We put widgets and gadgets on the desktop in Windows 10

We put widgets and gadgets on the desktop in Windows 10


I am glad to welcome you, dear readers, to my blog and to simply “passers-by” who accidentally came across this page. Today I will tell you how to install widgets for Windows 10!

Surely many of you have already installed the Windows 10 operating system, which personally pleased me very much with its capabilities, reliability, and user-friendly interface. I think most users will agree with this statement, what do you think?

Nice design, ease of use, and just the fact that it contains all the codecs, drivers, all additional software that may be required when installing even the latest games and work programs. I’ll add that it’s so similar to Windows 7, which is loved by, if not everyone, then certainly most users.

Now the new windows is installed, a sigh of relief is taken, due to the fact that there is no need to master anything new due to the similarity with its predecessor. But, as one might expect, there was a flaw. I think many were upset by the lack of the ability to turn on/off widget for Windows 10 on desktop, is not it?

After all, what conveniences have we lost by losing, it would seem, just one function. But in reality: no favorite dial with an alarm clock in the corner of the screen, no weather forecast, no automatic shutdown or reboot timer, no other little helpers that delighted us every day, making our lives easier and making this particular computer so special.

Because of the loss of one function, all the advantages of the new system, so cool and reliable, are not a joy, and you miss the usual Windows 7. In this regard, today I will tell you how to install gadgets on the new Windows for free, without registration, without risk to your data and the operating system of your computer!

So that you do not repeat the mistakes of less fortunate users, that you fell for one of the baits of numerous attackers, and your computer will once again delight you with your favorite utilities. I have prepared step-by-step instructions with a verified link so that you can download gadgets on the Windows 10 desktop.

So it is not necessary to be an advanced user to achieve the desired result; a trivial housewife or a preschooler who has not even used these utilities before can cope with this.

Start installing widgets

Everything is very simple! In order to return our favorite widgets for free, the first thing we need to do is launch any browser.

  • 8GadgetPack
  • Desktop Gadgets

There are no fundamental differences between them, although there is still a difference. 8GadgetPack is downloaded with one installation file and has a larger collection of gadgets than the alternative option. Whereas with the Desktop Gadgets installation file, inside the archive there are two FAQs, two files with advertising links to some forums.

However, if you use a “slow” Internet, or are very limited in free space, I recommend downloading Desktop Gadgets, as the size of this archive is almost four times smaller than that of its opponent.

If DesktopGadgets turned out to be the best option for you, then you will need to right-click on the downloaded archive and in the drop-down menu select “extract to DesktopGadgets\”, or “extract to DesktopGadgets\”.

You will see a folder “DesktopGadgets”, in it run a file with the same name. And if you decide to download “8GadgetPackSetup”, then after downloading, simply double-click the downloaded file and install it. You won't have to wait long, installation will only take a few seconds!

However, please note that before starting the installation, the utility will prompt you to make Yandex the default search, and the like. This is normal, this advertising is apparently the only source of income for the developers of these applications, which are made publicly available completely free of charge, but it is unlikely that any of us really need this.

In order to avoid embarrassment with your search system, I strongly recommend promptly (before the installation process itself) to uncheck all the boxes in which Yandex appears. Carefully read everything that the installer program writes and do not miss this insidious moment.

The installation is complete - close open folders and windows, right-click on the desktop, where we can see that we managed to return the “gadgets” line to the desktop drop-down menu. With the left mouse button we go into this menu and a fairly wide selection of widgets appears to our eyes. Select any one you like, right-click on it and click the “add” button in the drop-down menu. The widget will immediately appear on your desktop.

This way you can activate as many gadgets as you want at once. TO How to install a gadget on Windows 10 figured out. To configure, use either the control panel on the widget, or right-click on it to get a detailed menu.

Drawing conclusions

If you followed the instructions exactly and followed my recommendations, then you succeeded in doing everything and now you can fully appreciate the advantages and advantages of desktop widgets.

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Sincerely, Victor

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