscated?

It is prohibited to carry power banks in the luggage compartment of an airplane, so they will be confiscated at the airport if:

  • employees will find the battery in luggage;
  • battery capacity exceeds 30,000 milliamps;
  • There is no power marking, nor information about lithium content.

Thus, in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances before boarding, it is recommended to check in advance with the employees of a particular airline under what conditions you can carry a power bank on board their airliner. Almost all airlines allow low to medium power external batteries for phones and tablets to be carried on board as carry-on baggage in appropriate packaging. If you need to carry a more powerful device, after the approval of the airline staff, it must be registered as “dangerous cargo” and checked in as baggage. It is prohibited to charge the battery on an airplane.

Everyone has Li-Ion batteries, because this is the battery you have in your phone, camera and laptop. We tell you how to carry your gadgets and external batteries, despite airline bans.

Prohibition on transporting power banks

There is indeed a ban on bringing lithium batteries on planes. In 2016, after a series of fires on board aircraft, the international association IATA issued rules that restrict the carriage of batteries depending on their lithium content. This was also reflected in the rules for transporting passenger luggage.

Is it possible to take a power bank on a plane?

Airlines and airport authorities apply IATA rules when screening passengers and have the right to confiscate an inappropriate device. There is no need to be afraid of restrictions if you follow the rules for transporting Power Bank:

  • carry an external battery only in hand luggage - it is prohibited to check it in luggage,
  • batteries with a capacity of less than 100 W/h can be carried without restrictions, from 100 to 160 W/h - no more than 2 devices,
  • The device must have a factory power marking.

According to reviews from experienced tourists, the most thorough inspection of lithium-ion devices awaits you at the airport in Beijing, Bangkok and in US cities.

Get ready to fly with a lithium battery

To avoid problems, prepare for the flight with a power bank at home; the same goes for spare batteries for your laptop, video, audio equipment and other devices.

  1. check that the device is not prohibited: convert milliamps to kilowatts,
  2. charge the battery at least 30%: you may be asked to turn it on and demonstrate its operation,
  3. practice opening the Power Bank to remove and show the batteries,
  4. If there are no markings, print out the factory instructions for the device.
  5. print the IATA information leaflet to have the flyer at hand

One passenger can carry a maximum of 10 lithium batteries, count your devices before your flight.

Passing security checks with Power Bank

During security screening at the airport, present all devices with lithium batteries to the security service. Security officers act according to instructions: if they suspect that the device does not pass through, they will require it to be confiscated, thrown away, or deposited in an airport storage room. Your weapon is politeness, goodwill and calmness:

  • show the prepared IATA flyer and calculations,
  • open the power bank and take out the batteries,
  • ask to explain which specific point of the instructions was violated,
  • Call the manager and explain to him that the device complies with the standards.

Liechtenstein, the Dominican Republic, Tuvalu and the Cook Islands do not adhere to IATA prohibitions - when flying to these countries, read the airline's rules.

When the bank is confiscated

In what cases will a device be confiscated at the airport:

  • if a battery is found in luggage: the suitcase will be opened, a seizure report will be drawn up, the battery will be taken away,
  • if the capacity is more than 30,000 milliamps: the battery will be prohibited from being carried on the plane, it will be required to be thrown away or put in a storage room,
  • if there is no factory power marking on the case: if there is no information about the lithium content, the security service will prohibit transportation.

Follow the airline rules: during the scandal with the fire of Samsung Galaxy Note smartphones, carriers prohibited the use of phones on board the plane and took away smartphones from passengers during the flight.

How to calculate the capacity of a Power Bank

You'll have to remember the physics course for the 8th grade: after all, the capacity on the device is indicated in ampere hours, while the limit standards specify watt hours.

Let's calculate whether it is possible to take a Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 battery on a plane: its capacity is indicated on the case: 20,000 mAh and voltage 5 V.
We calculate 20*5= 100 Wh
This means you can carry such a power bank on an airplane without restrictions.
Try to calculate the capacity of your Power Bank and better do it in advance.

Transporting lithium batteries by plane: how to transport other devices

Any devices containing lithium are subject to IATA regulations for the carriage of lithium batteries on an aircraft. Airlines may tighten these requirements, so check the carrier's website after purchasing your ticket.

  1. Determine the power of the devices you take with you:
    if the lithium content is less than 2 g per battery, you can carry the device without problems; a capacity of more than 100 watt-hours will require approval from the airline, and over 160 watt-hours will only fly through the airport cargo terminal, with paperwork for dangerous goods.
  2. Check if the battery can be removed:
    Spare devices and removable batteries must be packed in hand luggage; the battery inside the device must be carried in luggage if the device is turned off and the battery power is less than 100Wh.
  3. Pack the battery:
    to avoid short circuits, take precautions: turn off the device, insulate the contacts, put each battery in a separate bag or plastic container.
  4. Prepare for the test:
    The presence of lithium batteries and a large amount of equipment guarantees increased attention from airport security; be patient and prepare your devices for inspection.
  5. You can't throw away:
    at the slightest suspicion that the device exceeds the norms, it will be taken away during inspection. If you are confident that you are right, speak English and know the IATA instructions, defend your equipment, showing friendly persistence.

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