What is a title and what is it for? Tricks for writing title and description Separating the key for the title.

What is a title and what is it for? Tricks for writing title and description Separating the key for the title.


title tag This is the page title that is almost always used in . It helps search engines understand the content of the page, and users, in addition to the content, understand how the page differs from other similar pages in the search results. But it is very important to understand that search results are not the only place where the user sees the title of the page.

1. Title tag in code

This is how the title looks in code.

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2. Title tag in search results

Search results are probably one of the most important places when optimizing a title. Since organic search is one of the largest sources of relevant traffic to the site.

3. Title tag on social networks

When creating a title, it is important to remember that users can share your page on social networks. And how many people will follow the published link highly depends on the snippet that users see. User behavior on search engines and social networks is different. Users see specially generated search results, depending on their request. And when they use social media, they often don't have a specific goal in mind. Therefore, sometimes it can be useful to set a separate title altogether (which will be different from the SEO title) in the tags.

4. Title tag in browser tab

The more tabs a user has open in his browser, the more important the speed of moving between them is for him. The speed of movement depends on the speed of tab identification. And identification depends on two elements: the site and the page title.

5. Title tag in browser bookmarks

Why title is important

This tag is important for two main reasons.

  • As a ranking element. As one of the 200 ranking factors, title influences whether a page will be shown in the top search results for a desired keyword or not. The contribution of a title depends on whether it includes a keyword or not. It’s better if it includes and it’s better if this word is at the beginning.
  • As a conversion element. Here, the contribution of a title can be assessed by the average CTR (click-through rate) of your page. We will get this metric if we display the average CTR from all sources: organic search, social networks, browser tabs, instant messengers, etc. As users navigate the web, they make a lot of decisions. Every time before visiting a page, he answers himself the following questions: “is this what I need now?” And “why this page and not another?”. And if your title is boring, not informative, too long or too short, then there will be correspondingly fewer conversions.

How to create the perfect title

1. Availability

First of all, the tag must be present on the page and completed.</p> <h3><b>2. Length</b></h3> <p>The optimal title length is from 60 to 120 characters, but the user will not see more than 60 characters on the search results page, so it is better to create titles that do not exceed this limit.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/sitechecker.pro/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/meta-title-length.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><b>3. Relevance</b></h3> <p>The title should reflect the content of the page and demonstrate how the page will help satisfy the user's request. Otherwise, they can form their own title. More on this below.</p> <h3><b>4. Using a keyword</b></h3> <p>There are two rules here. It's better when the title includes a keyword. It's better when the keyword is at the very beginning. By the way, this point can help you analyze the top results on request. Look at competitors in search results for your key. If most titles start with the same phrase, it is likely that it has the highest frequency or value in terms of sales.</p> <h3><b>5. No duplicates on the page</b></h3> <p>The “title” tag should only be used once on a page and should be placed in the “head” block, not the “body” block!</p> <h3><b>6. No duplicates on the site</b></h3> <p>If you can, it's better to create a unique title for each page. The easiest way to check the uniqueness of your titles is to enter the text of your title into Google and estimate how many pages on your site have a similar title. For more detailed research, use our crawler.</p> <h3><b>7. Attractiveness</b></h3> <p>Meta title is displayed as a title on the search results page. Whether someone clicks on your page depends on several factors:</p> <ul><li>how accurately your headline promises to satisfy the user's request;</li> <li>Do your headline and entire snippet stand out among your competitors?</li> <li>where is your page in the search results?</li> <li>How well known is your website and brand?</li> </ul><h2><b>Title = H1</b></h2> <p>A frequently asked question is whether pages can be the same as title. It is recommended to use the same words and combinations, but not make them the same.</p> <p>Yes. There are many WordPress sites on the web with good positions in search results that do not follow this rule - their title and h1 are identical. But we must remember that the recommendation appeared for a reason. These tags serve different purposes.</p> <p><b>title tag</b> this is text that helps the user choose your page among other pages in search results and more. It is appropriate to use the name of your brand, details of geolocation and cost of goods and services.</p> <p><b>h1 tag</b> this is text that helps the user understand what the page he is on will be about. There is no need to include the brand name and price in this tag. The user has already selected you.</p> <p>In total, search engines will not punish you for using the same title and h1 on the page. Moreover, in their recommendations for webmasters there is no rule prohibiting doing this. But from a user experience perspective, it's better when they're different.</p> <h2><b>Why does Google show a different title?</b></h2> <p>Sometimes Google uses other content to form the title of a page than what is contained in the title tag. This may upset you. But remember that Google collects a huge amount of data. There may be queries for which your page is relevant, but the title tag itself is not. You cannot plan for all these cases. Thus, Google, on the contrary, helps your site.</p> <p><i>If we find that any search result title has any of the deficiencies listed above, we will attempt to generate a better title based on link text, page content, and other sources. In some cases, to make a page's title more accurately reflect its relevance to a search query, search results may use a Google-generated title, even if the original title is short, descriptive, and high-quality. There is a simple explanation for this: the title tag specified by the webmaster cannot change depending on the request.</i></p> <p><i>Because we know the user's request, we can find alternative text on the page that more closely matches it. By placing this text in the title, we will help both the user and your site. When browsing search results, users look for entered keywords and other indications of the relevance of the proposed content. Therefore, a well-chosen title increases the likelihood that a user will click through to your site.</i><br><i>Google Search Console Help</i></p> <p>In the video below, Matt Cutts explains in detail how and when Google generates a snippet based on the content of a page.</p> <h2><b>How to spot problems with title tags</b></h2> <p>There are a very small number of sites on the Internet without technical errors. Any developing site, when adding and deleting pages, changing the structure, adding new internal links, accumulates various types of errors. Most likely, your site has problems with titles. To find out if this is the case, use the form above to run an audit. After completing the audit, you will receive a report similar to this picture.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/sitechecker.pro/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/crawl-website-for-titles-and-descriptions.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Study the site's problems in detail and, above all, pay attention to the most valuable pages - those that bring the most traffic and conversions.</p> <h2><b>How Google Search Console Can Help</b></h2> <p>Google Search Console helps you find out which keywords might be the most relevant for a page title. Before creating a page, you probably collected semantics for it. And the first title was formed based on this semantics. Some time after publishing a page, you may notice that Google ranks the page for keywords that you didn't expect. These words can expand or completely modify the title.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/sitechecker.pro/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/seo-page-title-tool.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>For example, the first title for the English version of the page you are currently reading did not include the word <i>"seo"</i>. But after a while, we noticed in Search Console that the page began to rank for phrases that included this key. Therefore, we updated the title to include the word <i>"seo"</i>.</p> <p><b>Tag <title>- this is the page title, page title and one of the most important elements both from the point of view and from the point of view of conversion optimization. The page title is the first element that most often encounters the user. From header content ( ) often depends on whether the page will be selected among others or closed.

Correct title pages can attract the attention of users, help in search engine optimization and getting to the top of search results. The wrong title can turn off the user or make the page invisible among other pages, as a result of which the potential client will never know about the great offer that was posted on your website.

title syntax

Tag located inside the tag <head></head> and has a required closing tag -. The TITLE document title tag has no attributes and can only be used once on a page. In addition, the element does not have direct display on the web page. Most often, the page title appears at the top of the browser window. However, not only for this reason, one should think about <b>how to optimize page title title</b>.</p><p> <head> <title>Heading

Header value </h2><p>Tag <title>has a key meaning on a page and is used for various purposes as a page title:</p><ul><li><b>Informing visitors about the content of the page</b>. Header text allows the visitor to get information about the page title, page content, site name. Because the page title appears in a browser taskbar tab, the page title text helps you navigate collapsed pages. The absence of text may negatively affect the visitor’s desire to view the page.</li><li><b>Saving a web page to your local computer</b>. Many browsers allow you to save web page content as a file to your local computer. The page title will be selected as the file name when saving. <title>.</li><li><b>Saving a page as favorites</b>. Modern web browsers allow you to create lists of your preferred links in a special “Favorites” section. When you save a page link to your favorites, the contents of the title header are used as the title of the page. And since links from “Favorites” are usually stored in the form of separate files, the page title TITLE is also used as the name of the files.</li><li><b>Page title in search results</b>. Search engines actively use the page title to form the name of the link to the site page. Tag text content <title>used to calculate page relevance. The presence of keywords in the page title can have a positive effect. Compliance of the title with the key query and correct wording can make the link to the site more noticeable and attractive to visitors, which in turn will increase the CTR (synonym for click-through rate) and increase search traffic on the site.</li> </ul><h2>How to optimize the page title tag <title></h2><p><b>Page title length: 60-100 characters</b>. Think about how the page title will look in search results or in a browser tab. Due to the page title length limit, the long title will be cut off and what will be left in the end? Will the page title be informative and attractive? <span>The page title should be short</span>. And the shorter the page title is, the more likely the visitor is to read it and visit the page. After all, it is often by the name of the page that users decide to open the page or not.</p><p>Limiting the length of the title makes it unacceptable to place all kinds of information garbage in the title of the page, such as: “Home page” or “Welcome!” The title should consist of keywords characteristic of the page, collected into a short, readable, meaningful and informative phrase. Try to avoid direct listing of keywords. In addition, there are a number of characters that are undesirable for use in the page title: (= / ! ? * ":< >| + _). You should not use any symbols to “decorate” the page title. It is necessary to rid the title of everything that does not provide useful information about the page.</p><p>It is advisable to use a common style and structure of phrases to form headings on all pages of the site. It is best to place your target keywords near the beginning of the page title and less important keywords at the end of the page title. Often, website titles and even contact information, such as a phone number, are used in page titles. Here we can only advise against using such elements at the beginning of the title. Such duplicate parts of the title are likely to be discarded by search robots, so it is better for them to remain at the end of the page title.</p><p>However, a bright and attractive headline can play a cruel joke if it is an intentional or unintentional deception. A user who opens a site whose content does not match the page title will most likely leave the page and return to the search. Returning to search is one of the parameters, and with high rates of return to search, site pages may experience a decrease in relevance and loss of positions for non-compliance with the key query.</p><h2>Correct page title</h2><p>Immediately assess the degree <b>Heading effectiveness for on-page SEO optimization</b> or increasing conversions is not easy. However, there are a number of conditions, the observance of which will allow you to avoid errors when creating site headers:</p> <ol><li>Heading length 60-100 characters;</li><li>Place keywords at or near the beginning of the title;</li><li>Use fewer direct keyword listings;</li><li>Brevity, clarity and meaningfulness of the page title;</li><li>If possible, exclude extra characters (= / ! ? * ":< > | + _);</li><li>Eliminate repeating parts or leave them at the end of the title;</li><li>Maintain consistency in page titles;</li><li>Do not mislead visitors; the title must correspond to the content of the page;</li><li>Do not use rare, complex or allegorical phrases - the title should be simple and understandable.</li> </ol><p>Compliance with these conditions is the first step towards understanding what optimization of headings is, on which a significant part of search engine optimization of site content rests.</p><p>Add the page to your favorites, see the title. Share your opinion in the comments, ask questions. Like it and tell your friends. <br>Be sure to subscribe to blog updates!</p><p><b>And write the right headlines!</b></p> <p>In Google we see: The title tag on a page is the second most important factor (after content), which has a great influence on the relevance of the site.</p><p>I decided to summarize my and other people’s knowledge on the topic “web resource page title” and put it into this article. In this article we will talk about incorrect and correct page title, how to create an SEO title of a page, the meaning of the title tag in different search engines, its length and inclusion of keywords in the title. I hope that the educational nature of the material will allow beginners and novice webmasters to understand the topic.</p><h2><span>Page title and title tag</span></h2><p>Let's start with the basics. Any web page needs to be viewed from two perspectives.</p><p><b>Firstly</b>, a web page is an HTML document written according to all the rules of html markup. It is as an HTML document that a web page is “seen” by search engine robots. You can always look at the page of any website using the page code viewing tool in your browser or professionally use text browsers in your work.</p><p><b>Secondly</b>, you as a user see the web page in a visually understandable way. This view is created by your browser, translating the html markup of the page into easy-to-read, formatted text with the possible addition of pictures, videos and links.</p><p>You may ask why I started so far away? The fact is that the page title that we see in the browser does not always coincide with what search bots consider to be the title of the document.</p><p>Search bots consider the title to be the text that is surrounded in the html version of the page in paired title tags.</p><p>You, as a user, will see text in title tags, often called title, in the top field of your browser window.</p><h2>Title tag</h2><p>Since search engine bots “see” the page title in the title tags, for optimization the correct page title is, first of all, correctly formatted text in the paired title tag.</p><p>Title syntax:</p><p> <title>Web document title

It is this (the text in the title) that we see in the search results; it is the most important factor in the correspondence of a given page to the search query made according to the algorithms of all search engines.

At the end of this section, I note that the title falls almost at the beginning of the head block of the web page, and is not included in the body of the page - the body block. This remark will be needed below.

Correct page title

We are talking about the correct page title from an optimization point of view, and we are not yet talking about the literary writing of the title. This means that the pragmatic parameters of the title are important to us: the inclusion of keywords, its length, the inclusion of stop words, the use of punctuation marks. Go.

Keys in title

We turn to the “law” and in paragraph 12 of Google’s 200 factors (link above), we read:

A title tag starting with a key phrase (word) gives a greater promotional effect than when it is located in another part of the title.

As you can see, according to Google, the presence of a key phrase in the title is not only not questioned, but it is also strongly recommended to place the page key at the very beginning of the title.

Let's see what Yandex says about this. https://yandex.ru/support/webmaster/recommendations/presentation.xml

The page title is the text defined by the tag . With its help, the webmaster makes it clear to the search engine what is contained on the page... this is, in a way, the business card of your resource. It's good if the title not only contains keywords, but is also informative and relevant.</p> </blockquote><p>As you can see, Yandex’s position on including the key in the page title is similar, but there are no recommendations for placing it at the beginning of the title.</p><p>However, it is important that the key phrase in the title falls within the “standard” title length that every search engine has.</p><p><b>Firstly</b>, the length of the page title can be any. You can insert at least a whole paragraph into the title. Search engines will simply cut off the title and use the beginning of it, adding an ellipsis after the cut.</p><p>This means that the recommended title length is important to hit that page key length. And it is reasonable, due to the changing rules of search engines, to place the key phrase closer to the beginning of the title, so that after the next change in the rules you do not have to rewrite all titles.</p><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/seojus.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/jandeks-title.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/seojus.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/jandeks-dlina-title.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/seojus.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/optimalnaja-dlina-title-seo.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><ul><li>The length of the title for Yandex promotion is no more than 15 words or 80 characters;</li><li>Google takes into account the first 12 words of the title or 70 characters.</li> </ul><p>In practice, I did not find uncut headings longer than 55 characters in either Yandex or Google results. Moreover, Yandex cuts a long title to 35-39 characters very often.</p><p>On my sites, I don't think about title length. On WordPress sites, the title length is monitored by the SEO plugin, but on Joomla I simply write the key at the beginning, and make the title length reasonable in meaning.</p><h3>Stop words</h3><p>The Russian language is rich in connecting words that search engines consider unnecessary. These include auxiliary parts of speech, pronouns, and words that do not carry additional meaning. They are automatically excluded from the user's request.</p><p>My opinion about stop words is this. It is inappropriate if the title consists of just a few words. For example, “I wanted to eat, that is, I don’t want to eat” (the verb “is” is a stop word) or “If I’m not in the mood for it, how can I not eat.” If the title is written meaningfully and expresses the exact idea, then 2-3 stop words will not interfere with it. For example, “How to choose a boat for fishing.” The word “How” for Google at the beginning of the title can be removed. Not necessary for Yandex.</p><h3><span>Title, Literature and Smart Search</span></h3><p>Recent trends in intelligent search have added entire phrase constructs to stop words that should (preferably) be avoided. Namely, avoid in the title:</p><p>It is important to note that the “latest trends” listed are more likely to relate to literary headline writing, rather than optimization. Although in SEO there is such a thing as readability and its importance is increasingly increasing.</p><h3><span>Punctuation in title</span></h3><p>Punctuation marks include the following symbols: () - = / \ ! ? | + _ . : ;. The question is, can they be used in a proper page title?</p><p>Let's think about it. The correct page title is a title that a search bot can understand. The bot “reads” the text by characters and tags. If he sees the tag <p>He “reads” this new paragraph. If it sees the symbols dot (.), exclamation mark (!) or question mark (?), the bot breaks the phrase into so-called passages - independent semantic parts.</p> <p>At the request of one of our readers, Evgeny Aralov held a webinar and told how to write a title and description, what mistakes should be avoided, how snippets are formed in Yandex and Google, and how to try to influence their formation.</p> <p>We have prepared a video recording, presentation of the webinar and its text content for you.</p> <p><i><b>If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article.</b> </i></p> <h2>Video recording of the webinar (02/04/2016)</h2> <p><span class="GVsLHrLhhNA"></span></p> <p><b><i>Speaker: Evgeniy Aralov, leading analyst at SiteCliniс</i> </b></p> <h2>Webinar presentation</h2> <h2>Text version</h2> <p>So, today we will discuss the features of the formation of title and description and their display in snippets.</p> <h2>Why title is important</h2> <p>1. Title is one of the most important ranking signals in both Yandex and Google; with its help, the webmaster makes it clear to the search engine what is contained on the page.</p> <p>2. The text of the link in the search results is formed from the title text, it is displayed in the snippet - the title largely determines whether the user will click on it or not. <br>The same applies to social networks - the title is displayed when shared and makes it clear what is on the page via the link. <br></p> <p>It is important to find a balance between the user and the search engine robot.</p> <p><b>BASIC RULES FOR COMPOSING TITLE:</b></p> <p><b>1. Reflects the essence of the page.</b></p> <p><b>2. Contains a direct occurrence of the most competitive keyword</b>(search query). Usually this is the word that reflects the essence of the page:</p> <ul><li>The main keyword is at the beginning of the title.</li> <li>Contains all the words from the query (for example, we have the query <i>“buy plastic bags wholesale”</i>, this means that the title must contain the words <i>"buy"</i>, <i>"wholesale"</i>. Various reformulations are also often used, for example, <i></i> And <i></i>– both of these statements must be included.</li> <li>Does not contain unnecessary words (BM 25). For example, <i>"company"</i>,<i>"in the shop"</i>, <i>"etc."</i>– these are words that are not directly related to the topic; they blur the weight of the main keywords and the relevance of the title itself.</li> </ul><p><b>3. Easy to read and free of spam.</b></p> <ul><li>There is no list of words.</li> <li>All phrases are consistent.</li> </ul><p>Title should not contain various unnatural constructions; it used to be fashionable to make similar constructions - <i>"Plastic bags buy Moscow"</i>. This was done in order to accurately include the keyword, now search engines understand different wordings of the key query, and you can write humanly <i>"buy in Moscow"</i>.</p> <p><b>4. Not duplicated within the site.</b></p> <p><b>5. Must be different from h1.</b></p> <p><b>6. The approximate length of the title is 12 words, or 120 characters.</b></p> <p><b>Formation example:</b></p> <p><b>1. We group requests by frequency and determine the most frequent word:</b><br><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/siteclinic.ru/wp-content/uploads//2016/01/2-1.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>We sort the list of words that we have by frequency and see that our main key phrase is <i>"radio controlled helicopters"</i>. It determines the theme of the page, and this is where we should start our title. Another high-frequency query - <i>"radio-controlled helicopter"</i>, we must also include it in the title. And it’s important not to forget about the additional words: <i>« </i><i>with camera", "buy"</i>.</p> <p><b>2. Collect highlights from Yandex search results:</b><br><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/siteclinic.ru/wp-content/uploads//2016/01/3-1.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><i><b>Illumination collection service – https://arsenkin.ru/tools/sp/.</b> </i></p> <p><b>How to create a beautiful title, rather than listing keywords like <i>"RC helicopter, radio controlled helicopter"</i>? </b></p> <p>First we write the key phrase <i>"Radio-controlled helicopter"</i>, because it defines the theme, then - <i>“buy a radio-controlled helicopter with a camera at a low price with delivery in Moscow”</i>:</p> <p><i><title>Radio-controlled helicopters - buy radio-controlled helicopters with a camera at a low price, with delivery in Moscow

Despite the fact that we do not have direct occurrences of some queries, they are all included in this title - the robot will understand that this page is determined by the queries we need.

You can't do this:


We looked at manually compiling titles, but for product card pages you can use templates when there are a lot of pages and it is not possible to compose them manually.

Examples of templates:

Product name – order with delivery by region
Product name – characteristics, description, price, photo
Product name – characteristics, delivery in Moscow
Product name: various configurations and colors

First we have the name of the product, in this case this is the main keyword, and then additional words.

  • It is better to use different templates for each category (this applies to both title and description)
  • For landing pages, we recommend creating the title manually.


1. Don't use inconsistent phrases:

Buy a superhero, buy superhero figures, action figures for children

Spider-Man Hasbro Hasbro buy

“buy superhero figures”, “Hasbro Hasbro spider buy”– unnatural phrases, direct entry of a request, they don’t speak Russian like that, they can be perceived as spam. If there are some other spammy structures on the site, there is a possibility that such a title will become an additional factor for the antispam algorithm, which will demote the site upon request.

Even if it seems to you that such titles “seem like nothing,” it’s better not to do that :)

Correct option:

Buy superhero figures for children in Moscow - Hasbro
Buy Spider-Man figure - Hasbro

2. Don't use unnecessary words.

We are talking about words that can blur the relevance of the title. If we add words that are not relevant to our topic, we dilute the weight of the main keyword.

Example (words that blur relevance are highlighted in red):

Radio-controlled quadcopters, radio-controlled quads – <span>power of four helicopters in one model</span>:: Buy a radio-controlled quadcopter <span>in our store, come in!</span>

By removing these words, we will not lose anything.

Correct option:

Radio-controlled quadcopters - buy radio-controlled quadcopter models in Moscow. <title> </i></p> <p><b>3. Monitor and eliminate duplicates.</b></p> <p>The title of each page should be unique - ideally, each page should have a unique title that tells the search engine how the page is different from the other pages on your site.</p> <p>— Participate in the affiliate program “Products and Prices”</p> <p><b>Example of a product snippet from micro markup:</b><br><br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/siteclinic.ru/wp-content/uploads//2016/01/16-1-600x250.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><i>The price and some characteristics of the product are being increased.</i></p> <p><b>An excellent example of a snippet for the “Products and Prices” affiliate program:</b><br><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/siteclinic.ru/wp-content/uploads//2016/01/17-1-600x146.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>USING HIGHLIGHTS IN A FRAGMENT</b></p> <p>On request <i>“buy a cast iron bathtub”</i> Yandex highlights <i>"Moscow"</i> in black. In this case, description is assembled from different paragraphs of text: <br></p> <p>Since we only have one specific request, we could work on a better description.</p> <p>In the second example we see the highlight <i>"Moscow"</i> in the same fragment where there is a request <i>“buy a cast iron bathtub”</i>, one sentence fragment came up: <br><br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/siteclinic.ru/wp-content/uploads//2016/01/20-1.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS FROM LISTENERS:</b></p> <p><i><b>– What separators can be used in the title, like the same stripe?</b> </i></p> <p>You can use any, but you need to be careful with periods, exclamation marks and question marks, because they divide sentences into passages. For example, if we write <i>“Radio-controlled helicopters. Buy radio-controlled toys!</i>, request <i>“buy radio-controlled toys”</i> We may not be able to catch up because we broke the passage with a dot.</p> <p><i><b>– If the title is more than 70 characters, is it bad for ranking?</b> </i><br><i><b>Or will it just not show up?</b> </i></p> <p>If you look at the examples, you will see that Yandex calmly tightens the words further from the beginning. Roughly speaking, no matter how long the title is, if a word is included in the title, it will be highlighted if it is in the query.</p> <p>He can cut off the title from the beginning and end and show only the middle. <br>I think that you should not focus on the number of characters in the title, but everything should be within reason. We recommend around 120 characters, this is not a critical value, but a recommended value.</p> <p><i>– If a brand name, for example, Hasbro, is searched in both Russian and English, should both options be used in the Title?</i></p> <p>1. In Wordstat, we look at which of the names is most often requested, in Latin or Russian (in exact accordance): <br><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/siteclinic.ru/wp-content/uploads//2016/01/screan-1-600x262.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/siteclinic.ru/wp-content/uploads//2016/01/screan-2-600x286.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><i>Here in Latin more often.</i></p> <p>In this case, it is better to use the Latin version on the page, but let’s check whether such a document will be searched by its name in Cyrillic.</p> <p>2. We find documents relevant to the query “hasbro” and exclude documents relevant to “hasbro” (we perform the search using the undocumented intext operator, which allows you to search only by text, excluding reference factors). It looks like this:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/siteclinic.ru/wp-content/uploads//2016/01/screan-3-600x359.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>3. Select any URL and search for “hasbro” using the following structure:</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/siteclinic.ru/wp-content/uploads//2016/01/screan-4-600x284.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In this example, the document is located, which means you can only use the Latin name.</p> <p><i><b>– Is the name of the site necessary in the title? Does this make sense?</b> </i></p> <p>Yes, you can add, the name makes it unique.</p> <p><i>– If Google mainly generates a snippet from description, but it does not show more than 150 characters. Should the description be longer?</i></p> <p>Yes, you can make the description longer to include more words that he is likely to pull up. For example <i>"buy"</i> or additional words like <i>"with a camera"</i>.</p> <p><i>– If the title includes several keywords, then the page should also be optimized for several keywords or just one?</i></p> <p>In the example we looked at, we had 2 keywords: <i>"radio-controlled quadcopters"</i> And <i>"radio controlled quadcopters"</i>. If we create such a title and can put these queries on 1 page, they do not contradict each other, then the page, of course, needs to be optimized for these same queries.</p> <p><i><b>– Where to enter other queries that do not fit in the title?</b> </i></p> <p>Often there is a defining query on one page, and some tails are pulled under it that are not much different from it. And in most cases, everything can be contained in the title. Some very low-frequency queries can simply be included in the text.</p> <p><i><b>- What is the priority? Text, h1? h2? h3?</b> </i></p> <p>Headlines are so overlooked these days. We conducted an experiment - we removed h1 completely, nothing changed, it does not give the same weight as before. Therefore, the priority is the title, text and its quality.</p> <p><i><b>– Don’t you need to register Keywords now? If registered, how does it affect the ranking?</b> </i></p> <p>Yandex says that it can take keywords into account when ranking, Google has abandoned keywords, so it is at your personal discretion whether you need to register it or not. I believe that it does not affect the ranking in any way.</p> <p><i><b>– Can content be duplicated on the page and in the description?</b> </i></p> <p>Yes, this is acceptable, especially often done on blogs or some large sites where it is inconvenient to create templates. It is important here that the part of the text that contains the key query is pulled up so that the description that is needed appears, otherwise there is no point in it.</p> <p><i>– Can title and h1 not coincide, but slightly repeat each other? For example, the title is “Perm window repair”, and h1 is “Plastic window repair”? Can two words be repeated twice in a title?</i></p> <p>Yes, they can be repeated, as in your example. 2 words can be repeated 2 times in the title, even in direct occurrence, but no more. You can write <i>“Radio-controlled toys, buy radio-controlled toys in Moscow”</i>.</p> <p><i><b>– Why shouldn’t you duplicate the title in h1?</b> </i></p> <p>It’s not necessary, because h1 still has a small priority, duplicating the title, we lose the opportunity to add low-frequency queries and rank better for them. We have the ability to add additional keywords and show their priority in the h1, so why duplicate the same keywords? This is the first thing.</p> <p>And secondly, when our title, URL and h1 are constructed from the same keyword, the antispam algorithm may perceive it as spam, and if there are additional spam keywords in the document, this may be the reason for imposing sanctions.</p> <p><i><b>– If you have a choice, put the key in h1 or in the text, where should you put it?</b> </i></p> <p>It can be used both in text and in h1.</p> <p><i><b>– Evgeniy, is it possible to insert a high-frequency keyword into both the Title and Description?</b> </i></p> <p>Need to. So that the description is pulled up correctly and this very HF request is highlighted.</p> <p><i><b>– If there are different regions of promotion in Yandex, do you need to indicate each city in the title?</b> </i></p> <p>I don’t recommend listing a large number of cities separated by commas, because, again, this may be perceived as a spammy design. But if there are several such cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg - this is acceptable. If there are many cities, we put one main one, for example, Moscow; if we are ranking by Moscow, we put all the rest in the text.</p> <p><i><b>– Isn’t the name of the site at the end of the title enough for it to be considered different from the h1?</b> </i></p> <p><i><b>– Which is better: a colon or a dash in Title?</b> </i></p> <p>There is no difference between a colon and a dash.</p> <p><i><b>– Can Google pull words from the end of the title into 150-200 characters?</b> </i></p> <p>Yes, there are quite a lot of such examples. There's just a chance that it will cut it off and pull it from other parts of the page.</p> <p><i><b>– And, or, ... are considered separator words? Do they influence somehow?</b> </i></p> <p>No, they don't.</p> <p><i><b>– Give an example of different titles and H1.</b> </i></p> <p>“Plumbing work”, “Plumbing work services”.</p> <p><i><b>– What is the minimum length for description?</b> </i></p> <p>Start with about 100-120 characters.</p> <p><i>– If a clumsy snippet has already been generated in search engines, how can you speed up the formation of a new snippet?</i></p> <p>It all depends on the reindexing of the page itself, i.e. We need to speed up page indexing. In Google, this is done quite simply - we add a page to the Search Console in “View as Google bot”. In Yandex today, everything is very complicated and takes a long time - this is the specificity of the Yandex indexer.</p> <p><i>– How to get rid of the situation when Yandex title forms with dots “... something...”? The request begins in the same way as the title begins.</i></p> <p>If Yandex generates a title with ellipses, it means that your title is too long, and it cuts it off. Make it shorter and put the keyword at the beginning.</p> <p><i>– What if the template forms the title from the title of the material? How “good” or “bad” is this? (article title)</i></p> <p>The title of the article is usually contained in h1, so it is desirable that the title differs from h1, although this is, in principle, acceptable for blogs. Of course, the best option, if you have written an article and have some keywords, is to form a title based on these keywords, and leave h1 for a beautiful title</p> <p><i><b>– One key – one page? That is, it is better to use one key on one page?</b> </i></p> <p>There is always one defining key on the page, for example, <i>"garbage removal by container"</i>– page-defining key HF query, but there is more <i>“removal by container”, “garbage containers”</i>, which can also be promoted on this page.</p> <p><i>– Is it right to believe that it is necessary to calculate the nausea in a text? And you can’t use the words most, best, etc.?</i></p> <p>You can use these words in the text, they are just so boring that they have no meaning, and are used simply for the number of words, mostly these are templates. You shouldn’t use them in the title; as we said, they blur the relevance.</p> <p>Regarding nausea - no, today the emphasis should be on the quality of the text and not forget about the inclusion of keywords. There is no need to calculate nausea as before.</p> <p><i>– If you use 2 keys in the title, one at the beginning, the other at the end, will the weight of the 2nd key be lost? If yes, how can this be avoided?</i></p> <p>Previously, this was obvious - weight was lost, but now this is clearly not the case. Place a more or less competitive request at the end.</p> <p><i>– If there are a lot of pictures on the page and there are key queries in the alt, will this affect the overall spam of the page?</i></p> <p>Yes, it is advisable to dilute the violas. If there is only one keyword, such optimization can lead to spam.</p> <p><i>– If title Buy materials for eyelash extensions | Online store of materials Ukr-Salon, and H1 - Buy materials for eyelash extensions - Ukr-Salon, does this mean that the title and H1 are repeated?</i></p> <p>If you also have the phrase at the beginning of the text and, say, in the URL <i>“Buy materials for eyelash extensions”</i>, it is better to avoid such repetition. In this case, it is better to form H1 differently, try replacing it with <i>"Materials for eyelash extensions."</i></p> <p><i><b>– Will the presence of the word “buy” in most Titles on the site be considered spam?</b> </i></p> <p>If the site is normal, not a doorway, then it won’t happen. This is normal for an online store, there is no escape from it - we have product cards on which such titles are relevant.</p> <p><i>– Culinary site, to save time, pictures are formed with approximately the following alt: pechene-vkusnoe-1, pechene-vkusnoe-2... pechene-vkusnoe-10... Is this spam?</i></p> <p>Yes, if there are other listings of keywords, this will be an additional signal.</p> <p>Thank you for your attention! We look forward to seeing you at new webinars; topics that interest you can be suggested in the comments.</p> <span><i> </i> Subscribe to our newsletter</span> <i> </i> <p>Title is the only thing more important in SEO than behavioral factors. That is why you should know this topic thoroughly, which is what will happen to you after reading this article.</p> <blockquote class="bq-istoriya"><p>For some queries, you can get to the top just by writing them in the Title. When ranking for non-competitive and low-frequency queries, search engines still pay special attention to the title.</p> </blockquote> <h2>What is Title?</h2> <p>The Title tag is a meta tag that contains the title of the page. It is part of the html document and is included in the block design <head>. Essentially, this is an alternative page title that is only visible in the open browser tab. The title is not displayed anywhere else on the page.</p> <p>If visually, then the title is this:</p> <p>Often search engines use it, and not H1, giving a link to the site in search results. The attractiveness of the title headings for the user also determines the traffic to the resource. Together with the description tag, it will allow search engines to better present the document in search results, which has a good effect on page ranking.</p> <h2><span>Promotion by tails</span></h2> <p>One of the main mistakes of SEOs is a title written without taking into account low-frequency queries. That is, some expect to advance by request by writing “Sony CX405” in the title. There are enough such smart people, and it is clear that such a page will almost certainly not bring traffic. But if we write in the Title “Buy a Sony CX405 handycam video camera: review, reviews and characteristics,” then there is a high probability that for at least one of the low-frequency devices, for example [Sony CX405 characteristics], our page will get to the top.</p> <blockquote class="bq-istoriya"><p>The technique here is this: first, the search engine puts the page in the top for long-term queries, and if user behavior for them is good, then this page will be placed in the top for higher-frequency keywords.</p> </blockquote> <h2><span>Primary requirements</span></h2> <p>Typically, the technical requirements for Title are as follows:</p> <ul><li>It must begin with a key phrase and with a capital letter.</li> <li>Size - up to 120 characters.</li> <li>Valid delimiters are colon and quotation marks. The limit on commas is no more than 2 pieces. We use question marks only for questions.</li> <li>We try to use highlights, synonyms and intents. This way you can attract more traffic via low frequency</li> <li>The title should differ from h1, but not too much.</li> </ul><p>The rest of the title should be like this:</p> <ul><li>Basic keys are applied at the beginning;</li> <li>Matches the page content;</li> <li>Keep safe words and adjectives to a minimum;</li> <li>It is better to avoid repeating words;</li> <li>Don’t forget about readability, people will see this table of contents in their browsers and with links on social networks;</li> <li>If your web resource is focused on a region, indicate its name in the tag;</li> </ul><p>If your titles are written in the style “title | site.ru” - it would be better to get rid of such crap. If you really need uniqueness, then writing the site name with a dash would be preferable.</p> <p>In this case, it is best to take the main key phrase in the title in an exact direct occurrence. Of course, in the correct form from the point of view of the Russian language - that is, not “buy a green elephant in Moscow,” but “buy a green elephant in Moscow.”</p> <p><span class="HCVwZ1P4KMg"></span> <span class="HCVwZ1P4KMg"></span></p> <h2><span>Why is title more important than H1?</span></h2> <p>The H1 table of contents is just the name of the material on the page, while the title reflects the essence and semantic load of the entire html document and is its name (name page). It can contain more characters than h1 and contain keywords and phrases. H1 cannot be too bloated so as not to take up a lot of space on the page, and you cannot cram unnecessary low-frequency queries there, that is, for promotion it is the title that becomes the main one.</p> <ul><li>Title is used by search robots to collect more information about a document.</li> <li>This title is displayed on social networks when making links.</li> <li>Users see it in search results when making queries to a search engine.</li> <li>The title can be “branded”, which will not only increase the company’s recognition, but will also make the alternative title absolutely unique (for example, the sentence: “Refrigerator repair in Saratov, quickly, reliably” is probably not unique, but in this form: “Refrigerator repair in Saratov, quickly, reliably - Masterfrost", where the latter is the name of the company, is no longer repeated anywhere on the Internet).</li> </ul><h2><span>Is uniqueness necessary?</span></h2> <p>First, it is advisable that your Meta Title tag be unique throughout the Web. Although today it is difficult to achieve 100% uniqueness in this matter. In this case, branding will help to uniquely name the names of HTML documents.</p> <p>Secondly, it is undesirable for it to duplicate H1 and phrases from the classification.</p> <p>Thirdly, each page should be named with different titles. If one text has to be divided into several, then it would be reasonable to use the same title, but add prefixes to it in the following form: part 1, part 2 or page 1, page 2 and so on.</p> <p>If these rules are ignored, the promoted page may fall under. From the search engine's point of view, it will not contain original information, right?</p> <p><span class="U6ODRKPEJ_M"></span> <span class="U6ODRKPEJ_M"></span></p> <h2><span>Size Requirements</span></h2> <p>Yandex and Gul will still “squeeze out” only a certain number of words and symbols, and no more. The snippet display options for these two search engines are different.</p> <h3>Yandex</h3> <p>The system takes into account no more than 13-14 words and shows about 70-80 characters in the sickle without spaces. The rest will simply remain out of sight and will be replaced with an ellipsis.</p> <h3>Google</h3> <p>It displays even fewer characters - approximately 12 words, and a total of 68-70 characters without spaces. However, Google recently increased the width of snippets in search results.</p> <p>There is one more funny “trick” in all this. The search engine generates results depending on user requests. It follows from this that title is a “value” that is not constant, but dynamic in displays. Based on one or another requested phrase, the robot can return the same page, but in different positions and with different highlighted keywords. And those characters that he highlights in bold take up even more space and narrow the number of visible words in the table of contents.</p> <h2><span>The influence of browsers on the display of snippets</span></h2> <p>The visibility of snippets depends on browsers and the individual settings of each computer. Screen resolution, fonts - it all matters. Of course, there will be no significant difference in the display of characters when adjusting the zoom, a few characters at most. Other results can be obtained in mobile layout. It is difficult to predict and calculate in advance where and how the title will be displayed. If you fit its content into only 60 characters, then almost 100% of the title will be fully displayed in the search results.</p> <h2><span>Symbols and stop words</span></h2> <p>Not every symbol carries a semantic load.</p> <h3><span>Punctuation marks</span></h3> <p>The title may contain signs and symbols that will divide the phrase into passages.</p> <blockquote class="bq-vajno"><p>Meaning of the word “passage”: A passage is a specific sequence of words on a web document, separated by punctuation marks or html tags. If a person may not pay attention to the separating punctuation marks and perceive the phrase as a whole, then the search engine does not know how to “think” like that and analyzes individual groups of words between the characters of the passage.</p> </blockquote> <p>What punctuation marks break a sentence into passages: the significant components for search engines are the period, question mark and exclamation point. The robot reads phrases separately if there is a space after these characters and the new word begins with a capital letter.</p> <p>Example: “It’s freezing outside! Is it possible to walk with a baby? – here the search engine will see two passages. And in the same sentence, but like this: “It’s frosty outside! Is it possible to walk with a baby?” - one passage. The remaining punctuation marks do not in any way affect the structure of the title in the eyes of search engines, but it is still not recommended to abuse them, since they hide the space for really significant words. Commas, colons, and, in extreme cases, dashes and quotation marks are acceptable. But the fewer of them in the offer, the better.</p> <h3>Safe words</h3> <p>Let’s not go deep into the rules of the Russian language, let’s remember the main thing: stop words are particles, prepositions, pronouns that do not carry any semantic load in a sentence, but are used only to connect or strengthen expressions.</p> <p>Search robots do not attach much importance to them. However, the queries: [what to do when you have a headache and how to get rid of it] and [what to do when you have a headache, how to get rid of it] will give different search results. Therefore, it cannot be said that stop words are not important and are completely ignored by bots. You shouldn’t use them in parts, but you can use them in accordance with key queries and a readable logical structure.</p> <p>These are the very basics for pleasing robots. But if you want to become a guru in writing sentences without water, I advise you to watch Ilyakhov.</p> <p><span class="mQg4g124S78"></span> <span class="mQg4g124S78"></span></p> <h2><span>Double H1 and title – is it acceptable?</span></h2> <p>Quite. There are still many pages where the H1 heading completely repeats the title. How does this affect rankings?</p> <p>Let's go back to the definition that H1 is for people. The rest is for robots. This means that the title of the article should be absolutely human-understandable, interesting, logical, when, as in the tags, “games” with keys are allowed, contrary to the listed parameters. In fact, there is nothing terrible about two tags duplicating each other. Although some SEOs claim that this is unacceptable, facts prove that there are many sites in the TOP that do not have titles at all.</p> <p>They only allow you to expand SEO parameters, use keywords more practically and increase the chances of successful promotion. If your H1 is so successful that it attracts the attention of users and at the same time contains key phrases, then there is every chance of breaking into a leading position without filling out additional tags.</p> <h2><span>Is it possible to edit headings if the page is already indexed?</span></h2> <p>Yes. If the page has been indexed and has not achieved the desired results, then it is quite possible to edit it. It’s unlikely that anyone would think of changing the headers when the site is at the top and carries great traffic. But you shouldn’t give up when your attempts fail.</p> <p>Change word forms, analyze queries, use more relevant, fresh ones. After all, the indicators here are always dynamic. But don’t forget the main thing – so that the title does not mislead users and always corresponds to the content. The results of the edits will not be noticeable immediately, so do not rush to draw conclusions, give the page time. This may take from 1 to 6 months.</p> <h2><span>Services that help you edit snippets</span></h2> <p><span class="jzPjEQ-FnFU"></span> <span class="jzPjEQ-FnFU"></span></p> <p>There are several excellent tools that will help the site owner see his resource through the eyes of search engines.</p> <p>One such program is Screaming Frog SEO Spider. With its help, you can see how snippets will look in Google results.</p> <p>Another good service is serpsimulator.com, which also has a huge number of settings and will allow you to see the display of meta in search results.</p> <h2>Finally</h2> <p>The right titles are the foundation. The fastest way to increase traffic from search engines. No wonder there is a saying “Title is the head of everything.”</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div id="banner-single"> </div> </article> <div class="similar"> <div class="similar_h2">Articles on the topic</div> <div class="simposts"> <div class="wp_rp_wrap wp_rp_plain" id="wp_rp_first"><div class="wp_rp_content"><ul class="related_post wp_rp"> <li data-position="0" data-poid="in-1888" data-post-type="none"><a href="https://hecc.ru/en/internet/kak-umenshit-razreshenie-myshi-kak-umenshit-chuvstvitelnost-myshi-v.html" class="wp_rp_title">How to reduce mouse sensitivity in different versions 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